
Faculty of Philosophy and Sociology,
Perm State National Research University (Russia),
Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana (Slovenia)
16th International Students, Postgraduate Students and Young Scientists
Conference on Philosophy, Sociology, Psychology, and Political Science
Human in the World. The World in Human:
Actual issues of Philosophy, Sociology, Political Science and Psychology
October 24-25, 2013
Perm, Russia
The major objectives of the Conference are:
 increasing of interest to science career among young specialists in
social sciences and humanities;
 arrangement of conditions for initiation of joint research projects
between young researchers;
 arrangement of conditions for professional growth owing to contacts
with key specialists in social sciences and humanities.
Conference general panels and topics:
 History of Philosophy
 Analitical Philosophy
Philosophy of Language
Phenomenology and Existencialism
Philosophy of Science
Modern versions of Marxism
Post-Industrial (Informational) Society
 Global Problems of Modern Society
 the Human in the Changing World
 Issues of the Human Potential development
 Issues of Modern Sociology
 Social Structure of City: Social and Psychological Issues
 Sociology of the Family
 Cognitive Psychology and Neuroscience
 Psychology of Knowledge in the area of Psychology
 Cognitive Science and Psychology
 Applied Psychology
 Clinical, Medical Psychology & Psychotherapy
 Developmental Psychology and Behavioral Genetics
 Social Psychology and Psychology of Personality
 Ecological Psychology
 Psychology of Individual Differences
The Youth work:
 Youth in modern Russia and abroad: problems, experience,
 Social Values of the Modern Youth (inter-cultural differences)
 Role of the higher education in development of Youth innovative
 Current trends in management of the Youth sphere
 Processes of globalization and Youth policy
 Career strategy of Youth
 Technologies of social partnership and Youth: theory and practice
The official languages of the Conference will be English and Russian, but
you can to publish your article in Slovenian language too (with translation of the
title, annotation and information about authors into English or into Russian).
On-line stage of the Conference will be provided since October, 7 to
December, 1, 2013. The authors will be able discuss all articles by means of the
Social Network
Off-line stage of the Conference will be provided since October, 24 to
October, 25, 2013 at the Perm State National Research University (Perm city,
Russia). The authors will be able receive the Conference Proceedings (on CDROM) either during the conference or by post free of charge. There is no fee for
the publication of article. Organizing Committee is planning to add traditional
panels of the conference by lectures and work-shops of our colleagues from
abroad and another regions of Russia.
400 roubles in cash (about €10) per night in Perm University hostel.
Compensation of the charge is possible in case of additional financing of the
Conference; Organizing Committee will have information about additional
financing in September. Hostel reservation deadline by September 4, 2013 via email Also foreign participants have to send colored
scanned copy of passport for preparing their visit into Russia on e-mail by September 4, 2013.
Instruction for authors of articles
Articles should be sent by September 4, 2013 via e-mail to: Information concerning acceptance of an article shall be
provided by September 8, 2013.
Articles in English, in Russian or in Slovenian language (with translation of
the title, annotation and information about authors into English, or into Russian)
will be published in the Conference Proceedings (on CD-ROM). Individual papers,
and papers of at most three coauthors are possible. Family of author (or first of
coauthors) is name of the file (Microsoft Word, Version 2003 and below DOC or
RTF format).
The title of your article should be in English or in Russian. The main body of
the text should be in English, in Slovenian or in Russian. The volume of the main
body of the text is up to 7 pages. Page format – A4; font - Times New Roman, 14
pt; top and bottom margins – 2,5 cm, right and left margins - 2 cm; paragraph
spacing - 1cm; interval – 1,5.
Bibliography references are done in one format with the indication of the
pages from the cited source. Numbers of source and pages are given in [1, p. 23].
Reference sources are placed in the order of their appearance in the text. Please
indicate: for books – surname and initials of author, title, city, publishing house,
year of publication, volume, number of pages; for journal articles, collections of
works – surname and initials of author, title of article, full name of journal, part,
year, volume, number, issue, pages; for conference materials - surname and
initials of author, title of article, name of issue, date and venue of conference,
city, publishing house, year, pages.
At the end of article you can mention the name of the program you were
involved in for the implementation of this work, or the name of support
Your article should be supplemented by a brief annotation (no more than 9
lines) in English or in Russian.
Your article should have information about author in English or in Russian:
surname, first name, place of work or tuition, mail address, e-mail address.
Postal address of :
Perm State National Research University,
Faculty of Philosophy & Sociology
Bukireva street, 15
Perm, 614990, Russia