Specialist Website Search Results

Specialist Website Search Results
Haddaway et al. What are the effects of agricultural management on soil organic carbon (SOC)
stocks? A systematic map.
Aarhus University Department of Agroecology 24 March 2014
(kulstof AND indhold)
(carbon AND sequestration AND soil AND agriculture)
1 potentially relevant document not previously recorded in Danish (13 hits)
No potentially relevant document not previously recorded in English (9 hits)
African Network for Soil Biology and Fertility 24 March 2014
No search facilities (password required)
No potentially relevant document that was not previously recorded.
Columbia Basin Agricultural Research Center 24 March 2014
126 documents listed publications from the long-term experiments
12 potentially relevant documents (at title level) not previously recorded.
European Environment Agency 24 March 2014
(carbon AND sequestration AND soil AND agriculture)
No potentially relevant document that was not previously recorded.
European Soil Portal 24 March 2014
(carbon AND sequestration AND soil AND agriculture)
1 potentially relevant document not previously recorded (93 hits)
Eusomnet 19 May 2014
(carbon AND sequestration AND soil AND agriculture)
Not possible to retrieve PDFs from this portal of experiments.
GCTE SOMNET 19 May 2014
Search function did not work. However, a total of 161 datasets were listed under Agriculture > Soils >
Carbon. Raw data not part of this systematic review.
No potentially relevant document that was not previously recorded.
GRACEnet, USDA Agricultural Research Service 19 May 2014
No search facilities.
No potentially relevant document that was not previously recorded.
Indian Agricultural Statistics Research Institute 24 March 2014
No search facilities
No potentially relevant document that was not previously recorded.
National Soil Carbon Network (NSCN) of the US Forest Service 24 March 2014
No search facilities
No potentially relevant document that was not previously recorded.
Rapid Assessment of US Soil Carbon (RaCA) 19 May 2014
carbon AND sequestration AND soil AND agriculture
No potentially relevant document not previously recorded (109 hits)
Rothamsted Research 25 March 2014
carbon sequestration soil agriculture
100 most relevant hits checked
No potentially relevant document not previously recorded
Soil Carbon Center at Kansas State University 25 March 2014
(carbon AND sequestration AND soil AND agriculture)
100 most relevant hits checked
No potentially relevant document not previously recorded (529 hits)
Soilservice 25 March 2014
No search facilities
1 potentially relevant document not previously recorded
Swedish Board of Agriculture 25 March 2014
(kol AND lagring AND mark AND jordbruk)
(carbon AND sequestration AND soil AND agriculture)
No potentially relevant documents not previously recorded in Swedish (75 hits)
No potentially relevant document not previously recorded in English (1 hit)
Swedish Environmental Protection Agency
(kol AND lagring AND mark AND jordbruk)
(carbon AND sequestration AND soil AND agriculture)
100 most relevant hits checked
No potentially relevant documents not previously recorded in Swedish (310 hits)
No potentially relevant document not previously recorded in English (12 hits)
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences 25 March 2014
(kol AND lagring AND mark AND jordbruk)
(carbon AND sequestration AND soil AND agriculture)
100 most relevant hits checked
No potentially relevant documents not previously recorded in Swedish (306 hits)
1 potentially relevant document not previously recorded in English (49 hits)
UC Davis, Agricultural Sustainability Institute 25 March 2014
(carbon AND sequestration AND soil AND agriculture)
No potentially relevant document not previously recorded (21 hits)
University of Copenhagen 25 March 2014
(kulstof AND indhold AND jord AND landbrug)
(carbon AND sequestration AND soil AND agriculture)
100 most relevant hits checked
No potentially relevant documents not previously recorded in Danish (269 hits)
No potentially relevant document not previously recorded in English (261 hits)
University of Illinois, Department of Crop Sciences 25 March 2014
(carbon AND sequestration AND soil AND agriculture)
No potentially relevant document not previously recorded (21 hits)
USDA Agricultural Research Service 25 March 2014
(carbon AND sequestration AND soil AND agriculture)
Only PDFs, sorted by relevance
100 most relevant hits checked
11 potentially relevant document not previously recorded (1810 hits)
Victorian Long Term Agro-ecological Experiments 25 March 2014
(carbon AND sequestration AND soil AND agriculture)
No potentially relevant documents not previously recorded
Videncentret for Landbrug 25 March 2014
(kulstof AND indhold AND jord AND landbrug)
(carbon AND sequestration AND soil AND agriculture)
Searches made for updated and archived sites, only PDFs, sorted by relevance
9 potentially relevant documents not previously recorded in Danish (78 hits)
4 potentially relevant documents not previously recorded in English (6 hits)
Working Group for Long-term Experiments (LTE) 24 March 2014
No search facilities.
1 potentially relevant document that was not previously recorded.
World Bank 24 March 2014
(carbon AND sequestration AND soil AND agriculture)
No potentially relevant document not previously recorded (52 hits).
To summarise, searches in the specialist databases above produced a total of 41 publications
relevant at title level not previously found.