Wheatley Immersion Essay Transformed- Essay # 5 ENG 101 PRESENTATION COMPONENT (100 pts.) PURPOSE The purpose of this presentation is for you to present your findings from your immersion essay in front of a real audience. DIGITIAL ASSIGNMENT You will present your work via an oral Prezi presentation (Prezi.com) that is a collage of captioned images (pictures and/or photos) and videos of things, faces, places, and artifacts (things that people in this immersion assignment routinely make, talk about, or use) that illustrate your immersion and the answer to your thesis/news peg. Post your presentation link to your Blog at least an hour before it’s due. SPECIFICATIONS - Introduce yourself Identify your research question AND answer Give your Prezi, describing the images and videos, showing how your research helped you arrive at the answer to your question RHETORICAL CONSIDERATIONS Purpose: Form: Audience: Point of View: LOGISTICS Due date: 101-200 presentations 11/23 and 11/25 101-207 and 101-202 presentations 11/24 and 12/1 Length: 3-4 minutes Format: Prezi Sources: Your paper, observations, fieldwork, research, photos, artifacts, videos, etc. PROJECT COMPONENTS TO CONSIDER 1. Topic selection (1/2 page, typed, MLA, ) Due in class a. b. c. What do you wish to immerse yourself in? Why you are interested in the immersion How, when, and where you will conduct your initial fieldwork that will enable you to prepare the proposal 2. Proposal (MLA, ) Due in class a. b. Write a vignette/anecdote – a brief snapshot in words – based on your field notes that i. draws upon the specific event or conversation that is indicative of your subculture and/or a stereotype or assumption about them ii. and led you to your research question Develop two potential research questions that you could explore in your essay (eventually choosing one) 3. Fieldwork (minimum of 4 observation hours over several visits,) a. b. Document your observations and field notes using a double-entry journal i. Left column 1. Record observations; noting time, date, and location 2. Incorporate sensory details: sight, touch, taste, sound, and smell ii. Right column 1. Record your impressions about what you see, hear, smell, feel, etc. 2. Develop a dialogue between the columns: speculate, interpret, and raise questions in the right column in response to information collected in the left column Interviews - Conduct at least two interviews with members of this subculture 1. Try to understand what these people think and feel 2. Dig for revealing quotes and anecdotes 4. Academic research and annotated bibliography (MLA, 3 sources,) Due in class a. b. After your initial fieldwork and choosing a research question, Turn to AWC’s academic research databases and find three secondary sources for your annotated bibliography i. For each, provide a correct citation ii. And write a few sentences articulating 1. the author’s position and/or findings 2. and how the source will be useful to help answer your research question and/or how you can use it in your argumentative paper (does it support your point or refute it?) 5. Research essay (100 points) Rough draft due _____ Final due _____ 6. Presentation (100 points) Due _____ RUBRIC FOR ESSAY 4: Ethnography NAME ___________________________________ Grade: A=180-200 B=160-179 C=140-159 D=120-139 F= 0 – 119 Comments: STANDARDS THESIS Exceeds Meets Fails to meet 35 27 21 40 30 24 40 30 24 20 15 12 20 15 12 25 20 15 States your point for writing the paper: A STRONG and CLEAR answer to your research question COHERENCE and ORGANIZATION Relevant and coherent development and order of information within and between body paragraphs through use of - topic sentences - support and elaboration - transitions FEATURES of FORM - Excerpt from field notes that led to your research question Analysis of additional field notes related to your argument Analysis of research related to your argument Acknowledgement of different POV GRAMMAR, USAGE, MECHANICS - - - Written from an appropriate point of view (Only using “I” when discussing personal experience with topic, not throughout the paper) No incomplete or run-on sentences OR shifts in verb tense Varying sentence constructions MLA - Paper follows correct MLA format Parenthetical citations are accurately integrated and cited Works Cited page is accurately formatted and contains correct source citation(s) RECURSIVE WRITING Strong evidence of the writing process and effective revision - Planning/prewriting/ brainstorming - Rough draft - Workshop - Field notes DIGITAL COMPONENT - Link to Prezi presentation See specifications 20 15 12