Ethidium Bromide

Standard Operating Procedure
Ethidium Bromide
This is an SOP template and is not complete until: 1) lab specific information is entered into the box
below 2) lab specific protocol/procedure is added to the protocol/procedure section and
3) SOP has been signed and dated by the PI and relevant lab personnel.
Print a copy and insert into your Lab-Specific Chemical Hygiene Plan.
Section 1 – Lab-Specific Information
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Date SOP was written:
Click here to enter a date.
Date SOP was approved by PI/lab supervisor:
Click here to enter a date.
Principal Investigator:
Click here to enter text.
Internal Lab Safety Coordinator/Lab Manager:
Click here to enter text.
Lab Phone:
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Office Phone:
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Emergency Contact:
(Name and Phone Number)
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Location(s) covered by this SOP:
(Building/Room Number)
Section 2 – Type of SOP:
☐ Process
☒Hazardous Chemical
☐ Hazardous Class
Section 3 – Physical / Chemical Properties and Uses
Physical / Chemical Properties:
CAS#: 1239-45-8
GHS Classification: Acute toxicity, Inhalation (Category 3), Germ cell mutagenicity (Category 2)
Acute Toxicity:
Oral LD50 rat- 1,503-2,177mg/kg
Inhalation LC50 rat- 1h- 11.8-134 mg/L
Ethidium Bromide
Date: 3/18/2014
Subcutaneous LD50 mouse- 110 mg/kg
Intravenous LD50 rat- 16 mg/kg
Ethidium bromide (EtBr) is an intercalating agent commonly used as a fluorescent tag for molecular biology
techniques such as agarose gel electrophoresis.
Section 4 – Potential Hazards
Ethidium bromide is classified by OSHA as highly toxic by inhalation, harmful by ingestion, and a mutagen. Avoid
breathing dust, fumes, gas, vapor, mist, or spray. Toxic if inhaled. Suspected of causing genetic defects.
Section 5 – Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
Respirator Protection:
If ethidium bromide is being used outside of a chemical fume hood, respiratory protection is required. If this
activity is absolutely necessary, contact EH&S so a respiratory protection analysis can be performed. Respirators
should be used under any of the following circumstances:
As a last line of defense (i.e., after engineering and administrative controls have been exhausted).
Regulations require the use of a respirator.
An employer requires the use of a respirator.
There is potential for harmful exposure due to an atmospheric contaminant.
As PPE in the event of a chemical spill clean-up process.
Lab personnel intending to use/wear a respirator mask must be trained and fit-tested. This is a regulatory
requirement. Contact EH&S 8-8411 regarding respirator clearance.
Hand Protection:
Gloves must be worn. Use proper glove removal technique to avoid any skin contact. Nitrile gloves are
recommended. For extended periods of usage, wearing two pairs of nitrile gloves is recommended.
NOTE: Consult with your preferred glove manufacturer to ensure that the gloves you plan on using are compatible
with Ethidium bromide.
Refer to glove selection chart from the links below:
Ethidium Bromide
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Eye Protection:
ANSI approved properly fitting safety glasses or chemical splash goggles.
Skin and Body Protection:
Laboratory coats must be worn and be appropriately sized for the individual and buttoned to their full length.
Laboratory coat sleeves must be of sufficient length to prevent skin exposure while wearing gloves. Personnel
should also wear full length pants, or equivalent, and close-toed shoes. Full length pants and close-toed shoes
must be worn at all times by all individuals that are occupying the laboratory area. The area of skin between the
shoe and ankle should not be exposed.
Hygiene Measures:
Wash thoroughly and immediately after handling. Remove any contaminated clothing and wash before reuse.
Section 6 – Engineering Controls
Use of pure ethidium bromide must be conducted in a properly functioning chemical fume hood. The chemical
fume hood must be approved and certified by EH&S and have a face velocity between 85 – 125 feet per minute.
Section 7 – First Aid Procedures
If inhaled:
Move into the fresh air immediately and give oxygen. If not breathing give artificial respiration. Seek medical
attention immediately.
In case of skin contact:
Immediately flush skin with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes while removing contaminated clothing and
shoes. Wash any contaminated clothing before reuse. Thoroughly clean shoes before reuse. Seek medical
attention immediately.
In case of eye contact:
Check for and remove any contact lenses. Rinse thoroughly with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes and
consult a physician. Seek immediate medical attention and continue eye rinse during transport to hospital.
If swallowed:
Do NOT induce vomiting unless directed by medical personnel. Never give anything by mouth to an unconscious
person. Seek medical attention immediately.
Section 8 – Special Handling and Storage Requirements
Designate an area where ethidium bromide work is going to occur and only handle it in this area
(i.e. chemical fume hood, bench top). The area should be posted with a “Caution, Carcinogen,
Reproductive Toxins, or Extremely Toxic Chemicals” label provided by EH&S (as shown to the right).
It is recommended that the surfaces of the designated area be covered with an appropriate liner
(i.e. plastic, chemical resistant liner). If the liner becomes contaminated, it can be replaced and
disposed of as ethidium bromide contaminated debris.
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If a liner cannot be used, then the surfaces of the work area should be decontaminated routinely. All spills or
evidence of contamination should be cleaned immediately.
Avoid contact with skin and eyes and inhalation.
Keep containers tightly closed.
Store in a cool, dry and well-ventilated area.
Containers which are opened must be carefully resealed and kept upright to prevent leakage.
Routinely decontaminate the area where ethidium bromide is used. Decontamination procedures are detailed
Decontamination Procedures:
Prepare the following decontamination solution:
4.2 grams of sodium nitrite (NaNO2)
20 milliliters of 50% hypophosphorous acid solution (H 3PO2)
300 milliliters of water
Soak a paper towel in the decontamination solution and thoroughly wash the contaminated area.
Once the contaminated area has been thoroughly washed with the decontamination solution, rinse the area 5
times with tap water using a clean paper towel for each rinse.
Soak all spent paper towels in the decontamination solution for one hour. Gently wring out excess solution
and dispose of as hazardous waste with contaminated gloves, pipette tips or any other solid ethidium bromide
Using a UV light, check to ensure all ethidium bromide has been removed.
The decontamination solution should be collected in an appropriate container and labeled as hazardous waste
(i.e. Water 95%, Hypophosphorus Acid 3%, Sodium Nitrite 1%, Ethidium Bromide 1%).
Note: Hypophosphorous acid is a DEA List chemical. When purchasing this product, you wIll need to follow the
Marquette Controlled Substances Procedure.
Section 9 – Spill and Accident Procedures
Immediately evacuate area and ensure others are aware of the spill. If there is an imminent threat of a fire, pull
the nearest fire alarm station to evacuate the building and dial 8-1911. If the spill is minor and does not pose a
threat to personnel, contact EH&S at 8-8411 during normal business hours (7:30 AM – 4:30 PM) for spill cleanup
assistance (dial 8-1911 if spill occurs after hours and assistance is needed). Follow the decontamination procedures
detailed above.
Chemical Spill on Body or Clothes:
Remove clothing and rinse body thoroughly in emergency shower for at least 15 minutes. Seek medical attention.
Chemical Splash into Eyes:
Immediately rinse eyes and inner surface of eyelid with water from the emergency eyewash station for 15 minutes
by forcibly holding the eye open. Seek medical attention.
Section 10 – Medical Emergency
Life Threatening Emergency, After Hours, Weekends And Holidays:
Dial 8-1911.
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Non-Life Threatening Emergency:
Immediately report injury to supervisor and complete the First Report of Injury.
Section 11 – Waste Disposal Procedures
Collect Waste:
Ethidium bromide waste must be collected and managed as hazardous waste, not biological waste. PPE, absorbent
materials, liners or other debris contaminated with ethidium bromide must also be collected as hazardous waste.
All solid ethidium bromide waste, including debris and dry agarose gels, should be placed in an appropriate
container and labeled accordingly. Please double-bag your solid waste in two black trash bags. Do not use orange
biohazard waste bags unless the waste is also infectious.
The buffers and solutions used with ethidium bromide gels can be submitted to EH&S as chemical waste or put
down the drain only if a filter especially designed for removal of ethidium bromide is used. There are several
commercially available filtering systems that can be purchased. One such product can be found at the following
link: Contact
EH&S at 8-8411 for further details.
Label Waste:
Make sure the waste container(s) is properly labeled; label should indicate all of the contents of the container.
EH&S provides hazardous waste labels free of charge, contact to obtain labels.
Store Waste:
Store hazardous waste in closed containers, and in a designated area. All ethidium bromide waste containers must
be suitable for transportation and must not be leaking.
Dispose of Waste:
Complete a Chemical Waste Pickup Request Form to arrange for disposal by EH&S. Contact or visit the EH&S webpage for questions.
Section 12 – Safety Data Sheet (SDS)
A current copy of the SDS for the specific ethidium bromide powder or solution and concentration must be made
available to all personnel working in the laboratory at all times. To obtain a copy of the SDS, refer to Marquette’s
MSDS library or contact the
chemical manufacturer. Many manufacturers’ SDSs can be found online on websites such as Sigma-Aldrich
( or Siri MSDS Index (
Section 13 – Protocol/Procedure (Add lab specific Protocol/Procedure here)
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NOTE: Any deviation from this SOP requires approval from PI.
Ethidium Bromide
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Section 14 – Documentation of Training (signature of all users is required)
Prior to conducting any work with ethidium bromide, designated personnel must provide training to his/her
laboratory personnel specific to the hazards involved in working with this substance, work area
decontamination, and emergency procedures.
The Principal Investigator must provide his/her laboratory personnel with a copy of this SOP and a copy of the
SDS provided by the manufacturer.
The Principal Investigator must ensure that his/her laboratory personnel have attended appropriate
laboratory safety training or refresher training within the last one year.
I have read and understand the content of this SOP:
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Ethidium Bromide
Date: 3/18/2014