UNIVERSITY OF NOVI SAD FACULTY OF AGRICULTURE 21000 NOVI SAD, TRG DOSITEJA OBRADOVIĆA 8 Study Programme Accreditation MASTER ACADEMIC STUDIES: SOIL SCIENCE AND PLANT NUTRITION Table 5.2 Course specification Course: Soil degradation and recultivation Course id:3МЗИ1И02 Number of ECTS: 6 Teacher: prof. dr Milivoj Belić, prof. dr Ljiljana Nešić, prof. dr Maja S., Manojlović; dr Vladimir, I., Ćirić, mr Ranko, R., Čabilovski Course status Elective Number of active teaching classes (weekly) Lectures:2 Practical classes:2 Precondition courses None 1. Educational goal Other teaching types: Study research work: Other classes: Acquiring scientific expertise of soil degradation, recultivation and environmental protection. 2. Educational outcomes Students education and training for professional and scientific work in the field of soil protection from degradation and application of methods for soil recultivation and bioremediation. 3. Course content Theoretical instruction The soil as a natural resource. The basic functions of soil. Types of degradation: Degradation of the soil by erosion. Soil degradation in-situ. Degradation of chemical, physical and biological processes in soil. Global climate change and soil degradation. The cycle of carbon (C) in the environment. Factors that affect the content of organic matter. Measures for increasing the content of organic matter in the soil. Legislation and directives for the prevention of soil degradation (Kyoto Protocol, maximum allowed concentrations of heavy metals in the soil, the Law on Agricultural Land, the Law on Organic Production). The impact of technological progress on soil degradation process. Measures for soil protection. Remediation and recultivation of contaminated and degraded soils. Soil properties that affect the transport of metal ions in plants. Plants indicators of soil pollution with heavy metals. Detoxification - fitovolatilization, chelation, compartmentalization . Advantages and disadvantages of phytoremediation. Practical instruction 1. Field research 2. Laboratory analysis: active and potential soil acidity, salinity and alkalinity of soil. 3. Fractionation of soil organic matter. 4. Methods for the determination of heavy metals, pesticides and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in soil. 5. The parameters related to the assessment of soil contamination. 4. Teaching methods Lectures, practical classes, consultations, research work. Knowledge evaluation (maximum 100 points) Pre-examination obligations Mandatory Points Final exam (izabrati) Mandatory Points Oral part of the exam Yes/No Yes 50 Lecture attendance Field research Yes 10 Laboratory research Yes 10 Term paper Yes 30 Literature Ord. Author Title Publisher Year Sekulić P., Kastori R., Naučni institut za ratarstvo i 1. Zaštita zemljišta od degradacije 2003 Hadžić V povrtarstvo Novi Sad Kastori R., Bogdanović D., Kadar I., Milošević Uzorkovanje zemljišta i biljaka Naučni institut za ratarstvo i 2. 2006 N., Sekulić P., Pucarević nezagađenih i zagađenih staništa povrtarstvo Novi Sad M. Tot G., Montanarela L., European Commission JRC Scientific 3. Threts to Soil Quality in Europe 2008 Rusco, E. and Technical Reports Down to earth: Soil degradation and European Environment European Environment Agency EEA, 4. sustainable development in Europe. 2000 Agency Copenhagen Environmental issue series No 16 Introduction to Environmental Soil 5. Hillel, D. Elsevier, Amsterdam, Netherlands. 2004 Physics Principles and Practice of Soil 6. Robert E. White Blackwell publishing, Fourth edition 2006 Science