Annotated Bibliography- Knights and Samurai

Annotated Bibliography: Ancient Samurai /Medieval Knights
We have just begun our 3rd DBQ Essay comparing the European Knights of Middle Ages to the
Samurai of Ancient Japan. These types of essays will be similar to the ones you will one day write in college,
with one small catch: your professor won’t hand you a pile of documents to work with! So how would you
find the types of documents you use now when you’re in college? The answer is Online Databases! Online
Databases are available for you in high school as well! For the next few days we will explore these
databases and learn how to navigate them in order to find our own sources on the Knights & Samurai of
ancient times.
Directions: Using online databases and Directories/Free Web, create an annotated bibliography containing
3 sources (2 using online databases, 1 using a Directory) that would be valuable sources in learning more
about the Medieval Knights of Europe or the Samurai of Ancient Japan. A quality annotated source will
- Citation of the source using APA formatting
- Summary of the source being used.
- Assessment of the quality of the source.
- Reflection of how you could have used this source in your completed essay.
This will be done over the course of 3 days. Additional time outside of class may be needed.
Day 1: Learn how to access and use Online Databases/Directories correctly.
Day 2: Learn about what an annotated bibliography is and create one based on your research from day 1.
Day 3: Learn how to evaluate and proper citation of websites found using search engines.
Annotated Bibliography: Ancient Samurai /Medieval Knights
Day 1:
What are Online Databases?
What are three Online Databases that we have access to here at Solorio?
How can we access these Online Databases?
What is an Online Directory?
What are three Online Directories you can obtain using the “free web”?
Day 2:
What is an annotated bibliography? What is the purpose of an annotated bibliography?
What should an annotated source contain in your annotated bibliography?
Annotated Bibliography: Ancient Samurai /Medieval Knights
True/False: Yahoo Answers and WikiAnswers are sources we can use in an academic setting.
How do I know if a website I am using meets the criteria of a good source?
Tips for using a search engine:
Rubric for Annotated Bibliography:
Contains all the information
needed and is in the correct
order as set by the APA
Gives a brief summary that
thoroughly answers 3 of the
following: What are the
main arguments? What is
the point of this book or
article? What topics are
covered? If someone asked
what this article/book is
about, what would you say?
Annotation thoroughly
answers 2 of the following
questions: Is it a useful
source? How does it
compare with other sources
in your bibliography? Is the
information reliable? Is this
source biased or objective?
Explains how the source
would help them in their
essay and how it would help
shape the arguments
they’ve already made in
their essay.
All 4 sources are annotated
Format is done in APA
however it may be missing 1
or 2 components
Gives a brief summary that
answers 2-3 of the
questions but some answers
lack clarity/explanation.
Citations are either
missing or is not
formatted to APA style.
Summary does not
address any of the
questions and leaves the
reader unclear about
the source.
Annotation attempts to
answer 2 of the questions
but some answers lack
Annotation addresses 01 of the questions and
leaves the reader
unclear about the
source’s reliability.
Reflection is attempted
however there is some lack
of clarity on how the source
would be beneficial.
No reflection is
completed. Reader is
unsure how the author
would use this source.
2-3 Sources are annotated
0-1 Sources are
annotated correctly.
Annotated Bibliography: Ancient Samurai /Medieval Knights