Interactives Rock Website Activity Name: : Directions: This

Directions: This assignment has you working on an interactive website that covers our rock and rock
cycle material. Please go to the following website and complete the following activities.
Section 1: Click Begin with Types of Rocks
1. What are the three types of rocks?
2. What are sedimentary rocks formed from?
3. What are three types of sedimentary rocks?
4. How are metamorphic rocks formed?
5. What are two types of metamorphic rock?
6. How are Igneous rocks formed?
7. What happens when lava cools quickly?
8. What are two examples of igneous rocks?
9. What are the 6 key characteristics that can help you identify the rocks within the three main
Section 2: Click Start your rock collection
Please describe two facts about each of the 6 types of rock that you collect.
1. Conglomerate
2. Limestone
3. Basalt
4. Gneiss
5. Obsidian
6. Marble
Section 3: Rock Types Quiz
Please take the quiz and write your grade below.
Quiz Score:_______
Section 4: How Rocks Change
Heat and Pressure
1. The way rocks change depends on what?
2. What does heat do to cookie dough when you put in an oven?
3. What happens to the temperature of rock as it descends deeper into the earth?
4. At what depth does the earths temperature get hot enough to melt rocks?
5. Before melting is reached however what acts to change and morph rock from one type to
6. Fill in the blank…..This kind of _____________, which results from both rising ______________ and
________________, is called _______________, and the resulting rock is a _____________________ rock.
7. Watch the Heat and Pressure video and draw and label three captions below that summarize
what happens in the video to form a metamorphic rock.
Heat and Pressure Video Captions
1. What happens to chocolate and rock when it gets very hot?
2. How does the rock get hotter in the Earth?
3? What temperatures are necessary to melt the rock?
1. What is formed when liquid lava or magma cools?
2. When lava cools outside the earth what is it called? What does the grain size look like?
3. When magma cools inside the earth what is it called? What does the grain size look like?
Weathering and Erosion
1. What are rocks exposed to that causes them to wear down and break apart?
2. What are the resulting bits and pieces called? What happens to them then?
3. Watch the weathering and erosion video and describe and/or draw what happens.
Compacting and Cementing
1. What happens to sediment over time and why?
2. What is the process that forms sedimentary rock?
3. Watch the compacting and cementing video and describe and/or draw what happens.
Section 5: Click on Transform the Rock Activity
Go through the activity and drag the earths processes into the box to determine what
happened to change the rock from what it started as to what it ended as. Write your final score on
the line below.
Transform the Rock Activity Score______________
Section 6: The Rock Cycle
1. Who developed the idea of the rock cycle and during what time period?
2. What is the main idea of the rock cycle?
3. Fill in the following Rock Cycle Diagram.
Section 6: Rock Cycle Quiz
Take the Rock cycle quiz to fill in the different parts of the Rock cycle. Fill in your score below.
Rock Cycle Quiz___________
Section 7: Final Chapter Assessment
Please take the final assessment. When complete print the final results and staple them to this
worksheet. Make sure your name is on everything and you completed everything in complete
Study collections