AAPC Proposal -- Degree Requirements


Proposal to Change Degree Requirements

October 1, 2015

There are four current degree requirements for which revisions are being proposed:

1) Changing the minimum credits required for a baccalaureate degree from 124 to 120.

2) Changing the minimum credits required for an associate’s degree from 62 to 60.

3) Removing the limitation that students may receive only one degree per commencement if they simultaneously meet the requirements for another degree at a different level.

4) Combining and re-defining of the certificate and vocational diploma categories.

All four of these degree requirements are not in line with currently accepted practices and present unnecessary roadblocks to students pursuing their degree(s).

Proposal 1: Lower the minimum credits required for a baccalaureate degree from 124 to 120.

The 124 credit requirement has been in place since 1973. The Higher Learning Commission currently sets the minimum credit hour standard. Below is an excerpt from the Higher Learning Commission’s

Assumed Practices document:

Teaching and Learning: Quality, Resources, and Support


Programs, courses, and credits a.

The institution conforms to commonly accepted minimum program length: 60 semester credits for associate’s degrees, 120 semester credits for bachelor’s degrees, and 30 semester credits beyond the bachelor’s for master’s degrees. Any variation from these minima must be explained and justified.

Of the 14 other public Universities in the state of Michigan:

5 schools require 124 credits (CMU, EMU, LSSU, OU, and SVSU)

1 school requires 122 credits (WMU)

8 schools require 120 credits (FSU, GVSU, Wayne, MTU, and all 3 U of M campuses)

There are 54 programs where specific degree requirements could be completed within 120 credits, assuming maximum double-counting is utilized between liberal studies and program requirements.

These programs will automatically decrease from the current required total of 124 credits hours to 120 total credit hours:


Art and Design

Athletic Training




Communication Studies

Community Health Education

Construction Management

Criminal Justice


English – Graduate Bound


English Writing

Environmental Studies and Sustainability

Finance and Risk Management



German Studies


Hospitality and Tourism Management

Individually Created Program (ICP)

Industrial Technologies

Information Systems

International Studies

Loss Prevention Management


Management of Health and Fitness



Media Production and New Technology

Mobile and Web App Development

Multimedia Journalism





Physical Education – Coaching


Political Science


Psychology/Graduate School Preperation

Public Administration

Public Relations

Secondary Education – History

Secondary Education – Social Studies

Social Work

Sociology in Liberal Arts



Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences

Sports Science

The following three programs could be completed within 121-123 credits, assuming maximum doublecounting is utilized between liberal studies and program requirements. These programs will automatically decrease from the current required total of 124 credit hours to the totals listed:

Earth Science – 121 credits

Entrepreneurship – 122 credits

Nursing – 123 credits

All other programs require 124 or more credits and will remain as currently listed in the bulletin.

Proposed bulletin copy:

Bachelor’s Degree Requirements

To qualify for a bachelor’s degree, students must fulfill the following requirements:

1. Successfully complete the minimum credits required for the chosen curriculum in courses numbered 100 and above, including liberal studies and specific university graduation

requirements. The minimum credits required for a baccalaureate degree is 124 120 . Programs that require 150 or more hours take five or more years to complete.

Proposal 2: Lower the minimum credits required for an associate degree from 62 to 60.

The 62 credit minimum was established in mid 1980’s. The Higher Learning Commission currently sets the minimum credit hour standard. Below is an excerpt from the Higher Learning Commission’s

Assumed Practices document:

Teaching and Learning: Quality, Resources, and Support


Programs, courses, and credits a.

The institution conforms to commonly accepted minimum program length: 60 semester credits for associate’s degrees, 120 semester credits for bachelor’s degrees, and 30 semester credits beyond the bachelor’s for master’s degrees. Any variation from these minima must be explained and justified.

Of our 20 currently active associate’s degrees, 13 could drop to 60 credits by simply reducing the number of electives required. These programs will automatically decrease to 60 total credit hours required:

Building Technology

Climate Control Technology

General University Studies

Hospitality Management

Computer Numerical Control Technology

Criminal Justice

Electrical Technology

Engineering Design

Industrial Maintenance Technology

Information Systems

Law Enforcement

Office Information Assistant

General Business

All other programs require 62 credits or more to complete specific degree requirements. Those programs will, therefore, remain as currently listed in the bulletin.

Proposed bulletin copy:

Associate Degree Requirements

To qualify for an associate degree, students must fulfill the following requirements:

1. Successfully complete the minimum credits required for their chosen curriculum in courses numbered 100 and above, with a minimum NMU cumulative GPA of 2.00. The minimum credits required for an associate degree is 62 60 .

Proposal 3: Allow students to earn multiple degrees at the same commencement if the degree level is different.

NMU’s current policy under currently states that students may receive only one degree per commencement. The intention is that students not be awarded two degrees of the same level. For example, a student with a double major in Political Science and Philosophy should not receive two

Bachelor’s degrees – one in Political Science and one in Philosophy. Rather, they would receive one

Bachelor’s degree with a double major. The restrictive language is also preventing students who complete the requirements for both an associate’s degree and a bachelor’s degree from being awarded both degrees at the same time, which I don’t believe is the intent of the policy. These students must now choose if they would like to earn only the bachelor’s degree or if they would like to earn the associate’s degree at the first commencement and be awarded the bachelor’s degree at the next commencement, with no requirement for the completion of additional coursework. The same scenario exists for students earning a certificate and an associate’s degree at the same time. Currently, only one may be awarded during any given commencement period. This change would allow us to award the credentials that a student earned at the point in time when they were earned.

Proposed bulletin copy:

Under the list of degree requirements for bachelor’s, associate’s, certificate, and vocational, change the following requirement:

Receive only one degree at this level per commencement.

Proposal 4: Delete the Vocational Diploma category and change the requirements of the

Certificate category.

The Vocational Diploma category is unique to NMU. Universities do not traditionally award diplomas to students, they award certificates. The requirements listed within the diploma category at NMU are much more in line with the certificate requirements at other Universities. Our certificate requirements are significantly above and beyond what is required by most schools to earn this credential. In order to have our credentials match up better with other Universities and standard practices, the vocational diploma category should be removed and the certificate category should be re-defined.

If approved, all current certificate programs will remain listed as certificates and all current vocational diploma programs will change to certificate programs. Departments currently offering certificate programs may review their current programs and choose to create a proposal (which would be submitted to CUP for consideration) to decrease the number of courses/credits required. The vocational diploma programs that will change to certificates are:

Advanced Law Enforcement

Cosmetology Instructor

Electrical Line Technician

Local Corrections

Manufacturing Production Technician

Below is a chart outlining the minimum credit requirements to earn a certificate at other public universities within the state:





U of M-Flint,

Dearborn, AA










Min. credits














In order to be financial aid eligible, certificates must be a minimum of 16 credits, thus the proposal is to change the minimum credits for a certificate to 16.

Proposed bulletin copy:

Certificate Requirements

To qualify for a certificate, students must fulfill the following requirements:

1. Complete the prescribed program of course work. The minimum credits required for the certificate is 31 16 .

2. Maintain a minimum GPA of 2.00 in all course work following matriculation (official admission) into the certificate program .

3. Obtain a minimum GPA of 2.00 in all program courses as well as and, if applicable, meet the minimum GPA s established by their major the academic department offering the certificate .

4. Earn a minimum of 16 semester hours of credit in residence at NMU .

5. Meet one of the following residency requirements:

1. Students must be enrolled at Northern Michigan University for their last 4 credit hours preceding the awarding of their certificate; or

2. Students must complete 10 of their last 15 credits at NMU. This allows students to complete their certificate at another school by enrolling in previously approved courses to a maximum of 5 semester hours of credit. To qualify for this option, students must meet the requirements stipulated in points 1 through 4 above.

6. Receive only one degree per commencement .

Vocational Diploma Requirements

To qualify for a vocational diploma, students must fulfill the following requirements:

1. Complete the prescribed program with a minimum NMU cumulative GPA of 2.00. Only those courses applying to the program will be utilized in calculating the GPA.

2. Earn a minimum of 16 credits in residence at NMU.

3. Meet one of the residency requirements described in item 5 above, under the requirements for a certificate.

4. Receive only one degree per commencement.
