【更新】2015/12/8【編輯著作權者】黃婉玲 (建議使用工具列-->檢視-->文件引導模式/功能窗格) 《英文測驗題庫彙編 03》104 年(共 22 單元 & 750 題)》》 《 。02(100-103 年)82 單元 & 2,890 題。01(91~99 年)84 單元& 4,030 題 【科目】包括。a。另有申論題。b 中華民國憲法與英文。c 中華民國憲法與警察專業英文 【其他科目】。01警察&海巡相關考試。02司法特考&專技考試。03公務人員考試‧升官等&其他特考 ☆★將測驗題答案刮弧【 】處塗上顏色,即可顯示答案。<<另有解答全部顯示檔>> 。。各年度考題。。104 年(22-750) 中央警察大學學士班二年制技術系入學考試~ (1) (2) 。104 年。103~100 年。99~91 年 *。行政警察學系、刑事警察學系 公務人員特種考試關務人員考試。各科別 。104 年03。104 年04。104 年05 03三等&04四等&05五等 。103~100 年。99~91 年 (3) 公務人員特種考試民航人員考試。各科別 。104 年。103~100 年。99~91 年 公務人員特種考試司法人員三等考試~ (4) 。103~100 年。99~91 年 *。司法官&檢察事務官偵查實務組、公證人 。公務人員特種考試~外交領事/行政人員~ (5) *03A三等&04四等* 。104 年03A。104 年03B。104 年04 。調查人員調查工作組/國家安全情報人員考試~ 。103~100 年。99~91 年 *03B三等~各科別 (6) 國軍上校以上軍官轉任上校轉任考試~* 。104 年01。104 年03。103~100 年。99~91 年 。01 少將轉任 02 中將轉任 03 上校轉任 。特種考試警察人員考試~ *三等<3A 中華民國憲法與警察專業英文> *<3B 中華民國憲法與消防警察專業英文> (7) 。104 年3A。104 年3B。104 年3C* *<3C 中華民國憲法與水上警察專業英文> 。104 年4A。104 年4B。104 年4C。104 年4D* *四等<4A 中華民國憲法與警察專業英文> 。103~100 年。99~91 年 *<4B 中華民國憲法與消防警察專業英文> *<4C 中華民國憲法與水上警察專業英文> *。公務人員特種考試一般警察人員考試~4D四等 (8) 交通事業郵政人員員級晉高員級&交通事業電信升資 &鐵路考試*。各類別 。103~100 年。99~91 年 (9) 專門職業及技術人員高等考試。專利師 。104 年。103~100 年。99~91 年 (10) 公務人員升官等簡任/關務人員簡任考試。各類科 。104 年。103~100 年。99~91 年 <<英文測驗題庫彙編 03~104-new 年>>S-link 電子六法全書 1 (11) 公務人員特種考試移民行政人員三等考試。移民行政 。104 年。103~100 年。99~91 年 (12) 專門職業及技術人員普通考試~* 。104 年01。104 年02。103~100 年。99~91 年 01外語導遊人員02外語領隊人員 回目錄(12)>>回首頁>> 104 年(22-750) 10401。(12)104 年專門職業及技術人員普通考試導遊人員考試‧外語導遊人員 104 年專門職業及技術人員普通考試導遊人員、領隊人員考試試題 4401 【等別】普通考試【類科】外語導遊人員(英語) 【科目】外國語(英語)【考試時間】1 小時 20 分 1.During the hotel renovation, special﹝ ﹞was given to the lighting fixtures and decorations.答案顯示:【A】 (A)attention(B)confidence(C)introduction(D)performance 2.Downloading should﹝ ﹞about two to four minutes.The time needed will depend on the speed of your internet connection.答案顯示:【C】 (A)cost(B)spend(C)take(D)waste 3.For five years in a row, the﹝ ﹞of sick days taken by employees has gone down.答案顯示:【C】 (A)amount(B)date(C)number(D)volume 4.At the employee awards banquet, we hope to give all our hardworking employees the recognition that they ﹝ ﹞.答案顯示:【B】 (A)conserve(B)deserve(C)preserve(D)reserve 5.The water of this city comes from a﹝ ﹞located in the mountains nearby.答案顯示:【D】 (A)ford(B)hub(C)maze(D)reservoir 6.Unfortunately, after Epoch Computers merged with that Japanese company, the﹝ ﹞of its stock dropped.答 案顯示:【D】 (A)cost(B)nature(C)receipt(D)value 7.The beautiful statue my mother ordered did not arrive﹝ ﹞.When she opened the package, there were just pieces of broken glass.答案顯示:【B】 (A)analytical(B)intact(C)punctual(D)verifiable 8.Your afternoon tea experience includes a glass of good wine and a selection of culinary delights designed to ﹝ ﹞your beverage choice, and of course, live music for your entertainment.答案顯示:【A】 (A)complement(B)nurture(C)propose(D)relocate 9.Deck chairs operate on a first-come, first-served basis and cannot be reserved.Please take your﹝ ﹞with you when leaving a deck chair for a period of time, or they may be removed.答案顯示:【B】 (A)architecture(B)belongings(C)decorations(D)furniture 10.Today, ships are equipped with a large array of electronic devices that help the ﹝ ﹞to reach their destinations.答案顯示:【C】 (A)counselors(B)inventors(C)navigators(D)visitors 11.The fast food restaurant should have been profitable, but poor capital control forced it into﹝ ﹞.答案顯示: 【A】 (A)bankruptcy(B)compensation(C)construction(D)restoration <<英文測驗題庫彙編 03~104-new 年>>S-link 電子六法全書 2 12.According to a recent﹝ ﹞, more people watch television on Sunday night than on any other night.答案顯示: 【D】 (A)communication(B)format(C)medium(D)survey 13.If you ever need an emergency contact number for someone, the﹝ ﹞department keeps a file on each employee.答案顯示:【C】 (A)parliament(B)patriotism(C)personnel(D)petroleum 14.Having a good logo means people will be able to recognize your﹝ ﹞instantly.答案顯示:【B】 (A)age(B)brand(C)face(D)profile 15.Chess is a popular﹝ ﹞for people of all ages.答案顯示:【C】 (A)espionage(B)martial(C)pastime(D)rival 16.The baseball game had to be﹝ ﹞for an hour because of a thunderstorm.答案顯示:【C】 (A)anticipated(B)expended(C)postponed(D)undertaken 17.Black pepper is perhaps the most commonly used﹝ ﹞in the world.答案顯示:【C】 (A)detergent(B)insecticide(C)spice(D)utensil 18.As soon as you submit the receipts, the company will﹝ ﹞you for all costs related to your business trip.答 案顯示:【B】 (A)charge(B)reimburse(C)threaten(D)warrant 19.The client requested that the contract be rewritten because several important clauses had been﹝ ﹞from the original.答案顯示:【B】 (A)admitted(B)omitted(C)permitted(D)remitted 20.The building manager has informed us that the west entrance elevators will be out of﹝ ﹞for the remainder of the week.答案顯示:【C】 (A)courtesy(B)nowhere(C)service(B)work 21.Sitting through a long presentation can make audience﹝ ﹞, so speakers should limit their talks to30 minutes.答案顯示:【D】 (A)affordable(B)excessive(C)remarkable(D)restless 22.The Star Lodge boasts20 years of80 percent﹝ ﹞, a record for the state.答案顯示:【D】 (A)fluency(B)hospitality(C)metropolis(D)occupancy 23.In an effort to reduce the number of plastic tooth brushes customers throw away, many hotels have stopped providing﹝ ﹞brushes.答案顯示:【A】 (A)disposable(B)ecological(C)measurable(D)unusable 24.The restaurant manager was replaced because of her inability to maintain﹝ ﹞among her employees.答案 顯示:【C】 (A)advocacy(B)contract(C)discipline(D)euphemism 25.Our trips range from cruising﹝ ﹞islands to closer-to-home excursions to baseball games and music events.答案顯示:【B】 (A)exile(B)exotic(C)exquisite(D)extensive 26.The contract is still being discussed as the two parties have not been able to reach an﹝ ﹞on several matters.答案顯示:【B】 (A)absorption(B)accord(C)account(D)adjudication <<英文測驗題庫彙編 03~104-new 年>>S-link 電子六法全書 3 27.Federica is interested in genealogy or family history.In fact, she has﹝ ﹞her ancestors all the way back to the late seventeenth century.答案顯示:【D】 (A)alleged(B)cluttered(C)handed(D)traced 28.The final examination will be a(n)﹝ ﹞one that will cover everything we have studied since the beginning of the semester.答案顯示:【A】 (A)comprehensive(B)exclusive(C)preliminary(D)qualified 29.Starting next quarter, all store managers will be given increased﹝ ﹞, to make decisions on their own.答案 顯示:【A】 (A)autonomy(B)budget(C)direction(D)rejection 30.I like many types of movies, but my favorite﹝ ﹞is science fiction films.答案顯示:【B】 (A)characte(A)r(A)genre(C)habit(D)route 31.Terry went into the used-book store just to﹝ ﹞through the old books, but he found a rare edition of a Hemingway novel that was worth over $1,000.答案顯示:【A】 (A)browse(B)haunt(C)merge(D)purchase 32.There was a rumor that there had been a minor accident at the nuclear power plant, but a spokesman for the plant issued a﹝ ﹞.答案顯示:【A】 (A)denial(B)intersection(C)receipt(D)spontaneity 33.In most forms of music,﹝ ﹞instruments such as drums provide the beat.答案顯示:【B】 (A)obsession(B)percussion(C)stringed(D)winged 34.The actress was wearing sunglasses and a head scarf to﹝ ﹞her identity, but she was recognized by her fans anyway.答案顯示:【A】 (A)conceal(B)conceive(C)deceive(D)perceive 35.In medicine, an acute condition is one that is only a temporary problem, such as a sprained ankle.However,a ﹝ ﹞one recurs over and over.Migraine headaches are an example of this kind of condition.答案顯示:【A】 (A)chronic(B)intoxicated(C)severe(D)vigorous 36.Professor Lee thought that the small college town would be a﹝ ﹞place to live, but in fact, he found it quite cosmopolitan.答案顯示:【D】 (A)demolished(B)disrupted(C)meltdown(D)provincial 37.I think you need another knife, Laura.This one you have is so dull that it barely﹝ ﹞bread.答案顯示:【B】 (A)sharpens(B)slices(C)spreads(D)squeezes 38.Some publishing companies do not accept﹝ ﹞manuscripts.If an author sends them materials that are not invited, they will be immediately rejected.答案顯示:【D】 (A)annoying(B)chastised(C)previewed(D)unsolicited 39.My brother is very superstitious.Whenever he sees a black cat, he considers it a bad﹝ ﹞.答案顯示:【C】 (A)gist(B)moat(C)omen(D)rumor 40.A metropolitan area consists of a central city and any suburban areas in its﹝ ﹞.答案顯示:【D】 (A)construction(B)downtown(C)shelter(D)vicinity 41.Teamwork plays a vital﹝ ﹞in fulfilling any mission, particularly at a time when an economic recession is looming on the horizon.答案顯示:【A】 (A)role(B)task(C)title(D)work 42.A: I hope the weather will clear up tomorrow for our picnic.答案顯示:【B】 <<英文測驗題庫彙編 03~104-new 年>>S-link 電子六法全書 4 B: Let us keep our fingers﹝ ﹞.* (A)cleaned(B)crossed(C)fixed(D)pointed 43.A: Do you like cooking?答案顯示:【B】 B: No, I’m not﹝ ﹞it.* (A)in(B)into(C)onto(D)toward 44.A: What do you think about the plan to build more factories?答案顯示:【A】 B: Environmentally, I’m afraid it is like opening Pandora’s﹝ ﹞.* (A)box(B)case(C)door(D)pocket 45.A: It seems that everyone is jumping on the Godzilla﹝ ﹞.答案顯示:【A】* B: Yeah, even my grandmother bought a Godzilla model. (A)bandwagon(B)cart(C)seat(D)table 46.A: Why are you so busy today?答案顯示:【B】 B: The boss dropped this big assignment on me out of the﹝ ﹞.* (A)black(B)blue(C)green(D)red 47.A: Our toys are all over the place.答案顯示:【B】 B: They sure are.We had better clean them up or mom will go﹝ ﹞when she gets home.* (A)apples(B)bananas(C)oranges(D)tomatoes 48.A: I failed that test--my life is ruined! 答案顯示:【A】 B: Don’t get﹝ ﹞away.It was only one test.* (A)carried(B)done(C)excited(D)moved 49.A: Are you interested in politics?答案顯示:【D】 B: No, it is not my cup of﹝ ﹞.* (A)coca(B)coffee(C)milk(D)tea 50.A: It seems I have lost all the work I did on the computer this afternoon.答案顯示:【A】 B: Oh, no! I am afraid you will have to start from﹝ ﹞again.* (A)scratch(B)shift(C)switch(D)touch 51.In Australia, about10% of all divorced people remarry after they﹝ ﹞with their first spouses.This figure is about half of what it was in1970.答案顯示:【C】 (A)pull over(B)put in(C)split up(D)wipe out 52.A: Bob argues with Bill about almost everything.答案顯示:【B】 B: They just do not see﹝ ﹞to﹝ ﹞.* (A)ear, ear(B)eye, eye(C)hand, hand(D)nose, nose 53.The representatives are﹝ ﹞going home and seeing their families after this negotiation.答案顯示:【B】 (A)looking for(B)looking forward to(C)looking up(D)looking up to 54.While you are at the conference, take an afternoon to﹝ ﹞and check out the competition’s booths.答案顯 示:【A】 (A)look around(B)look for(C)look out(B)look through 55.The plane cannot leave the gate﹝ ﹞all passengers are seated and baggage is safely stowed.答案顯示: 【C】 (A)but(B)if(C)unless(D)when <<英文測驗題庫彙編 03~104-new 年>>S-link 電子六法全書 5 56.The city government must decide﹝ ﹞it wants to increase taxes or undergo severe budget cutbacks.答案顯 示:【C】 (A)what(B)which(C)whether(D)while 57.A recent survey shows that the average American generates﹝ ﹞much trash as the average European.答 案顯示:【B】 (A)twice(B)twice as(C)as twice(D)twice more 58.Despite ten years of success, the financial stress and burden of the sudden recession made the partnership ﹝ ﹞.答案顯示:【A】 (A)fail(B)failed(C)to fail(D)to be failed 59.Your application materials must be postmarked﹝ ﹞Friday, January10.答案顯示:【A】 (A)no later than(B)no less than(C)no more than(D)no sooner than 60.The decision was not mature at all as there was﹝ ﹞time for discussion before the vote.答案顯示:【B】 (A)few(B)little(C)a little(D)a few 61.George made a terrible social﹝ ﹞.He asked the hostess at the party when her baby was due, and she said,in an icy voice, “I am NOT pregnant!”答案顯示:【B】 (A)dainty(B)gaffe(C)prefix(D)screen 62.Because of threats he received recently, the entrepreneur hired a﹝ ﹞.答案顯示:【A】 (A)bodyguard(B)cavalry(C)mariner(D)meteorologist 63.I always thought Dr.Wang was﹝ ﹞.He seldom talked to anyone and seemed cold and distant.But now, I realize that he was just painfully shy! 答案顯示:【B】 (A)alert(B)aloof(C)dizzy(D)sober 64.A: I am not familiar with this new computer.答案顯示:【B】 B: It is not that difficult.I am sure you will get the﹝ ﹞of it soon.* (A)hand(B)hang(C)knob(D)ring 65.Naples is rich in historical, artistic and cultural traditions; in addition, it is famous for its﹝ ﹞because thecity is by tradition the home of pizza.答案顯示:【D】 (A)astronomy(B)autonomy(C)economy(D)gastronomy 66.The spy wrote her message in a secret code, but government intelligence agents were able to﹝ ﹞the message.答案顯示:【B】 (A)accommodate(B)decipher(C)monitor(D)perish 67.Tour tickets, once booked, are﹝ ﹞to a10% cancellation fee if returned prior to the deadline.答案顯示:【D】 (A)eject(B)object(C)reject(D)subject 68.Commuters can help reduce pollution by occasionally leaving ﹝ ﹞ cars at home and using public transportation.答案顯示:【B】 (A)his(B)their(C)her(D)its 69.People everywhere are becoming concerned about the high energy prices.Rising energy costs are forcing many offices to﹝ ﹞energy-saving measures.答案顯示:【C】 (A)complement(B)compliment(C)implement(D)supplement 70.Everyone attended last week’s meeting﹝ ﹞Mr.Lee, who was out of town on a business trip.答案顯示: 【C】 (A)accept(B)aspect(C)except(D)expect <<英文測驗題庫彙編 03~104-new 年>>S-link 電子六法全書 6 For about US$50, a cheap, acceptable hotel room can be found in most countries.In some countries, you may even be able to pay less.If you are traveling on a tight budget, another option is a boarding house.They are normally found in abundance near bus and railway stations.In some towns with a high number of tourists, it is common for families to rent rooms to visitors.Both these options are difficult to book in advance.However you can easily find out about them at the local bus or railway station when you arrive at your destination, if you are not immediately inundated with offers the minute you step off your bus.Although traveling this way does not provide the security of knowing exactly where you will next spend the night, it does have the advantage of giving you an experience with the local culture that most motels and hotels cannot provide. Good inexpensive hotels can be found in most cities away from the airport, tourist areas, and central business districts.There are often great seasonal variations in hotel prices at resorts.Remember, cheaper hotels do not always supply soap, towels, and toilet paper, so carry these items with you.By going online, it’ s a simple matter to find a hotel within your price range in practically any city in the world.Most sites also include customer reviews, an especially important feature when booking budget-priced accommodations.In addition, most hotels and motels offer discounts to travelers making their reservations online. 71.For whom is this information intended?答案顯示:【D】 (A)Diners looking for restaurants.(B)Hotel managers looking for guests. (C)Online booking operators.(D)Travelers looking for accommodations. 72.The underlined word abundance is closest in meaning to﹝ (A)great quantity(B)middle-class neighborhood(C)safe ﹞.答案顯示:【A】 areas(D)walking distance 73.What, according to the passage, may be a good way to closely experience the local culture?答案顯示:【A】 (A)Find the hotel after you arrive at a place.(B)Go traveling at the right season. (C)Stay away from business districts.(D)Make on-line booking. 74.What can a traveler get by booking a room online?答案顯示:【B】 (A)Free soap and towels.(B)Lower room prices. (C)A taste of the local culture.(D)An offer for a free bus ride. 75.The underlined word inundated is closest in meaning to“﹝ ﹞” 答案顯示:【C】. (A)achieved(B)established(C)overwhelmed(D)satisfied Many travelers prefer to buy foreign currency in their own countries before they leave, both for convenience and as a hedge against possible market fluctuations, but there are other options. Arriving in a foreign country can be a confusing experience, even for seasoned globe-trotters.By buying your currency beforehand, you can become acquainted with the value and appearance of the notes and coins, as well as avoid any exchange commissions applied by foreign banks for the conversion of foreign currency.It is more convenient to have some local currency with you immediately upon arrival in a foreign country for the inevitable initial expenses, such as taxis, meals, and tips, as your arrival might not coincide with normal banking hours.As soon as you arrive, you can be ready to go without wasting time lining up to exchange your money at the airport. Many modern travelers use automated teller machines(ATMs)to obtain local cash when traveling abroad. ATMs are easy to use.The machines are familiar, and you can use the same card to access your account as you use at home.One drawback is the hefty fees charged by both the local bank and your home bank.The fees <<英文測驗題庫彙編 03~104-new 年>>S-link 電子六法全書 7 for foreign exchange transactions are generally higher than they are for domestic transactions.When you arrive at the airport, you don’ t want to worry about finding the nearest ATM machine and then trying to understand the money it dispenses.So, while judicious use of ATMs is a good idea when traveling abroad, ATMs don’ t preclude the need to arrive in a foreign country with cash in hand. 76.Who are seasoned globe-trotters?答案顯示:【C】 (A)First-time international tourists.(B)Retired members of a basketball team. (C)Experienced travelers.(D)International gourmets. 77.If travelers change their money before they leave, what will they NOT have to do upon reaching their destination?答案顯示:【B】 (A)Pay for initial expense.(B)Wait in line for money change. (C)Go through customs.(D)Bring the money with them. 78.What is the most important advantage of having local currency at hand when arriving at a foreign country? 答案顯示:【D】 (A)The traveler always enjoys a better exchange rate if buying foreign currency in advance. (B)Local people recognize their own currency in cash only, not in any other forms. (C)The traveler does not need to worry about the loss of the credit cards or ATM cards. (D)The traveler would be prepared for some initial expenses, such as taxis, meals, and tips. 79.What is the author’s preference of using foreign currency in traveling, among the several options?答案顯 示:【A】 (A)Buy the foreign currency before leaving one’s own country. (B)Buy the foreign currency as soon as one reaches the destination. (C)Use ATM cards to get cash anywhere in the country one visits. (D)Use credit cards to make the travel more convenient. 80.What, according to the passage, can be a major disadvantage of using ATMs in a foreign country?答案顯示: 【B】 (A)Not all ATMs accept cards from foreign banks, so service may not be available. (B)There is usually a high fee charged for international transaction. (C)Some ATMs may not have enough cash in storage. (D)The ATMs do not give small denominations of cash or coins. 回目錄(12)>> 回首頁>> 10402。(12)104 年專門職業及技術人員普通考試領隊人員考試‧外語領隊人員 104 年專門職業及技術人員普通考試導遊人員、領隊人員考試試題 4601 【等別】普通考試【類科】外語領隊人員(英語) 【科目】外國語(英語)【考試時間】1 小時 20 分 1.Being creative involves making the best use of your senses: for example, it means looking at the same object from many different﹝ ﹞.答案顯示:【B】 (A)invocations(B)perspectives(C)prosecutions(D)incidents <<英文測驗題庫彙編 03~104-new 年>>S-link 電子六法全書 8 2.If the town were﹝ ﹞about drinking and driving, I would not worry so much about driving at night.答案顯示: 【B】 (A)bitter(B)stricter(C)bleaker(D)stronger 3.Human began﹝ ﹞food about 10,000 years ago; otherwise, they would not have developed a stable food source.答案顯示:【C】 (A)acquiring(B)delivering(C)cultivating(D)microwaving 4.Even though the men were the leaders in this tribe, within the family, they were﹝ ﹞to the women.答案顯示: 【A】 (A)subordinate(B)responsible(C)humanitarian(D)representative 5.Although each language in the world may have a very﹝ ﹞set of words and grammar, all of them have similar parts of speech.答案顯示:【C】 (A)mutual(B)rational(C)distinct(D)selective 6.Since the last half of the twentieth century, our way of life has been﹝ ﹞by gadgets of all types:television sets and DVDs, cell phones and computers, just to name a few.答案顯示:【D】 (A)substantiated(B)compromised(C)merchandised(D)revolutionized 7.Culture is humanity’s﹝ ﹞; there is not one aspect of human life that is not touched and altered by culture. 答案顯示:【B】 (A)leisure(B)medium(C)serenity(D)transition 8.Should the Prime Minister receive another vote of no confidence, she would be forced to ﹝ ﹞ her government.答案顯示:【C】 (A)approve(B)condemn(C)dissolve(D)evacuate 9.When you read a forty-page chapter, you may divide it into readable﹝ ﹞to increase your comprehension.答 案顯示:【A】 (A)chunks(B)manuals(C)proposals(D)specialties 10.When we have leftover cooked stew or other food with meat, it is suggested that the food should be ﹞to room temperature, and then put in the refrigerator.答案顯示:【B】 (A)heated(B)cooled(C)frozen(D)processed 11.Recently more and more men are﹝ ﹞new roles and entering new careers that previously were nearly all female.For example, we are now seeing more male nurses.答案顯示:【A】 (A)taking on(B)laying off(C)pointing out(D)putting down 12.Studies have shown that many people are very concerned about the amount of sex and violence﹝ ﹞in television shows.答案顯示:【B】 (A)polluted(B)depicted(C)exported(D)appointed 13.We thought our experimental design was flawless, but it turns﹝ ﹞that we failed to control an important variable.答案顯示:【C】 (A)in(B)on(C)out(D)down #14.There is no sense﹝ ﹞over such a petty matter.答案顯示:【A】 splitting hair holding water carrying the ball taking into account 15.She and I argue a lot, but if we could just sit down and talk things over, I think we could﹝ ﹞our differences. 答案顯示:【C】 (A)put over(B)hang up(C)work out(D)send back <<英文測驗題庫彙編 03~104-new 年>>S-link 電子六法全書 9 16.We have﹝ ﹞all of our travel funds for the year; any trips from now on will have to be paid for out of our own pockets.答案顯示:【A】 (A)used up(B)asked for(C)carried out(D)gotten back 17.To keep the bills down, I﹝ ﹞turning off the computer the minute I was finished with it.答案顯示:【B】 (A)was sidetracked by(B)got into the habit of(C)made a big impact on(D)came face to face with 18.Professionals who seek career experience outside of their home countries may feel the need to﹝ ﹞with a new challenge.答案顯示:【B】 (A)swing back and forth(B)recharge their batteries (C)put their heads together(D)make a mountain out of a molehill 19.When you are interviewed, you had better not volunteer any additional information because that could﹝ ﹞ you.答案顯示:【C】 (A)perform fo(A)r cut down(A)on work against(A)keep abreast of 20.I have been working on this design problem all day with nothing to show for it.I just seem to be﹝ ﹞.答案顯 示:【C】 (A)beating around the bush(B)getting down to business (C)running around in circles(D)putting two and two together 21.Human beings often like to be part of a group, so it comes as no surprise that they would do something to ﹝ ﹞.答案顯示:【B】 (A)get an early start(B)look for peer identity(C)come out the winner(D)make a social statement 22.Generally most of us admire the people whose names﹝ ﹞success, risk-taking, and creative thinking.答案 顯示:【D】 (A)team up with(B)keep track of(C)are independent of(D)are synonymous with 23.This girl was very happy to﹝ ﹞publicity that came with her relationship with the most celebrated soccer player in the world.答案顯示:【D】 (A)fall short of(B)stay out with(C)go up against(D)ride the wave of 24.It is late and I am tired of sitting around waiting for everybody to show up; I wish we could﹝ ﹞.答案顯示: 【A】 (A)get going(B)hang around(C)keep alive(D)stay young 25.What the lawyer advised the couple was to﹝ ﹞with a trained and licensed marriage counselor before the two even contemplated getting a divorce.答案顯示:【A】 (A)confer(B)mingle(C)revolve(D)maintain 26.The police officer wanted to come face to face with the ghostly phenomenon and﹝ ﹞it as a hoax.答案顯示: 【D】 (A)float(B)instill(C)object(D)expose 27.He is not good at talking to strangers.When he tries to make polite conversation, it often﹝ ﹞uncomfortable silence.答案顯示:【C】 (A)fills out(B)takes up(C)lapses into(D)accounts for 28.Doing the housework is one of those things that you can do frequently with﹝ ﹞effort, or infrequently with a whole lot of work.答案顯示:【D】 (A)cautious(B)adequate(C)horrible(D)minimal <<英文測驗題庫彙編 03~104-new 年>>S-link 電子六法全書 10 29.Many people believe that wealth is like health:﹝ ﹞its utter absence can breed misery, having it does not guarantee happiness.答案顯示:【C】 (A)When(B)Before(C)Though(D)Because 30.Many people agree that America is not only a country of wealth and riches, but also a country of homelessness and﹝ ﹞.答案顯示:【C】 (A)relief(B)venture(C)poverty(D)success 31.These two articles both discuss material goods; ﹝ ﹞, they take different views about the value of possessions.答案顯示:【A】 (A)however(B)therefore(C)to sum up(D)as a result 32.﹝ ﹞their military to become weak, their country might be invaded.答案顯示:【B】 (A)If(B)Were(C)Should(D)Suppose 33.If you have problems with﹝ ﹞sickness, you can take over-the-counter antihistamines before traveling.答案 顯示:【C】 (A)move(B)moved(C)motion(D)moving 34.To be able to work as a chef in the first rate hotel means that you have to have professional﹝ ﹞skills.答案 顯示:【A】 (A)culinary(B)disciplinary(C)elocutionary(D)stationary 35.Tourism﹝ ﹞refers to the amount paid for the acquisition of consumption goods and services for and during tourism trips.答案顯示:【B】 (A)deficit(B)expenditure(C)reimbursement(D)revenue 36.Climate tourism has become a new﹝ ﹞in the booming ecotourism due to the global warming in recent years.答案顯示:【C】 (A)closure(B)compartment(C)niche(D)recess 37.The policy of Taiwan tourism is to reach the goals of development of international tourism,﹝ ﹞of domestic travel quality, and increased foreign-exchange revenues.答案顯示:【D】 (A)abatement(B)debasement(C)diminishment(D)enhancement 38.﹝ ﹞refers to a set of social conventions that facilitate interactions over networks on the world-wide web.答 案顯示:【C】 (A)Coquette(B)Etiquette(C)Netiquette(D)Maquette 39.Being﹝ ﹞means that you anticipate problems before they arise and come up with solutions ahead of time. 答案顯示:【D】 (A)abstractive(B)extractive(C)interactive(D)proactive 40.The﹝ ﹞statement of Tourism Malaysia is “marketing Malaysia as a destination of excellence to make tourism industry a major contributor to the socio-economic development of the nation.”答案顯示:【C】 (A)admission(B)commission(C)mission(D)submission 41.One of the most desirable qualities of a tour leader is being﹝ ﹞-minded, i.e., willing to help others.答案顯 示:【C】 (A)feeble(D)peace(C)service(D)tolerance 42.After the 311 disaster in Japan in 2011, many Japanese began to advocate for the﹝ ﹞of the use of nuclear power.答案顯示:【B】 (A)authorization(B)banning(C)enabling(D)transaction <<英文測驗題庫彙編 03~104-new 年>>S-link 電子六法全書 11 43.The Agency Against Corruption is forced to﹝ ﹞an investigation into the bribery case of the governor.答案 顯示:【B】 (A)abduct(B)conduct(C)deduct(D)induct 44.Even though it controls all of our body movements, the brain itself never﹝ ﹞.答案顯示:【A】 (A)moves(B)whines(C)expands(D)transforms 45.Event﹝ ﹞are in charge of organizing all the details required to ensure the success of an event.答案顯示: 【C】 (A)administrator(B)conductor(C)coordinators(D)sponsors 46.Online dating has become a﹝ ﹞for many people looking for potential relationships.答案顯示:【D】 (A)send(B)blend(C)mend(D)trend 47.Being responsible means that we should learn to take the﹝ ﹞of our own actions.答案顯示:【A】 (A)consequence(B)fragrance(C)eloquence(D)subsequence 48.In order to save money, she asked to be﹝ ﹞to the branch office near her home town.答案顯示:【C】 (A)transmitted(B)transported(C)transferred(D)transformed 49.After a long period of economic depression, the unemployment rate has finally﹝ ﹞.答案顯示:【B】 (A)accelerated(B)declined(C)inclined(D)facilitated 50.Ultra-high speed tube trains are one of the most﹝ ﹞-edge technologies in the 21st century.答案顯示:【B】 (A)butting(B)cutting(C)jutting(D)shutting 51.﹝ ﹞of energy has become a very important policy for many countries due to the limited resources.答案顯 示:【C】 (A)Affirmation(B)Fascination(C)Conservation(D)Observation 52.The color blue is often﹝ ﹞with sadness.答案顯示:【A】 (A)associated(B)enunciated(C)fascinated(D)initiated 53.The mission of The Walt Disney Company is to be one of the world’s﹝ ﹞producers and providers of entertainment and information.答案顯示:【B】 (A)deteriorating(B)leading(C)pleading(D)overwhelming 54.The value of the stocks has grown﹝ ﹞1.6 percent in 2013 to ten million US dollars.答案顯示:【A】 (A)by(D))into(C)for(D)with 55.Air﹝ ﹞can be caused by either human error or poor weather conditions.答案顯示:【B】 (A)plash(B)crash(C)flash(D)splash 56.﹝ ﹞is forbidden on campus for sanitary reasons.答案顯示:【C】 (A)Lecturing(B)Lingering(C)Littering(D)Loitering 57.I will keep her﹝ ﹞on the progress of the project.答案顯示:【D】 (A)update(B)updates(C)updating(D)updated 58.The English tour group﹝ ﹞Taj Mahal last December.答案顯示:【B】 (A)will visit(B)visited(C)visit(D)had visited 59.I have been living in Japan﹝ ﹞two and a half years.答案顯示:【C】 (A)until(B)since(C)for(D)between 60.She﹝ ﹞me that pearl milk tea was one of the most famous drinks in Taiwan.答案顯示:【A】 (A)told(B)said(C)talked(D)spoke <<英文測驗題庫彙編 03~104-new 年>>S-link 電子六法全書 12 61.Taking a﹝ ﹞has become quite popular in recent years with the new smart phone technology.答案顯示: 【C】 (A)dope(B)nap(C)selfie(D)wish 62.Drinking and eating on the Taipei MRT are strictly﹝ ﹞.答案顯示:【C】 (A)permitted(B)procrastinated(C)prohibited(D)promoted 63.The murderer﹝ ﹞before the detective arrived on the crime scene.答案顯示:【D】 (A)left(B)has left(C)leaves(D)had left 64.We had no choice but to﹝ ﹞to force in order to settle the dispute.答案顯示:【C】 (A)refer(B)renounce(C)resor(D)t retract 65.We’re so grateful to the warm﹝ ﹞the host family showed us.答案顯示:【B】 (A)aloofness(B)hospitality(C)hostility(D)stinginess 66.Your﹝ ﹞response will be highly appreciated.答案顯示:【C】 (A)arrogant(B)belated(C)immediate(D)sluggish 67.The man was arrested by the police for producing﹝ ﹞LV bags.答案顯示:【B】 (A)authentic(B)fake(C)genuine(D)moderate 68.We should always﹝ ﹞our blessings and live with content.答案顯示:【B】 (A)blame(B)count(C)intrude(D)negate 69.Pickpocketing often occurs in﹝ ﹞tourist attractions.答案顯示:【A】 (A)crowded(B)distant(C)asserted(D)isolated 70.I would definitely have bought a car if I had learned to drive back in college.The truth was﹝ ﹞in college.答 案顯示:【C】 (A)I did learn to drive(B)I did buy a car(C)I never bought a car(D)I learned how to drive Tourisms around the world bring both positive and negative impacts to the local community.These impacts can be classified as economic, environmental, and sociocultural.Positive economic impacts include job opportunities,income obtained from tourisms and improvements in the transport 71.Negative economic impacts refer to low salaries often associated with non-managerial jobs and through financial speculation, which can cause the price of land and homes to rise well beyond the capacity of local people.The environmental impacts can be legendary with the presence of the large number of tourists in fragile natural areas, which 72 produces ollution and degradation.As for the effects of tourism in sociocultural aspect, 73 tourist demand, local arts and crafts are often heavily commercialized.In addition, it is also common to see traditional dances and ceremonies 74 purely for a tourist audience and on dates that 75 no relationship with the ceremonies’ true meaning. 71.答案顯示:【D】 (A)juncture(B)rupture(C)horticulture(D)infrastructure 72.答案顯示:【C】 (A)unnecessarily(B)creditably(C)inevitably(D)intelligibly 73.答案顯示:【B】 (A)in respect to(B)in response to(C)in spite of(D)in lieu of 74.答案顯示:【C】 (A)to perform(B)performing(C)being performed(D)perform 75.答案顯示:【A】 <<英文測驗題庫彙編 03~104-new 年>>S-link 電子六法全書 13 (A)bear(B)glare(C)snare(D)wear Accommodation is known as the heart of tourism, and hotels are the hub of accommodation.The hotel industry is both complex and highly competitive.Hotels can be categorized into either chains or independent ones.The former refers to major chains such as Sheraton, Hilton, and Accor.The major chains use different brands as a strategy to gain access to different segments of the accommodation market.Accor, for example, is an European leader and worldwide group which owns various brands from the very high-end Sofitel and Pullman to mid-market Mercure to the budget and economy Etap and Formule 1. Consumers who are attracted to such brands know exactly what they want and get: hotels within a given brand cost more or less the same and look and feel very similar no matter where they are located.Whether you are a hardened business executive or timorous first-timer, they can be expected and comforting. Independent hotels are privately owned and managed as a small/family business.They feature a sense of uniqueness, in contrast to the sometimes “ identikit air” of the chain hotels.Independents can also offer the client a more personal experience and their staff turnover is generally lower. 76.What might be the best title for this excerpt?答案顯示:【A】 (A)The structure of the accommodation market (B)Characteristics of the world-known chain hotels (C)The competition between the chain and independent hotels (D)Consumers perspectives of the different types of hotels 77.Which of the followings is not true about the chain hotels?答案顯示:【D】 (A)They very often look and feel similar wherever they are in the world. (B)They include world-famous brands such as Sheraton, Hilton, and Accor. (C)They have higher staff turnover compared to the independent hotels. (D)They mostly target only at the clients who can afford to stay at high-end hotels. 78.What does “identikit air” mean in line two of the third paragraph?答案顯示:【C】 (A)A feeling of uniqueness(B)A sense of belonging (C)A feeling of being the same(D)A sense of tolerance 79.Which of the following statements is true about the excerpt?答案顯示:【B】 (A)Accor hotels are an upmarket branded chain hotels group. (B)Many chain hotels target at the different segments of the market. (C)Independent hotels usually fail to attract repeat guests. (D)Compared to Etap and Formule 1, Mercure is a more economical hotel brand. 80.What can not be inferred based on the excerpt above?答案顯示:【C】 (A)The hotel industry can be quite competitive nowadays. (B)Many chain hotels aim at both the rich and the low budget consumers. (C)Some independent hotels might team up with each other through a consortium. (D)Company executives or celebrities in general might stay with the Sofitel or Pullman hotel. 回目錄(2)>>回首頁>> <<英文測驗題庫彙編 03~104-new 年>>S-link 電子六法全書 14 10403。a(2)104 年公務人員特種考試關務人員三等考試。各科別 104 年公務人員特種考試關務人員考試試題 10150 【考試別】關務人員考試【等別】三等考試【類科】各科別【科目】英文【考試時間】2 小時 甲、申論題部分:(50 分) 一、翻譯:請將下列英文段落翻譯成中文,中文段落翻譯成英文: (一)A Taiwanese passenger carrying bottles of cough syrup was stopped and fined by a customs officer at the entry point of an American airport.It turned out that the syrup contained opium, which was deemed illegal by the airport customs security agents.The bottles were later confiscated and the passenger was fined US$500(15 分) (二)根據一項最近公布的調查顯示,四分之三在臺定居且為白領階級之外籍人士表示對在臺生活感到滿 意。但是,調查亦顯示,只有百分之二十的受訪人士表示對各類產品包裝上的雙語標示感到滿意。(15 分) 二、英文作文:(20 分) Have you ever been a team leader before?Write an essay of about 300 words to describe(1)your role as a team leader,(2)the one particular challenge you faced in trying to resolve issues among team members, and(3)what you would have done to be more effective if you could do it again. 乙、測驗題部分:(50 分)5101 1.Many cats who have spent a good deal of their time outdoors, such as﹝ ﹞cats, do not seem to adjust to life indoors.答案顯示:【A】 (A)stray(B)male(C)hairy(D)grumpy 2.E-cigarettes come highly recommended for the﹝ ﹞smokers to effectively fight the deadly habit.答案顯示: 【B】 (A)clandestine(B)recalcitrant lascivious(C)tantamount(D) 3.We are seeking advice on how to best﹝ ﹞our broken-up pool deck, hopefully making it look as before.答案 顯示:【D】 (A)advocate(B)consume(C)endorse(D)renovate 4.It is extremely difficult to please the﹝ ﹞gourmet who has never rated a restaurant with "excellent." 答案顯 示:【B】 (A)bellicose(B)fastidious(C)phlegmatic(D)reminiscent 5.The website provides﹝ ﹞to certain public records of the local town courts.答案顯示:【A】 (A)access(B)adage(C)easel(D)exile 6.The government has instituted security regulations intended to prevent the entry of hazardous materials or ﹝ ﹞into the country.答案顯示:【D】 (A)illumination(B)inducement(C)convention(D)contraband 7.Shipments between two countries are international﹝ ﹞and must comply with applicable regulations before being cleared for entry.答案顯示:【B】 (A)duplications(B)transactions(C)oscillations(D)contentions 8.A tax relief program﹝ ﹞qualifying homeowners for increases in local property taxes on their primary residences.答案顯示:【B】 <<英文測驗題庫彙編 03~104-new 年>>S-link 電子六法全書 15 (A)circumvents reimburses(B)perp(C)etrates intersects(D) 9.The regulations allow you to bring back only one liter of alcoholic﹝ ﹞duty-free for personal use.答案顯示: 【B】 (A)obsession beverage(B)paradox(C)execution(D) 10.Regulatory mandates include tariff and duty﹝ ﹞, security clearances, registration requirements, filings and shipment documentation.答案顯示:【A】 (A)assessments consortium(B)resemblance(C)plausibility(D) 請依下文回答第 11 題至第 15 題: To counter the lost fertility that comes with harvesting crops and land-tilling, farmers have relied on regular applications of human-made fertilizers to maintain field productivity.Excessive application of fertilizers can,﹝11﹞,further reduce natural soil fertility by introducing salts that kill microorganisms.Fertilizers can also provide an excess of nitrogen that stimulates populations of﹝12﹞bacteria to the point that too little organic matter is available to feed soil bacteria, which then starve.Nitrogen leaching into lakes can lead to unnatural algal blooms that can consume all of the oxygen,﹝13﹞fish and plant life.When nitrogen contaminates domestic water wells, as has happened in communities close to dairies and feedlots with inadequately controlled animal﹝14﹞, the “ blue baby syndrome” can result.Nitrates interfere with the oxygen-carrying ability of red blood cells and the effect can be especially serious for infants.Most adults have an enzyme that converts the﹝15﹞red blood cells back to normal. 11.答案顯示:【B】 (A)paradoxically(B)ironically(C)fruitfully(D)amicably 12.答案顯示:【A】 (A)decomposition(B)productivity(C)reconstruction(D)sensibility 13.答案顯示:【B】 (A)stimulating(B)killing(C)kneading(D)shooting 14.答案顯示:【A】 (A)wastes(B)museums(C)pastries(D)libraries 15.答案顯示:【D】 (A)erased(B)arrested(C)cloned(D)damaged 請依下文回答第 16 題至第 20 題: Much has been written about feng shui in English.At present time, the year of 2012, there are over 300 separate titles in English and many thousands of websites on the subject.Yet 25 years ago the subject was virtually unheard of in the United States and very difficult to discover amongst Western-educated Chinese.Before that there were only books written by missionaries and colonial administrators living in the nineteenth century.Western interest was probably sparked by my first book, The Living Earth Manual of Feng Shui, which was written in 1976 when most material on feng shui was still available only in Chinese.Feng shui did not however become “ dinner party conversation” until the late 1980s, and Lillian Too did much to popularize it in the 1990s in the Western worlds. However, when interest in feng shui did finally gather speed, because of the lack of source material, many well-meaning teachers and writers seemed to forget that it is a really precise and exacting subject, and extended it in ways not originally part of its traditional Chinese roots.Now, although any science can be extended by new research and testing, this has got to be done with a full knowledge of all that has gone <<英文測驗題庫彙編 03~104-new 年>>S-link 電子六法全書 16 before.It is sometimes forgotten that feng shui is not a branch of interior decorating, but a practical science in its own right.To put not too fine a point on it, a lot of later-day Western feng shui has been simplified beyond the point where it works, or has been invented or “ intuited.” Often intuition has provided a key or a direction in which to look, but it is never sufficient in itself to declare “ it must be so” because I feel it to be so.It therefore came as a delight and a breath of fresh air when I laid my hands on the new project about feng shui. 16.According to the passage, which of the following is true about the books on feng shui?答案顯示:【A】 (A)Before the mid-20th century, almost no one talked about feng shui in the United States. (B)The missionaries and colonial administrators were strong practitioners of feng shui. (C)The first English book on feng shui was written by the author of the passage. (D)Chinese scholars in the United States began to teach people what feng shui was in the 1970s. 17.When did feng shui become popular among Western people?答案顯示:【D】 (A)In the early 19th century.(B)In the late 19th century. (C)In the early 20th century.(D)In the late 20th century. 18.According to the author, what is feng shui?答案顯示:【C】 (A)A dinner party conversation.(B)An interior decoration.(C)A practical science.(D)A source material. 19.What does the author think about the later-day Western feng shui?答案顯示:【D】 (A)"It must be so" is the learning attitude for mastering the skills of feng shui. (B)The faculty of invention makes a feng shui master scientifically professional. (C)Intuition plays a key role for a feng shui master to look for the right direction. (D)The studies of feng shui nowadays are generally too simplified to be scientifically precise. 20.Which of the following most accurately states the main idea of the passage?答案顯示:【D】 (A)The misleading understanding of recently published books on feng shui. (B)The crucial significance and urgent need to promote the science of feng shui. (C)The personal pleasure and public demand to work on the project of feng shui. (D)The historical development and recent studies of feng shui in the United States. 請依下文回答第 21 題至第 25 題: The 1989 Loma Prieta quake(magnitude 7.0)struck in the early evening as a World Series baseball game was about to start between the two Bay Area teams, the San Francisco Giants and the Oakland A’ s.At least 60 people died,most of them﹝21﹞an elevated section of freeway near Oakland.Also, part of the eastern span of the Bay Bridge collapsed,﹝22﹞the bridge for more than a month.The Marina District in San Francisco sustained heavy damage where﹝23﹞had been built on former bay land, filled many decades earlier.Such filled land loses its solidity,undergoing﹝24﹞and amplified movement during earthquakes.The﹝25﹞was to the south in the Santa Cruz mountains, where the cities of Watsonville and Santa Cruz sustained damage.In total, about 16,000 homes and apartment units were destroyed or damaged.The American Red Cross operated 45 shelters for months that housed, at the peak, 6,000 people. 21.答案顯示:【C】 (A)at the killing off of(B)by the falling back of(C)in the crumbling down of(D)on the picking up of 22.答案顯示:【B】 (A)building(B)closing(C)lifting(D)paying 23.答案顯示:【D】 <<英文測驗題庫彙編 03~104-new 年>>S-link 電子六法全書 17 (A)rescues(B)ruins(C)shocks(D)structures 24.答案顯示:【C】 (A)demarcation(B)encapsulation(C)liquefaction(D)ossification 25.答案顯示:【B】 (A)avalanche(B)epicenter(C)tornado(D)tsunami 回目錄(2)>>回首頁>> 10404。(2)104 年公務人員特種考試關務人員四等考試。各科別 104 年公務人員特種考試關務人員考試試題 4141 【考試別】關務人員考試【等別】四等考試【類科】各科別【科目】英文【考試時間】1 小時 1.The network has scheduled to provide﹝ ﹞coverage of the debate for the presidential candidates at 3pm today.答案顯示:【B】 (A)life(B)live(C)alive(D)lively 2.In Singapore, throwing a cigarette butt on the street is punished with a heavy﹝ ﹞of several hundred dollars. 答案顯示:【D】 (A)sentence(B)ticket(C)debt(D)fine 3.The release of the movie was timed to﹝ ﹞with the director's seventieth birthday.答案顯示:【A】 (A)coincide(B)collide(C)equal(D)fall 4.She developed a terrible fear of strangers after being sexually﹝ ﹞in a public park.答案顯示:【A】 (A)assaulted(B)arrested(C)accorded(D)abjected 5.The newspaper﹝ ﹞that the mayor has accepted bribes but it provides neither source of information nor evidence.答案顯示:【C】 (A)proves(B)prefers(C)alleges(D)acclaims 6.In Antarctica during the winter, temperatures can﹝ ﹞below-100 degrees Fahrenheit.答案顯示:【A】 (A)drop(B)quit(C)abandon(D)attach 7.The inmates often feel treated as social﹝ ﹞after being released from prison.答案顯示:【D】 (A)abbots(B)associates(C)outfits(D)outcasts 8.The profits will be equally divided﹝ ﹞the five stock holders.答案顯示:【A】 (A)among(B)between(C)along(D)for 9.The apartment is very pretty and,﹝ ﹞, the rent is quite low.答案顯示:【C】 (A)otherwise(B)likewise(C)moreover(D)allover 10.Seeing my daughter finally winning a gold medal after all the years of hardships, I felt a﹝ ﹞in my throat.答 案顯示:【D】 (A)tie(B)bone(C)hold(D)lump 11.The police﹝ ﹞a farmhouse where the terrorist leader was believed to be hiding, but found nothing.答案顯 示:【B】 (A)robbed(B)raided(C)defended(D)debased 12.Someone once joked that dogs think you're family,﹝ ﹞cats think you're staff.答案顯示:【B】 <<英文測驗題庫彙編 03~104-new 年>>S-link 電子六法全書 18 (A)nevertheless(B)whereas(C)however(D)likewise 13.One of the most﹝ ﹞parts of living at the South Pole is that the sun neither rises nor sets.答案顯示:【D】 (A)supportive(B)manageable(C)declining(D)disorienting 14.When his son was caught cheating in the exam, he had to﹝ ﹞his pride and meet the principal.答案顯示: 【D】 (A)surrender(B)swallow(C)resign(D)retire 15.To cut down on the man power, the company offered a golden to﹝ ﹞many of their senior employees for early retirement.答案顯示:【B】 (A)cold shoulder(B)hand shake(C)head count(D)face lift 16.Apart from the regular examination, the Customs will sometimes conduct a ﹝ ﹞in order to prevent corruption.答案顯示:【D】 (A)tariff cut(B)tax refund(C)duty memo(D)spot check 17.According to a report issued by National Development Council in Taiwan, foreign travellers who make value-added tax refunds will be﹝ ﹞from examination in the Customs.They will no longer need to go through Customs examination.答案顯示:【C】 (A)vacant(B)steady(C)exempt(D)alert 18.Passengers are only allowed to carry a certain amount of﹝ ﹞baggage when boarding an airplane.答案顯 示:【C】 (A)produced(B)endangered(C)accompanied(D)imported 19.Travellers who carry counterfeit and pirated goods will be﹝ ﹞intellectual property right.答案顯示:【B】 (A)in charge of(B)in violation of(C)in case of(D)in place of 20.There are different ways of﹝ ﹞customs declarations.But usually making electronic declarations is more convenient than others.答案顯示:【A】 (A)filing(B)releasing(C)appealing(D)promoting 21.One essential procedure for customs﹝ ﹞is to carry out checks on persons, baggage and other things that enter the country.答案顯示:【B】 (A)declaration(B)clearance(C)stamping(D)application 22.In the United States, a customs﹝ ﹞is highly paid because the person who takes this position needs to shoulder important responsibility and is fully aware of complicated import laws and regulations.答案顯示:【D】 (A)importer(B)consignee(C)declarant(D)broker 23.The Community Charge, also known as a poll tax, is a certain amount of tax﹝ ﹞on each individual who resides in the community.答案顯示:【B】 (A)issued(B)levied(C)approved(D)registered 24.Imported goods that are stored in a﹝ ﹞warehouse are usually controlled and handled by the customs and can be exported without paying any tax.答案顯示:【A】 (A)bonded(B)posted(C)finished(D)priced 25.Zoe got an﹝ ﹞response upon inquiry when she applied for a tax refund in the Customs office this morning.She was very pleased with the public service they have provided.答案顯示:【C】 (A)anxious(B)internal(C)immediate(D)abominable 26.Any goods that need to be either imported or exported will have to get the permission from the government and obtain a﹝ ﹞for imports/exports.答案顯示:【D】 <<英文測驗題庫彙編 03~104-new 年>>S-link 電子六法全書 19 (A)description(B)procedure(C)sample(D)certificate 27.Any﹝ ﹞movement of goods such as drugs and endangered animals into or out of a country can be seriously punished.答案顯示:【B】 (A)personal(B)illegal(C)national(D)technical 28*﹝ ﹞, Hinojosa has assisted the customs in many other countries with their capacity building.She mentions that it has to do with tasks related to traditional trade.答案顯示:【皆可】 (A)Otherwise(B)Instead(C)However(D)Moreover 29.With Hinojosa's great abilities at customs administration, she can﹝ ﹞act as the best candidate for the World Customs Organization.答案顯示:【D】 (A)at all(B)in order(C)on time(D)no doubt 30.In many countries, foreign visitors are usually﹝ ﹞to have a tax refund when they purchase products that amount to certain values of money.答案顯示:【A】 (A)entitled(B)controlled(C)issued(D)declared 31.One important way to﹝ ﹞export trade in a country is to create a nation's image as a quality provider because people usually are more willing to import goods with excellent quality from other countries.答案顯示: 【D】 (A)examine(B)assemble(C)review(D)promote 32.Finally,﹝ ﹞resolving one last misunderstanding between them, Bridget's plan to marry Mark is confirmed by the scene of both of them kissing each other.答案顯示:【D】 (A)so for as(B)as long as(C)in spite of(D)as a result of 請依下文回答第 33 題至第 37 題 Written English has evolved mostly in ways unrelated to the changes in the spoken language, thanks in part to shenanigans and human error.The first English printing press, in the 15th century, was operated by Belgians who didn't know the language and made numerous spelling errors(such as "busy" in place of "bisy").And because they were paid by the line, they sometimes padded words with extra letters; "frend," for example, became "friend." In the next century, other non-English speakers in continental Europe printed the first English Bibles, introducing yet more errors.Worse, those Bibles were then copied, and the writing became increasingly corrupted with each subsequent rendition.English spelling became a chaotic mess, and successful attempts to simplify the spelling after that were offset by events that made the language harder to learn, such as the inclusion of many alternate spellings in Samuel Johnson's influential English dictionary.Unlike many other languages, English spelling was never reformed to eliminate the incongruities.In a sense,English speakers now talk in one language but write a different one. 33.According to this passage, why did "frend" become "friend"?答案顯示:【A】 (A)For making more money(B).For creating extra meaning(B) (C)For reading between the lines.(D)For finding a pad for the word 34.What does "corrupted" mean in this passage?答案顯示:【B】 (A)erupt(B)erroneous(C)greedy(D)tolerant 35.Which of the following is true about the evolution of written English?答案顯示:【C】 (A)It is closely related to the evolution of spoken English. (B)It is supposed to give credits to humor of human beings. (C)It is affected by many mischievous activities or mistakes. <<英文測驗題庫彙編 03~104-new 年>>S-link 電子六法全書 20 (D)It is critically initiated by the chaos and reforms in Europe. 36.Which of the following statements is NOT true?答案顯示:【C】 (A)The Belgians who ran the first English printing press did not know English. (B)The first English Bibles printed by the Europeans were full of errors. (C)Production of the copies of the Bibles featured financial corruption. (D)English spelling kept getting worse even with some good efforts to simplify it. 37.Which of the following could best describe the main idea of this passage?答案顯示:【D】 (A)Printing of the Bible is resulted from the evolution of English. (B)Reformation of English has successfully rid the chaos in Europe. (C)Samuel Johnson became established after completing the English dictionary. (D)There are many inconsistencies between written English and spoken English. 請依下文回答第 38 題至第 41 題 The flipped classroom is a pedagogical model in which the typical lecture and homework elements of a course are reversed.Short video lectures are viewed by students at home before the class session, while in-class time is﹝38﹞to exercises, projects, or discussions.The video lecture is often seen as the key ingredient in the flipped approach, such lectures being either created by the instructor and﹝39﹞online or selected from an online repository.While a prerecorded lecture could certainly be a podcast or other audio format, the ease with which video can be﹝40﹞and viewed today has made it so ubiquitous that the flipped model has come to be identified with it.The notion of a flipped classroom draws on such concepts as active learning, student engagement, hybrid course design, and course podcasting. The value of a flipped class is in the repurposing of class time into a workshop where students can inquire about lecture content, test their skills in applying knowledge, and interact with one another in ﹝ 41 ﹞ activities.During class sessions,instructors function as coaches or advisors, encouraging students in individual inquiry and collaborative effort. 38.答案顯示:【B】 (A)changed(B)devoted(C)reserved(D)planned 39.答案顯示:【D】 (A)googled(B)copied(C)deposited(D)posted 40.答案顯示:【B】 (A)connected(B)accessed(C)twittered(D)covered 41.答案顯示:【A】 (A)hands-on(B)hands-off(C)hands-up(D)hands-down 請依下文回答第 42 題至第 45 題 Numbers have a strange grasp on people's lives, thanks to the human tendency to﹝42﹞deeper meaning to numbers.Some people make a wish at 11:11.Others believe that good things﹝43﹞in threes.We celebrate birthdays,anniversaries, sweet 16s.Some numbers are divine, e.g., seventh heaven, or are given divine connotations through math,e.g., the golden ratio.And of course, there's pop culture: James Bond is 007; Jim Carrey did something-or-other with the number 23.Twelve has found particular significance across cultural fields—there are 12 zodiac signs, 12 months in a year, 12 models of Cylons.But 13?Thirteen's cultural meaning is a little more﹝44﹞.This number is most often associated with fear or superstition, mostly in <<英文測驗題庫彙編 03~104-new 年>>S-link 電子六法全書 21 Western culture.Thirteen is rooted in negative meaning, which can partly be﹝45﹞to the Bible since Judas, who betrays Jesus, was the 13th guest at the Last Supper, as well as to pop culture.The horror franchise Friday the 13th capitalizes on the fear of the date itself. 42.答案顯示:【D】 (A)subscribe(B)prescribe(C)describe(D)ascribe 43.答案顯示:【D】 (A)ge(B)t make(C)go(D)come 44.答案顯示:【A】 (A)sinister(B)sapient(C)residual(D)redeemable 45.答案顯示:【A】 (A)traced(B)retorted(C)resulted(D)appealed 請依下文回答第 46 題至第 50 題 My husband Peter and I lease a land for organic farming in the foothills of Northern California.In the heat of summer, my fields cover the bronzed landscape like a green quilt spread over sand.We mind the requirements for organic farming and successfully get certificates for all our vegetables.Ten acres of them trace the contours of a small valley floor.Tomatoes glow crimson, flowers bloom and watermelons grow fat.But the beautiful picture does not overrule the reality that my business is struggling.Whenever a customer asked how things were going, I replied, Great.I never revealed the truth, Well, we're making ends meet, but we work 12 hours a day, 6 days a week, and pay ourselves only what we need to cover food and household expenses: $100 per week.I didn't tell anyone how, over the course of the last three years since Peter and I had started our farm, I'd drained most of my savings.I didn't admit that the only thing keeping the farm afloat was income Peter and I earned through other means — Peter working as a carpenter and I as a baker.I didn't say I felt like I was trying to fill a bathtub when the drain was open.People admire organic farming, but they seldom know it's hard to sustain a living. 46.What does the underlined "them" refer to in this passage?答案顯示:【D】 (A)The tomatoes(B)The flowers(C)The watermelons(D)The plants in the fields 47.According to the passage, which of the following statements is true about organic farming?答案顯示:【C】 (A)It has to be located on the floor of a valley. (B)Tomatoes and watermelons are the most popular products. (C)It can get certified if meeting specific standards. (D)Different means of farming have been promoted. 48.What does "making ends meet" mean in this passage?答案顯示:【C】 (A)Managing to keep regular hours of life.(B)Managing to cover space of the landscape. (C)Earning and spending equal amounts of money.(D)Working and resting for equal amounts of time. 49.According to the passage, which of the following statements is NOT true?答案顯示:【B】 (A)The narrator lies to her customers about her business. (B)The narrator makes big profits through her hard work. (C)The narrator and her husband need to do odd jobs to cover their expenses. (D)The narrator and her husband have spent all their savings on the farm. 50.What is the major problem that the narrator is facing?答案顯示:【D】 (A)It is too hot to work in the summer on the farm.(B)It is too hard to get rid of the fats in their body. <<英文測驗題庫彙編 03~104-new 年>>S-link 電子六法全書 22 (C)It is urgent to deal with the draining problem in their bathtub. (D)It is difficult to support themselves by solely working on the farm. 回目錄(2)>>回首頁>> 10405。(2)104 年公務人員特種考試關務人員五等考試。各科別 104 年公務人員特種考試關務人員考試試題 2151 【考試別】關務人員考試【等別】五等考試【類科】船舶駕駛【科目】英文【考試時間】1 小時 1.As a classical music prodigy, Mozart from the age of six wielded extraordinary power over his﹝ ﹞, moving them to delight and enthusiasm.答案顯示:【A】 (A)audiences(B)schools(C)churches(D)pianos 2.An emphasis on apprenticeships and﹝ ﹞education means more workers with useful skills, rather than thousands of unemployed people with useless degrees.答案顯示:【B】 (A)speculative(B)vocational(C)philosophical(D)academic 3.A man﹝ ﹞of being in possession of drugs was stopped and questioned by customs officers.They later found 135 kilograms of cocaine in his suitcase.答案顯示:【D】 (A)informed(B)disputed(C)estimated(D)suspected 4.International cooperation recently resulted in a﹝ ﹞on a drug trafficking ring that has been operating for years in Asia, leading to more than 50 arrests.答案顯示:【B】 (A)boycott(B)crackdown(C)settlement(D)proceeding 5.In ancient Athens, the death penalty was﹝ ﹞on anyone caught cutting down an olive tree, which was considered sacred.答案顯示:【B】 (A)promoted(B)imposed(C)seized(D)detained 6.For those who wish to make a duty-free purchase when traveling, they should take extra﹝ ﹞to make sure that the items meet the security requirements for their countries.答案顯示:【A】 (A)precautions(B)consequences(C)utilities(D)disturbances 7.In the US, if someone goes to a party at your house, and then tries to drive home drunk, you could be held ﹝ ﹞for the injuries he or she gets in an accident.答案顯示:【C】 (A)credible(B)plausible(C)liable(D)irritable 8.Brian was almost finished with the report when the copy machine﹝ ﹞.It was then that his co-worker had stepped in to help him fix it.答案顯示:【A】 (A)malfunctioned(B)decomposed(C)perished(D)collocated 9.Inspecting import shipments as﹝ ﹞as possible was named a security priority for many countries in the wake of the terrorist attacks on Sept 11, 2001.答案顯示:【C】 (A)crucially(B)offensively(C)thoroughly(D)superficially 10.As a step to push for a smoke-free country by 2025, the duty-free limit for bringing cigarettes into New Zealand﹝ ﹞to 50 since November 2014.答案顯示:【D】 (A)reduces(B)being reduced(C)to have reduced(D)has been reduced <<英文測驗題庫彙編 03~104-new 年>>S-link 電子六法全書 23 11.The prison guards were instructed to isolate the prisoners who were causing problems by keeping them in ﹝ ﹞confinement.答案顯示:【B】 (A)transmitted(B)solitary(C)prohibited(D)multiple 12.It’ s good practice to keep your e-mails﹝ ﹞and easy to read when corresponding with your business partners.No one has the time to read long e-mails nowadays.答案顯示:【C】 (A)inscrutable(B)formidable(C)concise(D)elaborate 13.Since the police found no﹝ ﹞signs of forced entry into the apartment, they concluded that the robber was someone close to the family.答案顯示:【A】 (A)tangible(B)promising(C)intelligible(D)essential 14.We were pleased to hear that you’ re interested in our products, but there are one or two points that need further﹝ ﹞before we can move on to the next phase.答案顯示:【B】 (A)installation(B)clarification(C)consistency(D)surveillance 15.Taipei 101 was officially classified as the world’ s tallest building in 2004, and remained such﹝ ﹞the opening of Burj Khalifa in Dubai in 2010.答案顯示:【D】 (A)once(B)since(C)after(D)until 16.As a(n)﹝ ﹞for us to work harder, the principal announced that any class that raises $5,000 or more for charity on school fair would receive free pizza and ice cream.答案顯示:【C】 (A)courtesy(B)activation(C)incentive(D)resistance 17.After receiving over three hundred resumes, the human resources department must now﹝ ﹞all of the potential candidates to find the ideal person for the position.答案顯示:【B】 (A)endorse(B)scrutinize(C)acknowledge(D)deliberate 18.The Watsons are looking for a babysitter to pick up and supervise their kids aged 6 and 3,﹝ ﹞, on Monday and Friday.答案顯示:【A】 (A)respectively(B)preliminarily(C)individually(D)compatibly 19.It’ d help in getting through the airport security and customs much more quickly by making our goods easily ﹝ ﹞for inspection.答案顯示:【D】 (A)customary(B)impending(C)exclusive(D)accessible 20.Statistics shows that more than 70 percent of Taiwanese passport holders are now using e-passports equipped with﹝ ﹞that make forgery difficult.答案顯示:【C】 (A)guarantees(B)procedures(C)features(D)supplements 21.Rules and restrictions on traveling with money will﹝ ﹞by country around the world.Travelers are advised to check those laws and regulations before they fly.答案顯示:【A】 (A)vary(B)transform(C)diverge(D)replace 22.The combined population of the cities of Hualien, Chiayi, and Pintung is far less than﹝ ﹞.答案顯示:【B】 (A)the city of Tainan(B)that of the city of Tainan (C)people in the city of Tainan(D)those of the city of Tainan 23.A big loss when spread among thousands of millions of people, causes only moderate or inconsequential pain for individuals, but where risks are concentrated, the results can be﹝ ﹞.答案顯示:【A】 (A)disastrous(B)dynamic(C)demanding(D)disagreeable <<英文測驗題庫彙編 03~104-new 年>>S-link 電子六法全書 24 24.I hate it when people call themselves﹝ ﹞when what they’ re really trying to do is launch a start-up and then sell or go public; they are unwilling to do the work it takes to build a real company, which is the hardest work in business.答案顯示:【A】 (A)entrepreneurs(B)engineers(C)analysts(D)developers 25.According to MIT experts, machines today are still struggling to match human dexterity and skills: for example,folding laundry is simple for people but﹝ ﹞for robots.答案顯示:【C】 (A)time-consuming(B)laborious(C)tough(D)perceptive 26.After almost 30 years living in Boston, novelist Ha Jin still has a Chinese accent; strangers often treat him like a new﹝ ﹞.答案顯示:【B】 (A)emigrant(B)immigrant(C)executor(D)executive 27.Soon morning will break ; there is the beginning of day in the night sky, not yet the pale light of﹝ ﹞,but night is certainly losing its darkness.答案顯示:【C】 (A)stars(B)gloom(C)dawn(D)moon 請依下文回答第 28 題至第 31 題 For more than a decade the people who run professional baseball in the US have argued that the game was 28 to be an athletic competition and becoming a financial one.The gap between rich and poor in baseball was far greater 29 in any other professional sport, and widening rapidly.At the opening of the 2002 season, the richest team, the New York Yankees, had a payroll of $126 million 30 the two poorest teams, the Oakland A’ s and the Tampa Bay Devil Rays, had 31.of less than a third of that, about $40 million. 28.答案顯示:【B】 (A)becoming(B)ceasing(C)starting(D)growing 29.答案顯示:【C】 (A)as(B)that(C)than(D)well 30.答案顯示:【A】 (A)while(B)because(C)therefore(D)which 31.答案顯示:【D】 (A)players(B)games(C)earnings(D)payrolls 請依下文回答第 32 題至第 35 題 He had expected the nursing home to be a cozy little building where a handful of old people quietly spent their last days with the comforting help of dutiful nurses.Instead, the building Daan led him to was huge.Three stories with several wings branching out from the central block in the middle of a well-tended park, provided with plenty of trees and flowers and patches of garden no doubt meant to dress the place up to look like a well-to-do country house or a luxury health spa. But nothing could disguise the institutional bulk of the “ home” or the endless comings and goings of cars and vans and buses and bikes and various vehicles of a clinical type, and the people—patients, visitors, medical staff—who thus arrived and left.In fact, not a home in any honest sense of the word but a busy hospital for the treatment of the legion of ailments, failings, accidents, and calamities, including the final requirement of death, that afflict the elderly, senior citizens, those in the autumn of their years. 32.People who live in this nursing home are﹝ ﹞.答案顯示:【D】 (A)young(B)rich(C)healthy(D)old 33.At first glance, this nursing home looks like﹝ ﹞.答案顯示:【A】 <<英文測驗題庫彙編 03~104-new 年>>S-link 電子六法全書 25 (A)a health resort for the wealthy(B)a zoological park where a lot of visitors come and go (C)a well-organized government office building(D)a shelter for the sick and poor 34.What can’t people find in this “home”?答案顯示:【C】 (A)Skilled medical care(B)Vehicles such as cars, vans, buses, and bikes (C)Family members living together(D)Small gardens with trees and flowers 35.This image of the “ home” is apparently not what the visitor have expected, because it is﹝ ﹞.答案顯示: 【B】 (A)truthful(B)deceitful(C)heartwarming(D)discomforting 請依下文回答第 36 題至第 40 題 About 28 percent of airports around the world are using biometric technology as part of their airport security, which﹝36﹞airports to streamline the screening process using machines that can verify identities by scanning faces, irises, or fingerprints.Advocates say the technology could make boarding passes﹝37﹞. While advocates of the technology say that automating some of these processes would free up security personnel to ﹝ 38 ﹞ monitoring travelers for suspicious behavior, other experts like Barnett worry that screeners will become too dependent on the technology and it will only serve to﹝39﹞their senses. European airports have been much quicker to embrace the biometric technology than American airports.However,the U.S.Department of Homeland Security does﹝40﹞use the technology for checking employees into some areas and for travelers enrolled in its PreCheck program. 36.答案顯示:【B】 (A)allow(B)allows(C)allowing(D)allowed 37.答案顯示:【C】 (A)vulnerable(B)accelerated(C)obsolete(D)dissipated 38.答案顯示:【D】 (A)do away with(B)pick up(C)watch out for(D)focus on 39.答案顯示:【A】 (A)dull(B)gear up(C)withdraw(D)back down 40.答案顯示:【B】 (A)untimely(B)currently(C)previously(D)spontaneously 請依下文回答第 41 題至第 45 題 Are you one of the millions of people who call themselves a chocoholic?Do you get weak in the knees when you walk past a chocolate shop?Do you fall victim to midnight chocolate cravings?Don’t worry, there’s no judgment here. Chocolate does indeed feel addictive, and here’ s why: When we eat sweet or high-fat foods, our brains get as happy as our taste buds.Sugary and fatty foods cause the brain to release serotonin, which helps stabilize our moods and ward off depression.And because these foods activate the pleasure centers in the brain, studies show that people can become dependent on sugar and fat in their food. But does chocolate fit the true definition of addictive?Let’s look at the science.Three components make up addiction—an intense craving, a loss of control over the object of that craving, and the continued use of that object despite negative consequences.Studies show people can exhibit these behaviors with certain foods.The studies even showed similar brain activity between drug addicts and participants presented with <<英文測驗題庫彙編 03~104-new 年>>S-link 電子六法全書 26 chocolate milkshakes.However, these situations are extreme and don’ t account for the majority of the population. Another study conducted in 1994 on some chocolate lovers showed interesting results.Participants were given packets to eat whenever they experienced a chocolate craving.Some packets contained chocolate, some white chocolate(which does not contain the active elements of chocolate), and some a tasteless capsule filled with cocoa.By scientific reasoning, if chocolate is indeed addictive, the capsules with cocoa should be enough to fill the chocoholic need.They didn’ t.Participants chose the white chocolate over the capsules, even though it contained none of the compounds of regular chocolate. The general consensus is that we crave and seek out chocolate simply because it tastes really, really good—not because it’ s addictive.In a weight-obsessed culture, many of us have learned to see it as a forbidden pleasure, which makes us want it more.And that’ s why it feels so very addictive. 41.Which of the following is the best title for this passage?答案顯示:【B】 (A)How Addicted To Chocolate Are You?(B)Does Chocolate Addiction Really Exist? (C)How To Deal With Your Chocolate Cravings(D)What Your Cravings Are Trying To Tell You 42.According to the passage, what did the 1994 study find?答案顯示:【C】 (A)Male participants showed less interest in chocolate. (B)Most food preferences are produced by experience. (C)Subjects preferred white chocolate to the cocoa capsules. (D)There was a connection between chocolate and depression. 43.Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage about chocolate cravings?答案顯示:【D】 (A)It is the taste of chocolate that people crave(B)Cultural influences play some role in the cravings. (C)Many people find it hard to resist chocolates(D)Chocolate is the most sought after snack in the US. 44.What can be concluded from the third paragraph?答案顯示:【A】 (A)It’s possible to be addicted to chocolates(B)There is no treatment for food addictions. (C)Substances in chocolate can cause negative mood(D)No one knows how common food addiction is. 45.What will the paragraph following this passage most likely discuss?答案顯示:【B】 (A)Strategies to eliminate chocolate from daily diet(B)Healthy ways to satisfy your chocolate cravings. (C)Where to find the best doctor for drug addictions(D)How to order white chocolate with wholesale prices. 請依下文回答第 46 題至第 50 題 Elephant ivory has been exported from Africa and Asia for hundred of years.Throughout the colonization of Africa, ivory was removed to be used for piano keys, billiard balls and other﹝46﹞of exotic wealth. World wars and the subsequent economic depressions caused a pause in this luxury commodity, but increased prosperity in the early 1970s saw a﹝47﹞.Japan, relieved from its exchange restrictions imposed after World War II, started to buy up raw ivory for the production of hankos—the name seals.﹝48﹞this period, most name seals had been made from wood with an ivory tip, carved with the signature.But increased prosperity﹝49﹞the formerly unseen solid ivory hankos in mass production.By the 1970s, Japan﹝50﹞about 40% of the global trade; another 40% by Europe and North America,often worked in Hong Kong, which was the largest trade hub, with most of the rest remaining in Africa. 46.答案顯示:【C】 (A)coincidences(B)similarities(C)expressions(D)temperaments 47.答案顯示:【A】 <<英文測驗題庫彙編 03~104-new 年>>S-link 電子六法全書 27 (A)revival(B)jeopardy(C)coincidence(D)suspension 48.答案顯示:【D】 (A)Not until(B)Shortly after(C)All over(D)Prior to 49.答案顯示:【A】 (A)saw(B)seeing(C)had seen(D)to have seen 50.答案顯示:【D】 (A)produced(B)manufactured(C)transferred(D)consumed 回目錄(6)>>回首頁>> 10406。b(6)104 年國軍上校以上軍官轉任公務人員少將轉任考試。各類科 104 年國軍上校以上軍官轉任公務人員考試試題 70110 【考試別】國軍上校以上軍官轉任公務人員考試【等別】少將轉任考試【類科】一般行政【科目】中華民國憲法 與英文【考試時間】2 小時>>憲法題庫 乙、測驗題部分:(50 分)1701 1.Sometimes we recoil when a stranger reaches out to help as we stumble, and sometimes we﹝ ﹞to a kind word with an unpleasantness that was not intended.答案顯示:【A】 (A)retort(B)respect(C)resolve(D)retreat 2.He's a handsome man with a﹝ ﹞smile and an infectious laugh.When he walked into Grandma's house he was like fireworks exploding on a summer night.答案顯示:【D】 (A)mocking(B)bemused(C)faint(D)contagious 3.Since some dyes can﹝ ﹞and stain your skin, colorists agree that, in order to protect your skin, it is helpful to spread Vaseline along your hairline before applying any color.答案顯示:【A】 (A)irritate(B)wipe(C)irrigate(D)bloat 4.According to psychologist Laurence Steinberg, good parenting is﹝ ﹞, but all parents can improve their skills through practice.答案顯示:【A】 (A)innate(B)innocent(C)innocuous(D)inner 5.President Obama says he hopes the﹝ ﹞will reveal the truth about the shooting and he hopes that truth will bring peace to the city.答案顯示:【C】 (A)indignation(B)implication(C)investigation(D)illusion 6.The head of the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies is hopeful that the spread of the deadly Ebola virus can be defeated.But he says quick action is﹝ ﹞to make that happen.答案顯示:【A】 (A)essential(B)bleak(C)clinica(D)l comparable 7.President Barack Obama has﹝ ﹞the Islamic State militants who killed an American reporter and threatened to kill another one.答案顯示:【D】 (A)illuminated(B)recruited(C)refunded(D)condemned 8.Demonstrators in Monrovia, Liberia, protested the government's insufficient efforts to﹝ ﹞the Ebola virus.答 案顯示:【A】 (A)contain(B)articulate(C)attain(D)depict <<英文測驗題庫彙編 03~104-new 年>>S-link 電子六法全書 28 9.The monsoon has brought﹝ ﹞amounts of rain in June and July and the flooding has killed more than 50 people in India.答案顯示:【C】 (A)resistant(B)cordial(C)tremendous(D)respective 10.The idea of global warming was retrieved from the bin and turned into one of the biggest arguments of our time.答案顯示:【D】 (A)The idea of global warming began as a pure theoretical postulation and then the debate heated up dramatically. ( B ) The idea of global warming resulted from laboratory research and then the debate heated up dramatically. (C)The idea of global warming was initially due to natural disasters and then the debate heated up dramatically. (D)The idea of global warming used to be refuted but has regained attention and become a hot topic of arguments these days. 請依下文回答第 11 題至第 13 題: One of the most powerful weasel words is VIRTUALLY, a word so innocent that most people don't pay any attention to it when it is used in an advertising claim.But watch out.It is used in advertising claims that appear to make specific, definite promises when there is no promise.After all, what does Virtually mean?It means in essence or effect,although not in fact. The next time you see the ad that says that this dishwasher detergent leaves dishes virtually spotless, just remember how advertisers twist the meaning of the weasel word VIRTUALLY.You can have lots of spots on your dishes after using this detergent and the ad claim will still be true, because what this claim really means is that this detergent does not in fact leave your dishes spotless.Whenever you see or hear an ad claim that uses this word, just translate that claim into its real meaning.So the product that virtually never needs service becomes the product that is not in fact service free. 11.Which of the following best explains Weasel Words?答案顯示:【B】 (A)double-speak(B)words that are used to mislead without outright lying (C)words that make the negative disappear(D)words that make the reader feel flattered 12.According to this passage, which of the following is NOT true?答案顯示:【D】 (A)Advertisers try to convince people that the product does what they claim it can do. (B)Encouraging people to buy products, advertisers try to avoid being outright dishonest. (C)Advertisers may possibly benefit from using weasel words in advertising claims. (D)Weasel words are not considered abuses in advertising claims. 13.Which of the following can NOT be inferred from this passage?答案顯示:【C】 (A)Identifying weasel words may help us become aware of the potential trap in buying products. (B)Advertisers use weasel words to appear to be making a claim for a product when in fact they are making no such claim. (C)Weasel words are not subject to some laws. (D)Many weasel words can be found in advertising claims. 請依下文回答第 14 題至第 18 題: Each August, as students head to college, Beloit College issues the Beloit College Mindset List.The college web site describes this list as “ a look at the cultural touchstones that shapes the lives of students <<英文測驗題庫彙編 03~104-new 年>>S-link 電子六法全書 29 entering college” (www.beloit.edu).For teachers making﹝14﹞to cultural events that shaped their own lives, this list provides insights into the students in their classes.The Mindset List﹝15﹞that older generations will remember an earlier,very different time, but the class of 2012, for example, lives in a world where “ Gas stations have never fixed flats, but most serve cappuccino.” ﹝16﹞world has always included computers, the Universal Studios tour, and GPS systems. A large﹝17﹞of these students has never shared a bedroom and will have their first experience with a roommate as they begin college.They have led their lives attached to their cell phones, communicating through texting.They understand principles of multiculturalism and environmentalism, they are unaware that Small Pox has ever 18 a global health threat, and they could be classmates with Harry Potter. 14.答案顯示:【C】 (A)allegations(B)illusions(C)allusions(D)instructions 15.答案顯示:【D】 (A)includes(B)occurs(C)offers(D)implies 16.答案顯示:【C】 (A)There(B)They're(C)Their(D)There're 17.答案顯示:【D】 (A)quality(B)total(C)weight(D)number 18.答案顯示:【C】 (A)pushed(B)sought(C)posed(D)imported 篇章結構題組,下列各題請依文意從四個選項中選出最合適者,答案選用不能重覆。 How advertisers win our hearts and minds and get our money?Here are some examples.﹝19﹞.But its cost is included in the price.﹝20﹞.Of course they will produce more if they can sell it.﹝21﹞.Although the actress is holding the product in the photo, do you really think she uses this cream at home?﹝22﹞.Then you will be bombarded with ads from them and other companies. 19.答案顯示:【D】 (A)“Come get it free.All your neighbors are enjoying it.” (B)“Three out of five doctors recommend it.” (C)“Rock bottom prices.Everything must go.” (D)“Get a free camera when you subscribe to our magazine for two years.” 20.答案顯示:【A】 (A)“Buy this limited edition now!”(B)“Buy one get one free.” (C)“Last day on sale.”(D)“Warehouse clearing.” 21.答案顯示:【D】 (A)“We are lovin' it.”(B)“Just doit.”(C)“We are family.”(D)“Trust me, I'm a celebrity.” 22.答案顯示:【C】 (A)“Buy a bundle: cable TV, telephone, and Net--all in one.” (B)“Buy a one-year service and get three extra months free.” (C)“Leave us your address and you'll get a free quote.” (D)“Subscribe to a family package and save.” 請依下文回答第 23 題至第 25 題: Amid excitement over 3D printing, there is caution.According to experts, safety and reliability standards <<英文測驗題庫彙編 03~104-new 年>>S-link 電子六法全書 30 and mandates will need to be developed and implemented for products that can be churned out on a whim.Technical education and training will likely be impacted.Legal issues pertaining to ownership, patent protection, trademarks and copyrights and credentials for individuals using the technology will need to be resolved before 3D printing reaches new levels and new frontiers.In the U.S.and elsewhere, the 3D printer is enabling a “ maker movement,” as an increasing number of people apply the technology to their daily lives.In the business world, 3D printers are used at dental labs to make custom crowns in less than one hour and at NASA’ s to fabricate a new type of fuel injector.Future industrial applications include food production and the printing of human bone and tissue.What’ s more, 3D printers are showing up in basements and garages of households as the do-it-yourself community embraces the powerful tool to make everything from model trains and translucent chess pieces to circuitry and musical instruments.Three dimensional printers make products by following instructions from a computer and stacking raw material — plastic, metal or other substance — into layers.Whereas in conventional design and manufacturing, computer-based models are developed and then adapted to machining.“ Among the many advantages of 3D printing is the capability of the system to print on demand when an object is needed,” said the author of the book “ Fabricated: The New World of 3D Printing” .Many of the consumer 3D printers on the market are “ selective deposition” types that squirt, squeeze or spray liquid, paste orpowdered raw material through a nozzle.Found today in many homes and schools, the selective deposition models are also a favorite of food-loving enthusiasts, who use the printers to create dough, frosting and other culinary treats. Experts concurred that 3D printing will enjoy a promising future. 23.Which of the following is NOT a good reason for the excitement surrounding 3D printing?答案顯示:【B】 (A)It enables a “maker movement” as more people apply the technology to their daily lives. (B)Food-loving enthusiasts can finally create dough and other culinary treats manually. (C)It has the capability to print on demand whenever an object is needed. (D)It enables the do-it-yourself community to make everything they need. 24.According to the passage, which of the following is NOT the author's main concern?答案顯示:【D】 (A)Safety(B)Training(C)Legal issues(D)Raw material 25.Which of the followings is most likely a legal issue in 3D printing?答案顯示:【C】 (A)Teaching employees skills for using the technology. (B)Computer-based models are developed and then adapted to machining. (C)Printing an object that is protected by patents. (D)Following instructions from a computer and stacking raw material into layers. 回目錄(6)>>回首頁>> 10407。b(6)104 年國軍上校以上軍官轉任公務人員上校轉任考試。各類科 104 年國軍上校以上軍官轉任公務人員考試試題 80110 【考試別】國軍上校以上軍官轉任公務人員考試【等別】上校轉任考試【類科】各類科【科目】中華民國憲法與 英文【考試時間】2 小時>>憲法題庫 乙、測驗題部分:(50 分)1801 <<英文測驗題庫彙編 03~104-new 年>>S-link 電子六法全書 31 1.Visitors to the museum can learn about﹝ ﹞, physiology, and health by examining real human bodies thathave been medically preserved.答案顯示:【A】 (A)anatomy(B)analogue(C)analogy(D)anarchy 2.Stacy was keeping the project﹝ ﹞, so it could be finished on time.Her supervisor was satisfied with the result.答案顯示:【A】 (A)on track(B)by default(C)from scratch(D)in season 3.The new law prohibits insurance companies from discriminating against disabled children by denying them coverage or charging them﹝ ﹞premiums.答案顯示:【C】 (A)apprehensive(B)indeterminate(C)exorbitant(D)optimum 4.After refusing to﹝ ﹞the election result last night, the candidate issued a statement this morning demanding a recount.答案顯示:【B】 (A)besiege(B)acknowledge(C)elevate(D)preside 5.Mary can only attend one of the﹝ ﹞sessions at the conference.答案顯示:【A】 (A)concurrent(B)deliberate(C)perspective(D)reluctant 6.A powerful earthquake and a﹝ ﹞tsunami killed untold thousands on Japan's northeastern coast and left many more homeless.答案顯示:【B】 (A)cumulative(B)devastating(C)nominal(D)terminal 7.With regards to curriculum vitae(CV)fraud, it was once reported that more than 50% of CVs carried﹝ ﹞ while 25% contained complete lies.答案顯示:【A】 (A)embellishments(B)embezzlements(C)endearments(D)endowments 8.The beauty of empowering others is that your own power is not﹝ ﹞in the process.On the contrary, you will get even more powerful even though it is not what you want.答案顯示:【B】 (A)advocated(B)diminished(C)exempted(D)mobilized 9.The downside of globalization advocated by multinational companies is their atrocious attempt to﹝ ﹞the poor in developing countries.答案顯示:【B】 (A)redeem(B)exploit(C)impeach(D)oscillate 10.To reduce the number of stray animals on the streets, the government sent out a team to catch stray dogs and cats and﹝ ﹞them instead of killing them.答案顯示:【C】 (A)compromise(B)forego(C)neuter(D)whistle 11.The rise of the Internet has sped up the fashion life cycle by enabling people around the world to find out about even the most﹝ ﹞fashion trends as they emerge.答案顯示:【C】 (A)addictive(B)dynamic(C)obscure(D)permanent 12.Although Elaine gave me very﹝ ﹞directions to her house, I still got lost.答案顯示:【C】 (A)inexplicable(B)dispensable(C)explicit(D)exchangeable 13.Search engines are good at matching words across websites but have struggled with nuance to answer questions in everyday language.答案顯示:【B】 (A)Matching words across websites makes it difficult for search engines to provide detailed answers. (B)Subtle differences among daily usage make it difficult for search engines to provide answers to users. (C)Although search engines can find answers, users may not know how to match the exact wording across websites. (D)Although worldwide users function in many languages, search engines can provide answers accurately in <<英文測驗題庫彙編 03~104-new 年>>S-link 電子六法全書 32 only one language. 請依下文回答第 14 題至第 18 題 Sustainability is the capacity to endure through renewal, maintenance, and sustenance, or nourishment. ﹝14﹞,durability refers to the capacity to endure through constant resistance to change.For humans in social systems or ecosystems, sustainability is the long-term maintenance of responsibility, which has environmental, economic, and social dimensions.It encompasses the concept of stewardship, the responsible management of resource use.In ecology,sustainability describes how biological systems remain diverse, robust, and productive﹝15﹞, a necessary precondition for the well-being of humans and other organisms.Long-lived and healthy wetlands and forests are ﹝ 16 ﹞ of sustainable biological systems.Robust, diverse, productive ecosystems and environments provide vital resources and processes,﹝17﹞"ecosystem services." There are two major ways of managing human impact on ecosystem services.One approach is environmental management; this approach is based largely on information gained from educated professionals in earth science, environmental science, and conservation biology.﹝18﹞approach is management of consumption of resources, which is based largely on information gained from educated professionals in economics.Both try to reduce negative human impact on the environment, though in different ways. 14.答案顯示:【C】 (A)Nevertheless(B)No doubt(C)In contrast(D)What's worse 15.答案顯示:【D】 (A)in the beginning(B)once upon a time(C)at once(D)over time 16.答案顯示:【A】 (A)examples(B)origins(C)impacts(D)species 17.答案顯示:【B】 (A)incompatible with(B)known as(C)popular with(D)dictated by 18.答案顯示:【C】 (A)One(B)Each(C)The other(D)That 請依下文回答第 19 題至第 22 題 The story of communication is an important part of world history.In prehistoric times, for example, people did not have books.They did not know much about geography.﹝19﹞.They knew only about themselves and their environment(the land around their homes).Their knowledge of geographical things like mountains and rivers was limited.They did not travel very far.Sometimes they knew about nearby people and communicated with them.﹝20﹞.Early types of signals for communication included smoke from fires and the sounds of drums.Then people formed towns, and then cities, as safe places to live.Soon they began to develop other ways to communicate, to spread information.People began to buy and sell things to one another.Because of their business, they developed writing systems to keep records and to send messages.Life was changing for many people.﹝21﹞, and so did the invention of the printing press.Many more people learned to read then. ﹝22﹞.People sent letters and news by horse and carriage.Later the mail went by train, by boat, and then by airplane.World communication became a possibility. 19.答案顯示:【B】 (A)People created signals for communication(B)People were limited in many ways <<英文測驗題庫彙編 03~104-new 年>>S-link 電子六法全書 33 (C)People used birds to send messages(D)People live in their horse carriages 20.答案顯示:【A】 (A)They sent messages in simple ways(B)They knew a lot about geography (C)For example, they lacked printed materials(D)Mountains and rivers are geographical features 21.答案顯示:【C】 (A)Business caused changes(B)Life became convenient (C)Travelling caused casualties(D)Relations became closer 22.答案顯示:【C】 (A)As a matter of fact, it is the best way to sell and buy things (B)It is, however, the easiest way to communicate with friends (C)Suddenly communication and knowledge improved greatly (D)Fortunately, many people were happy to help 請依下文回答第 23 題至第 25 題 The Mexican painter Frida Kahlo(1907-1954)lived a life of extraordinary suffering.She caught a disease called polio when she was six.She was nearly killed in a bus accident when she was eighteen.The bus accident left her with long-lasting injuries that caused her great pain for the rest of her life.Because of these injuries, she suffered a miscarriage when she was twenty-five. Many critics have pointed out that the pain in Kahlo's body has affected her paintings.Although she was an active, energetic, vibrant woman, the excruciating pain often separated her from other people and made her feel alone.However, Kahlo also lived a life of passion.She played sports in school, wore colorful clothes, danced, studied and fellin love.She was very proud of being Mexican and was politically active.These characteristics have been represented in her paintings.She used bold colors, including lots of reds; she used Mexican imagery, such as monkeys and parrots. Frida Kahlo took her pain, combined it with her strong spirit, and turned it into art.Her paintings may make viewers uncomfortable with their honesty, but Kahlo was not the type of person to hold back.If she could suffer and grow, her paintings could most likely make viewers feel and grow as well. 23.According to the passage, how did Frida Kahlo's pain affect her life?答案顯示:【D】 (A)It made her a pathetic painter.(B)It completely destroyed her career. (C)It made her scream like monkeys.(D)It isolated her from other people. 24.What does the last sentence imply?答案顯示:【C】 (A)Viewers could combine pain with passion in their lives. (B)Viewers found it difficult to interpret her paintings. (C)As Kahlo transformed her pain into powerful art, viewers could also be transformed. (D)As much as Kahlo's paintings were affected by her pain, viewers could not feel her pain. 25.What is this passage mainly about?答案顯示:【A】 (A)Exploring the psychological factors of an artist (B)Introducing Frida Kahlo, whose paintings have not been much appreciated (C)Negating the possibility that passion may triumph over suffering (D)Deploring Kahlo's case where pain is a prerequisite for an artist <<英文測驗題庫彙編 03~104-new 年>>S-link 電子六法全書 34 回目錄(7)>>回首頁>> 10408。(7)104 年公務人員特種考試一般警察人員四等考試。各類別 104 年公務人員特種考試警察人員、一般警察人員考試試題 6401 【等別】四等一般警察人員考試類【科別】各類別【科目】英文【考試時間】1 小時 1.With rising income and purchasing power, the automobile in China has become a symbol of new lives, a ﹝ ﹞of status, and a mark of modernity itself.答案顯示:【A】 (A)measure(B)publication(C)rubrics(D)certification 2.The review the critic gave is﹝ ﹞.Neither does it contain harsh words, nor does it sound over critical.答案顯 示:【A】 (A)moderate(B)unfriendly(C)reluctant(D)aggressive 3.My brother Henrik always teased us; he told us ghost stories and scared us half to﹝ ﹞.答案顯示:【C】 (A)sleep(B)nightmare(C)death(D)illness 4.Café Rufous not only has the best coffee in Taipei but also offers a relaxed﹝ ﹞.That’ s why I love to hang out with friends there.答案顯示:【C】 (A)facility(B)reputation(C)atmosphere(D)investment 5.Martin Luther King was widely known for his great﹝ ﹞; he made many dramatic speeches in his lifetime.答 案顯示:【B】 (A)arrogance(B)eloquence(C)innocence(D)obedience 6.It is said that a﹝ ﹞personality is more important than education in deciding how one will succeed in workplace.答案顯示:【C】 (A)hostile(B)vicious(C)cooperative(D)repressive 7.The plan to﹝ ﹞smoking in New York City, though enjoying some public support, faces considerable opposition from the tobacco industry and the city's restaurant industry.答案顯示:【B】 (A)purchase(B)restrict(C)spend(D)try 8.Doctors usually insist on a definitive﹝ ﹞before treatment because the drugs used have so many adverse effects.答案顯示:【A】 (A)diagnosis(B)geometry(C)prescription(D)rehearsal 請依下文回答第 9 題至第 13 題: Most writers find it difficult to find a subject to write on.A method frequently used to gather ideas is brainstorming.The method has been used for many years in business.You get a group of people around a table, and they try to solve a problem.The people simply start talking and﹝9﹞to each other, then ideas come out in the process.Brainstorming is particularly valuable to the writer﹝10﹞it offers a technique for getting suggestions and leads for a subject.Most of us brainstorm﹝11﹞.You start with something—anything—and with a pencil and paper you talk to yourself.At first you write down whatever comes to mind.But after a few phrases appear, you gently apply pressure and shape some of the material as it﹝12﹞.Only when the ideas tend to get﹝13﹞should you come to a conclusion that may provide a subject.This may not be your final subject, but at least it is a beginning. 9.答案顯示:【C】 <<英文測驗題庫彙編 03~104-new 年>>S-link 電子六法全書 35 (A)owing(B)occurring(C)reacting(D)according 10.答案顯示:【A】 (A)because(B)unless(C)whereas(D)though 11.答案顯示:【D】 (A)hence(B)hardly(C)otherwise(D)alone 12.答案顯示:【B】 (A)interprets(B)emerges(C)acquires(D)operates 13.答案顯示:【D】 (A)abstract(B)efficient(C)general(D)specific 請依下文回答第 14 題至第 17 題: During my high school years my best friend was Susan Miller, a girl who had lived down the street from me all her life.We knew each other well and had many interests in common.One way in which we were different, however, was in our shopping habits.When I shopped, I always knew what I wanted, got it quickly, and left.For Susan, shopping was a game.She spent all day at it: examining, comparing, and finally, if conditions were right, buying.All too often I have spent hours waiting for her to make up her mind.In fact, my longest “ shopathon” was on a Christmas Eve when Susan and I went to pick up a few last-minute gifts.She wanted a fit for her father, and I had to get something for my youngest sister, Sara.We started at 9:00 A.M., and by 10:15 I had bought Sara her gift, a toy Dalmatian.Then I just trudged around the mall after Susan.By one o’ clock she still had not made a purchase, and the mall was becoming human gridlock.Finally feeling some compassion, Susan bought herself and me each a slice of pizza.We had to eat standing up;the tables were all filled.Then, walking and walking through endless stores, we continued shopping.She examined shirts, scarves, ties, knickknacks.Her response to every possibility was negative: her father had it, he wouldn’ t like it,this was too expensive, and that was too cheap.Nothing seemed right for Susan’ s father.Finally, fifteen minutes before the mall was scheduled to close, she came out of a store in triumph.“ I got it!” she said.I looked up from where I was sitting on a bench, rubbing my swollen feet.“What?” I asked weakly.She held up a piece of paper.“A gift certificate!” she exclaimed.“ With this my father can get whatever he wants.” 14.According to the passage, which of the following statements is true?答案顯示:【C】 (A)The author agrees that slow-paced shopping can be very rewarding. (B)Though their shopping habits were different, the author enjoyed shopping with Susan. (C)The author and Susan shared many interests except shopping habits. (D)Finally Susan bought her father a shirt. 15.What does “shopathon” mean?答案顯示:【A】 (A)It is a new term which implies a long, continuous day completely filled with shopping. (B)It refers to the habit of shopping with a person who can give wise advice. (C)It is a buying game sponsored by shopping malls before Christmas. (D)It is a Christmas compassion program which encourages shoppers to help out people in need. 16.According to the passage, which of the following statements is true?答案顯示:【B】 (A)They enjoyed greatly the delicious steak for lunch as a lot of other shoppers did. (B)There were so many people; they could not find a table, and they ate in a rush. (C)They had a large meal: their table was full with nice food. (D)Because there were huge crowds in the shopping mall, their food was not served until one o’clock. <<英文測驗題庫彙編 03~104-new 年>>S-link 電子六法全書 36 17.Which of the following best describe "a gift certificate"?答案顯示:【C】 (A)A prize won from a game or contest (B)A warning message from the credit card company (C)A piece of paper presented as a gift to someone to be used as money (D)An award for academic excellence 18.Ipad is a﹝ ﹞version of a laptop computer.答案顯示:【D】 (A)needy(B)global(C)mobile(D)trendy 19.For the first reading, avid readers tend to﹝ ﹞the book rather than read it from page to page.答案顯示:【D】 (A)fold(B)memorize(C)publicize(D)skim 20.In succeeding generations, Bernini’ s fame was﹝ ﹞by others, and only within recent years has it begun to regain its luster.答案顯示:【A】 (A)eclipsed(B)illuminated(C)retrieved(D)trespassed 21.The devastating earthquake and tsunami that hit Japan on March 11, 2011﹝ ﹞more than 15,000 lives.答 案顯示:【A】 (A)claimed(B)violated(C)obtained(D)corrupted 22.His family has to live on a tight because Mr.Jones is out of work.答案顯示:【C】 (A)bucket(B)buckle(C)budget(D)bundle 23.In Chinese culture, the New Year’ s Eve is an for﹝ ﹞families to get together.答案顯示:【D】 (A)operation(B)omission(C)orientation(D)occasion 24.Almost half of the audience has fallen asleep;﹝ ﹞, the speech is very boring.答案顯示:【D】 (A)appropriately(B)accidentally(C)adequately(D)apparently 請依下文回答第 25 題至第 27 題: A long healthy life is no accident.It begins with good genes, but it also﹝25﹞good habits.If you adopt the right lifestyle, experts say, chances are you may live up to a decade longer.So what’s the formula for success?In recent years researchers have fanned out across the globe to find the secrets to long life.﹝26﹞ in part by the US National Institute on Aging, scientists have focused on several regions where people live significantly longer.In Sardinia, Italy, one team of demographers found a hot spot of﹝27﹞in mountain villages where men reach age 100 at an amazing rate.On the islands of Okinawa, Japan, another team examined a group that is among the longest lived on earth. 25.答案顯示:【A】 (A)depends on(B)leads to(C)results in(D)changes into 26.答案顯示:【C】 (A)Founded(B)Fond(C)Funded(D)Functioned 27.答案顯示:【D】 (A)longitude(B)altitude(C)attitude(D)longevity 請依下文回答第 28 題至第 30 題: Since ancient times, sound and music has been used as a powerful tool for healing, a means of communication, and a way to lift the human spirit. Today, in our stressful and busy world, we are again﹝28﹞music as a means to heal and relax our lives.People in all walks of life, of all ages, are listening to music specifically designed to harmonize and heal. ﹝29﹞,acupuncturists have begun using Chinese healing music such as that of the Shanghai Chinese <<英文測驗題庫彙編 03~104-new 年>>S-link 電子六法全書 37 Traditional Orchestra as a perfect accompaniment to their work. The musician, Deuter said, “ You will experience the best healing results when you open up to listen not just with your physical ears, but when you start to feel the vibration of the music with your whole body and spirit.” So, we invite you to explore the healing power of music and sound.﹝30﹞you are in the healing professions and would like to make your work even more graceful and effective, or you just want music to dance to, to relax with or to take you to deeper states of consciousness on your own healing, there is much to choose from, lots to enjoy—one world, so much music. 28.答案顯示:【B】 (A)asking for(B)turning to(C)abiding by(D)restoring from 29.答案顯示:【B】 (A)However(B)For example(C)As such(D)In turn 30.答案顯示:【C】 (A)When(B)Maybe(C)Whether(D)Since 請依下文回答第 31 題至第 34 題: Pablo Picasso was born on October 25, 1881 to Don José Ruiz Blasco and Doña Maria Picasso Lopez. Pablo﹝31﹞the first ten years of his life in Malaga, Spain.The family was far from rich, and when two other children were born,﹝32﹞was often difficult to make ends meet.When Don José has offered abetter-paid job, he accepted it﹝33﹞, and the Picassos moved to the provincial capital of La Coruna, where they lived for the next four years.In 1892, Pablo entered the School of Fine Arts, but it was mostly his father who taught him painting.By 1894 Pablo’ s works were so well executed for a boy of his age that his father,recognizing Pablo’ s amazing﹝34﹞, decided to hand his brush and palette to his son and declared that he would never paint again. 31.答案顯示:【D】 (A)took(B)cost(C)used(D)spent 32.答案顯示:【A】 (A)it(B)what(C)which(D)that 33.答案顯示:【B】 (A)significantly(B)immediately(C)lately(D)lovely 34.答案顯示:【D】 (A)memory(B)speed(C)defect(D)talent 請依下文回答第 35 題至第 37 題: By the 18th century Paris had replaced Rome as the artistic center of Europe.At the French court of Louis XV a new rococo style developed.The term “ rococo” comes from the French word rocaille(rock-work).Like the terms “ gothic” and “ baroque,” it was a term of contempt—a departure from the classical conception of art.The rococo style is sometimes called the Louis XV style. The rococo style developed out of the late baroque.It was more delicate and relaxed than the baroque.It was also on a smaller scale, marked by curves and countercurves.Principally a decorative art, it expressed itself in interior architecture and design, painting, furniture, porcelain, and landscape gardening.It was first used to decorate the palaces and salons of the French aristocracy but later spread to the southern German states and Austria. The rococo style, then, was closely connected to the joyful, frivolous age of Louis XV.It aimed at delicacy <<英文測驗題庫彙編 03~104-new 年>>S-link 電子六法全書 38 and perfection of proportion.Small in scale, it had a graceful feminine character.It represented the elegance and luxury of the period. 35.According to this passage, which of the following statements is NOT true?答案顯示:【B】 (A)The term “rococo” is a French word, meaning rock-work. (B)Baroque style grew out of the rococo style. (C)The term “rococo” referred to an art form which was considered inferior to the classical forms of art. (D)The rococo style represented the elegance and luxury of the reign of Louis XV. 36.According to this passage, what did the rococo style and the baroque style have in common?答案顯示:【C】 (A)Neither was considered the Louis XV style. (B)Both were large in scale and aimed at delicacy and elegance. (C)Both were viewed as different from the classical conception of art. (D)Both developed out of the gothic style. 37.According to this passage, how did the rococo style express itself as a decorative art?答案顯示:【D】 (A)It was used to decorate the houses of the ordinary people. (B)It originated from the southern German states and Austria. (C)It was used to portray the beauty of women. (D)It was used to decorate the palaces and salons of the French aristocracy. 請依下文回答第 38 題至第 41 題: Our fascination with eating and drinking behaviors and their causes has resulted in a huge industry of food-related pop science.Every bookstore, every magazine stand, every grocery store checkout counter is filled with publications about how to get your child to eat vegetables, how to tell if someone has an eating disorder or, most commonly, how to lose weight.But the degree to which any of these is based on scientific research is very limited.In contrast to the literature for the general reader, the scientific research on eating and drinking behaviors is usually too technical for the general reader.The Psychology of Eating and Drinking is a unique volume, a textbook that can be comprehended by the general educated reader.Just as in her previous books, Alexandra Logue grounds her investigation into the complex interactions between our physiology, our surroundings, and our eating and drinking habits in laboratory research and up-to-date scientific information.The chapters move from the general—hunger and thirst, taste and smell, and eating behaviors—to the more specialized—overeating and overdrinking, anorexia and bulimia, and alcohol use.In each case,Logue provides a brief synopsis of the most historically influential scientific research and then relates this history to the most up to date advances.This method provides the reader with a general introduction to the physiology of sensations related to eating and drinking and how these sensations are influenced by the individual’ s social surroundings.Thus, this book provides general readers with a biological and psychological framework to understand their eating behaviors. 38.What’s the purpose of this passage?答案顯示:【D】 (A)To arouse the interest of doing research on food science. (B)To call for the attention to healthy life and food choices. (C)To advertise Alexandra Logue’s unique way of editing a cook book. (D)To introduce the book The Psychology of Eating and Drinking. 39.Which of the following statements is NOT true about The Psychology of Eating and Drinking?答案顯示:【B】 <<英文測驗題庫彙編 03~104-new 年>>S-link 電子六法全書 39 (A)It leads the reader from the general to the specialized. (B)It’s Alexandra Logue’s first publication. (C)The data relates the past studies to the present ones. (D)It comes after Logue’s complex investigation. 40.What does the author think about the scientific research on eating and drinking behaviors in general?答案顯 示:【C】 (A)It is historically influential.(B)It is biologically interactive. (C)It is too hard for common readers.(D)It is filled with sensations. 41.Which of the following statements is true?答案顯示:【A】 (A)Food-related science has been popular due to our love of eating and drinking. (B)The way to judge an eating disorder is by the behavior at a grocery checkout counter. (C)Alexandra Logue controls her eating and drinking habits in laboratory research. (D)Food-related publications are always based on some famous scientific studies. 請依下文回答第 42 題至第 44 題: Christopher Reeve(1952-2004)was an American actor, director, producer, and writer.He established himself early as a Juilliard-trained stage actor before portraying Superman/Clark Kent in four films, from 1978 to 1987.He was,however, never a Superman or comic book fan, though he had watched Adventures of Superman starring George Reeves.He took the challenge only because it was a dual role. Reeve took up horse riding in 1985 after learning to ride for the film Anna Karenina.He was initially allergic to horses, but as with every other sport he participated in, he took horse riding seriously and was intensely competitive with it.His allergies soon disappeared.The accident happened when he was invited in the 1995 jumping and dressage finals at the Commonwealth Park.Being over-concerned about jumps sixteen and seventeen, Reeve paid little attention to the third jump, which was a routine three-foot-three fence.After his horse had a refusal, Reeve fell off, severely damaged his spinal cord, and therefore, became paralyzed from the neck down.After being convinced that not only would he never walk again, but that he might never move a body part again, Reeve considered suicide.Thanks to his wife’ s timely encouragement of love, Reeve never considered suicide as an option again.Instead, since he was constantly being covered by the media, he realized that he could use his name to help everyone with spinal cord injuries. Throughout this time, Reeve kept his body as physically strong as possible by using specialized exercise machines.Also, by engaging in various show businesses, he kept his mind active and helpful to others.Though he finally lost his battle to a systemic infection and passed away on October 10, 2004, his story has inspired people worldwide. 42.What is the main idea of this passage?答案顯示:【A】 (A)The inspiring life of Christopher Reeve, the Superman. (B)Christopher Reeve’s accident with a fall from the horse. (C)The adventures of a Superman, George Reeves. (D)The dual role, Superman/Clark Kent, by Christopher Reeve. 43.Based on this passage, which of the following is NOT true about Christopher Reeve?答案顯示:【D】 (A)He died from a systemic infection at the age of 52. (B)His wife’s love saved him from depression and suicidal ideas. <<英文測驗題庫彙編 03~104-new 年>>S-link 電子六法全書 40 (C)He kept being strong and optimistic even years after the accident. (D)Christopher Reeve starred Adventures of Superman. 44.Which of the following can best describe Christopher Reeve’s last 10 years?答案顯示:【B】 (A)Intensely competitive(B)A super fighter. (C)A Juilliard-trained stage actor(D)Very pessimistic. 45.The housing prices in this city are so﹝ ﹞high that few people can afford to buy an apartment before the age of thirty-five.答案顯示:【D】 (A)beneficially(B)tentatively(C)passionately(D)ridiculously 46.Conflicting reports on the government’ s position has led to widespread public﹝ ﹞regarding the new energy policy.答案顯示:【B】 (A)nomination(B)confusion(C)occupation(D)permission 請依下文回答第 47 題至第 50 題: Denali National Park One of the most well-known parks in Alaska is Denali National Park.It is home to Mt.McKinley, the tallest mountain in North America.The park is﹝47﹞in the middle of the state, north of Anchorage, and is included on most Alaska cruise tour itineraries. The 6 million acres that comprise the park are complete subarctic eco-system with 750﹝48﹞of flowering plants and over 200 birds and mammals.The park is a popular destination for tourists looking to hike, camp and view wildlife,and the grounds of the preserve also﹝49﹞a subject for research in the natural sciences.Bus tours run along the 90-mile Denali Park Road, which is closed﹝50﹞private vehicles after Mile 15.Walking and biking are thus great ways to get to know the park.Visitors also enjoy rafting, hiking and flight-seeing. 47.答案顯示:【B】 (A)landed(B)situated(C)occupied(D)enclosed 48.答案顯示:【D】 (A)companions(B)fragments(C)substances(D)species 49.答案顯示:【C】 (A)relate to(B)focus on(C)serve as(D)come from 50.答案顯示:【A】 (A)to(B)in(C)at(D)from 回目錄(7)>>回首頁>> 10409。c(7)104 年公務人員特種考試警察人員三等考試。行政警察人員等 104 年公務人員特種考試警察人員、一般警察人員考試試題 50120【等別】三等警察人員考試類【科別】行政警 察人員、外事警察人員(選試英語)、刑事警察人員、公共安全人員、犯罪防治人員預防組、交通警察人員交通 組、警察資訊管理人員、刑事鑑識人員、國境警察人員、警察法制人員、行政管理人員【科目】中華民國憲法與 警察專業英文>>憲法題庫【考試時間】2 小時 甲、申論題部分:(25 分)2501 一、中譯英:請將以下兩句中文翻譯成正確、通順、達意的英文句子。(每小題 5 分,共 10 分) <<英文測驗題庫彙編 03~104-new 年>>S-link 電子六法全書 41 (一)開車時傳簡訊,不但危險也是違法的。 (二)自行車再度受歡迎的主要原因是運動需求。 二、英文作文:請依提示寫一篇英文作文,文長至少 200 個單詞。(15 分) 警察執行勤務時,如果和民眾溝通不良,容易因誤解而發生爭執甚至衝突。請寫一篇短文,並舉例說明警 察與民眾互動時,可以應用那些溝通技巧或原則來完成任務。 乙、測驗題部分:(75 分)2501 41.A new bill urging US President Obama to push for observer for Taiwan in the International Criminal Police Organization(Interpol)was introduced into the US Congress.答案顯示:【D】 (A)squad squat(B)statue(C)status(D) 42.A passenger plane was forced to make an emergency yesterday after an air traffic control received a bomb threat.答案顯示:【B】 (A)exit landing(B)room(C)take(D)-off 43.After a fatal traffic accident, authorities urge motorists to obey road safety rules and to vehicles with right of way.答案顯示:【D】 (A)bow dedicate(B)hail(C)yield(D) 44.A series of traffic control measures were on all freeways throughout Taiwan during the Tomb-Sweeping Festival from April 3-6.答案顯示:【B】 (A)dismantled implemented(B)prosecuted(C)trespassed(D) 45.Taiwan and the Kingdom of Swaziland have signed a memorandum of understanding(MOU)to cooperate on anti-terrorism, immigration affairs, and the prevention of human.答案顯示:【D】 (A)hygiene longevity(B)probation(C)trafficking(D) 46.The National Police Agency(NPA)has decided to the tasks of police officers to reduce their workloads.答案顯 示:【D】 (A)besiege improvise(B)recruit(C)streamline(D) 47.The White House says U.S.President Barack Obama is removing Cuba from a list of state sponsors of terrorism.The removal is an important step in the president’ s efforts to relations between the two countries.答 案顯示:【C】 (A)designate impress(B)normalize(C)tease(D) 48.One billion teenagers and young adults around the world risk losing their hearing by listening to loud music.The U.N.agency is asking young people to turn down the volume to prevent damage to their hearing.答案 顯示:【D】 (A)reluctant intimate(B)minor(C)irreversible(D) 49.A 100-year-old Japanese woman Ms.Nagaoka became the world’ s first centenarian to complete a 1,500-meter freestyle swimming competition in a 25-meter pool.Her race was not a race of speed but of , or not giving up.答案顯示:【B】 (A)frustration endurance(B)conference(C)allowance(D) 50.At least 33 miners are confirmed dead from an explosion at a coal mine in the Ukrainian city of Donetsk.Most of the injured miners are suffering from severe burns, smoke and shock and are treated in the hospital.答案顯示: 【D】 <<英文測驗題庫彙編 03~104-new 年>>S-link 電子六法全書 42 (A)ignorance(B)paradox(C)reception(D)inhalation 請依下文回答第 51 題至第 55 題: French police on Thursday were hunting a trio of thieves who made off with a handbag containing 5 million euros (US$5.4 million)worth of Chanel jewels in a smash-and-grab on the highway between Paris and Charles de Gaulle Airport.A Taiwanese art collector was traveling in a taxi on Wednesday afternoon through a long tunnel 51 for robbery attacks on tourists stuck in traffic when the thieves smashed a car window and 52 her handbag.The 1.3km Landy tunnel is taken by most people arriving at Charles de Gaulle Airport and heading into Paris and is the ideal spot for smash-and-grabs. “ It is often 53 delinquency.They aren’ t afraid of anything, know the area and escape through emergency exits,” the source said.A driver distracted and talking on his cellphone, a handbag left on a passenger seat or luxury cars carrying tourists with possibly wads of cash on them are all easy 54. In February 2010, Christina Chernovetska, daughter of the then mayor of Kiev, was the victim of a similar robbery when a bag she said contained jewels worth 4.5 million euros was stolen from her.Saudi prince Abdul Aziz bin Fahd, the multimillionaire son of the late King Fahd, 55 victim to a spectacular armed raid on his convoy in Paris in August last year, in which 250,000 euros and diplomatic papers were stolen. 51.答案顯示:【C】 (A)anxious eligible(B)notorious(C)strategic(D) 52.答案顯示:【D】 (A)appreciated com(B)plimented kidnapped(C)snatched(D) 53.答案顯示:【C】 (A)decent global(B)local(C)vacant(D) 54.答案顯示:【D】 (A)destinations escapes(B)robberies(C)targets(D) 55.答案顯示:【A】 (A)fell murdered(B)rescued(C)stabbed(D) 請依下文回答第 56 題至第 60 題: When the police chief in Tacoma, Wash.shot and killed his wife in a parking lot after years of abusing her, the shock from that event 10 years ago mobilized national support for a more aggressive response to domestic violence in police households. While police officers today are more aware of the problem, the following is also true: In many departments, an officer will automatically be fired for a positive marijuana test, but can stay on the job after abusing or battering a spouse. In the wake of the Tacoma killing, the International Association of Chiefs of Police strengthened its efforts to persuade departments to adopt a set of model rules on domestic violence in their own ranks.Responding to concerns that domestic violence had long been treated more leniently than other forms of misconduct, the organization called for zero tolerance for abusers, tougher pre-employment screening and a separate set of procedures to ensure rigorous investigation of every accusation. But police departments have been slow to adopt the rules.And while most officials say they treat domestic abuse by officers as they would any other form of misconduct, interviews and disciplinary records indicate that, in fact,punishment is often light and job loss uncommon. <<英文測驗題庫彙編 03~104-new 年>>S-link 電子六法全書 43 Only a quarter of the 56 largest city and county police departments that responded to a recent survey have a distinct policy for domestic violence involving officers.And only one, Nashville, has adopted the entire model policy,according to the survey, conducted by The New York Times and the PBS investigative news program “ Frontline.” Three others — Charlotte, N.C.; Chicago; and Columbus, Ohio — follow most of its provisions. 56.What is the main idea of this passage?答案顯示:【D】 (A)Domestic violence is rare among police officers. (B)It is illegal to abuse one’s spouse. (C)One police officer shot and killed his wife. (D)Police departments are slow to police their own abusers. 57.According to the passage, how many departments have a distinct policy for domestic violence concerning officers?答案顯示:【C】 (A)1 3(B)14(C)56(D) 58.According to the passage, which of the following cities has adopted the entire model policy?答案顯示:【D】 (A)Charlotte, N.C.Chicago(B)Columbus, Ohio(C)Nashville(D) 59.According to the passage, which of the following statements is TRUE?答案顯示:【C】 (A)Punishment is often very severe for domestic violence concerning police officers. (B)Police officers will be automatically fired for battering their spouses. (C)Domestic violence has long been treated more leniently than other forms of misconduct. (D)Domestic violence has been treated aggressively in the police departments. 60.According to the passage, which of the following statements is NOT true?答案顯示:【A】 (A)Tacoma, Wash.has adopted the entire model policy after the accident. (B)An officer will be automatically fired for a positive marijuana test in many departments. (C)An officer fired for battering his wife is uncommon in the United States. (D)Most police departments have been slow in response to domestic violence in police households. 回目錄(7)>>回首頁>> 10410。c(7)104 年公務人員特種考試警察人員三等考試。消防警察人員 104 年公務人員特種考試警察人員、一般警察人員考試試題 50620【等別】三等警察人員考試類【科別】消防警 察人員【科目】中華民國憲法與消防警察專業英文>>憲法題庫【考試時間】2 小時 甲、申論題部分:(25 分) 一、中翻英:(10 分) 根據統計,火災每年奪走的人命,超過每年所有天災奪走之人命的總合。而所有火災意外,又以住宅火災 為大宗。以英國為例,單是去年,就有兩百人死於住宅火災。 二、英文作文:(15 分) 事業(career),家庭(family),朋友(friends),對任何一個人而言,皆有其重要性。若無法同時兼顧 時,你個人對其重要性的先後排序會是如何?為什麼?請以此為題,寫一篇約 250 字的文章,闡述你的看法。 <<英文測驗題庫彙編 03~104-new 年>>S-link 電子六法全書 44 乙、測驗題部分:(75 分)2506 41.On the scene of fires, a fire captain is expected to make an evaluation of the fire to﹝ ﹞how the firefighters should respond.答案顯示:【B】 (A)appreciate(B)determine(C)forecast(D)impress 42.When fighting a wildfire, firefighters sometimes have to start a backfire to﹝ ﹞the control lines.答案顯示: 【D】 (A)hinder(B)loosen(C)ripen(D)widen 43.Firefighters are often called to other emergencies that do not necessarily﹝ ﹞“ fires,” such as medical calls,industrial accidents, and various types of rescues.答案顯示:【C】 (A)consume(B)ensure(C)involve(D)matter 44.In the US, a﹝ ﹞firefighter refers to a new firefighter undergoing training or one under the legal age to be considered a firefighter.答案顯示:【A】 (A)cadet(B)veteran(C)retained(D)solicited 45.The three factors that make up﹝ ﹞are heat, fuel, and oxygen, commonly called the “ fire triangle.” 答案 顯示:【B】 (A)ammunition(B)combustion(C)evaporation(D)suffocation 46.To avoid the pumps being shut down due to malfunction in the control system, they can only be switched off ﹝ ﹞by a firefighter.答案顯示:【D】 (A)momentarily(B)severely(C)voluntarily(D)manually 47.It was reported that a firefighter in Taoyuan was so﹝ ﹞helping a pregnant woman in labor that he did not even recognize that the woman was his wife.答案顯示:【C】 (A)famous for(B)suspicious of(C)intent on(D)opposed to 48.Many older people live alone and have reduced﹝ ﹞, which makes it harder for them to escape from a fire. 答案顯示:【A】 (A)mobility(B)living expenses(C)hospital admissions(D)weight 49.In a major earthquake, collapsed structures may contain voids in which﹝ ﹞persons can survive for comparatively long periods of time.答案顯示:【C】 (A)disabled(B)displaced(C)trapped(D)transported 50.At least 5,000 people have died in the quake and that number is expected to double as rescuers continue to ﹝ ﹞through the rubble.答案顯示:【A】 (A)sift(B)seep(C)scroll(D)shriek 51.Fire stations need to assess the suitability and condition of their internal and external travel routes,﹝ ﹞ safe access, and egress at all times.答案顯示:【A】 (A)ensuring(B)concluding(C)regarding(D)assembling 請依下文回答第 52 題至第 55 題: In the fire department, all vehicles will require regular inspection of every aspect of their structure, systems, and operational functions.Servicing and﹝52﹞maintenance will ensure, as far as is practicable, that the vehicle will remain effectively available.The time taken to﹝53﹞these processes will be directly related to the accessibility of all the areas to be inspected and serviced and the design of the vehicle must provide this ﹝54﹞.Additionally, in anticipation of the need to remove a major component, such as the engine, pump, tank, <<英文測驗題庫彙編 03~104-new 年>>S-link 電子六法全書 45 or﹝55﹞system, removable panels and suitable lifting connections must be in place to ensure that removal and replacement does not entail unacceptable extension of down-time. 52.答案顯示:【A】 (A)preventive articulate(B)cosmetic(C)emergent(D) 53.答案顯示:【B】 (A)compensate(B)complete(C)comprehend(D)compress 54.答案顯示:【D】 (A)record(B)direction(C)administration(D)facility 55.答案顯示:【C】 (A)metal-detection(B)sprinkler(C)foam-making(D)measurement 請依下文回答第 56 題至第 60 題: Most traditional older fire departments in larger U.S.central cities use Fire engine red for their fire engines. ﹝56﹞,many suburbs and smaller cities now use the color lime or bright yellow for their fire engines because of its greater visibility at night.The﹝57﹞research into fire appliance visibility was conducted by the City of Coventry(UK)Fire Brigade and Lanchester College of Technology in 1965.This research﹝58﹞58 that under the range of artificial street lighting in common use at the time yellow more generally retained its great visibility under a variety of lighting color renderings.It was also more﹝59﹞in general road conditions in day time and during stormy weather.Research conducted by Dr.Stephen Solomon, a New York optometrist, promoted the use of “ lime yellow” in the United States from the mid-1970s.Further research that﹝60﹞the use of yellow for emergency vehicles generally was published in 1978 in Australia.It found that the more brightly colored fire apparatus suffered a lower accident rate than the less brightly colored vehicles(red)used by the same fire department. 56.答案顯示:【D】 (A)Therefore(B)Besides(C)Indeed(D)However 57.答案顯示:【C】 (A)subsequent(B)urgent(C)initial(D)remote 58.答案顯示:【A】 (A)concluded(B)refuted(C)regretted(D)conducted 59.答案顯示:【A】 (A)conspicuous(B)obscure(C)subtle(D)puzzling 60.答案顯示:【B】 (A)prolonged(B)endorsed(C)deferred(D)authorized 回目錄(7)>>回首頁>> 10411。c(7)104 年公務人員特種考試警察人員三等考試。水上警察人員 104 年公務人員特種考試警察人員、一般警察人員考試試題 51120【等別】三等警察人員考試類【科別】水上警 察人員【科目】中華民國憲法與水上警察專業英文>>憲法題庫【考試時間】2 小時 甲、申論題部分:(25 分) <<英文測驗題庫彙編 03~104-new 年>>S-link 電子六法全書 46 一、英譯中: Maritime paramilitary forces are being expanded and increasingly used as foreign-policy tools in East Asia.Such forces are less likely to be involved in significant military clashes and any incidents that arise from their activities are usually containable. However, their use also means diplomatic crises are more common, as maritime paramilitaries are more likely to use force or come under attack themselves(15 分) 二、中譯英: 水上警察也要執行搜索及救援任務,回應緊急求助電話,並在軍事設施及船塢提供反恐巡邏。(10 分) 乙、測驗題部分:(75 分)2511 41.The difference between a technologist and an intelligent criminal﹝ ﹞how he or she defines the purpose for performing the action.答案顯示:【B】 (A)turns into(B)lies in(C)keeps up with(D)does away with 42.The surviving logs sometimes can provide the most accurate known positions of a loss, but many ships were ﹝ ﹞precisely because their officers did not know where they were.答案顯示:【B】 (A)found(B)wrecked(C)forwarded(D)traced 43.The fees charged to smuggle migrants differ considerably based on the point of origin, with figures﹝ ﹞ $2,000 to $10,000.答案顯示:【D】 (A)further up(B)taking up(C)distant from(D)ranging from 44.To combat piracy, some ship owners have signed up for kidnap and ransom insurance policies to help﹝ ﹞ the damage if their boats are attacked.答案顯示:【C】 (A)abolish(B)deprive(C)reduce(D)stabilize 45.The Norwegian Cruise Line canceled three more sailings after one of its liners﹝ ﹞with a cargo ship in the English Channel affecting more than 2,000 passengers.答案顯示:【C】 (A)tangled(B)stumbled(C)collided(D)affiliated 46.Since its﹝ ﹞in February 1, 2000, the Coast Guard Administration has been responsible for the safety and security of Taiwan’ s coastline and waters.答案顯示:【A】 (A)establishment(B)precedence(C)derivation(D)countdown 47.Drug abuse and trafficking of drugs continue to spread worldwide and almost every country in the world suffers a broad range of drug-related crime and violence.What does trafficking of mean in this sentence?答案 顯示:【C】 (A)damage from(B)transforming of(C)illicit trade in(D)manufacturing of 48.The captain cautioned all mariners that accidents could occur quickly and without warning to even the most experienced boaters,﹝ ﹞little or no time for anyone to put on a life jacket.答案顯示:【B】 (A)leaves(B)leaving(C)be left(D)to have left 49.At approximately 8:50 a.m.Badu Coast Guard received a call reporting that a vessel had﹝ ﹞due to a rogue wave and that people on board were in need of immediate assistance.答案顯示:【B】 (A)decomposed(B)capsized(C)expelled(D)terminated 50.The system﹝ ﹞17 radar installations deployed along the nation’ s shore and is set to obtain more information on surface currents, such as the Kuroshio current, as well as the tidal movement of the ocean.答案 顯示:【C】 <<英文測驗題庫彙編 03~104-new 年>>S-link 電子六法全書 47 (A)undermines(B)estimates(C)comprises(D)releases 請依下文回答第 51 題至第 52 題: After five decades of Coast Guard Auxiliary service, friends and family honored a Palm Beach Gardens man Tuesday before burying him at sea.People who knew William P.Kaufmann said he﹝51﹞grateful for the memorial service at Station Lake Worth Inlet, a place he thought of as home.Two servicemen presented Kaufmann’ s son with a flag before scattering his ashes three miles off shore.Kaufmann, 96, was often spotted wearing his Auxiliary uniform,and he seldom left the house﹝52﹞his Coast Guard hat.He was proud to answer anyone who asked about it that he was still an active member, said Pearl Ginsburg, 85, his companion of seven years. 51.答案顯示:【D】 (A)was to be(B)had been(C)has been(D)would have been 52.答案顯示:【A】 (A)without(B)with(C)on(D)over 請依下文回答第 53 題至第 56 題: In the past few years, Taiwan has seen a sharp spike in the number of animals smuggled to China.Most of them are﹝53﹞Chinese box turtles and yellow pond turtles.From 2006 to 2013, more than 11,000 turtles were confiscated from smugglers.In Taiwan, each turtle sells for $30 but in China, they can fetch up to $200.Last year saw an especially large number of confiscations: 7,010 turtles were confiscated by Taiwan’ s coast guard -- more than any other year.﹝54﹞in China, they would be worth $1.4m.﹝55﹞is Chinese people’ s increasing wealth and appetite for exotic cuisine, unusual pets and traditional Chinese medicine.Turtles are the easiest target because they stand a better chance of surviving the smuggling process -- they can go without food and water for longer periods of time﹝56﹞other animals.The turtles are also considered by Chinese as good luck charms that can bring fortune to their owners. 53.答案顯示:【C】 (A)conspicuous(B)notorious(C)protected(D)invoked 54.答案顯示:【B】 (A)Having sold(B)If sold(C)After selling(D)Upon selling 55.答案顯示:【A】 (A)What is driving the demand(B)The one who requires most (C)No matter how much they sell(D)Those who intend to buy 56.答案顯示:【C】 (A)close to(B)similar to(C)compared to(D)other than 請依下文回答第 57 題至第 60 題: Although oceans cover two-thirds of the surface of the Earth, they are surprisingly vulnerable to human influences,﹝57﹞overfishing, pollution from run-off, and dumping of waste.This kind of pollution can have serious economic and health impacts by killing marine life and damaging habitats and ecosystems.Toxins from pesticides,fertilizers, and other chemicals used on farms﹝58﹞nearby rivers that flow into the ocean, and this can cause extensive loss of marine life in bays and estuaries,﹝59﹞the creation of dead zones.The dumping of industrial,nuclear and other waste into oceans was legal until the early 1970’ s when﹝60﹞.However, illegal dumping still occurs in many places. 57 答案顯示:【A】 <<英文測驗題庫彙編 03~104-new 年>>S-link 電子六法全書 48 (A)such as(B)prior to(C)now that(D)looking for 58 答案顯示:【B】 (A)dissolve(B)contaminate(C)solidify(D)transform 59 答案顯示:【D】 (A)leads to(B)being led to(C)led to(D)leading to 60 答案顯示:【A】 (A)it first came to reality(B)it was first regulated (C)they came into existence(D)they became updated 回目錄(7)>>回首頁>> 10412。c(7)104 年公務人員特種考試警察人員四等考試。行政警察人員 104 年公務人員特種考試警察人員、一般警察人員考試及 104 年特種考試交通事業鐵路人員、退除役軍人轉任公 務人員考試試題 2601【等別】四等警察人員考試類【科別】行政警察人員【科目】中華民國憲法與警察專業英 文>>憲法題庫【考試時間】1 小時 26.With a search , police officers may search a residence without its owner’ s consent.答案顯示:【A】 (A)warrant(B)guarantee(C)certificate(D)contract 27.Unfortunately, the police were unable to gather enough evidence during their of the serial murders.答案顯示: 【C】 (A)accumulation(B)invasion(C)investigation(D)communication 28.A juvenile in the United States is a person who is typically under the age of 17 and commits an act that otherwise would have been charged as a crime if they were adults.答案顯示:【C】 (A)teenager(B)junior(C)delinquent(D)freshman 29.Today, ID fraud is a major concern for police around the world.Many young people use ID to access adult venues, such as concerts and nightclubs.答案顯示:【A】 (A)counterfeit(B)multiple(C)double(D)official 30.Mary’ s against her husband’ s conviction is being considered because she has presented some new solid evidence to the judge.答案顯示:【C】 (A)offer(B)complaint(C)appeal(D)confession 31.Jane is a victim of and sexual violence, because ever since her mother fled from their house years ago she has been living alone with her alcoholic father.答案顯示:【B】 (A)emotional(B)domestic(C)disputed(D)depressive 32.the driving habits of the two groups of drivers, the researcher hopes to find out ways to enhance road safety. 答案顯示:【D】 (A)Comparing with(B)In comparison(C)As compare(D)By comparing 33.This community is now under police because many residents of this area strongly demand it after serial murders occurred over the past few days.答案顯示:【D】 (A)speculation(B)vision(C)observation(D)surveillance <<英文測驗題庫彙編 03~104-new 年>>S-link 電子六法全書 49 34.Jennifer was convicted of the murder of her mother and sister according to Sam’ s that he made to the jury. 答案顯示:【C】 (A)convention(B)interrogation(C)testimony(D)pledge 35.The Hong Kong Police try to prevent crime by persuading members of the public to do more to themselves and their property.答案顯示:【C】 (A)process(B)prepare(C)protect(D)promote 36.Mr.Jackson stated the reason why he left the brush company where he worked as a salesman because he thought the brush would not beyond a month.答案顯示:【A】 (A)last(B)bear(C)go(D)count 37.Avoiding phone is very important for people not to be cheated.答案顯示:【D】 (A)interviews(B)fakes(C)bills(D)scams 38.To stay physically healthy, most people know the importance of having a balanced.答案顯示:【A】 (A)diet(B)date(C)weight(D)vision 39.According to experts, a person’ s lifestyle can be a major factor in their , both physical and mental.答案顯示: 【D】 (A)vantage(B)beneficiary(C)exposition(D)well-being 40.In Europe, many charity organizations receive more money from government than from public donations.答 案顯示:【A】 (A)grants(B)admissions(C)certificates(D)permits 41.A number of universities in England were established in the 19th and early 20th centuries the industrial revolution and they trained highly skilled people for industry.答案顯示:【C】 (A)because(B)indebted to(C)as a result of(D)with a view to 42.Mr.Jones has to be all the time over his rare species of rose grown in the glass house, lest it should be stolen.答案顯示:【B】 (A)allergic(B)on guard(C)primitive(D)in sight 43.At seeing the garden, Mr.Hooper has no sooner said what a small garden it is, an airplane is heard taking off. 答案顯示:【B】 (A)then(B)than(C)yet(D)thereby 44.Jeff’ s five-year-old son had always enjoyed going to museums, particularly those where he could buttons to make things work.答案顯示:【C】 (A)arrange(B)weigh(C)press(D)lodge 45.Women who have jobs report that they feel overworked by household chores their professional duties.答案顯 示:【C】 (A)according to(B)in contrast to(C)in addition to(D)in regard to 46.Susan’ s gun was after it was detected by the security officer at the customs at Taoyuan International Airport.答案顯示:【C】 (A)smuggled(B)exported(C)confiscated(D)purchased 請依下文回答第 47 題至第 50 題: Of all the websites, one that has attracted attention recently is myspace.com.Most of this attention has come from the media and tells every reason why the website should be shut down.The threat of Internet predators is indeed a tough reality, but shutting down the site is not the answer.If myspace.com were shut <<英文測驗題庫彙編 03~104-new 年>>S-link 電子六法全書 50 down, another site would quickly take its place.Therefore, the right way is to teach teens how to use the site safely and educate them about who may be predators and how to avoid them.The key to 47 safe on the Internet is to make sure that your profile is secure.The simplest way is to change the privacy setting on your profile to “ private” , which protects your information 48 only the people on your friend list can view it.Although this is 49 , it is not perfect.Predators can find ways to view your profile if they really want to, 50 through hacking in or figuring out their way onto your friend list.Thus, you should never post too much personal information.Some people actually post their home and school addresses, date of birth, and so on,often letting predators know exactly where they should go and when. 47.答案顯示:【D】 (A)stay be stayed(B)stayed(C)staying(D) 48.答案顯示:【C】 (A)as to(B)no matter(C)so that(D)because 49.答案顯示:【C】 (A)elegant(B)interesting(C)effective(D)impressive 50.答案顯示:【B】 (A)if(B)whether(C)however(D)whatever 回目錄(7)>>回首頁>> 10413。c(7)104 年公務人員特種考試警察人員四等考試。消防警察人員 104 年公務人員特種考試警察人員、一般警察人員考試及 104 年特種考試交通事業鐵路人員、退除役軍人轉任公 務人員考試試題 2602【等別】四等警察人員考試類【科別】消防警察人員【科目】中華民國憲法與消防警察專 業英文>>憲法題庫【考試時間】1 小時 26.Firefighters must be able to think critically and solve problems quickly when ﹝ ﹞fire at a fire scene.答案顯 示:【B】 (A)executing(B)combating(C)abolishing(D)dispensing 27.The fire department is seeking new﹝ ﹞to use helmet-mounted cameras for novel ways to reduce injuries and make firefighting more efficient.答案顯示:【D】 (A)demands(B)forecasts(C)impacts(D)approaches 28.Periodic inspection and regular﹝ ﹞of the wiring system of a building can help prevent overloading of the wiring or short-circuit from happening.答案顯示:【A】 (A)maintenance(B)clearance(C)tolerance(D)sequence 29.With the changes our industrial activities have brought to the environment, many weather related natural disasters have gained in both frequency and﹝ ﹞.答案顯示:【B】 (A)accuracy(B)intensity(C)distinction(D)operation 30.Temporary shelters were set up for the victims who lost their homes to the ﹝ ﹞earthquake which claimed many lives in the remote village.答案顯示:【D】 (A)epidemic(B)outrageous(C)formidable(D)devastating <<英文測驗題庫彙編 03~104-new 年>>S-link 電子六法全書 51 31.Units from the city’ s Fire Department were sent to an amusement park to rescue the people ﹝ ﹞on a roller coaster ride that stopped in midair.答案顯示:【B】 (A)besieged(B)stranded(C)detached(D)transmitted 32.Wildfires must be detected and﹝ ﹞prior to reaching an uncontrolled state if we want to significantly reduce the damage and cost of them.答案顯示:【C】 (A)accommodated(B)manipulated(C)suppressed(D)overturned 33.A man reported a rockslide instance and gave a clear﹝ ﹞of what happened as well as how many people were injured.答案顯示:【A】 (A)account(B)claim(C)vision(D)boast 34.When rescuing injured workers at construction sites where the stairs are not accessible, a moving ladder is a good﹝ ﹞to consider.答案顯示:【D】 (A)warranty(B)episode(C)transaction(D)alternative 35.A mysterious giant sinkhole has appeared in the suburb of the capital city,﹝ ﹞20 meters in width and up to 30 meters in depth.答案顯示:【C】 (A)amounting(B)occupying(C)measuring(D)contributing 36.When the firefighters arrived, they tried to find out how many people were﹝ ﹞in the fire.答案顯示:【D】 (A)tapped(B)tipped(C)taped(D)trapped 37.Live fire trainings usually take place in structures, built or acquired, to be﹝ ﹞burned for firefighting practices.答案顯示:【C】 (A)circularly(B)ambitiously(C)intentionally(D)magnificently 38.When we use the washer, we should make sure that the right plug and outlet are used and that the machine is﹝ ﹞properly.答案顯示:【B】 (A)contacted(B)connected(C)contracted(D)contented 39.In order for supplies and relief efforts to flow smoothly into the ﹝ ﹞areas after a natural disaster, government agencies must be in close contact with each other.答案顯示:【A】 (A)affected(B)captured(C)estimated(D)preserved 40.After﹝ ﹞their climbing equipment and rescue gear, the team members began to ascend the cliff to meet the sick climber.答案顯示:【B】 (A)compiling(B)harnessing(C)discharging(D)launching 41.Emergency warning﹝ ﹞can be electronic or manual and are designed to alert members of the public and other road users by sound that an emergency vehicle is approaching.答案顯示:【D】 (A)lights(B)beacons(C)monitors(D)sirens 42.The National Fire Protection Association’ s(NFPA)Fire Sprinkler initiative has﹝ ﹞a new grant program to ramp up sprinkler-related efforts across America.答案顯示:【A】 (A)launched(B)missed(C)recovered(D)concealed 請依下文回答第 43 題至第 46 題: Searching for people trapped under debris of a collapsed building should be done very carefully.As you clear the wreckage, you could be changing the balance of it, and further﹝43﹞the structure.Therefore, proper safety precautions should be taken at all times.Before starting to move large pieces of the wreckage, you should make﹝44﹞contact with the people trapped under it by calling out to them.You also need to make an effort to listen below the debris to catch any sign of﹝45﹞.Victims may respond to your call by uttering a word <<英文測驗題庫彙編 03~104-new 年>>S-link 電子六法全書 52 or tapping the debris.Even if there is no response,it﹝46﹞assumed that there is nobody below.The trapped person could be unconscious, or, might be too feeble to respond. 43.答案顯示:【B】 (A)formulating(B)destabilizing(C)reformatting(D)consolidating 44.答案顯示:【B】 (A)implicit(B)verbal(C)touching(D)physical 45.答案顯示:【B】 (A)awareness(B)movement(C)deception(D)exchange 46.答案顯示:【C】 (A)should be should have been(B)should not be(C)should not have(D) 請依下文回答第 47 題至第 50 題: The New York City Fire Museum operates a world-class fire safety education program in conjunction with the New York City Fire Department.The program﹝47﹞teaching visitors how to prevent fires within the home and how to protect themselves and escape should a fire occur. The program consists of two components – classroom training and a simulated fire event in a mock home environment.During the first portion, visitors are shown a video ﹝ 48 ﹞ fire safety and burn prevention.Immediately following the video, a New York City firefighter leads a discussion to reinforce safety information presented in the video. During the second half of the program, the firefighter leads the visitors through various rooms in a mock apartment. In each room(living room, kitchen, bathroom and bedroom), various fire and burn hazards are black-lit and the firefighter spends time explaining how each can cause a fire and﹝49﹞can be done to prevent it.When the group reaches the bedroom, the firefighter closes the door to continue his/her discussion.﹝50﹞, the firefighter’ s assistant fills the rest of the apartment with theatrical smoke.A smoke alarm sounds and the firefighter teaches the visitors how to escape from the bedroom, and then helps them practice. 47.答案顯示:【D】 (A)counts on(B)runs out(C)calls for(D)aims at 48.答案顯示:【A】 (A)regarding(B)regarded(C)being regarded(D)regarded as 49.答案顯示:【B】 (A)how(B)what(C)which(D)when 50.答案顯示:【D】 (A)Practically(B)Roughly(C)Consequently(D)Simultaneously 回目錄(7)>>回首頁>> 10414。c(7)104 年公務人員特種考試警察人員四等考試。水上警察人員輪機組、水上警察人員航海組 104 年公務人員特種考試警察人員、一般警察人員考試及 104 年特種考試交通事業鐵路人員、退除役軍人轉任公 務人員考試試題 2603【等別】四等警察人員考試類【科別】水上警察人員輪機組、水上警察人員航海組【科目】 中華民國憲法與水上警察專業英文>>憲法題庫【考試時間】1 小時 <<英文測驗題庫彙編 03~104-new 年>>S-link 電子六法全書 53 26.Because of the dreadful weather, an American merchant ship was﹝ ﹞in the harbor.答案顯示:【D】 (A)parked(B)posted(C)floated(D)anchored 27.The vessel was on fire after explosion, but fortunately the fire is now﹝ ﹞control.答案顯示:【A】 (A)under(B)of(C)at(D)beyond 28.Since the ship is seriously damaged, we have decided to﹝ ﹞the ship.答案顯示:【A】 (A)abandon(B)abase(C)abdicate(D)abuse 29.The notification and coordination of maritime rescue operations in the surrounding waters of Taiwan is mainly conducted by NRCC.What does the abbreviation “NRCC” stand for?答案顯示:【A】 (A)National Rescue Command Center(B)National Rescue Community Council (C)National Research Council Canada(D)National Republican Congressional Committee 30.Fighting against smuggling and illicit entry/exit, the personnel of the Coast Guard shall﹝ ﹞any suspect they discover in the course of duty to the authorities.答案顯示:【D】 (A)drop off(B)pick out(C)turn down(D)hand over 31.All mobile investigative groups of the Coast Guard Administration are﹝ ﹞to perform intelligence-gathering mission of State Security.答案顯示:【A】 (A)tasked(B)forced(C)called(D)acted 32.A full safety﹝ ﹞of the vessel was carried out immediately after learning that illegal drugs might be kept on the vessel.答案顯示:【B】 (A)custody(B)inspection(C)stability(D)verification 33.Several crew members were badly injured in the crash and rushed to the hospital.It might take a long time before they can be﹝ ﹞.答案顯示:【C】 (A)eradicated(B)evacuated(C)discharged(D)disabused 34.Mooring and unmooring services are﹝ ﹞both to ensuring vessel safety and handling ship cargoes efficiently and effectively.答案顯示:【D】 (A)optional(B)justified(C)dynamic(D)crucial 35.The United Nations was informed by some﹝ ﹞sources that certain European companies had been dumping toxic and nuclear waste off the Somali coastline.答案顯示:【A】 (A)reliable(B)intense(C)dubious(D)disposable 36.To prevent avian flu viruses from invading Taiwan via fowl-smuggling passages or illegal immigrants, the Coast Guard works closely with Center for Disease Control to keep﹝ ﹞out.答案顯示:【A】 (A)epidemics(B)academics(C)domestics(D)foreigners 37.To ﹝ ﹞ the efficiency of maritime search and rescue operations, the Coast Guard has operational procedures pertinent to emergency response organization in order to set up joint command centers and dispatch rescue resources.答案顯示:【B】 (A)announce(B)enhance(C)symbolize(D)quarantine 38.A Canadian cargo ship carrying 3,000 brand new cars sank soon after departure.An investigation was immediately﹝ ﹞by the Canadian authorities into the cause of the accident.答案顯示:【B】 (A)delivered(B)launched(C)promoted(D)regressed 39.If proved to be doing illegal activities such as smuggling and stowaway, the vessel could be﹝ ﹞in port and the crew subject to interrogation/prosecution by the local authorities.答案顯示:【D】 <<英文測驗題庫彙編 03~104-new 年>>S-link 電子六法全書 54 (A)advanced(B)helped(C)released(D)detained 40.Serious﹝ ﹞has been reported after the crash.According to the report, among all the 20 crew members onboard 17.were killed and 3 injured.答案顯示:【B】 (A)exposures(B)casualties(C)hardships(D)speculations 41.The Taitung Vessel, the newest addition to the Taiwan’ s Coast Guard Fleet, is one of four 1,000-ton patrol vessels being built to﹝ ﹞the Coast Guard’ s ability to enforce maritime law.答案顯示:【A】 (A)boost(B)legalize(C)provoke(D)substitute 42.An oil spill that blackened the beaches at this famous holiday island a year ago has had a serious﹝ ﹞on the island’ s tourism and fishing industries.答案顯示:【A】 (A)impact(B)misfortune(C)occurrence(D)residue 43.In order to improve the﹝ ﹞of local coastguardsmen, Taiwan’ s Coast Guard Administration is planning to invite some senior Coast Guard personnel from other countries to hold lectures as part of a training program.答 案顯示:【B】 (A)competition(B)performance(C)recognition(D)transaction 44.When at rest on even keel, the vessel’ s centre of buoyancy is directly below the centre of﹝ ﹞as well as below the metacenter.答案顯示:【C】 (A)velocity(B)speed(C)gravity(D)waterline 45.Having a lifesaver﹝ ﹞a self-igniting light on your boat at all times helps you respond well if you find yourself in an emergency situation.答案顯示:【D】 (A)opposed to(B)come across(C)turned against(D)fitted with 請依下文回答第 46 題至第 48 題: Coast Guard Festival is a festival in Grand Haven, Michigan.Founded in 1924, the festival is a ten-day ﹝46﹞that starts in the last weekend in July, and ends in early August.Over 350,000 people attend the festival, ﹝47﹞the nation’ s highest-ranking United States Coast Guard dignitaries from Washington, DC.The focus of the annual festival is to﹝48﹞the Coast Guard and those who sacrificed their lives in the service of their country. 46.答案顯示:【B】 (A)alliance(B)event(C)scheme(D)venture 47.答案顯示:【A】 (A)including(B)respectively(C)except for(D)let alone 48.答案顯示:【C】 (A)celebrate(B)approve(C)honor(D)preserve 請依下文回答第 49 題至第 50 題: A cruise ship had a﹝49﹞with another merchant vessel and lost its engine power completely.It was soon 50 to the nearest harbor. 49.答案顯示:【B】 (A)rack(B)collision(C)wreckage(D)deficiency 50.答案顯示:【D】 (A)aviated(B)delivered(C)escorted(D)towed <<英文測驗題庫彙編 03~104-new 年>>S-link 電子六法全書 55 回目錄(1)>>回首頁>> 10415。(1)中央警察大學 104 學年度學士班二年制技術系入學考試試題 中央警察大學 104 學年度學士班二年制技術系入學考試試題 【系別】各學系【科目】英文 【注意事項】1.本科試題共 50 題,均為單一選擇題(答案卡上第 51 至 80 題空著不用)。 2.每題後面所列的五個備選答案,其中只有一個是正確或最適當的,請將正確或最適當的答案選出,然後用 2B 鉛筆,在答案 卡上同一題號答案位置的長方格範圍塗黑。答對者每題得 2 分;答錯者倒扣 1/4 題分;不答者以零分計。 一、字彙:請根據題意,選擇一個最適當的答案(20 分) 1.It is assumed that the police are the special﹝ ﹞of the citizens’ liberties and the community’ s tranquility. 答案顯示:【C】 (A)gardeners(B)amateurs(C)guardians(D)gangsters(E)colleagues 2.The kidnapper demanded a(an)﹝ ﹞of 200,000 US dollars for freeing the hostage.答案顯示:【D】 (A)surcharge(B)compensation(C)wage(D)ransom(E)income 3.Police Officer Helen Huang is﹝ ﹞traffic at a busy intersection when she sees two men fighting on the sidewalk about half a block away.答案顯示:【A】 (A)directing(B)waving(C)making(D)leading(E)taking 4.While working an 8:00 a.m.to 4:00 p.m.﹝ ﹞on May 24, 2015, Police Officers Tsai and Lin received a radio call at 1:50 p.m.to investigate a report of a man with a gun in front of 56 Suren Avenue.答案顯示:【B】 (A)job(B)shift(C)task(D)work(E)turn 5.Signing a(an)﹝ ﹞treaty with a country may deter a criminal’s possible overseas fleeing.答案顯示:【E】 (A)settlement(B)commerce(C)penalty(D)negotiation(E)extradition 6.The civilians﹝ ﹞the former mayor of taking bribes.答案顯示:【D】 (A)conspired(B)acquired(C)devoted(D)accused(E)impounded 7.Courts can not exclude eyewitness﹝ ﹞from a trial.Sometimes it is the only evidence to a crime.答案顯示: 【E】 (A)apparel(B)plea(C)program(D)lineup(E)testimony 8.The lawyer is going to﹝ ﹞to a higher court next week in order to help his client who has been suspected of being involved in a murder case.答案顯示:【B】 (A)sentence(B)appeal(C)assist(D)outgo(E)notify 9.Human﹝ ﹞is a form of modern slavery where people profit from the control and exploitation of others.答案 顯示:【A】 (A)trafficking(B)traffic(C)transportation(D)transport(E)immigration 10.With CCTV security systems, police are now keeping the area under constant﹝ ﹞.答案顯示:【C】 (A)care(B)suppression(C)surveillance(D)change(E)resolution 二、會話:請根據題意,選擇一個最適當的答案(20 分) 11.Police: Excuse me, sir.﹝ ﹞答案顯示:【C】 *Driver: Oh, I’ m sorry.I didn’ t see any traffic signs. *(A)Why didn’t you wear a safety helmet?(B)Here you are.You couldn’t care less. <<英文測驗題庫彙編 03~104-new 年>>S-link 電子六法全書 56 *(C)Didn’t you know it’s a one-way street?You shouldn’t drive in. *(D)How come you did this!(E)What is the make of your car? 12.Bicyclist: Excuse me, officer.My bike isn’t working well.Could you help me with it?答案顯示:【B】 **Police: No problem.I’ll check and see if I can﹝ ﹞it. *(A)get along with(B)take care of(C)be interested in(D)keep in touch with(E)get rid of 13.Officer Liu: How have you been?答案顯示:【C】 **Officer Su:﹝ ﹞ *(A)I am a sergeant.(B)We have been together for one year. *(C)Not much.(D)So … what brings you here?(E)Haven’t we met before? 14.Officer Lee: Hey, Jane.I don’t have a pen with me.Can I use yours?答案顯示:【B】 Officer Wang:﹝ ﹞ *(A)Anything is O.K.with me.(B)Sure.Go ahead. *(C)I am glad to hear that.(D)Count me in.(E)I am with you all the way. 15.Foreigner: Excuse me.How can I get to your office to apply for my police criminal record certificate?Can I take the bus?答案顯示:【E】 *Duty officer: If you are not considering taking the MRT, you can take bus 236. *Foreigner: How often does the bus leave for your office? *Duty Officer:﹝ ﹞. *(A)Early in the morning(B)Twenty minutes later *(C)It runs always(D)In ten minutes(E)Every half an hour 16.A: I am going to take the test for the police academy this Sunday, and I am feeling so nervous.答案顯示:【D】 **B: Take it easy! I will﹝ ﹞. **A: Thanks.I hope that I can pass the exam successfully. *(A)search high and low for it(B)count you in *(C)make it up(D)keep my fingers crossed for you(E)be on the safe side 17.Officer Chen: I understand most terminologies in police English, but I’ m too dumb to know how to use them. 答案顯示:【A】 *Officer Tsai:﹝ ﹞ *(A)I can relate.(B)That’s great.(C)I am very proud of you. *(D)I hate when that happens.(E)Tell me about it. 18.Duty Officer: Hello, Officer Shen speaking.May I help you?答案顯示:【C】 **Foreigner: I’ ve lost my wallet and traveler’ s checks.I’ d like to report a pickpocketing. **Duty Officer:﹝ ﹞Your name, please. *(A)Don’t be afraid of.You should have been more careful.(B)Don’t worry! That’s a piece of cake. *(C)Don’t panic! We will do our best to help you.(D)That’s not a big deal. *(E)Someone must have picked your pocket. 19.Foreigner: Hello.This is Stella Jobs.May I speak to Officer Chiang?答案顯示:【E】 *Duty Officer: Excuse me, ma ’ am.Officer Chiang is currently ﹝ ﹞ .Would you like to leave him a message? *(A)taking French leave(B)skipping the duty *(C)leaving us alone(D)leaving behind(E)on business leave <<英文測驗題庫彙編 03~104-new 年>>S-link 電子六法全書 57 20.Foreigner: Officer Chiu, I really appreciate what you have done for me.答案顯示:【B】 *Officer Chiu: You’re welcome.﹝ ﹞ *(A)I am just doing my business.(B)I am just doing my job. *(C)I am just doing my things.(D)I am just doing my mission.(E)I am just doing my responsibility. 三、文法:請根據題意,選擇一個最適當的答案(20 分) 21.Our commander is so picky about fruits that he only eats three kinds of them.One is watermelon, another is pineapple, and﹝ ﹞guava.答案顯示:【B】 (A)some is(B)the other is(C)the others are(D)the another is(E)others are 22.When a criminal is arrested, he or she has the option to remain﹝ ﹞.答案顯示:【B】 (A)silence(B)silent(C)silently(D)silenced(E)silencing 23.We spent our winter vacation in the Netherlands.﹝ ﹞it rained constantly, we still had a great time.答案顯 示:【A】 (A)Although(B)In spite of(C)Despite(D)Due to(E)Because 24.It is prohibited by law to mail through parcel post any merchandise that might prove﹝ ﹞in transport.答案顯 示:【D】 (A)to the danger(B)with danger(C)dangerously(D)dangerous(E)of the danger 25.﹝ ﹞the end of martial law in 1987, people were allowed to form new political parties and have the right of assembly, free speech and publication.答案顯示:【B】 (A)For(B)With(C)At(D)In(E)From 26.The police found a bunch of kids﹝ ﹞drugs in an empty house, so they stopped and arrested them right away.答案顯示:【A】 (A)taking(B)take(C)to take(D)are taking(E)of taking 27.After five hours of police questioning, the young man finally admitted﹝ ﹞someone else’s credit card.答案 顯示:【C】 (A)having been used(B)to have used(C)having used(D)to use(E)have used 28.According to the police, the car accident﹝ ﹞faulty brakes.答案顯示:【E】 (A)brought about(B)resulted in(C)was because(D)led to(E)was attributed to 29.Charles has﹝ ﹞difficulty of all the students figuring out the forensic chemistry problem.答案顯示:【D】 (A)few(B)fewer(C)more(D)the least(E)less 30.While﹝ ﹞, Police Officer Chang was approached by a woman who was screaming that she had been assaulting by her husband.答案顯示:【E】 (A)with patrol(B)at patrol(C)in patrol(D)under patrol(E)on patrol 四、綜合測驗:請根據題意,選擇一個最適當的答案(20 分) *※A※ Identity theft, the stealing of one’s personal status and information, is﹝31﹞to be the fastest-growing crime in the world.For the past decade, more than 6.8 million people in Taiwan were victims of identity theft, and this number is still﹝32﹞.People’s identity can be stolen in a variety of ways.Thieves steal wallets or search through garbage cans for personal information.They change the billing address to get control of accounts.﹝33﹞, more high-tech thieves send fishing emails or use devices to collect data from credit <<英文測驗題庫彙編 03~104-new 年>>S-link 電子六法全書 58 cards.Most of the time, people may not find out about the crime until long after it﹝34﹞.While authorities can take some steps to protect the public﹝35﹞identity theft, ultimately, it is one who needs to take responsibility for protecting oneself. 31.答案顯示:【C】 (A)asked(B)made(C)claimed(D)regarded(E)thinking 32.答案顯示:【E】 (A)declining(B)on the decrease(C)vibrating(D)threatening(E)on the increase 33.答案顯示:【B】 (A)In other words(B)In addition(C)Generally(D)Merely(E)However 34.答案顯示:【D】 (A)has done(B)has committed(C)has been done(D)has been committed(E)has been made 35.答案顯示:【A】 (A)from(B)of(C)to(D)with(E)at *※B※ Many societies still believe that certain jobs should be gender-specific, and this idea is strengthened in schools.Both men and women﹝36﹞the gender bias in the workplace as well.Women training for jobs that are traditionally ﹝ 37 ﹞ men, such as a plumber, ship-captain or firefighter, might be harassed by male coworkers.The﹝38﹞of genders is also seen in the English language.Common words such as policeman, fireman and nanny suggest that jobs must be done by a certain sex.﹝39﹞, more women are being elected in government, and more men are choosing to be stay-at-home dads.We should all fight to﹝40﹞these barriers so that our children can grow up to be whatever they want to be. 36.答案顯示:【B】 (A)stay away from(B)put up with(C)other than(D)have in common(E)compare with 37.答案顯示:【A】 (A)held by(B)regarded as(C)owing to(D)belongs to(E)just like 38.答案顯示:【E】 (A)likeness(B)unlikelihood(C)unfair(D)unequal(E)gap 39.答案顯示:【C】 (A)Shortly(B)In the past(C)These Days(D)Instantly(E)Momentarily 40.答案顯示:【B】 (A)work together(B)break down(C)catch up with(D)bully(E)demand 五、閱讀測驗:請根據題意,選擇一個最適當的答案(20 分) *※A※ Proper firearms training is one phase of law enforcement that can not be ignored.No part of the training of a police officer is more important or more valuable.The officer’ s life, and often the lives of his or her fellow officers, depend directly upon skill with the weapon he or she is carrying.Proficiency with the revolver is not attained exclusively by the volume of ammunition used and the number of hours spent on the firing line.Supervised practice and the use of training aids and techniques help make the shooter.It is essential to have a good firing range where new officers are trained and older personnel practice in scheduled firearms sessions.The fundamental points to be stressed are grip, stance, breathing, sight alignment, and trigger <<英文測驗題庫彙編 03~104-new 年>>S-link 電子六法全書 59 squeeze.Coordination of thought, vision, and motion must be achieved before the officer gains confidence in shooting ability.Attaining this ability will make the student a better officer and enhance his or her value to the force. 41.According to the passage, proper training in the use of firearms is one aspect of law enforcement that must be given serious consideration mainly because it is﹝ ﹞.答案顯示:【A】 (A)the most useful and essential factor in the training of a police officer (B)the one phase of police officer training which stresses mental and physical coordination (C)the costliest aspect of police officer training (D)the most difficult part of police officer training (E)the optional part of police officer training 42.A police officer will gain confidence in his or her shooting ability only after having﹝ ﹞.答案顯示:【D】 (A)spent the required number of hours on the firing line (B)been given sufficient supervised practice (C)learned the five fundamental points (D)learned to coordinate revolver movement with sight and thought (E)finished his/her studies in a police academy 43.According to the passage, which of the following is NOT included as the fundamental points of firearms training?答案顯示:【C】 (A)position(B)a good holding(C)the focusing of hearing (D)an adjustment for seeing focus(E)a stable and smooth respiration 44.What does the phrase “firing range” in line 6 mean?答案顯示:【E】 (A)the length of firing(B)the scope of firing (C)the space of firing(D)the arrangement of firing (E)the place of practicing firing 45.What is probably the best title of the passage?答案顯示:【B】 (A)The expenditure of firearms training for a police officer (B)The importance of firearms training for a police officer (C)How to gain the shooting ability for a police officer (D)How to be a good police officer (E)The fundamental points of firearms training *※B※ The public often believes that the main job of a uniformed officer is to enforce laws simply by arresting people.In reality, however, many of the situations that an officer deals with do not call for the use of the power of arrest.In the first place, an officer spends much of his or her time preventing crimes from happening, by spotting potential violations or suspicious behavior and taking action to prevent illegal acts.In the second place, many of the situations in which officers are called on for assistance involve elements like personal disputes, husband-wife quarrels, noisy juveniles, or emotionally disturbed persons.The majority of these problems do not result in arrests and convictions, and often they do not even involve illegal behavior.In the third place, even in situations where there seems to be good reason to make an arrest, an officer may have to exercise very good judgment.There are times when making an arrest too soon could touch off a riot, or could result in the detention of a minor offender while major offenders escaped, or could cut short the gathering of necessary <<英文測驗題庫彙編 03~104-new 年>>S-link 電子六法全書 60 on-the-scene evidence. 46.The passage implies that most citizens﹝ ﹞.答案顯示:【D】 (A)will start to riot if they see an arrest being made (B)appreciate the work that law enforcement officers do (C)never call for assistance unless they are involved in a personal argument or a husband-wife quarrel (D)do not realize that making arrests is only a small part of law enforcement (E)believe they can get the police assistance promptly 47.According to the passage, one way in which police officers can prevent crimes from happening is by﹝ ﹞. 答案顯示:【B】 (A)arresting suspicious guys(B)taking action on potential violations (C)letting minor offenders go free(D)refusing to get involved in husband-wife fights (E)calling for back-ups 48.The word “juveniles” in line 6 is mostly like﹝ ﹞.答案顯示:【E】 (A)drivers(B)neighbors(C)bystanders(D)pedestrians(E)youth 49.The last sentence in the passage mentions “detention of minor offenders.” Of the following, which best explains the meaning of the word “detention” as used here?答案顯示:【E】 (A)sentencing someone(B)indicting someone (C)calling someone before a court hearing(D)questioning someone (E)arresting someone 50.According to the passage, which of the following is NOT included in the possible happenings when making an arrest too promptly?答案顯示:【C】 (A)a mobbish gathering(B)a runaway of prime violators (C)a costly and time-consuming investigation(D)an imprisonment of secondary violators (E)an interruption of collecting evidence 回目錄(5)>>回首頁>> 10416。a(5)104 年公務人員特種考試法務部調查局調查人員考試&國家安全情報人員三等考試。英文組 104 年公務人員特種考試法務部調查局調查人員、國家安全局國家安全情報人員考試試題 20140 【考試別】調查人員、國家安全情報人員【等別】三等考試【類科組】調查人員調查工作組(選試英文)、國家 安全情報人員各組(選試英文) 【科目】外國文(英文)【考試時間】2 小時 甲、申論題部分:(50 分) 一、中譯英:(15 分) 有品質的食物,有賴有品質的材料。最近幾年,在大城市的周邊,興起一個又一個有機農場。農場的興 起,就是為了回應近年食物安全的問題。農場全部採用有機肥料,到訪的人可以親自動手種植和收割蔬菜。 二、英譯中:(15 分) When you change your way of thinking, what is around you will transform accordingly;nowhere in the world will you find absolute good or bad.The way to get along with others is to communicate effectively.When <<英文測驗題庫彙編 03~104-new 年>>S-link 電子六法全書 61 communication fails, compromise; when compromise fails, tolerate and forgive. 三、英文作文:(20 分) The clothing people wear communicates a message and, therefore, has a purpose.Choose one type of clothing(a conservative suit, white shirt and tie, or punk clothing, for example).Use 150 words to describe the clothing and message it communicates. 乙、測驗題部分:(50 分)4201 1.Station box lunches evoke images of taste, sight, smell, sound, and touch.They tantalize the ful﹝ ﹞l of human senses.答案顯示:【C】 (A)glare(B)brunt(C)gamut(D)brigade 2.The story of the battle caught the public imagination.The general became an instant hero, ﹝ ﹞ in newspapers and praised from church pulpits.答案顯示:【B】 (A)eradicated(B)eulogized(C)libeled(D)lampooned 3.A falling birth rate is an issue that is far more﹝ ﹞than we ever imagined.It is important and relevant to a nation’ s economic growth.答案顯示:【A】 (A)salient(B)germane(C)fledgling(D)nostalgic 4.All the kids in Kevin’ s birthday party﹝ ﹞on cakes and cookies.They ate so much that some of the kids got abdominal pain.答案顯示:【D】 (A)plagued(B)hurdled(C)sedated(D)gorged 5.The Law Society requires current certified solicitors to﹝ ﹞more rigorous and extended studies for a period of two years.答案顯示:【C】 (A)underlie(B)undermine(C)undertake(D)underline 6.She felt guilty for not spending time with her children and﹝ ﹞by buying toys for them.答案顯示:【C】 (A)combined(A)convinced(A)compensated(A)controlled 7.The research found that a lot of human consumption is﹝ ﹞induced—it doesn’ t have anything to do with people’ s real wants and needs.答案顯示:【B】 (A)authentically(B)artificially(C)necessarily(D)remarkably 8.My apartment﹝ ﹞a football field, so I can watch games without buying a ticket.答案顯示:【B】 (A)comforts(B)overlooks(C)withstands(D)locates 9.Dr.Lee’ s research into diet and stress-managing brought him international﹝ ﹞; everybody praises him for his discovery.答案顯示:【B】 (A)damage(B)acclaim(C)climax(D)acrimony 10.As Internet crimes proliferate, preventive measures are considered very necessary.In other words, they have become﹝ ﹞.答案顯示:【D】 (A)immersive(B)indecisive(C)illustrative(D)imperative 11.We should try our best to conserve the environment so that we can﹝ ﹞our children a sustainable world that benefits all.答案顯示:【A】 (A)bequeath(B)beseech(C)besiege(D)bewitch 12.There is no question about it – I saw﹝ ﹞that those boys broke the window while playing soccer in the yard.答案顯示:【D】 <<英文測驗題庫彙編 03~104-new 年>>S-link 電子六法全書 62 (A)simultaneously(B)sentimentally(C)abruptly(D)unmistakably 請依下文回答第 13 題至第 18 題: The enforcement of environmental laws has led to a new growth industry in real estate, one composed of experts in the field of environmental due diligence.Environmental laws and regulations are a critical part of any real estate transaction , whether﹝13﹞, sale, lease, or financing process. The parties need to know whether the underlying real estate is contaminated and, if so, what effect contamination will have on the economics of the deal. Environmental due diligence has become important for a number of reasons.﹝14﹞, for example, need to determine the costs associated with environmental contamination, such as leakage from an underground fuel tank. ﹝ 15 ﹞ need to know whether contamination will prevent development of the property or make it prohibitively expensive—asbestos abatement costs, for example, can significantly increase the cost of renovation work. In all these cases, the parties need to know whether or not there is contamination and the estimated ﹝16﹞cost. Due diligence is not a new concept.For years, cautious purchasers of real estate, governed by the principle ''let the buyer beware,''have undertaken﹝17﹞investigations.But the focus was different in earlier days. State and federal environmental laws enacted in the 1980s changed the focus of this type of investigation.These laws﹝18﹞potential cleanup liability upon owners and operators of property, regardless of whether the parties were involved in causing the contamination. 13.答案顯示:【C】 (A)prevention(B)redemption(C)acquisition(D)interception 14.答案顯示:【A】 (A)Buyers(B)Kidnappers(C)Scapegoats(D)Mourners 15.答案顯示:【C】 (A)Actors(B)Fortune-tellers(C)Developers(D)Audience 16.答案顯示:【B】 (A)resignation(B)remediation(C)indignation(D)indigestion 17.答案顯示:【A】 (A)prepurchase(B)prenatal(C)presumptuous(D)premature 18.答案顯示:【D】 (A)lease(B)postpone(C)compose(D)impose 請依下文回答第 19 題至第 21 題: Who says the American Dream is﹝19﹞?Today the dream of owning a home is prevalent in many young people’s minds.But with today’s house prices, how can young people afford to buy their first home?When you apply for a﹝20﹞for your home, the bank will use a table to calculate the payment schedule. Some banks are now making simplified﹝21﹞of these tables available to potential house-buyers to help them better understand the minefileds behind the payment schedule. 19.答案顯示:【C】 (A)existent(B)functional(C)moribund(D)deep-rooted <<英文測驗題庫彙編 03~104-new 年>>S-link 電子六法全書 63 20.答案顯示:【C】 (A)will(B)debit(C)mortgage(D)liability 21.答案顯示:【C】 (A)impressions(B)conditions(C)versions(D)locations 請依下文回答第 22 題至第 23 題: Communication is a continual balancing act, juggling the conflicting needs for intimacy and independence.To survive in the world, we have to act in﹝22﹞with others. But to survive as ourselves, we have to act alone.In some ways, all people are the same: we all eat, drink and sleep.But in some ways, each person is different, and individuals’ different wants and preferences may ﹝23﹞with one another.Offered the same menu, people make different, independent choices. 22.答案顯示:【B】 (A)unit(B)concert(C)conflict(D)discussion 23.答案顯示:【D】 (A)flee(B)drive(C)alter(D)collide 24.Any discussion of ''manipulated'' photography must begin with the recognition that photography itself is an inherent manipulation, a manipulation of light, a process with many steps and stages, all subject to the biases and interpretations of the photographer, printer, editor, or viewer.答案顯示:【D】 (A)Photography presents absolute reality. (B)Photography is manipulated by the difference in light, and the photographer’s interpretation or editors’ views do not matter. (C)The photographer manipulates the photograph to include views from the editor, printer and viewer. (D)Photography is not unqualified truth; it is not purely objective. 25.Tennis players, such as Serena Williams, tried to spice up their look with headbands, wristbands and the like,despite the white dress code of the tournament set since the late 1800s to reduce the appearance of sweat stains.答案顯示:【D】 (A)Tennis players tried to bring some tasty food to the sport. (B)Tennis players were naturally rebellious. (C)The all-in-white dress code made the players look ugly. (D)Tennis players tried to grab attention by wearing eye-catching accessories. 請依下文回答第 26 題至第 28 題: Why should you choose to write historical novels?Are they more difficult?Yes, in some ways, but they also have advantages. In writing historical you need the same skills as for any other novel,﹝26﹞.This is absolutely essential, and you need to be prepared for it and to enjoy doing it as much as you enjoy writing. There is, of course, some research needed for all novels, but usually far more for historical.This is part of the pleasure for many writers, though many admit they are often carried away and pursue avenues that have nothing to do with their current book but intrinsically fascinating. In the same way that﹝27﹞, writers like to do the same. From a practical point of view, it is easier to write a series of novels set in the past than a series set in the present. <<英文測驗題庫彙編 03~104-new 年>>S-link 電子六法全書 64 Series can be profitable for writers once they acquire a faithful readership, and the setting can move forward in time almost indefinitely. Then there is the possibility of endless variety of time and place from which the novelist can choose.﹝28 Some writers confine themselves to one period, others have setting from different times. 26.答案顯示:【B】 (A)especially the confidence to convince the publisher(B)plus the ability to do research (C)and it is better to be a publisher yourself(D)plus the ability to see a market 27.答案顯示:【D】 (A)readers may want to make profit by reading historical stories (B)readers may give up everything to finish reading the novel (C)readers may befriend writers in reading (D)readers may be seeking escapism by imagining they are living in the past 28.答案顯示:【A】 (A)We have the whole of history and the entire human race to explore. (B)After all, they can always find historical gossips on the streets. (C)There are lots of mysterious events in the universe. (D)We have almost explored everything. 請依下文回答第 29 題至第 33 題: Years ago, many scientists assumed that a woman’ s heart worked pretty much the same as a man’ s.But as more women entered the male-dominated field of cardiology, many such assumptions vanished, opening the way for new approaches to research and treatment. A similar shift is underway in the study of Alzheimer’ s disease.It has long been known that more women than men get the deadly neurodegenerative disease, and an emerging body of research is challenging the common wisdom as to why.Although the question is by no means settled, recent findings suggest that biological, genetic and even cultural influences may play heavy roles. Of the more than 5 million people in the United States who have been diagnosed with Alzheimer’ s, the leading cause of dementia, two-thirds are women.Because advancing age is considered the biggest risk factor for the disease,researchers largely have attributed that disparity to women’ s longer life spans.The average life expectancy for women is 81 years, compared with 76 for men.And even after taking age into account, women are more at risk. With the number of Alzheimer’ s cases in the United States expected to more than triple by 2050, there is a greater need to understand the underlying reasons women are more prone to the disease and to develop gender-specific treatments.The area of inquiry has been growing in part because of a push by female Alzheimer’ s researchers, who have formed a group to advocate for a larger leadership role in the field and more gender-specific research. 29.Which of the following is widely considered the major cause of Alzheimer’s?答案顯示:【A】 (A)Advanced age(B)Cultural influences(C)Genetic mutation(D)Gender difference 30*Which of the following is true about the view that a woman’s heart works differently from a man’s?答案 顯示:【無】 (A)It was an old view long held by the male-dominated scientific community. <<英文測驗題庫彙編 03~104-new 年>>S-link 電子六法全書 65 (B)This view was challenged by many male researchers in the past. (C)This view was challenged primarily by female scientists. (D)This view developed because of advancements in cardiology. 31.According to the passage, what is the recent Alzheimer’s research mainly about?答案顯示:【B】 (A)Why women live longer than men.(B)Why women are more prone to Alzheimer’s. (C)How Alzheimer’s treatments were discovered by women. (D)How Alzheimer’s influences the lives of many Americans. 32.What is the relationship between dementia and Alzheimer’s?答案顯示:【B】 (A)Dementia may result in Alzheimer’s.(B)Alzheimer’s may result in dementia. (C)The life span of Alzheimer’s patients is longer than that of the dementia patients. (D)They are similar diseases, but found in men and women respectively. 33.What is the conclusion of the passage?答案顯示:【D】 (A)Females are more prone to Alzheimer’s than men. (B)Male researchers are encouraged to study Alzheimer’s. (C)Gender-specific studies are now dominated by female researchers. (D)Females make significant contribution to gender-specific research on Alzheimer’s. 請依下文回答第 34 題至第 37 題: Pheromones are substances that serve as chemical signals between members of the same species.They are secreted to the outside of the body and cause other individuals of the species to have specific reactions.Pheromones,sometimes also called "social hormones," affect a group of individuals somewhat like hormones do to an individual animal.Pheromones are the predominant medium of communication among insects(but rarely the sole method).Some species have simple pheromone systems and produce only a few pheromones, but others produce many with various functions.Pheromone systems are the most complicated in some of the so-called social insects, insects that live in organized groups. Pheromones play various roles in the activities of insects.They may act as alarm substances, play a role in individual and group recognition, serve as attractants between sexes, mediate the formation of aggregations, identify foraging trails, and be involved in caste determination.For example, pheromones involved in caste determination include the "queen substance" produced by queen honey bees.Aphids, which are particularly vulnerable to predators because of their gregarious habits and sedentary nature, secrete an alarm pheromone when attacked that causes nearby aphids to respond by moving away. 34.What do the passages mainly discuss?答案顯示:【D】 (A)how insects use pheromones to facilitate reproduction (B)how pheromones are produced by insects (C)why analyzing insect pheromones is thorny (D)the different uses of pheromones among various insect species 35.What does the underlined phrase "specific reactions" refer to?答案顯示:【C】 (A)roaming instinct(B)general aggression (C)particular behavior triggered by pheromones(D)species-specific hibernation cycles 36.The purpose of the underlined word "hormones" is to point out.答案顯示:【C】 (A)chemical signals that are common among insects <<英文測驗題庫彙編 03~104-new 年>>S-link 電子六法全書 66 (B)specific responses of various species to chemical signals (C)similarities between two chemical substances (D)how insects produce different chemical substances 37.The underlined word "sedentary" is closest in meaning to.答案顯示:【A】 (A)inactive(B)inefficient(C)untouchable(D)unbalanced 請依下文回答第 38 題至第 40 題: All of us know from experience that we are much more reluctant to walk away from an ongoing enterprise in which we have invested a lot than from one in which we have invested only a little.That is true of our investment in human relationships, in business projects, or in the stock market.It is true regardless of whether our investment is in the form of money, time, or effort. The same principle applies to parental investment in potential offspring.Even at the moment when an egg is fertilized by a sperm, the resulting fertilized embryo generally represents a greater investment for the female than for the male, because in most animal species the egg is much larger than the sperm.While both eggs and sperms contain chromosomes, the egg in addition must contain enough nutrients and metabolic machinery to support the embryo’ s further development for some time, at least until the embryo can start feeding itself.Sperms, in contrast, need contain only a flagellar motor and sufficient energy to drive that motor and support swimming for at most a few days.As a result, a mature human egg has roughly one million times the mass of the sperm that fertilizes it.Hence a fertilized embryo, viewed simply as an early-stage construction project, represents an utterly trivial investment of its father’ s body mass compared to its mother’ s.But, that doesn’ t mean the female has automatically lost the game of chicken before the moment of conception.Along with the one sperm that fertilized the egg, the male may have produced several hundred million other sperms in the ejaculation, so that his total investment may be not dissimilar to the female. 38.Based on the premise that “ we are much more reluctant to walk away from an ongoing enterprise in which we have invested a lot than from one in which we have invested only a little,” which one of the following is the easiest to do?答案顯示:【A】 (A)To burn the first chapter of your PhD dissertation draft after having worked on it for a few weeks (B)To rewrite the body of your PhD dissertation draft after having spent two whole years on it (C)To find another dissertation supervisor after having worked with your original supervisor for three years (D)To change your dissertation topic after working on it for one year and having finished three chapters 39.Which of the following statements is true?答案顯示:【B】 (A)When mating, the male invests much less than the female in total. (B)When mating, the total investment of the male is roughly the same as that of the female. (C)When mating, the female contributes much more than the male in total. (D)When mating, the male contributes much more than the female in total. 40.According to the passage, why has the female not automatically lost the game of chicken before the moment of conception?答案顯示:【A】 (A)The male does not invest as little as we may think. (B)The female does not invest as little as we may think. (C)The female does not invest as much as we may think. (D)Neither of the male and the female invests as much as we think. <<英文測驗題庫彙編 03~104-new 年>>S-link 電子六法全書 67 回目錄(11)>>回首頁>> 10417。a(11)104 年公務人員特種考試移民行政人員三等考試。移民行政 104 年公務人員特種考試移民行政人員考試試題 53140 【考試別】移民行政人員【等別】三等考試【類科組】移民行政(選試英文)【科目】外國文(英文兼試移民專 業英文) 【考試時間】2 小時 甲、申論題部分:(75 分) 一、翻譯: (一)中翻英:Please translate the following passage into English(15 分) 內政部次長認為,移民為臺灣帶來了豐富的文化與種族多樣性,是必須加以利用的珍貴資產。他指出,政 府將致力於善用這些社會新成員的多文化與多語言背景,來增強臺灣在國際領域的競爭力。 (二)英翻中:Please translate the following passage into Chinese(20 分) Despite Taiwan’ s overcrowded residential areas, the island is actually facing a demographic crisis. Like many rich developed countries, Taiwan is facing the prospect of an aged population.Currently 12% of the population is over the age of 65, which as it stands is not a very serious situation.In the European Union, roughly 17-18% of the population is in that age bracket, and in Japan it’ s a quarter of the population. Thus, recent developments in Taiwan’ s economy, and more importantly its population structure,have led to a rethinking of the national position on immigration.The Taiwan government has begun adopting a far more open approach to immigration, looking for ways to recruit highly skilled people from around the world to boost its plateauing economy and its soon-to-be declining population. 二、英文作文:Read the following passage.Write a short and well-organized essay in about 200 to 250 words to discuss the impacts and influences smartphones have exerted on our life and behavior.(40 分) In this contemporary world, smartphones are playing an imperative role in people’ s lives.A smartphone can keep people connected with the world at their fingertips.Millions of people around the world are carrying around smartphones that keep them constantly connected to the Internet.People are now very fond of smartphones due to the many advantages that they offer.One can have increased connectivity,immediate access to data and information, play games and do office work with this hand-held device.Smartphones are altering the world in a remarkable manner by becoming an essential commodity especially for young people.However, they already have a huge influence on human behavior. 乙、測驗題部分:(25 分)4531 1.For documents to have legal effect internationally, their source must be ﹝ ﹞ or proved genuine by notarization.答案顯示:【C】 (A)signified(B)familiarized(C)authenticated(D)distinguished 2.“ Snowbirds” are people who﹝ ﹞south for the winter and come back north when the snow melts.答案顯 示:【A】 (A)migrate(B)emigrate(C)evacuate(D)immigrate <<英文測驗題庫彙編 03~104-new 年>>S-link 電子六法全書 68 3.This country has a long tradition of giving refuge to those who seek﹝ ﹞, thus having saved many lives over the years.答案顯示:【B】 (A)habitat(B)asylum(C)lodging(D)domicile 4.African elephants are﹝ ﹞to the African rainforests, while Asian elephants originated in Iraq and Syria.答案 顯示:【B】 (A)aboriginal(B)indigenous(C)prerequisite(D)indispensable 5.If you understate the value of an article declared at the customs, you may have to pay a penalty; otherwise, the article could be﹝ ﹞and may never be returned to you.答案顯示:【B】 (A)expelled(B)forfeited(C)deprived(D)convicted 6.Every country in the world is affected by human trafficking, whether as a country of origin,﹝ ﹞or destination for victims.答案顯示:【D】 (A)transnational(B)transplant(C)transport(D)transit 7.In light of the risk and potential﹝ ﹞of cyber events, strengthening the security and resilience of cyberspace has become an important homeland security mission.答案顯示:【B】 (A)conclusions(B)consequences(C)contingents(D)congregations 8.Young people nowadays are good at multi-tasking.For example, they can﹝ ﹞check their Facebook and do school assignments.答案顯示:【C】 (A)competitively(B)comparably(C)concurrently(D)considerably 9.In order to attract foreign talents to Taiwan and accord privileged courtesy toward foreign academic or business professionals,the Ministry of the Interior has﹝ ﹞Directions for Foreign Nationals Applying for the Business and Academic Travel Card.答案顯示:【D】 (A)proven(B)prolonged(C)propelled(D)promulgated 10.Automatic ePassport gates at some airports use facial﹝ ﹞technology to check your identity against the photo in your passport.答案顯示:【B】 (A)recording(B)recognition(C)realization(D)recreation 請依下文回答第 11 題至第 15 題: Immigration﹝11﹞around the world have used online arrival cards in place of traditional paper forms in recent years.For instance, the U.S.has﹝12﹞paper Form I-94 Arrival/Departure Record.Following this border ﹝13﹞trend, the National Immigration Agency(NIA)also introduces Online Arrival Card services.Qualified users only need to﹝14﹞their arrival information at NIA website before arriving in Taiwan.In this way, paper Arrival Card will not be needed during the﹝15﹞process. 11.答案顯示:【C】 (A)autonomies(B)autographs(C)authorities(D)auctions 12.答案顯示:【B】 (A)consulted(B)cancelled(C)canopied(D)conducted 13.答案顯示:【C】 (A)migration(B)mimicry(C)management(D)mileage 14.答案顯示:【A】 (A)provide(B)perform(C)promote(D)permit 15.答案顯示:【D】 (A)intention(B)invention(C)intervention(D)inspection <<英文測驗題庫彙編 03~104-new 年>>S-link 電子六法全書 69 請依下文回答第 16 題至第 20 題: Cyberspace and its underlying﹝16﹞are vulnerable to a wide range of risk stemming from both physical and cyber threats and hazards.Sophisticated cyber actors and nation-states﹝17﹞vulnerabilities to steal information and money and are developing capabilities to disrupt, destroy, or threaten the delivery of essential services.A range of traditional crimes is now being﹝18﹞through cyberspace.This includes the production and ﹝19﹞of child pornography and child exploitation conspiracies, banking and financial fraud, intellectual property violations, and other crimes.All these have﹝20﹞human and economic impacts. 16.答案顯示:【C】 (A)influence(B)intention(C)infrastructure(D)intuition 17.答案顯示:【A】 (A)exploit(B)extend(C)expire(D)excrete 18.答案顯示:【D】 (A)presumed(B)pretended(C)prevented(D)perpetrated 19.答案顯示:【B】 (A)distinction(B)distribution(C)disruption(D)disinflation 20.答案顯示:【C】 (A)singular(B)stingy(C)substantial(D)sexual 回目錄(9)>>回首頁>> 10418。a(5)104 年公務人員特種考試外交領事人員三等考試。英文組 104 年公務人員特種考試外交領事人員及外交行政人員考試試題 10150 【考試別】外交人員特考【等別】三等考試【類科組】外交領事人員英文組【科目】外國文(含新聞書信撰寫與 編譯)(英文) 【考試時間】2 小時 甲、申論題部分:(75 分) 一、英譯中:請將下列英文譯為中文。(10 分) Italy’ s coast guard coordinated the rescue of 4,400 migrants from boats in the Mediterranean in a single day.It was thought to be the highest for a single day in recent years.Smugglers obviously took advantage of ideal sea conditions off Libya to launch a fleet of boats stuffed with as many paying passengers on board as possible.So far this year, more than 100,000 people have made the Mediterranean crossing to Italy. 二、中譯英:請將下列中文譯為英文。(15 分) 和傳統書店相比,新興書店有著很明顯不同的氣象。老書店大多開在都市內及大學附近,他們以滿足大學 生及教授的需求為主要訴求;但許多新興書店則選擇遠離市區。此外,大多數的傳統書店只賣書;而新興的書 店則在賣書之外也融入其他商業產品。 三、作文:請依提示寫出文長約為 300 字之英文短文。(50 分) 以下五項被視為成功外交官應具備的理想特質:(1)Demonstrate an analytical temperament.(2)Write well and quickly.(3)Be verbally fluent and concise.(4)Ensure meticulous attention to detail.(5)Be a tough and <<英文測驗題庫彙編 03~104-new 年>>S-link 電子六法全書 70 effective negotiator.請在此五項中選出你認為自己最有優勢的一項,並舉例說明你具備此項特質。 乙、測驗題部分:(25 分)5101 請依下文回答第 1 題至第 5 題 The giant African land snail was introduced onto an island in the South Pacific, primarily as a food source.But it was soon found to eat vast quantities of the natural vegetation and even some of the crops.To solve the problem, the much smaller predatory snail Euglandina was introduced,﹝1﹞that it would keep the numbers down by eating the eggs of the giant snail.﹝2﹞, Euglandina chose to prey on the even smaller native Partula snail, an innocent party in the affair.The Partula snails were completely ﹝ 3 ﹞ on some islands.The situation is now﹝4﹞an international breeding program.And the Partula snail is being reintroduced to its previous habitats.A lack of ecological understanding contributed to the﹝5﹞of Partula, which is now to be saved by ecology. 1.答案顯示:【D】 (A)in suspicion(B)for fear(C)at all events(D)in the hope 2.答案顯示:【B】 (A)Consequently(B)Unfortunately(C)To date(D)Above all 3.答案顯示:【A】 (A)wiped out(B)set off(C)lighted up(D)tied up 4.答案顯示:【D】 (A)a remedy for(B)remedying(C)to remedy(D)being remedied by 5.答案顯示:【A】 (A)demise(B)revival(C)distinction(D)release 請依下文回答第 6 題至第 10 題 Sugar is a cheap, seductive pleasure.But its sweetness﹝6﹞a bitter history.For centuries it was a commodity﹝7﹞by slaves and refined into something white.Lately sugar has also become the﹝8﹞of choice in the campaign to fight obesity.Leave it to Kara Walker,a﹝9﹞American artist, to turn the crystals into a work of art. In 2013 Ms.Walker was asked by Creative Time, a New York-based non-profit organization that specializes in﹝10﹞art in public spaces, to create something for a cavernous disused sugar factory in Williamsburg, Brooklyn.Her installation has an extremely long name,but the work itself is subtle and powerful. 6.答案顯示:【B】 (A)besieges(B)belies(C)predicts(D)precludes 7.答案顯示:【B】 (A)harped(B)harvested(C)stained(D)stayed 8.答案顯示:【D】 (A)frontier(B)champion(C)pioneer(D)villain 9.答案顯示:【A】 (A)provocative(B)vocative(C)proximate(D)voidable 10.答案顯示:【B】 (A)descending(B)presenting(C)rescinding(D)exceeding 請依下文回答第 11 題至第 15 題 <<英文測驗題庫彙編 03~104-new 年>>S-link 電子六法全書 71 We hear a lot about stress these days.But do we really give it the focus it deserves?Ongoing stress can ﹝11﹞a heavy price on our physical and mental well-being.We can’ t avoid stress; we must learn how to control our reaction to it. Dr.Hans Selye defined stress in the 1950s as the “ nonspecific response of the organism to any pressure or demand.” Stress is the total response of your mind and body to the stressors you experience.It includes everyday wear and tear, both “ good” (a promotion)and “ bad” (fight with a friend)stressors.The stress reaction in itself is﹝12﹞.It can result in a feeling of exhilaration and eagerness.﹝13﹞this in our lives, things would be pretty flat.However, the stress reaction is a process of mobilizing the body’ s resources and, if allowed to become ongoing, can deplete those resources, resulting in illness. The major sources of stress are the environment, our bodies, and our minds.Negative stress begins with our﹝14﹞of a situation.Feelings aren’ t caused by events, but by our beliefs about them.If we determine the event is dangerous, our stress reactions will﹝15﹞.Therefore, our perceptions are very important in how much stress we feel.Internalized stress keeps the mind agitated and throws the nervous system out of balance.It interferes with the immune response and produces stress-related disorders. 11.答案顯示:【A】 (A)exact(B)defeat(C)infuse(D)reduce 12.答案顯示:【C】 (A)from day to night(B)either black or white(C)neither good nor bad(D)both in and out 13.答案顯示:【B】 (A)With(B)Without(C)For(D)On 14.答案顯示:【D】 (A)proposal(B)disposal(C)approval(D)appraisal 15.答案顯示:【A】 (A)kick in(B)knock out(C)take up(D)turn off 請依下文回答第 16 題至第 20 題 In the eighteenth century the pivotal city of Western civilization had been Paris; by the second half of the nineteenth century this center of influence had shifted to London, a city that expanded from above two million inhabitants when Victoria came to the throne to six and half million at the time of her death.The rapid growth of London is one of the many indications of the most important development of the age: the shift from a way of life based on the ownership of land to a modern urban economy based on trade and manufacturing.“ We have been living, as it were, the life of three hundred years in thirty” was the impression formed by Dr.Thomas Arnold during the early stages of England’ s industrialization.By the end of the century – after the resources of steam power had been more fully exploited for fast railways and iron ships, for looms, printing presses, and farmer’ s combines, and after the introduction of telegraph, intercontinental cable,photography, anesthetics, and universal compulsory education – a late Victorian could look back with astonishment on these developments during his or her lifetime. Because England was the first country to become industrialized, its transformation was an especially painful one: it experienced a host of social and economic problems consequent to rapid and unregulated industrialization.England also experienced an enormous increase in wealth.An early start enabled England to capture markets all over the globe.Cotton and other manufactured products were exported in English ships, a <<英文測驗題庫彙編 03~104-new 年>>S-link 電子六法全書 72 merchant fleet whose size was without parallel in other countries.The profits gained from trade also led to extensive capital investments in all continents.After England became the world’ s workshop, London became, from 1870 on, the world’ s banker.England gained particular profit from the development of its own colonies, which, by 1890, comprised more than a quarter of all the territory on the surface of the earth; one in four people was a subject of Queen Victoria.By the end of the century England was the world’ s foremost imperial power. Although many Victorians shared a sense of satisfication in the industrial and political preeminence of England during the period,they also suffered from an anxious sense of something lost, a sense too of being displaced persons in a world made alien by technological changes that had been exploited too quickly for the adaptive powers of the human psyche. 16.Why was Dr.Thomas Arnold amazed?答案顯示:【C】 (A)The Doctor thought time stood still.(B)The Doctor lost the sense of time. (C)The Doctor was amazed by the rapid progress of the Victorian period. (D)The Doctor experienced a time travel. 17.What does “Queen Victoria came to the throne” mean?答案顯示:【C】 (A)The Queen walked to the throne.(B)The Queen moved her home to somewhere near the throne. (C)The Queen became the new ruler of England.(D)The Queen realized what a throne was. 18.According to the passage, what was the most important invention of the Victorian period?答案顯示:【B】 (A)Railway(B)Steam power.(C)Intercontinental cable(D)Universal compulsory education. 19.According to the passage, which of the following statements in NOT true?答案顯示:【A】 (A)There were no poor people in England.(B)In the period England was the strongest country in the world. (C)The new technological inventions made England rich. (D)Victorian England colonized many other countries in the globe. 20.What was the main idea of the final paragraph?答案顯示:【D】 (A)Many Victorians were sick due to new technologies. (B)Victorian England was a promising country. (C)Everybody was satisfied with the growth of England. (D)There was a downside to the rapid growth of Victorian England. 回目錄(5)>> 回首頁>> 10419。a(5)104 年公務人員特種考試外交領事人員四等考試。英文組 104 年公務人員特種考試外交領事人員及外交行政人員考試試題 20140【考試別】外交人員特考【等別】四等考 試【類科組】外交行政人員各組【科目】英文【考試時間】1 小時 30 分 甲、申論題部分:(50 分) 一、英譯中:請將下列英文段落翻譯成中文(30 分) The Great Depression, a giant economic crisis, started in the United States in 1929 and spread throughout the world.While today’ s economic turmoil is quite serious, the Great Depression was much more devastating.From 1929 to 1933, stock prices declined by 90%, causing huge losses throughout the business <<英文測驗題庫彙編 03~104-new 年>>S-link 電子六法全書 73 world.Unemployment rose dramatically to the point where about 25% of all workers were without jobs.And by March 1933, over 5,000 banks had failed, wiping out the savings of millions of Americans.The U.S.government took drastic action by enacting the New Deal, a huge package of relief programs.Although the Great Depression caused great hardship,people learned many important lessons, such as the need to save money, borrow less,and plan for the future.In today’ s harsh economic times, we certainly can’ t afford to forget such lessons. 二、中譯英:請將下列中文段落翻譯成英文(20 分) 北韓並非亞洲唯一一個可能即將成功建立核武的國家。日本往往名列大多數人觀察名單的首位,因為日本 的確擁有先進的核能計畫,一項能源生產和平計畫。一般相信日本有能力在幾個月內建造核子武器,但是分析 家相信日本可能會因政治理由而自我克制。日本新任首相已強調日本政府反對核武的立場,而且自從廣島原爆 以來,核武禁忌仍在日本國家基本立場中占有重要地位。 乙、測驗題部分:(50 分)4201 1.The apartment is fully﹝ ﹞.The tenant doesn’ t need to bring any furniture with him or her.答案顯示:【A】 (A)furnished(B)abolished(C)finished(D)innovated 2.Patients should consult with their doctors or pharmacists before﹝ ﹞any medications with grapefruit.答案顯 示:【C】 (A)grasping(B)ingesting(C)taking(D)digesting 3 Garlic may help lower blood pressure levels but its dragon-breath effects can last﹝ ﹞72 hours.答案顯示: 【B】 (A)so long(B)up to(C)so long to(D)around to 4.With the crowd roaring outside the gate, the pop star decided that a low﹝ ﹞was the best way to redeem the situation and restore order.答案顯示:【C】 (A)visibility(B)immersion(C)profile(D)disposition 5.One of the problems that cell-phones brought to their owners is that phones are in constant danger of being stolen, and this becomes a frequent﹝ ﹞.答案顯示:【B】 (A)hobby(B)occurrence(C)shame(D)chance 6.A number of examples were given to﹝ ﹞the problem caused by drug addiction.答案顯示:【D】 (A)abbreviate(B)discover(C)provide(D)illustrate 7.As﹝ ﹞as 10 people died and dozens were injured when Typhoon Halon slammed into the Japanese archipelago over the weekend.答案顯示:【C】 (A)far(B)late(C)many(D)soon 8.The government has produced a series of leaflets designed to﹝ ﹞public awareness of the dangers of AIDS. 答案顯示:【C】 (A)evaluate(B)educate(C)raise(D)estimate 9.The key to a successful marriage lies in﹝ ﹞understanding and respect.答案顯示:【D】 (A)nasal(B)neutral(C)mortal(D)mutual 請依下文回答第 10 題至第 12 題 In New York City, fast-food restaurants are required to post the calories in their offerings in large type and in readily﹝10﹞positions.The likely shock when customers realize just how many calories they are taking in <<英文測驗題庫彙編 03~104-new 年>>S-link 電子六法全書 74 with their oversized burgers and fries or richly sweetened coffees may urge overweight customers toward a healthier﹝11﹞.The calorie posting requirement﹝12﹞to all restaurants that have standardized menus and already list the calorie content of their menu items publicly.These restaurants, including almost all of the well-known fast-food chains, will soon be required to post the caloric content of each item on menus and on menu boards.And this has to be done in type as large as the name or price of the item. 10.答案顯示:【C】 (A)flexible(B)responsible(C)visible(D)stable 11.答案顯示:【A】 (A)diet(B)recipe(C)menu(D)flavor 12.答案顯示:【D】 (A)contributes(B)intends(C)sticks(D)applies 請依下文回答第 13 題至第 16 題 Ever heard the expression “Necessity is the mother of invention”?It means that if you need something badly ﹝ 13 ﹞ , you’ ll invent it yourself.I know that’ s true for me.I grew up with five sisters and no brothers.With that many kids in one house, I had to﹝14﹞invent new ways of protecting my stuff.My favorite is a battery-powered noisemaker I hooked up to the door of my bedroom.My mom didn’ t﹝15﹞this invention because it scared her every time she went into my room, but it surely kept my sisters out.My bumper car project was also great for scaring them.I would cover it with a dark cloth and yell “ Mouse!” ﹝16﹞it ran past them.I guess they might say I was a naughty brother, but I’ d like to think I was just making life more interesting. 13.答案顯示:【A】 (A)enough(B)extra(C)further(D)forward 14.答案顯示:【A】 (A)constantly(B)hesitantly(C)persuasively(D)commonly 15.答案顯示:【A】 (A)appreciate(B)associate(C)depreciate(D)differentiate 16.答案顯示:【D】 (A)but(B)for(C)and(D)as 請依下文回答第 17 題至第 21 題 In two states in India, Andhra Pradesh and Chattisgarh, farmers have discovered a new kind of pesticide.Instead of paying large sums of money to international chemical companies for chemical pesticides, they are spraying their cotton and chili pepper field with Coca-Cola. In the past month there have been reports of hundreds of farmers spraying cola on their fields.Thousands of others are expected to make the switch to cola from the usual pesticides as word spreads about the new spray.A farmer in Andhra Pradesh interviewed by a local newspaper said he was very satisfied with his new cola spray, which he applied this year to several acres of cotton.He observed that the insects on his cotton plants began to die soon after he sprayed his field with cola. Local agriculture officials would not comment on this new development, except to note that the cola spray cost considerably less than the pesticides produced by Montsanto, Shell and Dow Chemical.The Coca-Cola Company already is in legal difficulties in Andhra Pradesh state, where it has been accused of taking water <<英文測驗題庫彙編 03~104-new 年>>S-link 電子六法全書 75 away from farmers for its bottling plants.So far, representatives of the Coca-Cola Company have refused to comment on the new use of their product.It is not known if or how sales of the soft drinks have been affected, though it is likely that the company may try to profit from this new market. 17.What is the best title for this article?答案顯示:【A】 (A)An Unexpected New Use of a Popular Soda(B)The Development of Indian Agriculture (C)A Brilliant Way to Save Money(D)How to Get into a Foreign Market 18.Why do the farmers prefer the new “pesticide”?答案顯示:【B】 (A)It is more delicious(B)It is much cheaper.(C)It is healthier(D)It kills more insects. 19.According to the passage, what is Coca-Cola used for?答案顯示:【C】 (A)To help the cotton grow(B)To build the bottle plants. (C)To kill pests in the fields(D)To give farmers more water. 20.What reason can be inferred to explain the Coca-Cola Company’ s refusal to comment on the new use of its product?答案顯示:【D】 (A)The company wants to keep it a secret and apply for a patent. (B)The company is getting lawyers to sue these farmers. (C)The new use has not been approved by local officials yet. (D)The product might be harmful to humans as it can kill insects. 21.Which of the following statements is true?答案顯示:【B】 (A)The farmers love Coca-Cola because it is so delicious and refreshing. (B)It seems the local government does not want to get involved in this case. (C)The Coca-Cola is always welcome around the world, especially in India. (D)All farmers should replace traditional pesticide with Coca-Cola. 請依下文回答第 22 題至第 25 題 How tall are you?Are you a skateboarder?Do you like to knit?Whoever you are, whatever you do, there is a scholarship for you! Sure, there are scholarships for good athletes or for good students in need.But, what about the rest of us?In fact,there are some very surprising scholarships for everyone else.Believe it or not, there is a scholarship for skateboarders with a GPA of 2.5 or higher.These student skateboarders can receive $5,000 or $1,000 awards.There is also a scholarship for tall people.Women 5'10" or taller and men 6'2" or taller can apply.These tall students are eligible for $1,000 awards.Don’ t worry, short people, there is a scholarship for you if you are 4'10" or shorter.You can get $1,000, too.A milk mustache scholarship goes to 25 students who are excellent students and athletes.They each get $7,500 and their pictures taken with a milk mustache! Finally, a wool competition awards $1,000 and $2,000 to students who knit wool clothes with excellent design and creativity. So you don’ t have to be a straight A student to get a scholarship.One counselor in our Financial Aid Office says,“It takes time and effort to apply for scholarships, but it is worth it!” 22.What is this passage mainly about?答案顯示:【B】 (A)Scholarships for special talents.(B)Different kinds of unexpected scholarships. (C)Scholarships for excellent students and athletes. (D)Time and effort needed to apply for scholarships. 23.What must the students who receive the milk mustache scholarship be good at?答案顯示:【A】 <<英文測驗題庫彙編 03~104-new 年>>S-link 電子六法全書 76 (A)Studying and sports(B)Wearing a milk mustache. (C)Drinking milk with a mustache(D)Taking pictures of a milk mustache. 24.What does “eligible” in the second paragraph mean?答案顯示:【B】 (A)Legal(B)Qualified.(C)Competent(D)Surprising. 25.Which of the following statements is NOT true?答案顯示:【D】 (A)People who are 4'10" or shorter can get a $1,000 award. (B)Winners of a wool competition are awarded $1,000 or $2,000. (C)Skateboarders with a GPA of 2.5 can receive $1,000 or $5,000 awards. (D)If a man is 5'10", he can apply for the scholarship for tall people. 回目錄(3)>>回首頁>> 10420。a(9)104 年專門職業及技術人員高等考試。專利師 104 年專門職業及技術人員高等考試會計師、不動產估價師、專利師考試試題 【等別】高等考試【類科】專利師(選試專業英文及工程力學)、專利師(選試專業英文及生物技術)、專利師(選 試專業英文及電子學)、專利師(選試專業英文及物理化學)、專利師(選試專業英文及基本設計)、專利師(選 試專業英文及計算機結構)【科目】專業英文【考試時間】2 小時 甲、申論題部分:(50 分) 一、Your client, Mr.Smith, had filed an U.S.patent application with the U.S.Patent and Trademark Office six months ago.He would like you, a registered patent attorney in R.O.C., to file a counterpart patent application with our Intellectual Property Officeclaiming the priority date of said U.S.patent application.The contents of the claims of said U.S.patent application include, among others, “ means for printing documents….” Given that a means-plus-function claim contains a verb followed by the “ ing” , this grammatical English-style expression is not inherent in Chinese language, e.g., nowhere can a Chinese character plus the “ ing” be found in any form of literature.Mr.Smith asks you to provide pertinent suggestions in English to him regarding his concerns: (一)Whether the means-plus-function claim is acceptable by our patent system?(5 分) (二)What, if any, are these associated means-plus-function claim regulations in our patent system(15 分) 二、Our country acceded to the WTO in January 2002 under the name “Separate Customs Territory of Taiwan, Penghu, Kinmen and Matsu,” i.e., a separate customs territory Member of the World Trade Organization(WTO). According to the Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights(TRIPS) Agreement of WTO, what are “nationals” referred to in case like this?Provide your answer in English (10 分) 三、You, a registered patent attorney in R.O.C., are retained by the JoJo Design(“JoJo”), a foreign company, for protecting its intellectual property in our country.Before you start filing, Mrs.Lewis, the CEO of JoJo, wants you to provide answers in English to questions as follows. (一)What is a design?(10 分) <<英文測驗題庫彙編 03~104-new 年>>S-link 電子六法全書 77 (二)What is the concept of “creativeness” for a design?(10 分) 乙、測驗題部分:(50 分)5701 1.On the utility model patent, which of the following statements is true?答案顯示:【C】 (A)The utility model patent may be claimed on a specific technical process. (B)The requirement of inventive step shall be examined to grant a utility model patent. (C)The claims and the specification are indispensable for the application of a utility model patent. (D)The term of a utility model patent will not expire until the end of twelve years after the patent application was made. 2.The derivative design patent is currently authorized by the Taiwan Patent Act.Which of the following statements about the derivative design patent is not appropriate?答案顯示:【B】 (A)The application date of a derivative design patent may be subsequent to that of the original design patent. (B)The publication of the original design patent is not relevant to the application date of the derivative design patent. (C)The term of a derivative design patent is dependent upon that of the original design patent. (D)The exclusive rights about a derivative design patent may be independently asserted by the patent without considering the original design patent. 3.If the Taiwan Patent Act were added a provision stating the term of a patent owned by a foreigner is 10 years after the patent application was made, what rule such the provision would have violated under the TRIPS Agreement?答案顯示:【C】 (A)Reciprocity(B)The Most-Favored-Nation Treatment(C)National Treatment(D)Technology Neutrality 4.On the technical evaluation report of a utility model patent, which of the following statements is true?答案顯示: 【C】 (A)The application of the technical evaluation report will be rejected provided that the related utility model patent expired. (B)Without the technical evaluation report, the patentee can’t assert the exclusive rights against the infringers. (C)The competitor in the market may apply for the technical evaluation report when the related patent application has been published. (D)The patentee may warn others of any potential infringing act even though the technical evaluation report is not simultaneously presented. 5.A filed a patent application on the invention X in U.S.on January 1, 2014.For the purpose of the international patent strategy, A is also filing a patent application of the same invention in Taiwan on November 1, 2014.But A found that B has filed the same invention in Taiwan earlier than November 1, 2014.In order to secure the novelty requirement of A’ s application on the invention X in Taiwan, A should follow the Taiwan Patent Act to ﹝ ﹞ about the patent application in Taiwan.Choose the one sentence that best completes the above sentence.答案顯示:【B】 (A)request an earlier publication(B)claim the international priority (C)request a substantive examination(D)amend the claims 6.WTO Members shall provide for the protection of plant varieties either by patents or by an effective sui generis system or by any combination thereof.“sui generis” means:答案顯示:【B】 <<英文測驗題庫彙編 03~104-new 年>>S-link 電子六法全書 78 (A)superior unique(B)inferior(C)powerful(D) 7.A was employed by B to develop a new touch-screen device.Without the consent of B, A has filed the patent application and is granted a patent about the invented device after A conceived a touch-screen device X running a special function the traditional devices were never embedded with.Which of the following statements is appropriate under the Taiwan Patent Act?答案顯示:【B】 (A)While A enjoys the inventorship of X, B is entitled to the statutory license about X. (B)B may request an invalidation action against A at the Taiwan Intellectual Property Office to restore B’s legal status about the patent according to Article 35 of the Taiwan Patent Act. (C)A and B both enjoy the joint inventorship about X. (D)While B enjoys the inventorship of X, A is entitled to the statutory license about X. 8.﹝ ﹞may be adopted as a defense against any infringement of patented pharmaceuticals made for the related research and trials to pursue the market approval of drugs under the Pharmaceutical Affairs Act.Choose the one phrase that best completes the above sentence.答案顯示:【B】 (A)The exhaustion doctrine(B)The experimental exemption (C)The prior user right(D)The compulsory license 9.On the remedy of paragraph one of Article 96 under the Taiwan Patent Act that equips the patentee to stop from the continuous status of the patent infringement, which of the following terms is best fit for the aforesaid remedy?答案顯示:【A】 (A)The permanent injunction(B)The damages(C)The preliminary injunction(D)The border control 10.Based upon the jurisprudence of estoppel, any person can’ t request another invalidation proceeding against a patent again in accordance with the same evidence under the same fact provided that such the evidence has been raised in the prior invalidation proceeding and been denied as a ground to invalidate the patent before the Taiwan Intellectual Property Office.In the above paragraph, “ estoppel” means: 答案顯示: 【B】 (A)jurisdiction(B)preclusion(C)injunction(D)confiscation 11.Under the same creation, A plans to file the application of the invention patent and the application of the utility model patent at same date.Which of the following statements about the aforesaid applications is true?答 案顯示:【C】 (A)A merely chooses either the application of the invention patent or the application of the utility model patent for further prosecution procedures at the filing date. (B)The application of the invention patent will be automatically withdrawn provided that the utility model patent has been granted prior to the approval decision about the application of the invention patent made by the Taiwan Intellectual Property Office. (C)If the utility model patent was finally revoked through the invalidation proceeding, the application of the invention patent will be rejected according to Article 32 of the Taiwan Patent Act. (D)Someone infringed the utility model patent which has been granted prior to the approval decision about the application of the invention patent.The patentee is entitled to the remedies against such the infringement,other than the compensation about the exploitation of the creation during the publication of the patent application according to Article 41 of the Taiwan Patent Act. 12.According to the Taiwan Patent Act, which of the following statements is incorrect?答案顯示:【B】 (A)Any person may file an invalidation action of the granted patent term extension to the Intellectual Property <<英文測驗題庫彙編 03~104-new 年>>S-link 電子六法全書 79 Office. (B)Any person may request for an invalidation action against an invention patent when the invention patentee is not the owner of the right to apply for the invention patent. (C)Any person within three years after the filing date of a patent application for invention may make a request with the Intellectual Property Office for substantive examination of the patent application. (D)After a patent application for utility model is published, any person may file a request with the Intellectual Property Office for a technical evaluation report of utility model patent. 13.FRAND licensing, are licensing obligations that is often required by standards organizations for members that participate in the standard-setting process.What does “FRAND” usually stand for?答案顯示:【D】 (A)free and anti-discriminatory terms(B)free, released and non-standard terms (C)friendly terms fair, reasonable and non(D)-discriminatory terms 14.The express grant of﹝ ﹞conveys promises by the patentee not to practice the patent himself and not to grant any further licenses to third party.Choose the one phrase that best completes the above sentence.答案顯 示:【B】 (A)a sole license(B)an exclusive license(C)a non-exclusive license(D)a statutory license 15.﹝ ﹞is an illustrative example for practicing the invention claimed, and is located within the specification of a patent.Choose the one phrase that best completes the above sentence.答案顯示:【C】 (A)Prior art Cas(B)e reference An embodiment(C)Abstract(D) 16.Secondary considerations may be used as objective evidence of the actual marketplace setting to strengthen the assessment of the inventive step under patent law.Which of the following evidence is not admitted as secondary considerations?答案顯示:【D】 (A)Unexpected results(B)Commercial success(C)Copying(D)Suggestion of prior art 17.The specification of a patent works closely the claims in the cases of patent prosecution or patent infringement.Which of the following statements about the patent specification is true?答案顯示:【C】 (A)The specification serves the boundary of patent rights to secure the patentee’s interest under patent law. (B)The specification is irrelevant to the evaluation of enablement about a patent. (C)The specification always functions with the claims but can’t be unlimitedly imported to claim construction to narrow the interpretation of a claim. (D)The specification may be considered extrinsic evidence for the purpose of claim construction. 18.The calculation of damages through the model of reasonable royalties is made on a hypothetical negotiation between the patentee and the infringer at the time of patent infringement.In the above paragraph, “ hypothetical” means: 答案顯示:【B】 (A)authentic(B)assumed(C)factual(D)reliable 19.The license agreement states: “ Licensee hereby indemnify Licensor from any lawsuit brought against it….” “indemnify” means: 答案顯示:【C】 (A)identify damage and loss(B)deny responsibility (C)compensate damage and loss(D)equally share damage and loss 20.The invention defined by Article 21 of the Taiwan Patent Act serves an eligible subject-matter of a patent.Which of the following statements about the invention is true?答案顯示:【C】 (A)All creations related to DNA modification should not be considered the eligible inventions under the Taiwan Patent Act on the ground that such the creations are of nature products. <<英文測驗題庫彙編 03~104-new 年>>S-link 電子六法全書 80 (B)The software-related creations should not be considered the eligible inventions under the Taiwan Patent Act to avoid the monopoly enjoyed by the patentee over algorithm or abstract ideas. (C)The method to produce the specific microorganisms may be admitted as an eligible invention according to the Taiwan Patent Act. (D)The business model may be an eligible invention without considering any technical effect from such the model. 21.Concerning the application of an invention patent,﹝ ﹞shall disclose the invention in such clear and sufficient terms as to enable a person ordinarily skilled in the art to which it pertains to carry out the same.答案 顯示:【B】 (A)claims(B)the specification(C)the deposit of biological material(D)the demandletter 22.Compulsory licensing is designed to reconcile the conflicting interests between patent protection and public health under patent law.Which of the following statements about compulsory licensing admitted by the Taiwan Patent Act is true?答案顯示:【C】 (A)Exploitation of a compulsory license shall be predominantly for the supply of domestic market without exceptions. (B)Taiwanese generic manufacturers can’t file an application of compulsory licensing in Taiwan and export the patented drugs to any state with insufficient or no manufacturing capacities in the pharmaceutical sector where the epidemics have been spreading. (C)Compulsory licensing can’t be made until the requestor has made efforts to obtain authorization from the right holder on reasonable commercial terms and conditions and that such effort have not been successful within a reasonable period of time. (D)Under a compulsory licensing, the licensee of a compulsory license won’t need to pay appropriate remuneration to the patentee. 23.According to the Taiwan Patent Act, which of the following statements is incorrect?答案顯示:【D】 (A)The Intellectual Property Office may advance the laying-open of a patent application upon the request of the applicant. (B)The term of a utility model patent shall expire after a period of ten years starting from the filing date. (C)If extension of patent term is allowed, patent annuities shall still be paid during the extended patent term. (D)The duration of relevant time periods as specified in the Taiwan Patent Act shall include the beginning date thereof. 24.Although the specification should be clear and straightforward with avoidance of unnecessary technical jargon,the use of recognized terms of art is acceptable, and will often be desirable.Terms already having an established meaning should not be allowed to be used to mean something different if this is likely to cause confusion.There may, however, be circumstances where a term may legitimately be borrowed from a(n)﹝ ﹞ art.Terminology and signs must be consistent throughout the application.Choose the one that best completes the above sentence.答案顯示:【B】 (A)conscious(B)analogous(C)erroneous(D)extemporaneous 25.According to the Taiwan Patent Act, which of the following statements is incorrect?答案顯示:【B】 (A)Where a patent contains more than one claim, an invalidation action may be filed against parts of the claims. (B)An invalidation statement shall not be modified, added or narrowed after filing. <<英文測驗題庫彙編 03~104-new 年>>S-link 電子六法全書 81 (C)Where an invention patent is revoked finally and bindingly, the effect of patent right shall be deemed not to have existed. (D)An invalidation action may be withdrawn by the requester before a decision concerned has been rendered. However, if the patentee has already submitted a response, such withdrawal shall be consented by the patentee. 回目錄(5)>> 回首頁>> 10421。a(3)104 年公務人員特種考試民航人員三等考試。各科別 104 年公務人員特種考試外交領事人員及外交行政人員、民航人員、原住民族及稅務人員考試試題 30140【考試 別】民航人員特考【等別】三等考試【類科組】各科別【科目】英文【考試時間】2 小時 甲、申論題部分:(50 分) 一、英譯中:(15 分) Innovation is at a premium in organizations as the source of new products, new markets and(increasingly)new business processes.The organizational capacity for innovation and creativity has taken on a renewed significance, with the shift from an economy based on material products and transactions toward a “ creative economy” in which ideas and knowledge are the new capital. 二、中譯英:(15 分) 由於大型航空公司不願意服務,為了填補某些較小城市商務需求,以高雄為基地的廉價航空 StarJet,計畫 9 月 21 日增加高雄花蓮航線。該公司於本年 4 月份啟動,使用七人座飛機,現已服務高雄、臺東、金門及澎湖 等地,加上即將加入的花蓮。其管理階層所針對的城市,每天大約有四位商務客人固定往返,此航線卻被其他 航空公司捨棄。 三、短篇寫作:請閱讀指示,並依指示寫作。(20 分) In one of her essays entitled “ Gender in the Classroom,” Deborah Tannen, a linguist at Georgetown University, argues that boys and girls respond differently to their studies and their classroom interactions vary with different verbal tactics.Do you agree with her or not?To put her argument in a social context, do you think that men and women would respond differently toward critical situations or act differently in decision-making?Write a 300-word essay to state your opinion about this gender issue and be sure to use examples to illustrate your argument. 乙、測驗題部分:(50 分)4301 1.Using crowdfunding to raise money for science projects neglected by conventional grant-giving agencies is all the﹝ ﹞.答案顯示:【C】 (A)cage(B)gauge(C)rage(D)sage 2.Mr.Hamilton usually isn’ t one to show much emotion.His normal smile barely curves the corners of his mouth, and his cool﹝ ﹞is marked by a voice with a steady, confident tone.答案顯示:【A】 (A)demeanor(B)aurora(C)avarice(D)deposition <<英文測驗題庫彙編 03~104-new 年>>S-link 電子六法全書 82 3.Retaining the status of nationality, even at the cost of economical independence, is of critical importance to the Ojibwe tribe.It’ s a﹝ ﹞: sovereignty produced by colonization.答案顯示:【A】 (A)paradox(B)paradigm(C)parable(D)paradise 4.Before going out of business, the store﹝ ﹞prices for a clearance sale.And, all the merchandise was sold out in a week.答案顯示:【C】 (A)hoarded(B)bloated(C)slashed(D)thrilled 5.A wrong decision could seriously﹝ ﹞the prospect for the business.We must think it over carefully before making the decision.答案顯示:【A】 (A)jeopardize(B)reimburse(C)languish(D)hallucinate 6.People with professional journalism training can help﹝ ﹞news and information by keeping blogs.答案顯示: 【C】 (A)devastate(B)decimate(C)disseminate(D)dedicate 7.With rapid urbanization everywhere, the national park has been able to﹝ ﹞visitors for centuries.答案顯示: 【A】 (A)beckon(B)peddle(C)orbit(D)muse 8.Some helicopter parents become so engrossed in their kids’ homework that their kids feel either annoyed or intimidated.答案顯示:【D】 (A)Some parents become so disgusted with their kids’ performance. (B)Some kids’ talents blossom due to their strict upbringing. (C)Some parents fly their kids on helicopters wherever they go. (D)Some parents’ involvment in their kids’ schoolwork does more harm than help. 請依下文回答第 9 題至第 11 題 Karaoke is a very popular form of entertainment in Asia.The first karaoke machine was invented by Daisuke Inoue in Kobe, Japan, in 1971.By the 1980s, there was a vast array of karaoke products on the market in Asia.The video game Karaoke Revolution﹝9﹞in 2003.In this game, players receive a score based on their singing performance.Karaoke services then﹝10﹞through mobile phones, and users could also play karaoke songs using software on their personal computers.Websites started popping up all over the Internet, creating a global karaoke community.On these sites, singers can record and even video themselves ﹝11﹞.Even some car manufacturers jumped on the karaoke bandwagon and had karaoke players installed as part of a car’ s DVD player.There are even VCDs available now for Cantonese opera karaoke, so that the elderly can have fun singing songs of the past. 9.答案顯示:【D】 (A)has been inventing(B)has released(C)invented(D)was released 10.答案顯示:【C】 (A)were invisible(B)were off the market(C)became available(D)downloaded possibly 11.答案顯示:【A】 (A)performing(B)well-performed(C)having been performed(D)being performing 請依下文回答第 12 題至第 14 題 We live in an era when environmental issues are of great concern.The burning of fossil fuels extracted from the earth has resulted in huge amounts of carbon being released into the atmosphere.At the same time, <<英文測驗題庫彙編 03~104-new 年>>S-link 電子六法全書 83 forests are being﹝12﹞by fires. In addition, our waterways are constantly being polluted by chemical﹝13﹞from industry and household detergents.The future safety of our water supply is uncertain and many countries may soon be faced with a(an) ﹝14﹞of clean water. 12.答案顯示:【B】 (A)written(B)ravaged(C)washed(D)radiated 13.答案顯示:【D】 (A)recreations(B)reflections(C)referees(D)residues 14.答案顯示:【A】 (A)scarcity(B)abridgment(C)infrequency(D)variety 請依下文回答第 15 題至第 16 題 India’ s caste system is poorly understood outside the country.Even within India, there is no precise definition of what caste means.In general terms, the caste system refers to a process of classifying people according to their occupations.The system has its roots in Hinduism(India’ s main religion)and an old division of labor and it continues to﹝15﹞the kinds of jobs that people can do as well as the kinds of social interactions they can enjoy.Although it is illegal to discriminate against people based on caste, in practice, the caste divisions continue to affect everyday life in India. There is a hierarchical order to the system, which recognizes four main castes.Originally these were based on a person’ s profession, such as priest, prince/warrior, businessman, laborer, etc.However, they eventuallybecame ﹝ 16 ﹞ , meaning one was born into a certain, unalterable caste.Many human rights organizations in India and elsewhere see the caste system as an inherently prejudicial relic of a bygone era that has no place in a free modern society. 15.答案顯示:【B】 (A)describe(B)dictate(C)postpone(D)compel 16.答案顯示:【C】 (A)foreign(B)eccentric(C)hereditary(D)transformed 第 17 題至第 20 題為篇章結構,各題請依文意從四個選項中選出最合適者,答案選用不能重複 Concern about climate change has spurred a large body of scholarship examining how climate influences human behavior, particularly human conflict.While a link between climate and human conflict is well established,﹝17﹞So firmly did it take root that it prevailed in Asia﹝18﹞They then go beyond previous studies,﹝19﹞and examine to what extent﹝20﹞Overall, the results provide evidence for income as a mechanism behind the observed rainfall-crime relationship, which had mostly been assumed in previous scholarship. 17.答案顯示:【C】 (A)with the strongest effects on violent crimes(including murder)and property crimes. (B)which simply document the link between weather variations and human conflict. (C)we still do not fully understand the mechanisms that underlie the observed relationship between rainfall and crime. (D)poverty is the main causal pathway between rainfall and crime. 18.答案顯示:【A】 (A)with the strongest effects on violent crimes(including murder)and property crimes. <<英文測驗題庫彙編 03~104-new 年>>S-link 電子六法全書 84 (B)which simply document the link between weather variations and human conflict. (C)we still do not fully understand the mechanisms that underlie the observed relationship between rainfall and crime. (D)poverty is the main causal pathway between rainfall and crime. 19.答案顯示:【B】 (A)with the strongest effects on violent crimes(including murder)and property crimes. (B)which simply document the link between weather variations and human conflict. (C)we still do not fully understand the mechanisms that underlie the observed relationship between rainfall and crime. (D)poverty is the main causal pathway between rainfall and crime. 20.答案顯示:【D】 (A)with the strongest effects on violent crimes(including murder)and property crimes. (B)which simply document the link between weather variations and human conflict. (C)we still do not fully understand the mechanisms that underlie the observed relationship between rainfall and crime. (D)poverty is the main causal pathway between rainfall and crime. 請依下文回答第 21 題至第 25 題 That an image can last and become reality is an example of something that advertisers count on as they produce the ads we see in print, on TV, on buses, and most recently on the Web.Because so much information competes for our attention wherever we turn, it is very often images, rather than written texts, that must carry most of the message.﹝21﹞For centuries the images people created, such as paintings, and icons, did not simply decorate the insides of caves, temples, churches,﹝22﹞What is new in our experience of the image is not only the vast numbers and many kinds of images available or the ease with which they may be and are reproduced, copied, and reconstructed.What is new in our experience is something we might call the aggressive nature of the image.﹝23﹞Thus most of us are so accustomed to this world of images that we read most of what we see without much thought.﹝24﹞They are counting on the public being able to read very quickly a few generalized images as they speed down the highway, surf through TV channels, or flip through a magazine.We know some images simply because they have been around for so long.A full-color photo of a cowboy on a horse at sunset is likely going to call to mind the Marboro Man, whether or not it is in an ad for cigarettes.﹝25﹞ 21.答案顯示:【A】 (A)The image that conveys a message is hardly a new phenomenon. (B)Images in ads are a recent phenomenon, after computer graphics became widely available. (C)We often ignore the fact that it is very expensive to create ads with images. (D)Written texts have to exist because they can avoid misunderstanding. 22.答案顯示:【C】 (A)did not forget family and community history recoding, religion teaching, and direction giving, which were also important. (B)in addition to recording family and community history, teaching religious lessons, and giving directions. (C)but also recorded family and community history, taught lessons in religion, and even gave directions to <<英文測驗題庫彙編 03~104-new 年>>S-link 電子六法全書 85 locations. (D)as well as recording family and community history, teaching religious lessons, and giving directions. 23.答案顯示:【C】 ( A ) Since for most people it is difficult to see images as information and some ads are just too appealing,there has to be restrictions to make ads work. (B)Scientists insist that aggressive ads are too violent and must not be shown to children before they at least enter elementary school. (C)Unless we purposefully isolate ourselves from the industrial world, we have difficulty avoiding these images that daily insist upon our attention. (D)In some rural areas or small towns, people are not influenced as much as those in big cities; thus, ads must be more aggressive to sell. 24.答案顯示:【A】 (A)Advertisers, of course, depend on the fact that we all already know a great deal about the messages that images convey. (B)Familiar images do not sell well, so advertisers would try everything they could to be creative and bring new images to the world. (C)We do know some of the images that advertisers put out, but if the images are too familiar, they could easily become cliché. (D)There are differences in the kinds of ads received well in different countries, and advertisers have to be very careful about those differences. 25.答案顯示:【A】 (A)Because such scenes are so easily recognized, advertisers are sometimes able to use just a few words to get the message across. (B)The Marboro Man as an image for cigarettes has been around since the early 1950s, but only northern American viewers have good feelings toward it. (C)In summary, images that depict good time in life, such as birthdays, weddings, and beautiful people, are used more often than others. (D)In conclusion, educated viewers will remember cigarettes are bad for health no matter how attractive the image is. 第 26 題至第 28 題為篇章結構,各題請依文意從四個選項中選出最合適者,答案選用不能重複 Marvin Bower, author of The Will to Manage, described the informal cultural elements of a business as “ the way we do things round here.” ﹝26﹞Sometimes it is fragmented and difficult to read from the outside—some people are loyal to their bosses, others are loyal to the union, still others care only about their colleagues who work in the sales territories of the Northeast.If you ask employees why they work, they will answer “ because we need the money.” ﹝27﹞Everyone knows the goals of the corporation, and they are working for them.﹝28﹞It affects practically everything—from who gets promoted and what decisions are made, to how employees dress and what sports they play.Because of this impact, we think that culture also has a major effect on the success of a business. 26.答案顯示:【B】 (A)Corporate culture provides a clear system for all employees. <<英文測驗題庫彙編 03~104-new 年>>S-link 電子六法全書 86 (B)Every business—in fact every organization—has a culture. (C)Whether weak or strong, culture has a powerful influence throughout an organization. (D)On the other hand, sometimes the culture of an organization is very strong and cohesive. 27.答案顯示:【D】 (A)Every business—in fact every organization—has a culture. (B)Corporate culture provides a clear system for all employees. (C)Whether weak or strong, culture has a powerful influence throughout an organization. (D)On the other hand, sometimes the culture of an organization is very strong and cohesive. 28.答案顯示:【D】 (A)Corporate culture provides a clear system for all employees. (B)Every business—in fact every organization—has a culture. (C)On the other hand, sometimes the culture of an organization is very strong and cohesive. (D)Whether weak or strong, culture has a powerful influence throughout an organization. 請依下文回答第 29 題至第 32 題 Kill the mosquito and you kill the disease.That is the usual approach to controlling malaria.And if done properly, it works.The problem is that the insecticides employed to do the killing destroy lots of other things as well.An old dream of those who seek to eliminate malaria is thus a way of selectively killing only what transmits the parasite: mosquitoes of the genus Anopheles, most notably Anopheles gambiae.And that, more or less, is what is proposed by Nikolai Windbichler and Andrea Crisanti of Imperial College, London, in a paper in Nature Communications.They think they have worked out how to stop A.gambiae females being created in the first place.That would break the chain of transmission in two ways: immediately, because it is only females that drink blood and so pass the parasite on; and in the longer term because without females a population cannot reproduce. The researchers’ trick is to engineer into the mosquitoes a gene for a protein called a homing endonuclease.These genes are peculiar, and are probably a type of genetic parasite.They cut particular sequences of DNA in away that damages the chromosome such DNA is found in.In extreme cases, that destroys the chromosome.(In less extreme cases, the process of repair often copies the endonuclease gene into the repair site; hence the name “homing,” and also the suspicion of parasitism.) Dr.Windbichler and Dr.Crisanti have found a homing endonuclease in a species of slime mould that, by a strange coincidence, cuts a sequence of DNA found repeatedly in the X chromosome of Anopheles gambiae, destroying the chromosome completely. 29.How did Dr.Windbichler and Dr.Crisanti stop A.gambiae females being created(reproduced)?答案顯示:【D】 (A)They used insecticides.(B)They eliminated malaria. (C)They made A.gambiae males incapable of reproduction. (D)They inserted a gene to destroy the X chromosome of A.gambiae. 30.According to the article, which of the following statements is true?答案顯示:【A】 (A)The gene Dr.Windbichler and Dr.Crisanti engineered into the mosquitoes is a homing endonuclease. (B)The gene Dr.Windbichler and Dr.Crisanti used to do the trick came from the mosquitoes themselves. (C)In order to control malaria, you always need to rely on insecticides. (D)All mosquitoes suck blood. <<英文測驗題庫彙編 03~104-new 年>>S-link 電子六法全書 87 31.What was the function of the genes Dr.Windbichler and Dr.Crisanti engineered into A.gambiae mosquitoes? 答案顯示:【C】 (A)They copied the chromosome of their host. (B)They repaired the chain of transmission of malaria. (C)They damaged the DNA sequences of the particular chromosome. (D)They helped reproduce the X chromosome of A.gambiae. 32.Which of the following statements can be inferred?答案顯示:【B】 (A)Only male mosquitoes pose health hazards to humans. (B)Dr.Nikolai Windbichler and Dr.Andrea Crisanti’s experiment holds promise. (C)The researchers discovered the X chromosome of the male mosquitoes. (D)The size of the mosquito population will remain the same. 請依下文回答第 33 題至第 36 題 Nobody knows what the global temperature is likely to be in the future, for the climate is a system of almost infinite complexity.Predicting how much hotter a particular level of carbon dioxide will make the world is impossible.It’ s not just that the precise effect of greenhouse gases on temperature is unclear.It may set off mechanisms that tend to cool things down(clouds which block out sunlight, for instance)or ones that heat the world further(by melting soils in which greenhouse gases are frozen, for instance).The system could right itself or spin out of human control. This uncertainty is central to the difficulty of tackling the problem.Since the costs of climate change are unknown, the benefits of trying to do anything to prevent it are, by definition, unclear.What’ s more, if they accrue at all, they will do so at some point in the future.So is it really worth using public resources now to avert an uncertain, distant risk, especially when the cash could be spent instead on goods and services that would have a measurable near-term benefit? If the risk is big enough, yes.Governments do it all the time.They spend a small slice of tax revenue on keeping standing armies not because they think their countries are in imminent danger of invasion but because, if it happened, the consequences would be catastrophic.Individuals do so, too.They spend a little of their incomes on household insurance not because they think their homes are likely to be torched next week but because, if it happened, the results would be disastrous.Similarly, a growing body of scientific evidence suggests that the risk of a climatic catastrophe is high enough for the world to spend a small proportion of its income trying to prevent one from happening. 33.What is the main idea of this passage?答案顯示:【C】 (A)As technologies advance dramatically, predictions about climate change have become less challenging. (B)There is an imminent global impact regarding climate change. (C)The uncertainty surrounding climate change argues for action, not inaction. (D)There is growing scientific evidence for climate change. 34.According to the passage, which of the following statements is true about global warming?答案顯示:【B】 (A)It would lead to a shrink in world population. (B)It may trigger a mechanism that would lower the temperature. (C)It could sharply increase the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. (D)A massive movement of population would be inevitable. <<英文測驗題庫彙編 03~104-new 年>>S-link 電子六法全書 88 35.According to the passage, why is it worth spending public resources on climate control?答案顯示:【C】 (A)To lower the global temperature(B)To prevent flooding disasters (C)To prevent uncertain, distant risks(D)To improve the climate for humans 36.According to the passage, what does the underlined word they refer to?答案顯示:【A】 (A)benefits(B)costs(C)greenhouse gases(D)public resources 請依下文回答第 37 題至第 40 題 Tens of millions of people from all walks of life suffer from epilepsy, a chronic neurological disorder that disrupts the normal pattern of neutral activity and results in seizures.The word epilepsy comes from the Greek word epi, meaning “ upon,” and lepsis, meaning “ seizure.” Together those words imply that a person affected by this condition is seized by some unseen force. Though epilepsy is a serious disease, many important historical figures, such as Julius Caesar and Napoleon Bonaparte, are believed to have had it.The fact that other notable epileptics such as Jonathan Swift, Vincent van Gogh, and Fyodor Dostoevsky also managed to be accomplished shows that the disease is not nearly as limiting as people once thought.Dostoevsky even described epilepsy as mystic and sublime ecstasy. Epilepsy is actually one of the world’ s oldest identified medical disorders and it was long marked by misunderstanding.In Taiwan, epilepsy used to be grounds for annulling a marriage, and in the U.S.those who suffered from it were not allowed to enter public places until 1970.But today we know much more about the condition.It is often related to brain damage or trauma during birth, and it could even be inherited.We also know that seizures, which can cause unconsciousness, are the result of a sudden electrical discharge in a group of brain cells. Luckily, anywhere from 70 to 80 percent of epileptics can be successfully treated through modern medicine or surgery.Though it affects 50 million people worldwide, according to the World Health Organization, and two hundred thousand people in Taiwan, it is a highly treatable condition that should be met with understanding. 37.What does the original meaning of “epilepsy” suggest?答案顯示:【C】 (A)The disease is often unseen by doctors.(B)It affects only a few people. (C)People with it are controlled by something unknown.(D)The disease sedates its sufferers. 38.Which of the following about epilepsy is NOT true?答案顯示:【D】 (A)It changes the way the brain usually works. (B)Julius Caesar and Napoleon might have had it. (C)Dostoevsky described the disease in a positive manner. (D)Swift and Van Gough did not accomplish much because of it. 39.What does the passage suggest?答案顯示:【B】 (A)It is certain that epilepsy will not be cured by doctors in the near future. (B)With proper treatment, people with the disease can live normal lives. (C)Important historical figures benefited from epilepsy. (D)The disorder affects two hundred thousand worldwide. 40.What is the best title for this passage?答案顯示:【A】 (A)What Is Epilepsy?(B)The Horror of Epilepsy(C)How to Cure Epilepsy(D)The Origin of Epilepsy <<英文測驗題庫彙編 03~104-new 年>>S-link 電子六法全書 89 回目錄(10)>>回首頁>> 10422。a(5)(6)104 年公務人員、關務人員升官等簡任考試。各類科 104 年公務人員升官等考試、104 年關務人員升官等考試試題 【等級】簡任【類科(別)】各類科-公務、各類別-關務【科目】中華民國憲法與英文【考試時間】2 小時>>憲 法題庫 乙、測驗題部分:(50 分)2101 1.In the garden, soil preparation must aim to reduce, not increase, fertility.A rich soil soon becomes home to ﹝ ﹞weeds which smother less competitive, more attractive plants.答案顯示:【D】 (A)ramming(B)compatible(C)comprehensive(D)rampant 2.Frida produced her first painting and﹝ ﹞it to her school boyfriend.答案顯示:【B】 (A)dictated(B)dedicated(C)dwelled(D)domesticated 3.An international group of forty scientists have made a very surprising﹝ ﹞about the future.They say that in the next fifty years we can upload our minds to the computer.答案顯示:【A】 (A)prediction(B)preoccupation(C)prevention(D)precept 請依下文回答第 4 題至第 8 題 What really makes people rich?Poor people often take in humble food and work with their hands or perform﹝4﹞labor, which keeps them in good health.Affordable clothes may look and feel just as good as ﹝5﹞expensive ones.On the contrary, rich people often sit at desks for long hours, eat at expensive restaurants,and indulge in exquisite﹝6﹞. More expensive clothes and shoes always await those who are never﹝7﹞and love to compete.Are the rich really rich?Are the poor really poor?If you think of wealth in terms of health or happiness, who is rich and who is poor is not﹝8﹞by money. 4.答案顯示:【A】 (A)manual(B)manifest(C)momentum(D)modification 5.答案顯示:【B】 (A)magnetically(B)overpriced(C)underestimated(D)efficiently 6.答案顯示:【D】 (A)delinquencies(B)policies(C)species(D)delicacies 7.答案顯示:【B】 (A)qualified(B)satisfied(C)anticipated(D)rejuvenated 8.答案顯示:【D】 (A)deleted(B)domesticated(C)distracted(D)determined 請依下文回答第 9 題至第 13 題 Most people will admit that the relations between various ethnic and racial groups is a potential source of problems for a culturally diverse society such as the United States.Most﹝9﹞people will also agree that prejudice plays an important role in the misunderstandings, intolerance, and even hostility that may develop and persist between such groups.If our objective is to minimize these problems, one necessary step is to ﹝10﹞the issue of prejudice. Research has clearly established that prejudice exists and﹝11﹞a person expressing a prejudiced view may be unaware that it is in fact biased.An interesting experiment, which is often﹝12﹞in educational <<英文測驗題庫彙編 03~104-new 年>>S-link 電子六法全書 90 textbooks, was conducted in 1973 to determine the potential effects of prejudice on the judgements of future school-teachers.The researcher made videotapes of three children speaking to an adult.The camera angle was﹝13﹞that the children’ s faces were not visible; however, it was obvious from the tape that the children were speaking and that they were racially different—one was white; one was African American; the third was Mexican American.A soundtrack containing exactly the same conversation in English with the same American voice was added to the tapes.Each tape was played to one of three groups of student teachers.Their task was to judge the correctness of the speech of the child they had seen on the videotape. 9.答案顯示:【B】 (A)emotional(B)rational(C)unstable(D)related 10.答案顯示:【A】 (A)address(B)whitewash(C)bury(D)sabotage 11.答案顯示:【D】 (A)such(B)because(C)for(D)that 12.答案顯示:【B】 (A)hidden(B)cited(C)claimed(D)jilted 13.答案顯示:【B】 (A)so(B)such(C)in(D)of 第 14 題至第 17 題為篇章結構,各題請依文意從四個選項中選出最合適者,答案選用不能重複 There has been a great deal of research into the art of negotiation, and, in particular, into what makes a “ good” negotiator.One point most researchers seem to agree on is that good negotiators try to create a harmonious atmosphere at the start of a negotiation.﹝14﹞.Therefore, there may be a willingness on both sides to make concessions.Good negotiators generally wish to reach an agreement which meets the interests of both sides in the long run.﹝15﹞.Instead of seeking immediate gains, it is more important to ensure that they do not harm their relationship with the other party.Skillful negotiators are flexible.They do not “ lock themselves” into a position so that they will lose face if they have to compromise.﹝16﹞.For example, instead of insisting that they must get a large order only once, they opt for small orders that may help develop long-term corporation with their partners.Successful negotiators do not want a negotiation to break down.If problems arise, they suggest ways of resolving them.﹝17﹞. Instead of giving up right away, they keep the communication open, select a few arguments and repeat them.This suggests that tenacity is an important quality.Finally, when the deal is done, they confirm it and close it so that both sides feel satisfied. 14.答案顯示:【A】 (A)They make an effort to establish a good rapport with their counterparts. (B)The best negotiators are persuasive, articulate, and persistent on key areas. (C)They therefore tend to take a long-term view to ensure that the agreement will improve. (D)Next, they listen carefully and check frequently that everything has been understood by both parties. 15.答案顯示:【B】 (A)They make an effort to establish a good rapport with their counter-parts. (B)They therefore tend to take a long-term view to ensure that the agreement will improve. (C)Next, they listen carefully and check frequently that everything has been understood by both parties. (D)They have a range of objectives, which allow them to make concessions in view of their long term goal. 16.答案顯示:【B】 <<英文測驗題庫彙編 03~104-new 年>>S-link 電子六法全書 91 (A)The best negotiators are persuasive, articulate, and persistent on key areas. (B)They have a range of objectives, which allow them to make concessions in view of their long term goal. (C)They therefore tend to take a long-term view to ensure that the agreement will improve. (D)Next, they listen carefully and check frequently that everything has been understood by both parties. 17.答案顯示:【B】 (A)They make an effort to establish a good rapport with their counter-parts. (B)The best negotiators are persuasive, articulate, and persistent on key areas. (C)Next, they listen carefully and check frequently that everything has been understood by both parties. (D)They have a range of objectives, which allow them to make concessions in view of their long term goal. 請依下文回答第 18 題至第 20 題 In 1988, a college dropout named Jonathan Stanley was convinced that government agents were chasing after him.For three days and nights he raced through streets and subway tunnels.After the police took him to a hospital, he finally received effective treatment two years after getting a diagnosis of bipolar disorder.“ My son’ s life was saved,” his father, Ted Stanley, said.He then created a foundation to support psychiatric research.In July 2014, the Stanley Family Foundation donated $650 million to Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard, a research center to which he had earlier donated $100 million.It comes at a time when research into mental illness is sputtering.The Broad Institute timed its announcement of the donation to coincide with the release of the largest analysis ever on the genetics of schizophrenia.The analysis identified more than 100 regions of DNA associated with the disease.Many contain genes involved in just a few biological functions, like pumping calcium into neurons that could help guide the search for treatments.“ For the first time, there’ s a clear path forward,” said Eric Lander of the Broad Institute.When scientists discovered psychiatric drugs like lithium in the mid-20th century, they did so mostly by accident.For years, they hoped figuring out the action of the drugs would help them understand the causes of the diseases.But they came up empty.Some researchers argued that a better strategy would be to find the genes involved in psychiatric disorders.This approach would give them new molecular targets for drugs they could test.Recent research has found that mutations in the very same gene can cause a wide range of brain disorders, including autism, schizophrenia, and epilepsy.“ We have no idea at all about why that is, and the only way to find out is to do some hard biology – to find out not only which genes matter, but what about them matters,” Dr.Goldstein said.The new study found that many risk variants clustered around specific body functions, like the immune system and calcium transmission in brain cells.To understand their underlying biology, Broad researchers plan to grow neurons with mutations in the genes they have found, to see how they differ from normal cells.They will engineer mutated mice to see how their brains are affected.These studies will be expensive, which is where the Stanley Family Foundation comes in. 18.According to the passage, why did Mr.Ted Stanley want to support psychiatric research?答案顯示:【A】 (A)His son received effective treatment and recovered. (B)He feared that he would have psychiatric disorder. (C)His son had a nonfunctioning brain for the rest of his life. (D)He feared that there was a government conspiracy involved. 19.According to the passage, what of the following is a better strategy to treat psychiatric diseases?答案顯示: 【D】 <<英文測驗題庫彙編 03~104-new 年>>S-link 電子六法全書 92 (A)To find the real signals.(B)To find the way to pump calcium into the neurons. (C)To find the specific body functions.(D)To find the genes involved in psychiatric disorders. 20.According to the passage, which of the following statements is NOT true?答案顯示:【B】 (A)The donation coincides with the release of the largest analysis ever on the genetics of schizophrenia. (B)The Stanley Family Foundation donated to Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard for just one time. (C)The analysis identified more than 100 regions of DNA associated with schizophrenia. (D)When scientists discovered psychiatric drugs like lithium in the mid-20th century, they did so mostly by accident. 請依下文回答第 21 題至第 25 題 When it comes to construction, builders, even in these technologically advanced times, are often left with three main materials—concrete, steel, and bricks.But some innovative designers are increasingly looking to reuse an unlikely material that the world has in abundance —plastic bottles.Would you live in a bottle building?Before you answer, have a look at the many advantages these structures have. First and foremost, bottle buildings are low-cost—just think about how little a plastic bottle costs, and you’ ll get the idea.They are also quite strong and sturdy, as they can bear a heavy load and may resist earthquakes.Bottles also allow natural light into the structure, reducing energy consumption while creating a warm, inviting interior atmosphere. In Taiwan, where just four percent of plastic bottles are recycled each year, the EcoARK building was built in Taipei using an astonishing 1.5 million plastic bottles.This building was used as an exhibition hall during the 2010 Taipei International Flora Expo, and served as a reminder that, as Taiwan goes through 2.4 billion plastic bottles annually, we must find a way to recycle or reuse them before they present a huge environmental problem. In the city of San Pablo in the Philippines, dozens of volunteers built a school from plastic bottles filled with liquefied adobe.This could be the start of a new trend in which plastic bottles become the new environmentally friendly material of choice for buildings of the future. 21.What is the literal meaning of the underlined idiom in the first paragraph?答案顯示:【A】 (A)to expect or hope(B)to examine or inspect(C)to classify(D)to act or respond quickly 22.What is the main message of the EcoARK building?答案顯示:【B】 (A)Plastic bottles are the best construction material. (B)Some common household items can be effectively reused. (C)People in Taiwan should buy only metal cans from convenience stores. (D)Although they are quite expensive, plastic buildings can be beautiful. 23.Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a reason for using plastic bottles for construction?答案顯示:【C】 (A)They allow more natural light into buildings. (B)They are inexpensive compared to other materials. (C)They can be recycled annually. (D)They do not get damaged easily during natural disasters. 24.What does the Philippine example suggest?答案顯示:【D】 (A)It will likely cause nations in Asia to outlaw plastic bottle buildings. (B)It should have a major effect on construction projects for corporations. <<英文測驗題庫彙編 03~104-new 年>>S-link 電子六法全書 93 (C)It will probably cause other nations to consider building more schools. (D)It may make bottles the top material for environmentally friendly buildings. 25.What is the best title for this passage?答案顯示:【B】 (A)The EcoARK building in Taiwan(B)Building with Bottles (C)Recycling Trash(D)Builders of the Philippines 。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。回首頁>> 【編註】本超連結檔以考試院最近公告為依據,提供學習與參考為原則。如有發現待更正部份及您所需未收編之科目,敬請 建議告知,謝謝! <<英文測驗題庫彙編 03~104-new 年>>S-link 電子六法全書 94