Centerton Fire Department Invitation to Submit Sealed Bids

Centerton Fire Department
Invitation to Submit Sealed Bids
Date of Bid:
March 4th
Time of Bid: 10:30AM
At the above date and time, sealed bids will be accepted for:
One (1) Special Services Apparatus mounted the specified Freightliner M2 chassis
Complete apparatus must be built in accordance with the recommendations of the National Fire
Protection Association #1901 Standard in its latest edition.
The officials of the purchaser reserve the right to accept the bid they deem is in the best interest of the
purchasing entity and/or fire department. The purchaser shall be the final authority in determining
compliance with the specifications. Questions concerning the technical specifications shall be directed
Contact: Chief Delton Bush
Phone: 479-790-0503
Bids shall be sealed and marked "Proposal for Special Services Apparatus," along with the date and time
of the bid opening. The award will be made to the lowest responsible bidder meeting the requirements
of the specifications. The purchaser shall not be responsible for bids opened in error which are
incorrectly or inadequately marked.
No bid may be withdrawn for a period of thirty (30) days. All documents and bid forms required by the
specifications shall be submitted in the original bid. No additions or modifications will be allowed after
bids are opened.
The purchaser reserves the right to reject any or all bids with or without cause. Specifications are on file
in the office of the Purchaser.
Return Bids to:
City of Centerton ATTN: Mayor Bill Edwards
Street Address:
PO Box 100
City, State, Zip Code:
Centerton, AR 72719
Signed Bill Edwards
Centerton Fire Department Special Services Apparatus
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Official Bid Form
We are pleased to submit the following bid for one (1) _____________________ Special Services
Apparatus with all items and equipment per published specifications.
$________________________each, (Figure Price), excluding federal, state and local taxes.
$________________________ Option 1; Quartz Scene Lights in place of LED Scene Lights
The following questionnaire shall be completed by the bidder with the understanding that false or
misleading information will be grounds for rejection of your bid.
Delivery shall be made in:
___________ Calendar Days
Bid includes prepaid delivery of the vehicle to:
Terms of Payment:
Has the bidder taken any exceptions to the specifications?
Are all deviations from specifications explained as required by these specifications?
Is the required bid bond included with the bid?
Is an original Product Liability Certificate Enclosed which lists the purchaser as
Certificate Holder?
Has the bidder provided a detailed proposal in compliance with these specifications?
Has the bidder complied with all specified warranties?
Has the bidder provided all EVT certificates as required?
City, State, Zip Code ____________________________________________________________
Signature: ____________________________
Centerton Fire Department Special Services Apparatus
Title: _______________________________
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General Instructions
The apparatus and equipment to be furnished in meeting these specifications shall be the product of an
established, reputable rescue apparatus manufacturer. Each bidder shall furnish satisfactory evidence of
the manufacturer's ability to construct, supply service parts and provide technical assistance for the
apparatus specified. The bidder must state the location of the factory and the location of the service
center as well as the availability of on-site service.
Proposal Submission
Bids shall be addressed and submitted in accordance with the instructions provided on the bid
advertisement cover sheet. The words "Proposal for Special Services Apparatus", the date of the bid
opening, and the time of the bid opening shall be stated on the front of the bid envelope.
Only the specified firefighting and support equipment listed in these specifications shall be provided.
Any additional equipment required for standards compliance shall be provided by the purchaser after
The equipment proposed in response to this Invitation shall be new, unused, and shall be of the latest
model and type unless otherwise specified.
The intent of these specifications is to describe the minimum quality level acceptable. Any brand name
and/or model number mentioned is intended to be descriptive and not restrictive to bidders who cannot
provide those specific brands. Each bidder must state the brand of any item which is not available to the
bidder along with a complete description of the substituted item on a separate "exception sheet". The
purchaser reserves the right to require a bidder to provide proof in each case that a substituted item is
equal to the item specified. The purchaser shall be the sole judge in determination of acceptable
substitutes and that decision shall be final.
The purchaser reserves the right to initiate and/or consider negotiations in construction which will be in
the best interest of the purchasing entity and/or fire department once the bid has been awarded. Such
negotiations will be subject to approval by the purchasing authority.
A bidder shall submit only one bid which meets or exceeds the specifications. Bids which option
pricing or omit items required by the specifications in order to appear low bid will be rejected without
consideration. Bids on alternate, stock or demonstrator units which do not meet these specifications are
not being solicited and shall not be considered.
The purchaser shall utilize the proposal to compare the unit proposed with the specifications. All bid
proposals are requested to be submitted in the "same sequence" as the advertised specifications for ease
of comparison.
Any bidder who fails to submit a detailed construction specification or who photocopies and submits
these specifications as their own construction details will be considered non-responsive, and such
proposals shall be ineligible for award. Any erasures, strike-overs and/or changes to prices written in
numerals should be initialed by the bidder. Failure to initial changes may be cause for rejection of the
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bid as irregular. All bids must be signed by a legally authorized representative of the company. The
purchaser shall not accept a bid which has not been signed by a representative of the bidder.
Bidders shall be responsible for prompt arrival of the bid at the location designated in the specifications.
Late proposals, telegrams, facsimile, or telephone bids shall not be considered. Bids shall also not be
considered from firms, individuals or the same owners of separate companies submitting more than one
If the vendor represents more than one fire apparatus company, they will bid only the top of the line
vehicle which meets specifications. Failure to bid a vehicle which matches the quality level required by
the specifications will be grounds for rejection of the bid. No manufacturer the vendor represents other
than the one he bids, shall be allowed to submit a proposal. Use of this practice may be considered
collusion and both bids will be rejected.
This specification makes reference to various warranties which are the minimum acceptable in each
case. Each bidder shall also include reference which acknowledges each component and overall
apparatus warranty. Bidders must include copies of each warranty provided by various component
NFPA Compliance
The fire apparatus shall be in full compliance to the current edition of NFPA #1901 and a certification
shall be provided with the proposal. Any exceptions to the purchaser specifications and NFPA standards
shall be listed on a separate sheet in the proposal.
Non-Collusion Statement
All bidders shall be required to sign the following non-collusion statement:
By submission of this request-for-proposal, each bidder and each person signing on behalf of any bidder
certifies, and in the case of a joint proposal each party thereto certifies as to its own organization, under
penalty of perjury, that to the best of knowledge and belief:
1. The prices in this request-for-proposal have been arrived at independently without collusion,
consultation, communication, or agreement, for the purpose of restricting competition, as to any matter
relating to such prices with any other bidder or with any competitor;
2. Unless otherwise required by law, the prices which have been quoted in this proposal have not been
knowingly disclosed by the bidder and will not knowingly be disclosed by the bidder prior to opening,
directly or indirectly, to any other bidder or to any competitor; and
3. No attempt has been made or will be made by the bidder to include any other person, partnership or
corporation to submit or not to submit a proposal for the purpose of restricting competition.
Proposal Drawings
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The bidder shall submit detailed specifications and standard proposal drawings for the apparatus in this
proposal. The bidder shall furnish detailed engineered drawings of body and compartmentation of the
vehicle. Additional information as to the materials, design, and performance of the product proposed
shall be submitted for evaluation by the buyer in accompanying specifications that reflect the "proposal
Production Drawings
Following the pre-construction meeting, the bidder shall provide complete production drawings that
exactly reflect the construction specifications. These drawings shall be reviewed by the purchaser and
returned to the bidder for construction approval.
Purchaser Protection
The manufacturer who states compliance, but does not comply with the minimum specifications shall be
liable to pay the contract balance and additional charges to the purchaser for corrections and damages in
an amount required to meet the fire department specifications.
The successful contractor shall defend any and all legal suits and assume all liability for any and all
claims made against the purchaser and/or any of its officials or agents for the use of any patented
process, device, or article forming a part of the apparatus or any other appliance furnished under the
Liability Insurance
Each bidder shall provide with the bid an original certificate of liability insurance protection in the
amount of $1,000,000.00 with the buyer listed as certificate holder. This amount has been determined as
an average which should not be restrictive to any acceptable builder of fire apparatus. Failure to comply
with the liability insurance protection requirements of the bid will render the manufacturer and
unacceptable vendor for this class of vehicle.
Exceptions to Specifications
These specifications are not meant to eliminate any qualified bidder, but are stated to establish the
minimum acceptable quality level that will be accepted. Exceptions may be submitted where the item
specified is not available to a manufacturer. Each bidder shall list exceptions on a page entitled
"Exceptions to Specifications" and shall include complete descriptions of the substituted item.
Exceptions shall concisely describe the item noted for exception and state the item being provided. If
there are no exceptions to the specifications listed, it shall be assumed that the purchaser will find no
deviations between the advertised specifications and the proposal submitted. Exceptions taken for
convenience where the item specified is available to all bidders will not be acceptable. Numerous,
extensive, vague or confusing exceptions to specifications could result in rejection of the bid.
The purchaser shall closely compare each bid submitted with the advertised specifications in order to
determine the level of compliance of each bid. Proposal taking general or total exception are not being
solicited. Exceptions taken for convenience where the item specified is available to all bidders is not
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The apparatus will be inspected upon delivery for compliance with the specifications. Deviations will
not be tolerated and will be cause for rejection of the apparatus unless these deviations were originally
listed and approved by the buyer as part of the contract. Minor details of construction and materials,
where not otherwise specified, are left to the discretion of the contractor who shall be solely responsible
for the design and construction of these features.
Evaluation of Bidder Proposal Packages
The buyer will be the sole judge in determining compliance with the specifications and this decision
shall be final. The purchaser reserves the right to reject any or all bid proposals, and to purchase the
equipment it deems most suitable to its needs. The purchase shall not be obligated to accept the lowest
or any bid.
The buyer reserves the right to use the following criteria in the evaluation and award process:
Specification compliance
Mobile on-site service capability
Ability to provide complete warranty service
Certification level of EVT certified and trained service technicians
Delivery time in calendar days
Past performance of the bidder and manufacturer
Reputation of the bidder with other buyers in the area
Authority of Specifications
These specifications, together with any other documents required herein, shall be included in the final
contract for a vehicle.
All design, operational and material features shall fully comply with State and Federal Motor Vehicle
Standards as stated in Public Law Number 90-563 and applicable National Fire Protection Association
Aluminum Body Construction
As all material and equipment specified herein are available to all builders, aluminum type apparatus are
being solicited. Steel, poly plastic, or composite bodied type apparatus are not being called for and will
not be considered. The entire apparatus body, including the sub-frame, shall be constructed of
aluminum to eliminate the chance of rust on these components.
The apparatus body shall be of the all aluminum modular type, and shall be completely assembled prior
to installation on the chassis. Special consideration will be given to the accessibility of various
components requiring periodic maintenance operations, ease of operation, and symmetrical proportions.
Service Capability
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As defined by applicable sections of the NFPA #1071 standard, the purchaser (known as "the authority
having jurisdiction") requires that all bidders be capable of providing both in-house and on-site service
for the apparatus proposed through the use of either an established emergency vehicle service center or a
mobile technician.
The bidder shall have full time EVT certified maintenance technicians in compliance with NFPA #1071
standards and classifications #F-2 through #F-6 on qualifications of technicians that shall provide
service. "On-site" service shall be the primary mode of maintenance and warranty repair to eliminate
the requirement of transporting the vehicle outside the fire department jurisdiction.
Each bidder shall include copies of the mechanics EVT certification listing their classes of certification
with the bid as proof of meeting this requirement. In addition, a full description of service vehicles,
service facilities, supporting inventory of parts, and listing of company personnel ready to support this
apparatus delivery.
Terms of Payment and Pre-Payment Provisions
Terms of payment for the specified vehicle shall be cash on delivery and acceptance for the unit. No bid
will be considered which requires the purchaser to deposit with the bidder a down payment, prepayment
of chassis, or any other such consideration as a condition of the bid. Such a requirement shall be
grounds for immediate rejection of the bid.
Construction Period
As noted in these specifications, each bidder shall state the estimated delivery time in calendar days.
Keep in mind that the purchaser may elect to award the contract based on delivery as well as price and
conformance with the specifications.
The successful bidder shall not be responsible for delays in delivery due to strikes, acts of God, failure
of suppliers to deliver, chassis shortage and other reasons beyond the reasonable control of the builder.
Where conditions that could affect delivery are known at the time of the bid, the buyer shall state such
conditions. Should the bidder be unable to comply with the proposed delivery date, the purchasing
director shall be notified immediately with the reasons for non-compliance. Failure to meet the stated
delivery may constitute a breach of contract.
The contract period for this apparatus shall be a maximum of 120 calendar days after receipt of chassis.
Bid Bond
A bid bond in the amount of 5% of the total bid shall accompany the bid. The proposal bond of each
bidder's shall be returned after the successful bidder has executed the contract.
Bids submitted without a bid bond or submitted with a certified check shall not be read. Bonds must be
signed by an officer of the bidder's company.
Pre-Construction Conference
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There shall be a pre-construction conference at the manufacturer’s facility, before any construction can
begin. Two (2) Department personnel along with a representative of the manufacturer shall attend. At
this meeting the manufacturer and the buyer shall go over the proposal to insure that the apparatus will
be built to meet all requirements. After this meeting the representative of the manufacturer shall present
the department with detailed drawings and work order to be used in the production of the apparatus
being bid.
Factory Inspection and Delivery Requirements
There shall be a pre delivery inspection trip at the manufacturer’s facility. Two (2) representatives from
the Centerton Fire Department shall inspect the vehicle to insure compliance to all specifications.
NOTE: All expenses relating to the Pre-Construction and Final inspection trips shall be at the cost of
the manufacturer and be at no cost to the Department. This is to include all travel, meals and lodging
while at the inspection.
Under no circumstances shall the completed Special Services Apparatus leave the manufacturer’s
facility unless everything is completed at the factory.
Familiarization of Vehicle
The bidder shall be required to familiarize the purchaser regarding the vehicle shall be completed at the
buyer’s location. This shall included operation of chassis, major components, review of delivery
information and documentation.
Chassis Warranty
The manufacturer of the commercial chassis shall provide a one (1) year warranty. The manufacturer
shall supply details of their warranty information with their bid submission.
Apparatus Warranty
A one (1) year parts and labor warranty on the fire apparatus shall be provided. The manufacturer shall
supply details of their warranty information with their bid submission.
Body and Structural Warranty
The manufacturer shall warrant each new apparatus body, if used in a normal and reasonable manner,
against structural defects caused by defects in material, design or workmanship for a period of ten (10)
years or 100,000 miles, the parts & labor to the original purchaser shall start on day of final delivery.
Paint Warranty
The bidder shall warrant each new fire and rescue apparatus manufactured by it, if used in a normal and
reasonable manner, against rust through, blistering, peeling or cracking of painted surfaces for a period
of five (5) years or 50,000 miles, parts & labor to the original purchaser starting the day of final
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delivery. The manufacturer's obligation under this warranty is strictly limited to repairing or repainting.
Chassis Operation Manual
The chassis manufacturer shall provide one (1) operational manual. This manual may be in a either a
notebook type binder, with reference tabs or a compact disk (CD) with all of the printed material in an
electronic format (Adobe Acrobat PDF).
Chassis Specifications
The commercial chassis shall be a Freightliner Business Class M2 106 MD four (4) door and shall
be supplied with the following:
GVW Rating
The gross vehicle weight rating shall be minimum 33,000 lbs with an overall cab to axle measurement of
120” and 223” wheelbase.
The chassis frame rails shall be channel type, 10-15/16” x 3-1/2” x 11/32” steel. The frame shall have a
47” rear frame overhang. The frame rails shall be clear with no protrusions outboard of the rail from the
back of the cab to the rear suspension.
Tow Hooks
There shall be two (2) front tow hooks, frame-mounted.
Front Axle and Suspension
The front axle shall be a Meritor MFS-12-143A, rated at 12,000 lbs. Front brakes shall be Meritor Cam
16.5 x 5 Q+ Cast SPDR with non-asbestos brake linings. Front oil seals shall be Chicago Rawhide
The front suspension shall be taper leaf with a 12,000 lb capacity and front shock absorbers. The front
suspension shall include maintenance-free rubber bushings. Tapered leaf springs provide ride
improvement over standard straight spring systems.
Front Tires
Front tires shall be Goodyear 11R22.5 tubeless type 14 ply radial tires.
Black hard rubber mud flaps shall be provided behind the front tires.
Rear Axle and Suspension
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The rear axle shall be a Meritor MS-21-14X with a capacity of 21,000 lbs. Rear ratio of 5.57 shall be
provided to achieve 65 MPH. Rear brakes shall be Meritor 16.5 x 7 Q+ Cast Spider Cam with nonasbestos brake linings. Rear oil seals shall be Chicago Rawhide Scotseal.
The rear suspension shall be 52” variable rate multi-leaf spring with leaf spring helper rated at 23,000
lbs capacity minimum.
Rear Tires
Rear tires shall be Goodyear On/Off Hwy 11R22.5 tubeless type 14 ply radial tires.
Brake System
The vehicle shall be equipped with a dual air brake system with Wabco 4S/4M four channel anti-lock
braking system. The ABS shall provide anti-lock braking control on both the front and rear wheels. It
shall be a digitally-controlled system that utilizes microprocessor technology to control the anti-lock
braking system. Each wheel shall be monitored by the system. When any wheel begins to lock-up a
signal shall be sent to the control unit. This control unit shall then reduce the braking of that wheel for a
fraction of a second and then reapply the brake. This anti-lock brake system shall eliminate the lock-up
of any wheel to help prevent the apparatus from skidding out of control.
The brake system air compressor shall be a Wabco 15.5 cfm with a Bendix AD-9 air dryer with heater.
The brake system shall include the following:
Reinforced nylon, fabric braid and wire braid chassis air lines; Front and rear automatic slack adjusters;
Steel air brake reservoirs; DV-2 auto drain valve on the wet tank.
Cooling System
The radiator shall be 1100 sq. in. minimum. The cooling system shall be provided with anti-freeze
protection to -34 degrees Fahrenheit. A lower radiator guard shall be provided. The cooling system shall
include rubber coolant hoses with constant-tension hose clamps.
Exhaust System
The exhaust shall be a single aluminized steel horizontal muffler and tailpipe. The tailpipe shall exit on
the right side ahead of the rear wheel.
A switch shall be provided in the cab that shall allow the exhaust regeneration process to be overridden
when applicable
Fuel Tank
A fifty (50) gallon rectangular aluminum fuel tank shall be mounted at the driver side. Fuel lines shall be
reinforced nylon fuel hose. A six (6) gallon Diesel Exhaust Fluid tank shall be provided.
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An Allison EVS3000P automatic 5 speed transmission shall be provided. The push-button electronic
shift control shall be located within easy reach of the driver and shall be indirectly lit for after-dark
A transmission water-to-oil cooler shall be provided in the radiator end tank.
A transmission fluid check and fill with electronic oil level check.
A frame-mounted water-to-oil transmission cooler.
PTO Provision for the transmission shall be provided.
Synthetic Transmission Fluid.
A five (5) year/unlimited miles parts and labor warranty shall be provided as standard by Allison
Battery System
A single start battery system shall be provided consisting of two (2) Alliance 1131, group 31
maintenance-free, 12 volt, 1850 CCA batteries, battery box frame-mounted, driver`s side, under the cab.
The alternator shall be a Leece-Neville 4944PA pad-mounted alternator with AC taps and 12 volt 270
amp with Smartcheck LED diagnostics.
Ember Separator
An ember separator shall be provided for the engine air intake in accordance with NFPA.
The cab shall be a four (4) door aluminum conventional, engine forward design with fiberglass front
tilting hood. Cab accessories and features shall include:
• Tinted glass in all windows.
• Five (5) amber DOT clearance/marker lights.
• Grey interior trim with vinyl upholstery.
• Grey vinyl floor mat with single insulation.
• Dual sun visors.
• Electric windshield washer with eight (8) liter windshield washer reservoir.
• Single electric windshield wiper motor with delay feature.
• Hood-mounted chromed plastic grille.
• Handrails with anti-slip rubber inserts at each cab door.
• Steps at each cab door.
• Heater with defroster.
• Air conditioner with recirculation switch. AC system shall include a Sanden compact air conditioner
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• Daytime running lights.
• Dual electric horns.
• Integral headlight/marker light assembly with chrome bezel.
• Front turn signal lamps with self-cancel turn signal switch.
• Manual door window regulators.
• Manual door locks, all keyed the same.
• Forward roof-mounted console with upper storage compartments.
• Two (2) cup holders.
• Silencer package for cab with additional sidewall insulation.
• Tilt/Telescopic steering column.
• Cab instruments.
The following cab instruments and controls shall be provided:
• Lever-operated ignition switch and integral start position (with non-removable key).
• Engine oil pressure gauge.
• Odometer display with miles, trip miles, trip hours, engine hours, and diagnostic/voltage display.
• Warning system with low fuel, low oil pressure, high engine coolant temperature, low battery voltage
(visual and audible).
• Transmission oil temperature gauge.
• Engine coolant temperature gauge.
• Diagnostic interface connector located below the dash.
• Speedometer.
• Tachometer.
• Digital voltage display.
• Air cleaner restriction indicator in the engine compartment with dash-mounted warning light.
• Dual needle primary and secondary air system pressure gauges with low pressure light and buzzer.
• Electronic fuel gauge.
Front Bumper
A Freightliner three (3) piece front bumper shall be supplied. The bumper shall be chrome and shall
include a driver side mounting area for an NFPA speaker.
Rims - Aluminum
The chassis rims shall be 22.5" x 8.25" 10 hub piloted Accuride aluminum disc wheels with stainless
steel wheel trim suitable for the wheels.
Tire Pressure Monitor
The apparatus shall be provided with tire pressure indicating valve stem caps. The indicators shall be
installed on each tire and be a heavy duty design manufactured specifically for trucks with a 12K front
axle and 23K rear axle.
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When a tire is properly inflated, the indicator inside the cap shall be green, and when the tire is
underinflated by 10%, the indicator inside the cap shall be red.
Vehicle Speed
The maximum speed shall be electronically limited to 68 MPH as required by NFPA 1901.
The chassis shall be equipped with a Cummins ISL six-cylinder, electronic engine with a Cummins
exhaust brake with variable geometry turbo. The engine shall be 330HP. Engine accessories included
shall be:
• Delco 12V 38 MT HD starting motor with integrated magnetic switch
• 18.7 CFM Compressor
• Warner Electro-Magnetic Fan Clutch
• Combination Full Flow/By Pass Oil Filter
• Spin on Fuel Filter
Chassis Trim package
A diamond plate trim package shall be provided for a Freightliner four (4) door cab.
All stepping surfaces on the trim package shall be in accordance with NFPA by including a multidirectional aggressive gripping surface incorporated into the aluminum diamond plate.
The driver and officer side trim shall include an upper and lower full width step. The driver side shall
include fuel fill access and a mounting surface for the battery charger receptacle and air inlet.
Air Horns
Two (2) hood-mounted OEM SUPPLIED air horns shall be provided. The air horns shall be mounted
one (1) each side of the hood and shall include two (2) foot operated switches- one (1) driver and one (1)
officer side.
Chassis Pre-Wiring
The commercial chassis shall have the seat belts and chassis pre-wired for NFPA seating indicator and
vehicle data recorder.
Cab Mirrors
The cab shall have West Coast heated mirrors with remote control. Includes exterior bright finish.
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There shall be seating provided in the cab for five (5) people.
There shall be one (1) Seats Inc 911 Universal series high back air suspension driver seat and one (1)
Seats Inc 911 high back non-suspension SCBA passenger seat.
There shall be three (3) Seats Inc. 911 Universal series high back non-suspension SCBA passenger seats
in the rear of the cab.
The seats shall be made of a grey material.
Each seat adjacent to a door shall be a Type-2 pelvic and upper torso restraint-style seat belt and the
center seating position shall be a 2-point pelvic style seat belt.
Each seat belt shall be made of a high visibility orange material in accordance with NFPA.
SCBA seats shall be equipped with Zico QLM-U brackets with cable release and cylinder locking hat
for easy operation. No brackets with locking type straps shall be acceptable.
Seating Capacity and Warning Tags
A tag shall be provided in view of the driver that states the maximum seating capacity of the cab is five
(5) persons.
Two (2) warning tags shall be provided in the cab noting the requirement that all occupants are to be
seated with seatbelts fastened when the vehicle is in motion.
Chassis Gauge Cluster
The chassis cab gauge cluster shall have English dominant. readings.
Cab Interior and Exterior Lighting
The cab shall have incandescent lighting to provide interior and exterior lighting at each cab door in
accordance with NFPA requirements
The interior and exterior ground lights shall be wired through the master power switch to provide
automatic illumination of the cab and ground area when the corresponding cab door is open.
Tire Chains
The vehicle shall be equipped with On-Spot or equal auto-deploy tire chains activated from a switch on
the cab electrical console.
Apparatus Body
The body shall be all aluminum constructed. The body shall have nine exterior compartments, two each
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roof top storage areas, a special ladder storage compartment and an on board PTO generating system
with a roof mounted light tower.
Body Construction
The body shall be constructed of custom designed aluminum extrusions and aluminum plate. The body
shall be designed and engineered specifically for Emergency Vehicles and shall be built to meet heavy
duty Fire and Rescue service.
The body shall be of weld construction for maximum strength and integrity for the entire life of the
The aluminum extrusions shall be custom designed structural shapes that are an alloy of 6061 and heated
to a temper of T-6 hardness. The aluminum shapes shall be designed with a force fit interlock system
that shall eliminate any vibration to the welded structural members.
The interior structural members shall be spaced 12 inches on center. The floor, roof, and sides shall be
of cage construction that is built to form an independent structure which shall be self standing and rigid.
The body shall then be mounted. No chassis building shall be required or permitted.
The exterior walls shall be constructed of 6063-T6 with a heat treated plate that is stretch leveled to a
tolerance of +/- 0.003. The exterior wall shall interlock into place. All exterior compartments are
separate individual component and no two compartments shall share a common wall.
Roof Construction
The roof shall be constructed of .125” thick 3003 aluminum diamond plate. The roof structure shall
consist of 2 inch square 6063-T6 aluminum tubes that shall span the full width of the body.
The roof tubes shall be welded to the diamond plate roof and to the inner structural connector of the
radius. The diamond plate sheet roof shall be completely welded to the roof radii.
Roof Radius
The roof radius shall be an extruded aluminum shape with an alloy and temper of 6061-T6 with an
ultimate strength of 42,000 psi. The shape shall be a three inch radius with a built in inner structural
connector to form a one piece side and roof structure.
The radius shall be semi hollow shape for strength, reduced weight and to also allow passage for
electrical wires.
The roof and side sheets shall fit into the roof radius and shall be welded from the inside of the body.
Corner Radius
The corner radius shall be of the same heavy construction as the roof radius, except there shall be no
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built in drip molding. The corner radius shall also be three inch radius.
All corners shall be semi hollow extruded shapes for structural strength and shall give a smooth exterior
appearance without bending or forming sheet metal.
Body Side Structure
The sides shall be constructed with four corner radii. The radii shall be four inch arc shapes with
interlock edges on both sides. The extrusions shall be of an alloy of 6063 with a heat treated temper of
The corner and roof shall be designed to work as a system that has a double gusset connector in each
corner joint. The roof, corner, and sides shall be welded so as no bolts or rivets are required or
Sides shall be jig locked style construction. The jig shall hold the corners and body side panels in place
while inner 6063-T6 structure is welded into place. The members shall be located 12 inches on center
and welded to the roof rail, inner structural connector that shall be the roof members.
The exterior panels shall interlock with the roof, corner and specially designed extruded aluminum
compartment door frame and shall be constructed of 6063-T6 material.
The door frame extrusion shall be designed to match fit the exterior compartment doors. The frame
shall be a full 1/4 inch thick to allow taping for door hinges. The door frame shall have an exterior trim
edge that shall channel any water away from the compartment opening.
Floor Structure
The floor structure shall consist of 3” x 2” x .250” structural 6063-T6 aluminum tubing located on 12
inch centers. These tubes shall extend the full width of the body between compartment boxes. The floor
channels shall be welded to the side structure channels.
Above the floor channels there shall be provided aluminum moisture shield a minimum of .063” thick.
The interior floor surface shall be covered with heavy duty aluminum plate.
ROM Roll-up Compartment Doors with Drip Pans
Each exterior compartment shall have a ROM extruded aluminum roll up door. The doors shall be
constructed with extruded aluminum slats.
Each slat shall interlock to create a flexible joint. At the end of the slats there shall be plastic end shoes
for easy sliding of the doors.
The exterior edges of the door opening shall be trimmed with a combination track and trim angle. The
track shall include a rubber seal.
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The bottom slat shall have a lift and latch device mounted to it. The roll up style doors shall be heavy
duty, Fire Apparatus grade, manufactured for emergency style vehicles.
All roll-up doors shall be equipped with ROM drip pans to keep water from draining from the door onto
equipment stored in the compartments.
Roof Compartment Door Construction
All roof mounted door edges and door frames shall be constructed of a specially designed extruded
aluminum shape of 6061-T6 alloy and temper. All door frames shall be welded to the exterior sheets
and to the side structure channels.
The exterior sheets shall fit into the door frame and shall be welded to the frame from the inside of the
body. The door edges shall all be welded together and to the outer panels.
Exterior door panels shall be .125 inch thick 5052-H32 aluminum plate with an ultimate strength of
38,000 psi. The panel shall fit into the door edge extrusion and shall be welded to the extrusion from the
inside of the door.
The inner door liner shall be constructed of .125 inch aluminum diamond plate sheets with an alloy and
temper of 3003-H13. The liners shall be fastened to the door extrusion with stainless steel screws. The
liner shall be removable for access to the latching mechanism.
The complete door when finished shall be a full two inches thick. The doors shall fit flush into the door
frames and meets with a weatherproof gasket.
Roof Compartment Latches
There shall be provided stainless steel locking “T” latches on each on the roof mounted storage
compartment doors. The handles shall be constructed with an off set design so as to allow the unit to be
used with a “gloved” hand.
The door handle shall be bolted into place to allow for easy repair or replacement if damaged.
Stainless Steel Door Hinges
The roof storage compartments shall be provided three inch stainless steel continuous hinges on each of
the exterior doors. The hinges shall be full length with a minimum 1/4 inch stainless steel pin.
All hinges shall be bolted to the door and door frame using 1/4 inch stainless steel bolts for easy removal
if damaged. The hinge shall be separated from the door and frame by a mylar strip which shall act as a
corrosion barrier.
Door Spring Hold Backs
There shall be provided a door spring opener and closer on each exterior door. The door spring shall be
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bolted to the door using a fabricated spring hold bracket.
The door spring hold backs shall operate on a 50/50 principal. If the door is partially opened it shall
close or if the door is over halfway open it will open fully.
Compartment Construction
All exterior compartments shall be constructed of heavy duty aluminum plate. All corners shall be
completely welded.
Each compartment shall be vented with a minimum four inch aluminum vent. All compartment floors
shall be of the “sweep out” style.
The compartments shall be finished with a poly urethane “scorpion” style finish. Exact color of
“scorpion” finish shall be determined by the department representatives.
Body Mounting
The body structure sills shall be constructed of 3 inch extruded aluminum structural channel using an
alloy of 6061-T6. The channel shall be welded to every cross channel on both sides.
The body shall be capable of being removed from and transferred to a new chassis similarly sized to the
old chassis. There shall be adequate space left between the cab and body.
The body shall be attached to the chassis using 5/8 inch steel “U” bolts. The body shall be mounted as
per the chassis manufacturers guidelines.
Rear Step Construction
The rear step of the apparatus shall be constructed of aluminum diamond plate kicker for minimum body
maintenance. The rear step of the apparatus shall be constructed of aluminum diamond plate.
The step shall extend from the apparatus body with 3” x 1-1/2” x 1/4” structural “C” channel for
strength and integrity. The channel shall be placed as to form a structural matrix to the chassis and keep
the body in a complete modular form.
The step surface shall be constructed of aluminum diamond plate with a minimum 10 inch width.
Fenders and Wheelwells
The wheel well openings shall be of sufficient opening to permit the utilization of tire chains or other
traction devices. The wheel well shall be provided with full fender liners that shall be rolled so as to
eliminate pockets that might traps and collect road dirt.
Fenders shall be of a “polished” finish, rolled aluminum. The liner shall be constructed of .125 inch
aluminum and flanges at the bottom edge.
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The area above the fender surface shall be trimmed with aluminum diamond plate for complete
protection from chain kick back.
Exterior Body Trim
The exterior of the body shall be fitted with .125 inch bright aluminum diamond plate kick panel above
the rear step. Kick plates shall be a minimum of 14 inches high.
Rock shields shall be a minimum of 14 inches in height and shall conform to the front and rear radius of
the body on each side.
There shall be provided a polished aluminum channel with reflective tape insert as a rub rail installed at
the lowest edge of the apparatus body between the wheel well panels and the front and rear rock guard
shields and kick plates.
Stone Guards and Protective Panels
There shall be provided additional protection panels installed on the apparatus at areas subject to
intensive wear, scuffing and abuse.
The protection panels shall be constructed from aluminum diamond plate or stainless steel material.
Cab Step Plate
There shall be provided a custom designed step plate to house the chassis batteries. The step plate shall
be constructed using .125 inch aluminum diamond plate.
The batteries shall be installed on a roll out tray to aid in checking and servicing the chassis batteries.
The cover shall incorporate a step(s) as necessary so as to aid entry / exit from the cab area.
Fuel Tank Covers
There shall be provided a fuel tank cover to house the chassis fuel tank. The tank cover shall
incorporate a step(s) as necessary to aid entry / exit from the cab area.
SCBA Bottle Storage in Wheelwells
There shall be provided custom storage area for six each Department supplied S.C.B.A. bottles.
The bottle storage shall be in the wheel well area and shall come complete with a hinged door and
rubber liner to prevent scratching of the bottles.
Exact layout of S.C.B.A. bottle storage shall be determined during pre construction conference.
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Receiver Hitches
There shall be provided four (4) two inch receiver hitch assemblies. The hitches shall be located on
front, each side and rear of the apparatus and shall be attached to the chassis frame rails.
Additionally there shall be provided 12 volt leads at each of the receiver hitches to power the portable
winching system.
There shall be provided a Warn model XD9000i 9000 pound electric winch. The winch shall be
mounted in the front of the vehicle utilizing a Warn multi mount front receiver (specified above).
The winch shall be equipped with a quick connect power lead and a minimum 100 feet of heavy duty
utility winch rope (non-metallic) shall be provided and installed.
The winch unit shall come complete with a hand held remote control unit. Exact layout and location of
Warn winch shall be determined during pre construction conference.
Recessed Tow Eyes
There shall be provided two each heavy duty chrome plated tow eyes. The tow eyes shall be recessed in
the rear bumper area and be securely fastened to the chassis frame rails.
The tow eyes shall be approximately 3-1/2” inside diameter of the eye and the shaft shall be a minimum
Apparatus Body Painting
Prior to applying the first coat of primer, all removable hardware items such as doors, handles, hinges,
grab rails, lights etc. shall be removed.
The entire body shall be fully ground smooth and sanded to eliminate any visible welded deflections.
The priming and final coat application shall conform to paint manufacturers guidelines.
Exact paint code and layout shall be determined during pre construction conference.
NOTE: Chassis shall be two tone (White over Red) to match current fleet.
Reflective Striping
There shall be provided a 6 inch wide white reflective stripe package.
Exact layout and design of reflective stripe package shall be determined during pre construction
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Rear Chevron Striping
There shall be provided reflective stripping on the rear of the apparatus body. The chevron shall consist
of six inch wide red and yellow Diamond Grade Scotchlite stripes.
There shall be no striping on the rear apparatus door.
Exact layout and design of rear reflective chevron striping shall be determined during pre construction
Reflective Lettering
There shall be provided a custom Sign Gold lettering package to match the current fleet.
Exact wording, layout and location of reflective lettering package shall be determined during pre
construction conference.
Wheel Chocks
There shall be provided a set of Zico AC-32 wheel chocks. The wheel chocks shall come complete with
a set of Zico choc holders.
Exact layout and location of wheel chocks and holders shall be determined during pre construction
Compliance Plates
There shall be provided a complete set of NFPA compliance plates. The plates shall be permanently
attached to the chassis and / or modular body.
Exact number of compliance plates and mounting locations shall be determined during the pre
construction conference.
Left Side
Compartment L1
This compartment shall start on the driver’s side front of the apparatus and shall be approximately 42
inches wide x 72 inches high x transverse deep.
This compartment shall house the following:
1 ea. Transverse Roll Out Tray
1 ea. (1) Stokes/ (2) Backboard storage module high against rear wall
The compartment shall have a satin finish ROM roll up style door.
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Compartment L2
This compartment shall be located between the front compartment and the wheel well and shall be
approximately 39 inches wide x 72 inches high x transverse deep.
This compartment shall house the following:
1 ea. Transverse Roll Out Tray
The compartment shall have a satin finish ROM roll up style door.
Compartment L3
This compartment shall be located above the wheel well and shall be approximately 55 inches wide x 42
inches high x 24 inches deep.
This compartment shall house the following:
1 ea. Adjustable Shelf
The compartment shall have a satin finish ROM roll up style door.
Compartment L4
This compartment shall be located between the wheel well and the rear of the apparatus and shall be
approximately 40 inches wide x 72 inches high x 24 inches deep.
This compartment shall house the following:
Fill Station for SCBA Cylinders
The compartment shall have a satin finish ROM roll up style door.
Right Side
Compartment R1
This compartment shall begin at the officer’s side front of the apparatus and shall be approximately 42
inches wide x 72 inches high x transverse deep.
This compartment shall house the following:
1 ea. Transverse Roll Out Tray
1 ea. (1) Stokes/ (2) Backboard storage module high against rear wall
The compartment shall have a satin finish ROM roll up style door.
Compartment R2
This compartment shall be located between the front compartment and the wheel well and shall be
approximately 39 inches wide x 72 inches high x transverse deep.
This compartment shall house the following:
1 ea. Transverse Roll Out Tray
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The compartment shall have a satin finish ROM roll up style door.
Compartment R3- This compartment shall be located above the wheel well and shall be
approximately 55inches wide x 42 inches high x 24 inches deep.
This compartment shall house the following:
1 ea. Adjustable shelf
The compartment shall have a satin finish ROM roll up style door.
Compartment R4
This compartment shall be located between the wheel well and the rear of the apparatus and shall be
approximately 42 inches wide x 72 inches high x 24 inches deep.
This compartment shall house the following:
3 ea. Adjustable Shelves
The compartment shall have a satin finish ROM roll up style door.
Compartment B1- This compartment shall be located on the rear of the apparatus and shall be
approximately 40 inches wide x 55 inches high x 100 inches deep.
This compartment shall house the following:
1 ea. Roll Out Tray
1 ea. Adjustable shelf
The compartment shall have a satin finish ROM roll up style door.
Rooftop Storage Compartments
There shall be provided two each roof mounted storage compartments.
One roof mounted storage compartment shall be located on the driver’s side of the apparatus and one
each located on the passenger side of the apparatus. The roof storage compartments shall be
approximately 104 inches in length.
Both compartments shall recess in the body and shall come complete with hinged lift up doors. These
compartments shall be designed with racks to house six (6) 6000 PSI cascade cylinders, three (3) each
side of the truck. Additionally there shall be provided lights on the doors to illuminate the
Exact layout and design of roof mounted storage compartments shall be determined during pre
construction conference.
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Rooftop Equipment and Storage
The apparatus shall be designed to carry the following minimum equipment above the B1 compartment
in an enclosed area. No walkway is required above the B1 compartment. An aluminum fixed ladder
shall provide access to the top of the body.
1 ea. 10’ Collapsible Ladder
1 ea. 14’ 2-section Combination Ladder
2 ea. 6’ pike poles (in 12’ tube)
2 ea. 8’ pike poles (in 12’ tube)
2 ea. 10’ pike poles (in 12’ tube)
2 ea. 12’ pike poles (in 12’ tube)
The successful vendor shall provided equipment, brackets and/or storage compartments.
The rear area shall be equipped with an aluminum treadplate hinged door. The area remaining after
fixed storage is completed shall be available to use by the buyer as bulk long tool storage.
Compartment Floor Matting
There shall be provided Dri-Deck or equal, floor tiles installed in each exterior compartment, shelving
and roll out trays.
The tiles shall be custom fitted to the individual area and shall assist in protecting the surface of the
compartments from damage.
Electrically Deployed Awning
A full width electrically deployed awning shall be provided on the driver side of the vehicle. The
awning shall be red in color with a white storage/protector shield.
12 Volt Electrical System
The following describes the low voltage electrical system on the apparatus including all panels,
electrical components, switches and relays, wiring harnesses and other electrical components. The
apparatus manufacturer shall conform to the latest Federal DOT standards, current automotive electrical
system standards and the applicable requirements of the NFPA.
Wiring shall be stranded copper or copper alloy conductors of a gauge rated to carry 125 percent of the
maximum current for which the circuit is protected. Voltage drops shall not exceed 10 percent in all
wiring from the power source to the using device. The wiring and wiring harness and insulation shall be
in conformance to applicable SAE and NFPA standards. The wiring harness shall conform to SAE J1128 with GXL temperature properties. Exposed wiring shall be run in a loom with a minimum 289
degree Fahrenheit rating. Wiring looms shall be properly supported and attached to body members.
Electrical conductors shall be constructed in accordance with applicable SAE standards, except when
good engineering practice requires special construction.
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All wiring connections and terminations shall provide positive mechanical and electrical connections
and be installed in accordance with the device manufacturer's instructions. When wiring passes through
metal panels, electrical connections shall be with mechanical type fasteners and rubber grommets
Wiring between cab and body shall be split using Deutsche type connectors or enclosed in a terminal
junction panel allowing body removal with minimal impact on the apparatus electrical system.
Connections shall be crimp-type with heat shrink tubing with insulated shanks to resist moisture and
foreign debris such as grease and road grime. Weather resistant connectors shall be provided throughout
the system.
Electrical junction or terminal boxes shall be weather resistant and located away from water spray
conditions. When required, automatic reset breakers and relays shall be housed in the main body
junction panel.
There shall be no exposed electrical cabling, harnesses, or terminal connections located in
compartments, unless enclosed in an electrical junction box or covered with a removable electrical
panel. Wiring shall be secured in place and protected against heat, liquid contaminants and damage and
shall be uniquely identified by color coding or permanent marking and identified on a reference chart or
electrical wiring schematic per requirements of applicable NFPA standards.
Low voltage overcurrent protective devices shall be provided for the electrical circuits. The devices shall
be accessible and located in required terminal connection locations or weather resistant enclosures.
Overcurrent protection devices shall be automatic reset type suitable for electrical equipment and meet
SAE standards. All electrical equipment, switches, relays, terminals, and connectors shall have a direct
current rating of 125 percent of maximum current for which the circuit is protected. Electro-magnetic
interference suppression shall be provided in the system as required in applicable SAE standards.
The electrical system shall include the following:
Electrical terminals in weather exposed areas shall have a non-conductive grease or spray
applied. All terminal plugs located outside of the cab or body shall be treated with a corrosion
preventative compound.
All electrical wiring shall be placed in a protective loom or be harnessed.
Exposed connections shall be protected by heat shrink material and sealed connectors.
Large fender washers shall be used when fastening equipment to the underside of the cab roof
and all holes made in the roof shall be caulked with silicone.
Electrical components installed in exposed areas shall be mounted in a manner that will not
allow moisture to accumulate inside.
A coil of wire must be provided behind an electrical appliance to allow them to be pulled away
from mounting area for inspection and service work.
All lights in a weather exposed area that have their sockets shall have corrosion preventative
compound added to the socket terminal area.
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Warning lights shall be switched in the chassis cab with labeled rocker type switches located in
an accessible location. Individual rocker switches shall be provided only for warning lights
provided exceeding the minimum level of warning lights in either the stationary or moving
modes. All electrical equipment switches shall be appropriately identified as to their function and
mounted on a switch panel mounted in the cab convenient to the operator. For easy nighttime
operation, an integral indicator light shall be provided to indicate when a circuit is energized.
A single warning light switch shall activate all required warning lights. This switch will allow the
vehicle to respond to an emergency "calling for the right of way". When the parking brake is activated, a
"blocking the right of way" system shall be automatically activated per NFPA requirements. "Clear"
warning lights shall be automatically shed on actuation of parking brake.
Upon completion of the vehicle and prior to delivery, the apparatus shall be electrically tested and the
electrical testing, certifications, and test results shall be submitted with delivery documentation per
requirements of NFPA.
The body shall be pre-wired with various electrical harnesses and conduits. The 12 volt electrical wiring
shall be function coded and enclosed in split loom conduits, suitably secured and protected against heat
and physical damage. All wiring shall be of the type and sized according to circuit load. All connection
to be of a crimp type with heat shrink insulator where required.
The electrical system shall be divided into separate harnesses. The individual harness shall be connected
to the electrical box with Deutsch quick connectors. The apparatus lighting shall be protected by
automatic circuit breakers and/or relays. The electrical power to all apparatus lighting and accessories
shall be supplied by an ignition activated solenoid.
A custom fabricated electrical console and enclosure shall be located between the driver with black
crinkle coat finish.
The electrical system shall be equipped with TST 10-TEK multi-plex switching and control system. The
unit shall control six (6) 20 amp and four (4) 30 amp circuits with a capacity up to 130 amps, relay
functions, ten (10) button control switch panel. Selectable switching programming shall be installed for
all switches on the panel, including momentary, latching, sequencing or non-sequencing modes.
Switching mode is easily selectable through DIP switch settings in the Power Distribution Center (PDC)
Status LEDs are provided for each circuit and the microprocessor. Circuit protection at each relay
location shall also be provided. The control panel shall have distinctive conductive rubber buttons and
customizable graphic legend inserts identify switch functions to the user. These easy-to-use backlit
switches change color when activated.
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The following features shall be provided:
 Multiplex control system
 (4) 30-amp relay controlled outputs
 (6) 20-amp relay controlled outputs
 Replaceable fuses
 Full LED diagnostics on all inputs and outputs
 Interchangeable legend inserts from front of panel for every switch
 Maximum continuous current, 130 amps
 Independent backlight brightness control
 Programmable sequencing
 Programmable load management functionality with selectable threshold
 High-idle functionality
Two programmable sequencing modes shall be provided with a respond mode sequencing and on-scene
mode sequencing. A switch programmed for response mode shall sequence on and off automatically
when switch one is turned on or off. If a normally sequenced switch is manually turned on, sequencing
will not turn off that switch.
Switches programmed for on-scene mode will only turn on if automatic sequencing is enabled and the
vehicle has been placed in park/neutral while already sequenced up in the response mode. This allows
for an automatic change from response mode outputs to on-scene mode outputs when the vehicle is
placed in park/neutral. Once in the on-scene mode, if the vehicle is taken out of park/neutral the
response mode switches will sequence on, and the on-scene mode switches will sequence off.
Load management
The system shall provide for load management functionality to prevent excessive system loading from
turning off critical equipment, or damaging the battery. Load management shall only function when the
vehicle is in park/neutral. The load management system shall include:
a) External Alarm Output
b) Low Voltage Diagnostic LED
c) Switch Panel low voltage alarm
High Idle Function
The control system shall include a switch/relay to operate automatic high idle output. The high idle
switch shall only function if the vehicle is in park/neutral, and the brake is not pressed. If the high idle
output is on and the brake is pressed, or the vehicle goes out of park/neutral the system shall be
disengaged. Upon the brake being removed and the vehicle going back into park/neutral, the switch will
return to its previous state.
Additional System Functionality
 High/low voltage alarm function.
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Programming menu allows selection of pursuit mode switches, on-scene mode switches, and
switches to be load managed, including programming for on-scene and response modes and
programming load management.
Switch Panel Backlight Brightness Adjust
Diagnostic LEDs
Output Protection
Panel Power Fuse
Vehicle Data Recorder
There shall be provided a vehicle data recorder. The system shall monitor the following data:
Vehicle Speed
Engine Speed
Engine Throttle Position
ABS Event
Seat Occupied Status
Seat Belt Status
Master Warning Light
Date Status
Additionally there shall be provided an occupant detection system. The system shall consist of a visual
and audible warning system.
The warning system shall monitor the occupant buckle status of all cabin seating positions.
Air Compressor / Battery Charger
There shall be provided a Kussmaul Auto Charge / Pump Plus Battery Saver, Charger, and Compressor.
The charging system shall come complete with a remote display graph bar.
Included in the system shall be a Kussmaul auto eject shore line receptacle that shall provide 120V
service when activated. Additionally there shall be provided an on board air compressor that shall
maintain the vehicles brake system.
Exact layout and location of shoreline receptacle, bar graph, and air compressor shall be determined
during pre construction conference.
There shall be provided and installed a Whelen 295SLSA1 electronic siren. Exact location shall be
determined during pre construction conference.
There shall be provided a 100 watt Whelen electronic speaker. Exact location shall be determined
during pre construction conference.
Emergency Lighting
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There shall be provided the following emergency lighting system:
1 ea. Whelen Cab Mounted NFPA LED Light Bar
6 ea. Whelen 900 Series LED Warning Lights
10 ea. Whelen 600 Series LED Warning Lights
1 ea. Whelen Rear LED Traffic Advisor
Exact locations shall be determined during pre construction conference.
Scene Lights
There shall be provided six recessed Whelen PFP1 LED 110 scene lights with optic lens. The lights
shall be located two per side and two at the rear of the apparatus.
The scene lights shall be activated by separate switches mounted on the master switch panel in the
center console area. Additionally the rear scene lights shall activate upon placing the chassis
transmission in reverse.
Option 1 on the bid form shall be the credit allowed to substitute 110 volt 750 watt quartz scene lights in
place of the LED lights.
Driver’s Control Panel
There shall be provided a custom control panel fabricated from aluminum and mounted in the center
console area. All switches shall be rocker style and shall contain switches for the following minimum
Master switch
Emergency lights switch
Light bar switch
Left Scene light switch
Right Scene light switch
Rear Scene light switch
Door open indicator
Tower up indicator
All other necessary functions
All switches shall be lighted and properly identified.
Hand Held Portable Lights
There shall be provided four (4) Stream Light Fire Vulcan LED hand held spotlights with charging
brackets. The brackets shall be wired to the apparatus 12 volt system.
Exact layout and location of hand held spotlights shall be determined during pre construction
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Rear Brake, Backup, and Turn Signal Lights
There shall be provided a set of Whelen 600 series tail lights on the apparatus body. The STOP / TAIL
and TURN SIGNALS shall be LED and the BACK UP shall be halogen.
The tail lights shall come with chrome bezels. Exact style and location shall be determined during pre
construction conference .
Marker Lights
There shall be provided the proper number of LED style ICC / marker lights with chrome bezels located
on the apparatus body above the drip rails.
Backup Alarm
There shall be provided an automatic back up alarm that activates when the vehicle is placed in reverse.
Compartment Lights
There shall be provided two each Vista LED strip lights in each compartment that shall activate upon
opening of the compartment doors.
Underbody Lights
There shall be provided a minimum of eight each ground illumination lights under the body module.
The lights shall illuminate the ground area and shall be activated by a switch in the drivers area.
Additionally there shall be provided two each cab area underbody lights provided. These lights shall be
located under each side of the cab step area and shall activate upon opening the cab doors.
Exact layout and location of underbody lights shall be determined during pre construction conference.
Radio Pre-Wire
There shall be provided a 12 volt lead for the future installation of a Department supplied radio.
Exact layout and location of radio pre wire shall be determined during pre construction conference.
Antenna Base
There shall be supplied a coax pre-wire with antenna base that shall run from an antenna on the cab roof
and terminate at the cab console.
Exact layout and location of antenna pre-wire shall be determined during pre construction conference.
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25 kW Onan PTO Generator
There shall be provided an Onan 25 kW PTO generator. The generator shall be installed as per
manufacturer’s instructions and NFPA guidelines.
In addition there shall be provided an F.R.O.G. control panel. The panel shall display a voltmeter,
ammeter, hour meter, frequency meter, line circuit breaker and marked outpost terminals.
The generator shall be wired to the circuit breaker panel. Exact location of generator control panel shall
be determined during pre construction conference.
Circuit Breaker Panel
There shall be provided an electrical circuit breaker panel. The panel shall include breakers for each
circuit provided including electrical outlets and quartz lights.
Exact size and location of circuit breaker panel shall be determined during pre construction conference.
Light Tower
There shall be provided a Wil-Burt NS 2.3 Night Scan light tower. The tower shall be securely recessed
and fastened on the roof of the Rescue/Command Vehicle.
The light tower shall be capable of vertically elevating up to 7.5 feet in height and shall provide 6000
watts of quartz halogen lighting on a 220 volt circuit. The tower shall be capable of completely
elevating in under 1 minute.
Additionally the unit shall come complete with a hand held remote control with a 25 foot cable. The
controls shall allow the unit to rotate and tilt the quartz halogen lamps to accurately aim for complete
directional positing.
Exact layout and location of light tower and remote controls shall be confirmed during pre construction
Tripod Lights
Two (2) 120 volt tripod lights shall be installed at the rear of the body. The lights shall include Whelen
PFP2 LED light heads.
Electric Cord Reels
There shall be provided two each Hannay style electric rewind cord reels. The reels shall be securely
fastened to the roof structure of compartments L1 and R1 as high as possible to minimize the
interference with storage in these compartments.
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The reels shall be connected to the circuit breaker panel and shall come complete with 150 feet of 12/3
cable. Additionally there shall be provided roller assemblies, ball stops, and 110v 20 amp twist lock
(4) Exterior 110 Volt Receptacles
There shall be provided two each exterior receptacles with weather proof covers.
The receptacles shall be located on the rear of the apparatus body and shall be wired to the circuit
breaker panel.
Receptacles shall be installed one each side of vehicle in the rear wheelwells and one each side at rear to
power the tripod lights.
Cascade System
A cascade system consisting of six (6) 6000 PSI cylinders shall be installed in the upper coffin
compartment of the body, three (3) each side. A Scott Revolv-Air two (2) cylinder fill station shall be
installed in the L4 compartment for the filling of SCBA cylinders.
The exact arrangement of the SCBA cylinders and fill station shall be determined at the preconstruction
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