From Foraging to Farming in Northern Europe: the impact of

From Foraging to Farming in Northern Europe:
the impact of scientific approaches
A symposium to be held at the University of Bradford from 12 -14 April 2011
The transition from foraging, hunting and gathering to farming was one of the most profound in human history, with far
reaching consequences for cultural development, human health and biodiversity. This symposium will provide an
opportunity to review critically the contribution of scientific approaches to the transition in northern Europe. Despite
intense interest in this topic there is little consensus on the speed or completeness of this change, yet these issues
are central for understanding the process. To some the introduction of agriculture is a rapid event perhaps triggered
by immigrant farmers or environmental change. Others argue for a long-term transformation of indigenous huntergatherers populations. Over the last 50 years the contribution of archaeological science has been important in
developing chronologies, interpretation of fauna, flora and palaeoenvironmental evidence and materials analysis.
However, in the last 10-15 years the explosion of molecular, isotopic and genetic investigations of archaeological
remains has begun to have a dramatic impact on our understanding of the speed and nature of the transition to
farming although some of the data are contested. This symposium brings together specialists in archaeology and
archaeological science to present new evidence and to debate their significance.
To register please complete the form below and return by post to Events Bradford or as an e-mail attachment to For payment options please see form below.
 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------From Foraging to Farming in Northern Europe: the impact of scientific approaches
Booking Form
12-14 April 2011, University of Bradford
Surname/Family name: ................................................ First name: ............................. Title: .............................................
Job title: ..............................................................................................................................................................................
Organisation/place of work: ................................................................................................................................................
Address: .............................................................................................................................................................................
The above is my work address
Telephone: ................................................................... Fax: .............................................................................................
Email address: ....................................................................................................................................................................
Please indicate any requirements regarding diet, access, communication etc: ................................................................
Please tick if you would like us to contact you to discuss these requirements
Registration fees
(including welcome reception on 12 April, lunch and refreshments 13-14 April and conference pack)
Before 18 March 2011
After 18 March 2011
Full Symposium
Full Symposium for students
Day rate (for 13 or 14 April 2011)
Day rate for students (for 13 or 14 April 2011)
Conference dinner, Wednesday 13 April 2011
£20 at anytime of booking
Booking conditions
Please note that payment must be made before the symposium takes place.
Cancellation of places must be made in writing (faxes and email acceptable) and will be subject to an administrative
charge of 25% of the fee if received before 1 April 2011. For cancellations received after 1 April 2011 or for nonattendance on the day, the full fee will be payable.
Accommodation is not included in the symposium fee, but links to local accommodation information can be found on
our website at
 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------From Foraging to Farming in Northern Europe: the impact of scientific approaches
12-14 April 2011, University of Bradford
Before 18 March 2011
Full Symposium
12-14 April 2011
One day
13 April
14 April
Conference dinner £20.00
Payment Details
After 18 March 2011
Student £30.00
Student £40.00
Student £15.00
Student £20.00
I enclose a cheque for £........................ (made payable to ‘University of Bradford’)
Please send an invoice to: .........................................................................................................................................
Purchase order number (an invoice cannot be sent if you don't provide a PO number): ..................................................
I would like to pay by credit card (please do not give your card details on this form – your booking confirmation
will include instructions on how to pay)
BACS Transfers – please contact Events Bradford to obtain account details
Applicant’s signature: .............................................................................. Date: ................................................................