UW-Colleges PRISM System Access Form Section I (to be completed by system user) _________________________________ Name(First, Middle, Last) ___________________ Date of Birth _______________ PRISM ID number ____________________@uwc.edu UW email ________________________ Working Title _________ _________________ Campus Campus Phone __________________________ UW office Type of employee: Instructor ___ Advisor ___ Student ___ LTE ___ Permanent ___ I have read the UW Colleges PRISM System Security Policy Statement that accompanies this authorization application, and which is incorporated by reference into this authorization. I understand my responsibilities and obligations regarding data security and confidentiality. I am aware that failure to comply with security and confidentiality procedures or deliberate abuse of computer facilities can result in loss of access privileges and disciplinary action, including termination of employment, criminal prosecution, and civil suit. ________________________________ _____________ Signature Date Section II (to be completed by campus supervisor) User’s Functional Area (circle all that apply): SS – Student services BU – Business Office AC – Academic/Instructional PI – Public Info LI – Library AD – Admissions TR – Trio RO – Registrar DS – Data Services FA – Fin Aid If the employee has duties/tasks similar to those of a current employee, please identify the current employee: ____________________ If the employee is replacing another employee, please identify the former employee: _______________________________________ Admissions: Central ___ High ___ Staff ___ Student ___ View Only ___ Financial Aid: Super ___ Director ___ Coordinator ___ General ___ Campus ___ Bursar ___ Proc ___ Advisor ___ Student Financials: Central All ____ Central Staff ___ Central Student ___ Campus Staff ___ Campus Student ___ Library ___ View Only ___ Miscellaneous: 3C Group:__________________________________ Service Indicators ____ (see pages 2 & 3) Inquire ___ _________________________________________ Campus Supervisor Signature _____________ Date Student Records: Central ___ High ___ Medium ___ View Only ___ Curriculum ___ Collaborative ___ Other: Net Admins ____ DE Online ____ HelpDesk ____ Developer ____ Instr./Advis. ___ Update ___ ____________________ Telephone Number Campus Supervisor: Send the original authorization for to the appropriate central office area manager (registrar, financial aid director, admissions team lead, business manager, or PRISM security administrator). Keep a copy of the form for your files. The user will be notified when the authorization process has been completed, and the user can access the system. Section III (to be completed by Central staff) ____________________________________________ Admissions Office Signature Date ___________________________________________ Financial Aid Office Signature Date ____________________________________________ Student Financials Office Signature Date ___________________________________________ Student Records Office Signature Date ___________________________________ Student Financials Primary Permission List ____________________________________________ PRISM Security Administrator Date Srvc Ind Code Srvc Ind Reason Long Description Short Description Student Financials Service Indicators BSO BD Bad Debt (Collection Agency) Bad Debt BSO BIC Busoff Internal Collections BOIntColl BSO BKS Bookstore Charges or Rental BkStr/Rntl BSO DOR Dept of Revenue DeptRev BSO FAADJ Financial Aid Adjustment FA Adjust BSO HSG Housing Charges Hsg Chgs BSO NSF NSF Check Received NSF BSO NTC NOTICE SENT NoticeSent BSO OTH Other Misc Holds (keys, equip) Other BSO PRK Parking Fine/Permits PRK FINES BSO TU/FE Tuition and Fees Unpaid TUITI/FEES DOE RFND Do Not Allow Refund No Refund END END Enrollment Deposit Unpaid EnrollDep FAP RFND DO NOT ALLOW REFUND NO REFUND LIB LIB Library Fines and/or Book Repl Libfinebks PPA SGND Signed Payment Plan Agreement SignedPPL RFP RFND Do Not Allow Refund No Refund SDC SDC State Debt Collection - No Pmt SDCNoPmt WO WO Write-Offs Writeoff Admissions/Student Records Service Indicators ADM ACT/S ACT /SAT Scores Required ACT/SReq'd ADM COLTR Final College Transcript Req'd FnlCollTsc ADM HSTR Final HS Transcript Req'd FinalHStsc ADR DENGL Developmental English Dev Engl ADR DMATH Developmental Math Dev Math ADR NASCI Natural Science Class Nat Sci ADR NSFEE New Student Fee NSFEE ADR SOSCI Social Science Class Soc Sci ADR SSKLS Study Skills StudySkls BSN BSN BSN TRANSCRIPT HOLD BSN TRN HD DIS DIS Suspended for Dis Rsn SusDisRsn DPR DPR Disciplinary Probation DiscProb ENR CH14E UWS Chapt. 14 Expulsion UWS Ch14EX ENR CH17E UWS Chapt. 17 Expulsion UWS Ch17EX ENR CHP14 UWS Chapt. 14 Suspension UWS Ch 14 ENR CHP17 UWS Chapt. 17 Suspension UWS Ch 17 ENR DEG Must declare plan of DEG DegPln ENR NRG New Registration On Campus NewReg ENR SPL Spl Student Open Registr Date SPL Reg Dt FEE APFEE Application Fee Paid App Fee Pd FEE APFEW Application Fee Waived AppFeeWaiv FEE APFEX Application Fee Exempt AppFeeExem NFA NFADV New Freshman Advisor Hold NF ADV HLD ORN ATDOR Attend Orientation Attnd ORN ORN ORFEE Owe Orientation Fee ORN Fee REG REG Registration Hold Reg Hold SAD AAH Academic Advisor Hold Ac Adv Hld SAD ADV Advisor Hold Advisr Hld SAD ARS At Risk Student ARS Hold SAD HSS HS Special or Youth Options HS/YOP SAD KSD KSCADE Youth Options KSCADE SAD PRB Probation PRB Hld Place Release Both SRA OTHER Other Other SRA PARNT Parent Parent SRB OTHER Other Other SRB PARNT Parent Parent SRC OTHER Other Other SRC PARNT Parent Parent SRF OTHER Other Other SRF PARNT Parent Parent SRR OTHER Other Other SRR PARNT Parent Parent SSH DIRHL Student Services Director Hold SSDirHold SSH SSHLD Student Services Hold SS Hold TRN 2TRAN Student has 2 transcripts 2TRAN TRN GBY Official Record-UW Green Bay TLGBY TRN MIL Official Record-UW Milwaukee TLMIL TRN MSN Official Record-UW Madison TLMSN TRN NOVER Transcript not verified TranVer TRN PKS Official Record-UW Parkside TLPKS WPT PTFEE Owe Placement Test Fee WPT Fee WPT TKWPT Take Placement Tests Take WPT ZAD ZAM Satisfactory Acad Progress-MAX SAP Max ZAD ZAP Satisfactory Academic Progress SAP Fail ZAD ZSD Student Stafford Loan Default Staff Dflt ZAL ZGF Federal Grant Repay Pell/SEOG Fed Repay ZAL ZGR UWCOL Grant Repay Pell/SEOG UWC Repay ZAL ZPD Student Perkins Loan Default Perk Deflt ZAL ZPE Student Perkins Loan Exit Perk Exit ZAS ZDO Wisconsin Delinquent Obligor DelinqObli ZAS ZET Wisconsin HEAB Exceeds Terms Term Limit ZAS ZNO Wisconsin HEAB Not on Roster HEABNoRost ZAS ZNR Wisconsin HEAB Non-Resident HEAB NonRs ZAS ZRA Wisconsin HEAB App Rejected HEAB Rejct ZAS ZRC Wisconsin HEAB Recalculation HEAB Recal ZAS ZWL Wisconsin HEAB Not Funded HEABNOFUN ZAT ZGF Federal Grant Repay Pell/SEOG Fed Repay ZAT ZGR UWCOL Grant Repay Pell/SEOG UWC Repay ZAT ZPD Student Perkins Loan Default Perk Deflt ZAT ZPE Student Perkins Loan Exit Perk Exit ZSP ZSAPT SAP Hold One Term SAP Term ZTR ZTF Fall Academic Transcript Tran Rqst ZTR ZTS Spring Academic Transcript Tran Rqst ZTR ZTU Summer Academic Transcript Tran Rqst Financial Aid Service Indicators UW COLLEGES ACADEMIC RECORD AND PRISM SYSTEM SECURITY POLICY STATEMENT In accordance with policies set by the State of Wisconsin Department of Administration and the University of Wisconsin System, the UW Colleges has established a unified set of security measures for access to the UW Colleges academic records and Student Administration System. The security measures serve four general purposes: 1. to secure critical data from accidental or intentional abuse; 2. to protect the privacy of the university's students with respect to the data that is stored in the system; 3. to provide access to enable an authorized UW Colleges employee to perform the general and specific job duties outlined in his/her position description; 4. to maintain satisfactory PRISM operation for the benefit of all users. Individuals who are authorized for academic record and/or PRISM access are required to keep PRISM information completely secure and confidential. Sharing of academic record/PRISM information may be done only when both a need to know and a right to know can be demonstrated. When there is any question whether the sharing of information with another party constitutes a need to know and a right to know, the individual should consult with the campus Student Services Director or the UW Colleges registrar's office. Failure to comply with security and confidentiality procedures or deliberate abuse of computer facilities can result in loss of access privileges and disciplinary action, including termination of employment, criminal prosecution, and civil suit. The UW Colleges provides each authorized PRISM user with a logon id (a unique, public, personal identification) with which to access the system. Each user must associate a private password with his/her logon id and s/he shall never disclose the password under any circumstances. In order for the security mechanisms to work effectively, each user shall accept full responsibility for all actions performed on the PRISM under his/her logon id, and shall never allow any other person, deliberately or through carelessness, to use the PRISM under his/her logon id. PRISM users will be initially assigned to a "user group" based on their specific job title and responsibilities. Each user grouping will specify the system screens available to members of the group and the level of access (QUAD) for each screen. QUAD refers to the four levels of PRISM access to any particular screen or data element as follows: Q = query, U = update, A = add, D = delete. Users who have applied to, or been enrolled at, a UW Colleges campus will be prevented from having access to their own records within the PRISM. The initial approval for access to the PRISM by campus employees will be made on the campus as follows: - campus business office users must be approved by the business manager. - campus student services office users must be approved by the student services director. - all other campus users must be approved by the student services director. Approval for access to the PRISM by central office employees will be made by the area managers for each of the major functional areas (registrar, financial aid, and business office). Approval for access will be granted in writing on the "UW Colleges PRISM System Access Authorization Form" that must be forwarded to the central office for additional approval by the user area managers (registrar, financial aid, and business office managers will be required to approve access if the prospective user will have update, add, or delete access privileges to programs controlled by that area manager's office). Upon approval in the central office, the form will be forwarded to the Data Services Office for the provision of PRISM logon id access. All approval forms will be kept in the Data Services Office for audit purposes. FAMILY EDUCATIONAL RIGHTS AND PRIVACY ACT OF 1974 The federal Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (known as FERPA or the Buckley Amendment), as amended, generally prohibits the release of student data, with limited exceptions including "Directory Information", without the student's written authorization. In addition, the Act provides each enrolled (or formerly enrolled) student the right to restrict the release of his/her "Directory Information". As a representative of the UW Colleges, each person (including the PRISM user) who has access to academic records has a responsibility to comply fully with the law and the institution's implementation of FERPA. Violation of the law can harm the student and may have serious consequences for the UW Colleges. Questions about the confidentiality of student information may be directed to the campus Student Services Director or the UW Colleges registrar's office. All requests from a student to review his/her academic record file should be referred to the campus student services office. For information about the student academic record review process, consult the section titled "Rights of access to student records" in the UW Colleges Catalog. The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) affords students certain rights with respect to their education records. They are: 1. The right to inspect and review the student's education records within 45 days of the day the University receives a request for access. Students should submit to the Assistant Campus Dean for Student Services written requests that identify the record(s) they wish to inspect. The Assistant Campus Dean for Student Services will make arrangements for access and notify the student of the time and place where the records may be inspected. If the records are not maintained by the Assistant Campus Dean for Student Services, the Director shall advise the student of the correct officer to whom the request should be directed. 2. The right to request the amendment of the student's education records that the student believes are inaccurate or misleading. Students may ask the University to amend a record that they believe is inaccurate or misleading. They should write the University official responsible for the record, clearly identify the part of the record they want changed, and specify why it is inaccurate or misleading. If the University decides not to amend the record as requested by the student, the University will notify the student of the decision and advise the student of his or her right to a hearing regarding the request for amendment. Additional information regarding the hearing procedures will be provided to the student when notified of the right to a hearing. If the decision is not to amend, the student will have the right to place a statement in the record commenting about the contested information. 3. The right to consent to disclosures of personally identifiable information contained in the student's education records, except to the extent that FERPA authorizes disclosure without consent. One exception which permits disclosure without consent is disclosure to school officials with legitimate educational interests. A school official is a person employed by the University in an administrative, supervisory, academic or research, or support staff position (including law enforcement unit personnel and health staff); a person or company with whom the University has contracted (such as an attorney, auditor, National Student Clearinghouse or collection agent); a person serving on the Board of Trustees; or a student serving on an official committee, such as a disciplinary or grievance committee, or assisting another school official in performing his or her tasks. A school official has a legitimate educational interest if the official needs to review an education record in order to fulfill his or her professional responsibility. Upon request, the University may disclose educational records without consent to officials of another school in which a student seeks or intends to enroll. 4. The right to file a complaint with the U.S. Department of Education concerning alleged failures by the University of Wisconsin Colleges to comply with the requirements of FERPA. The name and address of the Office that administers FERPA is: Family Policy Compliance Office U.S. Department of Education 600 Independence Ave., SW Washington, DC 20202-5901 5. You should be aware that, under the Act, the UW Colleges construes the following to be directory information which is available to the public: name, address (including e-mail address), telephone number, date of birth, dates of attendance, part-time/full-time status, degrees and awards received, major field of study, participation in officially recognized activities and sports, and previous educational institution attended. No other information will be released to a third party, except as provided by law, without your prior consent. In addition, you have the right to inform the UW Colleges that the above information cannot be released without your prior consent. If you choose to have directory information restricted, you should file the appropriate request form in the campus Student Services Office. 6. Each UW Colleges campus may publish a Dean's List to honor students with high grade point averages. You may request that your name be deleted from the public announcement of the Dean's List. For further information see the following: www.uwc.edu/registrar/ferpa.asp, UW College Academic Catalog, UW College Student Handbook. Any questions concerning FERPA may be referred to the Office of the Registrar.