Table II.4

Table II.4 Standard II.3.1-II.3.7 MLS Program Thread(s) and Course Occurrence
3.1 … will assume an assertive role in providing services
In order to assume an assertive role in providing services, librarians must have a strong professional identity,
follow a code of ethics, and take prominent roles in leadership and service.
LIBS 6010 Foundations of Library and Information Studies
Assignment(s)  Contribute to blog discussion on professional standards and respond to another student’s contribution
 Prepare a research paper on ethical or legal issue facing the profession (course artifact)
LIBS 6031 Library Administration and Management*
Assignment(s)  Write a personal philosophy of leadership and provide examples of leadership characteristics demonstrated in
personal or professional life
 Write a brief ethical defense of advocating a budget increase for the library
 Develop a slide presentation for library stakeholder groups to serve as an annual or “state of the library”
report (course artifact)
LIBS 6144 Instructional Strategies and Leadership for School Library Media Specialists*
Assignment(s)  Respond to blog prompts using collaborative problem-solving skills to gain a deeper understand of
leadership—how it is developed and how this disposition is used to solve problems within the school
LIBS 7050 Seminar on Public Libraries
 Develop an articulate and practical plan for two major service strategies for a public library (course artifact)
LIBS 6991 Internship: Seminar*
Assignment(s)  Design and deliver an in-service learning presentation for peers at the intern’s site; submit plan for instruction
and video recording of presentation (course artifact)
3.2 emphasizes an evolving body of knowledge that reflects the findings of basic and applied
research from relevant fields
In order to understand the field as a dynamic profession, librarians must be able to analyze and interpret
information sources and research in the field and from relevant fields.
LIBS 6010 Foundations of Library and Information Studies
Assignment(s)  In preparation for a research paper (course artifact), read from two required texts, ALA standards and
guidelines, and student-identified federal documents, legal resources, and public policy statements
LIBS 6012 Analyzing and Synthesizing Professional Library Information*
Assignment(s)  Read and complete online tests over the required text, explain/discuss examples of journal articles employing
specific research designs and data collection methods from librarianship, education, psychology, health
science or other similar disciplines
 Prepare a research proposal that includes a brief literature review (course artifact)
LIBS 6031 Library Administration and Management*
Assignment(s)  Read from material provided in business management, marketing, library impact studies, and library
assessment in preparation for writing assignments and projects
LIBS 6142 Instructional Foundations of the School Library Media Program*
Assignment(s)  Read from two required texts, several library impact studies, AASL standards and guidelines, Bloom’s
Taxonomy, Common Core Standards, and North Carolina Essential Standards in order to respond to weekly
blog discussion prompts.
6144 Instructional Strategies and Leadership for School Library Media Specialists*
Assignment(s)  Read from three required texts; two in education, one from
management leadership; several library impact studies, AASL standards and guidelines, Bloom’s Taxonomy,
Common Core Standards, and North Carolina Essential Standards in order to respond to blog discussion
LIBS 6972 Research Methods in Library and Information Studies
Assignment(s) Formulate a literature review plan, and develop a research proposal.
3.3 integrates the theory, application, and use of technology
In order to understand technology as a broad and fluid spectrum of tools, librarians must be able to identify and
use appropriate technology.
LIBS 6010 Foundations of Library and Information Studies
Assignment(s)  Read from two assigned texts chapters that emphasize the continuing impact of technology on all aspects of
library and information sciences
LIBS 6012 Analyzing and Synthesizing Professional Library Information*
Assignment(s)  Learn to search and retrieve material from the Library Literature & Information Science and Education
Research Complete databases as a foundation for later courses
LIBS 6014 Introduction to Reference*
Assignment(s)  Read assigned text chapter on virtual reference service, and learn the use of use of various databases
LIBS 6042 Technology for Library Services*
Assignment(s)  Review current trends in the use of technology in library service and instruction, read from current literature,
demonstrate ability to use social networking and online collaboration tools, and report on opacs, ebooks, and
adaptive technologies
3.4 responds to the needs of a diverse society including the needs of underserved groups
In order to respond to and best serve all user populations, librarians must develop a strong professional identity
based on ethical values.
LIBS 6018 Collection Development
Assignment(s)  Perform a community analysis that includes identification and consideration of age, economic, racial, and
cultural diversity within the demographics of the population served
LIBS 6042 Technology for Library Services*
Assignment(s)  Complete assignment on adaptive technologies useful to libraries and their patrons
LIBS 6135 Materials for Children
Assignment(s)  Become aware of considerations for diversity in collecting children’s materials
LIBS 6137 Materials for Young Adults*
Assignment(s)  Become aware of considerations for diversity in collecting YA/tween materials
LIBS 6144 Instructional Strategies and Leadership for School Library Media Specialists*
Assignment(s)  Read required text,The Dreamkeepers: Successful Teachers of African American Children
II.3.5 responds to the needs of a rapidly changing technological and global society
In order to respond and connect to the world, librarians must be able to identify and use appropriate technology.
LIBS 6010 Foundations of Library and Information Studies
Assignment(s)  Read from required text chapter on the impact and implications of rapid technological change on libraries
LIBS 6042 Technology for Library Services*
Assignment(s)  Read and complete assignments/projects involving emerging technology applications in libraries
LIBS 6018 Collection Development
Assignment(s)  Read assigned material to foster understanding of global issues in literacy and libraries
II.3.6 provides direction for future development of the field
To carry the profession forward, librarians must have a strong professional identity that values information ethics,
be able to analyze and interpret information using a variety of sources and research in the field, develop
partnerships and collaborative relationships with library and related professionals, identify and use appropriate
technology, and be prepared to assume leadership and service roles.
LIBS 6010 Foundations of Library and Information Studies
Assignment(s)  Read from required text chapter on the evolving nature of the library and information science professions
LIBS 6026 Organization of Information in Libraries*
Assignment(s)  Read required text chapter and discuss resource description and access (RDA)
LIBS 6810 Academic Libraries
Assignment(s)  Prepare research paper on a scenario from the ACRL Futures Thinking in Academic Libraries whitepaper
(course artifact)
II.3.7 promotes commitment to continuous professional growth
In order to assume leadership and service roles, librarians must be committed to continuous professional growth.
LIBS 6031 Library Administration and Management*
Assignment(s)  Write a personal philosophy of leadership that considers the need of emerging leaders to commit to
continuous self-reflection and professional development
LIBS 6810 Academic Libraries
Assignment(s)  Develop a five-year plan for early-career scholarship and service
LIBS 6991 Internship: Seminar*
Assignment(s)  Develop and present an in-service learning opportunity for the professional peer group
Note: *indicates courses that include one or more group assignments/projects that require or encourage students to develop partnerships and
collaborative relationships