Sagedusloa taotlus kosmoseside maajaamale Application form for Satellite earth station licences 1 Taotleja andmed/ Applicant Information Taotleja nimi, isiku- või registrikood/ Applicant and company registration number Telefon/ Telephone Telefax Postiaadress/ Postal address E-Mail Aadress/ Billing address (if different from postal address) Esindaja nimi/ Name of contact person (responsible for operation) Telefon/ Telephone Telefax Postiaadress/ Postal address E-Mail Teenuse kasutusinformatsioon/ Information regarding the service Teenuse kirjeldus/ Type of service (e.g. data/video/audio/telephone) Eeldatav kasutamise alguse aeg ja soovitav sagedusloa kehtivustähtaeg/ Date of start and end of service Maajaam/ Earth station, (for Hub station/additional station(s) copy this sheet and complete this section accordingly) Antenni asukoha aadress/ Address of location 2) (samuti maajaam/ antenni asukoht: nt vana/uus mast, millisel hoonel, auto katusel/ ALSO description of antenna site: eg. Old/new tower, on which building, on the top of which vehicle) Antenni asukoha koordinaadid/ Geographical coordinates 3) Pikkuskraad/ Longitude Kraadid/ Degrees E/W Minutid/ Minutes Laiuskraad/ Latitude Sekundid/ Seconds Kraadid/ Degrees Tootja/ Seadme tüüp/ Manufacturer/Type of equipment/Type approval mark Saatesagedus/ Sagedusala/ Transmitting Frequency / Frequency band 4) N/S Minutid/ Minutes Sekundid/ Seconds Seerianumber/ Serial number Alumine sageduspiir/ Lower limit: Ülemine sageduspiir/ Upper limit: Vastuvõtusagedus/ Sagedusriba/ Receiving Frequency / Frequency band 4) Alumine sageduspiir/ Lower limit: Ülemine sageduspiir/ Upper limit: Antenni kõrgus merepinnast/ Antenna altitude from sea level 5) Polarisatsioon/ Polarisation6) Antenni läbimõõt/ Antenna diameter m m Antenni võimendustegur (saatja) Maximum antenna gain (transmitter) dBi Antenni võimendustegur (vastuvõtja) Maximum antenna gain (receiver) dBi Kiirgusdiagramm Radiation pattern 7) (give reference pattern or provide diagram) Antenni kiirelaius Antenna beamwidth 8) Andmeedastuskiirus Data rate of Transmission Vastuvõtja müratemperatuur Receiving system noise temperature 9) °K Kbit/s ° Kiirgusklass/ Designation of emission 10) Väljundvõimsus/ Total peak power 11) dbW Maajaama antenni tõusunurk/ Earth Station Antenna Elevation angle 13) Kasutamise eesmärk/ Purpose of use 14) Maksimaalne võimsustihedus/ Maximum power density 12) dbW/Hz Modulatsioon/ Modulation 15) Satelliit/ Satellite Nimi/ Name Asukoht/ Location (Orbital long. / Deg east) Saatekiir/Transmitting beam 16) Vastuvõtukiir/ Receiving beam 17) Kinnitan raadiosidele esitavate nõuete tundmist ja nende vastavust. I confirm being familiar with the requirements for radiocommunication and compliance therewith. Allkiri/ Signature 18) Nimi/ Name (Trükitähtedega/ Block letters) Allkirjastamise koht ja aeg/ Place and date 1) Low power VSAT earth stations that operate at 14.0 - 14.25 GHz and that fulfill the requirements in ERC/DEC(00)05 are exempted from licensing. 2) For a transportable earth station, give the geographical area where the station will be used. Area should be limited to the actual area needed: street address, part of town, town, county or the whole country. Antenna location may be for example: on ground, on roof, at mast, on trailer, or at roof of a car. 3) Geographical Coordinates The geographical position of the physical centre of the Earth Station Antenna. If the coordination area of the Earth Station Antenna overlaps the territory of another Administration, the precision required is to six seconds. Format: Long/Lat in degrees, minutes and seconds. 4) If more than one carrier will be used, give them in an annex. If only one carrier will be used, but it may be located in a broader range, give here the lowest and highest frequency. 5) Antenna altitude from sea level is measured to the center of the antenna. 6) Polarization : The code for representing the angular relationship between the plane of the electric field vector and the equatorial plane. The angular relationship is observed counter-clockwise in any fixed plane normal to the Beam axis, from the equatorial plane to the electric field vector of the waves, as seen from the satellite. Format: Up to 2 characters. Code Meaning CL Left hand circular or indirect: the electric field vector rotates anti-clockwise. CR D Right hand circular or direct: the electric field vector rotates clockwise. Dual: when substantially equal-amplitude vertically and horizontally polarized components are radiated with-out particular control of the phase relation between them. Typically, the vertically and horizontally polarized sources may be displaced one from the other so that the resultant polarization varies between circular and slant, according to azimuth angle. H L M Horizontal linear: the electric field vector is in a plane parallel to the equatorial plane. Linear: the electric field vector remains in the direction specified by the Polarization Linear Angle*. SL SR V Left hand slant: the electric field vector is in the plane rotated 45 degrees anti-clockwise from the vertical plane. Right hand slant: the electric field vector is in the plane rotated 45 degrees clockwise from the vertical plane. Vertical linear: the electric field vector is in the plane normal to the equatorial plane. Mixed: the collective term applied when both vertical and horizontal components are radiated, embracing slant, circular and dual polarization. * Polarization Linear Angle The angle measured in an anti-clockwise direction, in a plane normal to the beam axis, between the direction of the electric field and a line parallel to the equatorial plane as seen from the satellite. Format: Integer (in the range 0 to 359) in degrees. 7) Antenna radiation pattern may be: - Rec ITU-R 465 - Rec ITU-R 580 - A - B*log(phi) give coefficients A and B A Gain Pattern Equation if the gain pattern can be described by the set of following expressions. G = Gmax for PHI<1 G = a - b * LOG10 (PHI) for 1 PHI phi1 G = MAX (MIN (G(phi1), c-d* LOG10 (PHI)), -10) for PHI >phi1 - given in annex 8) Antenna Beamwidth The angular width of the main lobe of radiation, measured in the plane containing the direction of the Maximum Gain, within which the off-axis gain does not fall more than 3 dB below the value of the Maximum Gain. Format: Decimal (in the range 0.00 to 10.00) to 2 decimal places in degrees. 9) Receiving System Noise Temperature The noise temperature is the lowest total value arising from the antenna’s environment, the receiving antenna AND from within the receiving system. For radio waves the Earth is considered to be a “grey” body and for an Associated Earth Station Antenna the sidelobe performance and elevation angle may both be significant factors in the level of environmental noise (ITU-R Satellite Communications Handbook). For Associated Earth Station Antennas the Receiving System Noise Temperature is determined under clear sky conditions and at the Associated Earth Station Antenna’s Planned Minimum Elevation Angle, excluding tolerances for geostationary satellite operation. Format: Integer (in the range 20 to 6000) in Kelvins. 10) See description below in ANNEX1 11) This is the power fed to the antenna. 12) Give the power calculated to a 1 Hz band at the point in spectrum where there is highest level in 4 kHz band for analogue and in 1 MHz band for digital modulation. 13) Enter the planned minimum operating angle of elevation of the antenna in the direction of maximum radiation towards the associated space station, expressed in decimal degrees from the horizontal plane. In the case of a geostationary-satellite network, these angles are to be calculated for the nominal orbital longitude, taking into account the tolerances. 14) Purpose of use may be for example: - TV-transmission - SNG - VSAT - MSS feeder link - BSS feeder link 15) Modulation can be analogue (e.g. FM, PM) or digital (e.g. PSK, QAM or other multilevel phase modulations). 16) 17) Use the ITU (BR) nomenclature. Use the ITU (BR) nomenclature. 18) Signature of applicant or representative of applicant ANNEX 1 SECTION I. NECESSARY BANDWIDTH (1) The necessary bandwidth, as defined in No. S1.152 and determined in accordance with the formulae and examples, shall be expressed by three numerals and one letter. The letter occupies the position of the decimal point and represents the unit of bandwidth. The first character shall be neither zero nor K, M or G. (2) Necessary bandwidths 1: between 0.001 and 999 Hz shall be expressed in Hz (letter H); between 1.00 and 999 kHz shall be expressed in kHz (letter K); between 1.00 and 999 MHz shall be expressed in MHz (letter M); between 1.00 and 999 GHz shall be expressed in GHz (letter G). (3) For the full designation of an emission, the necessary bandwidth, indicated in four characters, shall be added just before the classification symbols. When used, the necessary bandwidth shall be determined by one of the following methods: (3.1) use of the formulae and examples of necessary bandwidths and designation of corresponding emissions given in Recommendation ITU-R SM.1138; (3.2) computation, in accordance with other ITU-R Recommendations; (3.3) measurement, in cases not covered by (3.1) or (3.2) above. 1 Examples: 0.002 0.1 25.3 400 2.4 Hz Hz Hz Hz kHz = = = = = H002 H100 25H3 400H 2K40 6 12.5 180.4 180.5 180.7 kHz kHz kHz kHz kHz = = = = = 6K00 12K5 180K 181K 181K 1.25 2 10 202 5.65 MHz MHz MHz MHz GHz = = = = = 1M25 2M00 10M0 202M 5G65 Designation of emission Basic Characteristics (1.1) (1.2) (1.2.1) (1.2.2) (1.2.3) (1.2.4) (1.2.5) (1.2.6) (1.3) (1.4) (1.5) (1) First symbol – type of modulation of the main carrier Emission of an unmodulated carrier Emission in which the main carrier is amplitude-modulated (including cases where sub-carriers are angle-modulated) Double-sideband Single-sideband, full carrier Single-sideband, reduced or variable level carrier Single-sideband, suppressed carrier Independent sidebands Vestigial sideband Emission in which the main carrier is angle-modulated (1.3.1) Frequency modulation (1.3.2) Phase modulation Emission in which the main carrier is amplitude- and angle-modulated either simultaneously or in a preestablished sequence Emission of pulses 1 N A H R J B C F G D (1.7) [1 Emissions where the main carrier is directly modulated by a signal which has been coded into quantized form (e.g. pulse code modulation) should be designated under (1.2) or (1.3).] Sequence of unmodulated pulses A sequence of pulses ( modulated in amplitude ( modulated in width/duration ( modulated in position/phase ( in which the carrier is angle-modulated during the angle-period of the pulse ( which is a combination of the foregoing or is produced by other means Cases not covered above, in which an emission consists of the main carrier modulated, either simultaneously or in a pre-established sequence, in a combination of two or more of the following modes: amplitude, angle, pulse Cases not otherwise covered (2.1) (2) Second symbol – nature of signal(s) modulating the main carrier No modulating signal 0 (2.2) A single channel containing quantized or digital information without the use of a modulating sub-carrier 2 (2This excludes time-division multiplex.) 1 (2.3) A single channel containing quantized or digital information with the use of a modulating sub-carrier1 2 (1.5.1) (1.5.2) (1.6) P K L M Q V W X (2.4) (2.5) (2.6) (2.7) (2.8) A single channel containing analogue information Two or more channels containing quantized or digital information Two or more channels containing analogue information Composite system with one or more channels containing quantized or digital information, together with one or more channels containing analogue information Cases not otherwise covered Third symbol - type of information to be transmitted 3 3 ( In this context the word “information” does not include information of a constant, unvarying nature such as is provided by standard frequency emissions, continuous wave and pulse radars, etc.) No information transmitted Telegraphy – for aural reception Telegraphy – for automatic reception Facsimile Data transmission, telemetry, telecommand Telephony (including sound broadcasting) Television (video) Combination of the above Cases not otherwise covered 3 7 8 9 X (3) (3.1) (3.2) (3.3) (3.4) (3.5) (3.6) (3.7) (3.8) (3.9) N A B C D E F W X Sub-Section IIB. Optional Characteristics for the Classification of Emissions Two optional characteristics should be added for a more complete description of an emission. These are (see also Recommendation 62): Fourth symbol – Details of signal(s) Fifth symbol – Nature of multiplexing Where the fourth or fifth symbol is used it shall be as indicated below. Where the fourth or the fifth symbol is not used this should be indicated by a dash where each symbol would otherwise appear. (1.1) (1.2) (1.3) (1.4) (1.5) (1.6) (1.7) (1.8) (1.9) (1.10) (1.11) (1.12) (1.13) (1.14) (1.15) (2.1) (2.2) (2.3) (2.4) (2.5) (2.6) (1) Fourth symbol – Details of signal(s) Two-condition code with elements of differing numbers and/or durations Two-condition code with elements of the same number and duration without error-correction Two-condition code with elements of the same number and duration with error-correction Four-condition code in which each condition represents a signal element (or one or more bits) Multi-condition code in which each condition represents a signal element (of one or more bits) Multi-condition code in which each condition or combination of conditions represents a character Sound of broadcasting quality (monophonic) Sound of broadcasting quality (stereophonic or quadraphonic) Sound of commercial quality (excluding categories given in sub-paragraphs 1.10 and 1.11) Sound of commercial quality with the use of frequency inversion or band-splitting Sound of commercial quality with separate frequency-modulated signals to control the level of demodulated signal Monochrome Colour Combination of the above Cases not otherwise covered (2) Fifth symbol – Nature of multiplexing None Code-division multiplex 4 (4 This includes bandwidth expansion techniques.) Frequency-division multiplex Time-division multiplex Combination of frequency-division multiplex and time-division multiplex Other types of multiplexing A B C D E F G H J K L M N W X N C F T W X