Lesson Plan by EDUC 315 Class

Lesson Plan
Lesson: __Mystery Box__
Length: __20 minutes__
Age or Grade Level Intended: __Kindergarten__
Academic Standard(s):
K.1.1: Use all senses as appropriate to observe, sort, and describe objects
according to their composition and physical properties, such as size, color,
and, shape. Explain these choices to others and generate questions about the
Performance Objective(s):
Students will use their sense of touch in order to describe to their classmates the
object that is in the Mystery Box.
The students will not be formally assessed. The teacher will observe the students
as they each take a turn using their sense of touch to describe and guess what
object is in the Mystery Box.
Advance Preparation by Teacher:
Collect 25-30 items of varying size, shape, and texture
Create a Mystery Box
o A large box with two holes cut in one side, for the students to put their
hands through, and one whole in the back for the teacher to put the item in
the box.
 Have fun decorating the box, or if there is some extra time in the
day, allow your students to decorate it!
I need your help scientists. I have this Mystery Box here and I need you
to help me figure out what is inside it. Would you be willing to help me?
Today we are going to explore with our sense of touch. When we observe
with our sense of touch, what kinds of things are we focusing on? (How it
feels (its texture), size, shape, weight, etc.)(Bloom: Knowledge)
Each of you will get a turn to use your sense of touch to help me figure out
what is in my Mystery Box. We have to use our sense of touch to figure it
out because we cannot see into the box.
Step-by-Step Plan:
 Teacher places an object in the box without the students seeing
what the object is.
 A student comes up to the box and places their hands in the two
holes in the front of the box.
 Allow the student time to explore the object using only their
sense of touch. (Gardner: Bodily- Kinesthetic)
 Have the student describe the object. (Gardner: VerbalLinguistic)
o They can give responses like hard or soft, smooth or
rough, sticky, slimy, etc. depending on the objects the
teacher places in the box.
o Have the student give as much detail as they can come up
 Once the student has described the object to the best of their
ability, have them make a guess as to what the object might be.
 Have the student pull the object out of the box through one of
the holes in the front of the box.
 Give each student a chance to describe and guess an object.
 What were some of the words used to describe the objects?
(Bloom: Comprehension)
 Explain why you think it was easy or why it was hard to figure
out what the object was just by feeling it. (Bloom: Evaluation)
 This activity can be used as whole- class or as a small group (center)
Student with a speech disability: Have the teacher repeat to the rest of the
group what the student says so the student can be understood by the other
members of the group.
 What went well?
 What types of objects did the students have trouble describing?
 What objects were easy for the students to describe?
 How did the students respond to the activity?