A.P. PSYCHOLOGY SUMMER ASSIGNMENT 2015-16 SCHOOL YEAR IMMEDIATELY READ ALL DIRECTIONS! You may want to email me before end of school year. maowens@aacps.org IF YOU SEND ME AN EMAIL I WILL SEND YOU AN ELECTRONIC COPY OF THE ASSIGNMENT AND YOU CAN SIMPLY CLICK ON THE LINKS AND TYPE YOUR ANSWERS INTO THE DOCUMENT. NOTE!! I check my work email rather infrequently over the summer. If you want an electronic version, send me an email ASAP so I can get you one before the school year ends. Otherwise, to the North County High website for a copy of the assignment, or you can stop by the school. Also, if you know another student taking AP Psychology, you can get an electronic copy from them, just be sure NOT TO SHARE ANSWERS!! Enjoy your summer!! GENERAL DIRECTIONS: Complete the two assignments enclosed and have them ready to turn in on the first day of class in the fall. Although you do not need to write in complete sentences, all responses should be very thorough, accurate, and written with proper spelling, etc. DO NOT COPY AND PASTE INFORMATION FROM THE INTERNET. ALL ANSWERS SHOULD BE PUT IN YOUR OWN WORDS!!! *Any student found guilty of doing this will fail the assignment and be referred to administration for plagiarism. GRADING POLICY/RUBRIC PART 1: SCAVENGER HUNT – (35 POINTS): EACH QUESTION IS WORTH ONE (1) POINT, HOWEVER PLEASE NOTE THAT MANY HAVE MORE THAN ONE QUESTION TO ANSWER. (YOU WILL ONLY RECEIVE ½ CREDIT IF YOU DON’T ANSWER ALL PARTS OF THE QUESTION!) PART 2: (15 POINTS): “Getting to Know You” ESSAY. Follow directions carefully regarding format and assigned topics to cover. TOTAL __________ out of 50 possible points ASSIGNMENT WILL BE CLASSIFIED AS AN ASSESSMENT GRADE AP Psychology Summer Assignments Welcome to Advanced Placement Psychology at North County School! During the 2015-16 school-year we will be exploring the world of psychology, improving our research/writing skills and preparing for the AP Examination in the spring. Successful completion of this course will yield a greater understanding of psychology, yourself, and the world around you. It is also my goal to prepare you for the content, format, a rigor of a college level course and examination. In preparation, you will need to complete the following assignments over the summer. This will introduce you to the content and format of the course. All assignments will be due on the first day of school. For an electronic version of this assignment, go to the North County High School Website, and look under the AP course assignment tabs. Assignment 1: Summer Scavenger Hunt: Getting to Know Psychology: Directions: Complete the following questions as an introduction psychology. Use the suggested websites to answer the questions. Some of the questions will ask you to attach an article or a picture. When doing this, label each and attach in the order they are asked for in the scavenger hunt. A. Biological Basis of Behavior This emphasizes the relationship between biology and behavior. Here we will examine how the nervous system, endocrine system, and the brain affect behavior and decision making. Go here: http://www.emc.maricopa.edu/faculty/farabee/BIOBK/BioBookNERV.html 1- What are neurons? How do they work? 2- What is the function of the peripheral nervous system? 3- What is the function of the central nervous system? Go here: http://www.emedicinehealth.com/anatomy_of_the_endocrine_system/article_em.htm#Endocrine%2 0System%20Introduction 4- What are some things regulated by the endocrine system? 5- What 3 important endocrine system glands are located in the brain? 6- Describe the adrenal glands, what functions do they serve? Go here: http://www.radiologyinfo.org/en/info.cfm?PG=fmribrain 7- What does MRI stand for? What are MRI’s of the brain used for? Go here: http://www.radiologyinfo.org/en/info.cfm?PG=pet 8- What does PET stand for? What functions can a PET scan monitor? 9- Search the internet for a diagram of “Brain Structures and their functions”. Print out the diagram and attach it to you scavenger hunt. On the back of the diagram, list and explain 3 parts of the brain and their functions. Go here: http://www.intelliscript.net/test_area/questionnaire/questionnaire.cgi 10- Take the Right Brain vs. Left Brain test. Are you right brained or left brained? Do you agree with the description of your dominant side? **IF THIS SITE DOES NOT WORK, THERE ARE LOTS OF THESE TYPES OF TESTS ON LINE… FIND ONE YOU LIKE AND TRY IT! B. Sensation and Perception This subfield involves processing the information gathered by the nervous system and the brain into meaningful experiences and feelings. Go Here: http://www.michaelbach.de/ot/ or to TRY OUT SOME OF THE ILLUSIONS!!!! http://www.michaelbach.de/ot/index.html 13- Describe what causes the Motion Aftereffect. C. States of Consciousness The focus in this field is on states of mind and how they are altered through experiences, sleep, and biological functions. **FOR THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS YOU WILL HAVE TO CONDUCT Google SEARCHES OR USE OTHER SOURCES TO FIND THE NECESSARY INFORMATION… 14- What is structuralism? What did this later became known as? 15- What was the focus of William James’ studies of consciousness? 16- What are the levels of consciousness as described by Sigmund Freud? 17- Describe the views of Carl Jung. 18- What is REM sleep? 19- Describe mediation and its purposes. 20- How can drugs impact consciousness? 21- Identify 3 types of drugs and explain their effects on consciousness D. Learning There are several types of learning which psychologists focus on. Research and practice can center on the way the brain retains information as well as how learning can impact and change behavior. Work your way through the reading and activities (DO NOT WRITE THE WRITTEN RESPONSES AND PRESS “SUBMIT” – I WILL NOT RECEIVE THESE RESPONSES!!!!!) Go Here: http://bcs.worthpublishers.com/gray/content/psychsim5/Classical%20Conditioning/Classi calConditioning.htm Or try…. http://nobelprize.org/educational_games/medicine/pavlov/readmore.html 22- Describe the Pavlov’s Dog experiment. What was he trying to investigate? Explain how the process of “classical conditioning” works. What is the difference between generalization and discrimination? What is the difference between extinction and spontaneous recovery? 23- Why were Pavlov’s experiments so important to psychology? Go here: http://bcs.worthpublishers.com/gray/content/psychsim5/Operant%20Conditioning/Psych Sim_Shell.html http://psychology.about.com/od/behavioralpsychology/a/introopcond.htm 24- What is ‘operant conditioning’? ****Be sure to include an explanation of how “reward” and “punishment are used as “positive” and “negative” influences when shaping behavior using operant conditioning. 25- Who is B.F. Skinner, and what is the “Skinner Box”? 26- Take this quiz on learning styles http://www.edutopia.org/multiple-intelligenceslearning-styles-quiz Analyze your results. Were you surprised by the learning styles in which you had the highest percentages? Explain. What could be the use of a test like this? E. Cognition Information and research here will focus on memory, thinking, language and intelligence. Sources: http://www.cartoonistgroup.com/subject/The-Psychology-Comics-andCartoons.php https://www.cartoonstock.com/directory/s/short_term_memory.asp YOU MAY NEED TO SEARCH AROUND AT SEVERAL SITES!!! 27Search the internet for 2 cartoons like the one shown that discuss memory. Attach the cartoons to your scavenger hunt. Try to explain how this might relate to memory and psychology. Read this article: http://www.davidmyers.org/Brix?pageID=65 28. Discuss one of your own fears that might seem illogical to others. What are the influences on our intuitions about risk? F. Motivation and Emotion Here psychologists focus on the influences of motivations, and the causes and impacts of human emotions. Go Here: http://allpsych.com/psychology101/emotion.html 29. What are the parts of the James-Lange theory? 30. How does the Cannon-Bard theory look different? 31. Which of the theories do you feel is most accurate? Explain your answer. G. Developmental Psychology Focus on changes in behavior, emotion, cognition and perception throughout the life span. 32. As an introduction to some of the current issues of developmental psychology, read the following article: http://www.theatlanticwire.com/technology/2011/08/what-facebook-does-kids-brains/40973/ Discuss the extent to which you agree with the author’s point of view. Overall, is Facebook more helpful or harmful to kids? Explain. H. Personality Focus on our underlying patterns of thinking, feeling, and behaving. Go Here: http://www.psych.uncc.edu/pagoolka/typea-b-intro.html Take the Type A/B Personality Test 33. Describe your results. Do you think they are accurate? 34. What could be some problems with this type of test? I. Abnormal Psychology and Treatment of Psychological Disorders: Focus of the causes and definition of mental disorders as well as appropriate ways to treat these conditions. Go here: http://www.health.com/health/gallery/thumbnails/0,,20393228,00.html 35. Choose 3 of the “10 Things to Say (and 10 Not to Say) to Someone with Depression” and explain why you think sometimes people give the wrong advise in this area. How can we help educate people on how to help friends and family that might be suffering from depression? #1_____________________________ #2_____________________________ #3_____________________________ ASSIGNMENT #2 – DESCRIPTION ON NEXT PAGE!! Assignment 2: Getting to know YOU Directions: Consider the following question: “There is much debate and research in the field of psychology about whether ‘Nature’ (biochemistry, genes, and physical traits) or ‘Nurture’ (family, environment, culture, experiences, training, etc.) has the most influence on our behavior, thought processes, and personality. Discuss the ways you think nature and nurture have influenced both your everyday thoughts and behaviors as well as your life goals and ambitions” (It may be helpful to read up on the ‘nature vs. nurture’ debate before writing your essay so you can make use of psychological terminology in your essay!!) Your response should be 2-3 pages in length, typed and double-spaced using 12 pt. Times New Roman font and 1” margins. Use the following format for the heading: Your Name Summer Essay AP Psychology Day, Month 2015 Title