Organic molecules test

Organic molecules test:
1. Many organic molecules are made of repeating units of individual molecules called __________.
a. monomers
b. polymers
c. carbon rings
2. Organic compounds, such as carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, and nucleic acids, within the human body
are often referred to as __________.
a. complex molecules
b. macromolecules
c. polymers
3. Starch is made of numerous repeating units of glucose. All the glucose molecules are bonded together
forming a large molecule of starch. Each individual glucose unit is called a __________.
a. monomer
b. polymer
c. polysaccharide
4. If a carbohydrate had this basic formula (CnH2nOn), the overall molecular formula would be (if n = 8)
a. CH16O
b. CH2O
c. C8H16O8
5. Which of the following is a dissacharide?
a. fructose
b. glucose
c. sucrose
6. Which of the following is the stored form of a polysaccharide in humans in liver and muscle cells?
a. glucose
b. starch
c. glycogen
7. Which of the following consists of at least one double bond between two carbon atoms?
a. triglycerides
b. saturated fatty acids
c. unsaturated fatty acids
8. All fatty acids have a __________ group at the end of the molecule nearest the glycerol molecule to
which it is bonded.
a. covalent
b. carboxyl
c. saturated
9. A saturated fatty acid has maximum number of __________ atoms in its chain.
a. oxygen
b. hydrogen
c. carbon
10. Phospholipids and triglycerides have a commonality between them. Which of the following is one of
the commonalities?
a. both have fatty acids bonded to a glycerol molecule
b. both have saturated fatty acid chains
c. both have a double bond between two carbon atoms within the fatty acid chains
11. Cholesterol is a __________ molecule.
a. protein
b. steroid
c. carbohydrate
12. Which of the following is a characteristic of all lipids?
a. fatty acid chains
b. nitrogen
c. insoluble in water
13. All proteins are made of repeating units of __________.
a. glucose
b. amino acids
c. nitrogen
14. The amino acids in a protein are bonded together, and the glucose units in a carbohydrate are
bonded together. What kind of bonds do proteins and carbohydrates have?
a. hydrogen
b. covalent
c. ionic
15. Amino acids are bonded together in different sequences to create thousands of different proteins in
the body. How many different amino acids are used to create the hundreds of thousands of protein
molecules manufactured in the body?
a. twenty
b. hundreds
c. thousands
16. Which of the following do all amino acids have in common?
a. a sulfur atom
b. the same “R” group
c. an amine group and a carboxyl group
17. Which of the following is not a part of the nucleotides that make up DNA?
a. nitrogenous base
b. sugar unit
c. amino group
18. Adenine, for example, is the __________ of a DNA molecule.
a. nitrogen base
b. polymer
c. sugar
19. What type of bond is formed between adenine and thymine and between cytosine and guanine?
a. ionic
b. hydrogen
c. covalent
20. What is the name of the sugar molecule that makes up DNA?
a. ribose
b. deoxyribose
c. uracil
21. RNA consists of __________ instead of __________.
a. uracil; thymine
b. adenine; thymine c. guanine; cytosine