Stephen Crook Memorial Prize

TASA Award for Outstanding Contributions to Teaching in Australian Sociology
Nominations close June 15. No more than one Award will be made each year, unless there are unusual and compelling
reasons to make two Awards. A single nominee or a team can apply for this Award.
About the Award
This award celebrates outstanding contributions to enhancing the pedagogy, practice or outcomes of teaching and learning
sociology in Australia. It recognises contributions at the disciplinary level (rather than acknowledging excellence in teaching
within the classroom or institutions). Examples of disciplinary-level contributions include innovations in teaching that
increase the impact of sociology teaching beyond university contexts, improve student access, experience and outcomes,
or inform disciplinary approaches to learning and teaching. Evidence of these achievements may be demonstrated through
feedback from students or peers, and/or through publications (peer-reviewed, policy or general), presentations, media, or
other relevant indicators.
In this context, outstanding contributions to the teaching of sociology may be made within or beyond teaching activities in
Nominations for the award will be judged against the criterion of significant impact on teaching within the discipline of
sociology. The award may be granted to a single nominee or to a team.
The recipient of the Prize will receive:
 An engraved plaque and certificate;
 conference and dinner registration to attend the TASA conference at which the Prize is presented;
 An invitation to write an opinion piece about some aspect of their work for publication in Nexus, Journal of
Sociology or any other publication TASA may sponsor at the time of the Award; and
 A listing on the ‘TASA Award for Outstanding Contributions to Teaching in Australian Sociology’ TASAweb page.
Eligibility Criteria
Nominees must demonstrate having had a significant impact on teaching within the discipline of sociology
Nominees must be current financial members of TASA
Previous recipients of the award are excluded
The decision of the panel will be final and no further communication will be entered into
Nomination and Submission Procedure
 Nominations must be made on the official nomination form below
 The nomination form below must be signed by two TASA members
 The written nomination must respond to the criterion in no more than 1000 words
 The nomination must be accompanied by a two-page (maximum) curriculum vitae of the nominee. The CV should
focus on work and outputs related to the nomination.
 Applicants may submit other materials (ie multimedia) with their nomination form.
 It is a condition of entry that publicity of this Award be referred to as the TASA Award for Outstanding Contributions
to Teaching in Australian Sociology. The Award can be described as celebrating outstanding contributions to
enhancing the pedagogy, practice or outcomes of teaching and learning sociology in Australia.
TASA Award for Outstanding Contributions to Teaching in Australian Sociology
Adopted: November 5, 2014
TASA Award for Outstanding Contributions to Teaching in Australian Sociology
Application Support
TASA member 1
Signature of nominator 1:
First name:
TASA member 2
Signature of nominator 2:
First name:
Applicant’s Correspondence Details
First name:
Signature of applicant:
□ Is the applicant/s a current financial member of TASA?
□ Has the written nomination been included (1000 words maximum)?
□ Has a curriculum vitae of the author/s been included?
□ Does the CV focus on work and outputs related to the nomination?
□ Has supporting material been included with this nomination (optional)?
□ Have two TASA members signed this nomination?
Submit your nomination by June 15th to the TASA Office
TASA Award for Outstanding Contributions to Teaching in Australian Sociology
Adopted: November 5, 2014