SNC1D Chemistry Lesson Plans: In the top right corner of each day’s lesson are the coded curriculum expectations and the associated textbook sections. In the top right corner of each day’s lesson are the coded curriculum expectations and the associated textbook sections. UNDERLINE AND BOLD indicates due date or summative (count for marks) evaluations. Anything bolded should be completed for homework. Unit 2 Day 1: Lab Safety 1. Tour of class safety features. 2. Science safety video: 3. Textbook Safety Information: Read p. 598 – 600 and write down three new things that you learned/surprised you. Share with the class. 4. WHIMIS symbols – cut & paste symbol and definition. Lab equipment handout (p. 608). 5. Scientific method (definitions and set up of lab report): Text 1.1, and p. 615 - 616. 6. Safety Quiz. C2.1, C2.2, C3.4 Text 5.1 – 5.3 Unit 2 Day 2: Properties and Changes 1. Note on the Particle Theory of Matter and Classification of Matter. 2. Demo “Temperature and Particle Motion” and “Phase Changes”. 3. Note on Physics Properties and Changes. 4. Observation stations for physical properties of different elements. 5. Note on Chemical Properties and Changes. 6. Text p. 178 # 4, 5, 6. Text p. 182 # 3. Text p. 186 # 3, 6. 7. Extra: Making Connections Practice – Think of your favorite meal… Describe some of the physical and chemical changes involved in its preparation. How can you tell the difference? A1.11, A1.12, C2.2, C2.3, C3.4 Text 5.5 Unit 2 Day 3: Mystery Powder Analysis Computer Lab 1. Class period to work on Mystery Powder Analysis. 2. Work on lab report. C3.4 Text 5.6 Unit 2 Day 4: Characteristic Properties 1. Discuss the results of the “Mystery Powder Analysis” and relation to characteristic properties. 2. Cornell Note on Section 5.6: Characteristic Physical Properties. 3. Demo “Measuring Volume”, “Density Laboratory”, and “Determining Density via Water”. 4. Measuring Density Activity. 5. Text p. 198 # 3, 4, 5, 8, 12. A1.3, A1.7, A1.9, C1.1, C1.2 Text 5.7 Unit 2 Day 5: Salt Debate 1. Information about QUIZ 2a. 2. Introduce the issue and discuss the debate format. 3. Assign roles – 30 minutes for research. 4. Each group will have 3 minutes to present their point of view. 5. Subsequently, each group will have 2 minutes to “challenge” the view of others or defend their views. 6. Write a paragraph discussing your own personal point of view on what should be done. 7. Study for QUIZ 2a. C3.6, C3.8 Text 6.1 Unit 2 Day 6: Periodic Table 1. QUIZ 2a. 2. Submit paragraphs. 3. Note on the Periodic Table, Metals, and Non-Metals. 4. Periodic Puzzle Activity (pieces, scissors, glue, paper). 5. Text p. 215 # 1, 3, 4, 8, 9. 6. Finish Mystery Powder Analysis C3.6, C3.7 Text 6.4 Unit 2 Day 7: Patterns in the Periodic Table 1. Mystery Powder Analysis DUE 2. Discuss Periodic Puzzle Activity 3. Note on Chemical Families and History. 4. Video: 5. 6. Text p. 225 # 1, 2, 4, 8, 11. Unit 2 Day 8: Catch-up/Review 1. Class period to catch-up/review material covered before March break. C3.1 Text 6.6 Unit 2 Day 9: Atomic Theory 1. Note on Theories of the Atom. 2. Simulating Rutherford’s Black Box Activity. 3. Spectroscope activity. 4. Text p. 233 # 6, 7. C3.2, C3.5 Text 6.7 Unit 2 Day 10: Bohr-Rutherford Model 1. Note on the Bohr-Rutherford Model of the atom and how to draw the diagrams. 2. Text p. 237 “Family Resemblances” – done in desk groups of three. 3. Text p. 240 # 3, 4, 5, 7, 9. C3.2, C3.5 Text 6.7 Unit 2 Day 11: Bohr-Rutherford Model Continued Computer Lab 1. Demo “Element Builder”. 2. Finish computer activities to submit next day for homework check. C2.5 Unit 2 Day 12: Modelling Project 1. Collect “Element Builder” activities for homework check. 2. Information about QUIZ 2b. 3. Introduction to the Modelling Project. 4. Time in class to develop a plan and start work on the models. 5. Work on Modelling Project. C3.3, C3.8 Text 7.1 Unit 2 Day 13: Molecules 1. QUIZ 2b. 2. Note on Molecules: HOFBrINCl, molecular compounds, ionic compounds. 3. Demo “Molecular Bonds” and “Ionic Bonds”. 4. Think about how you can incorporate outer electrons and bonding into your Modelling Project. 5. Text p. 261 # 1 – 4, 6 – 10. Unit 2 Day 14: Catch-up/Review 1. Time in class to catch-up on any missed work, review material, or work on the Modelling Project. 2. Catch-up, review, or work on the Modelling Project. A1.1, A1.2, A1.4, A1.5, C2.2, C2.3 Text 7.2 Unit 2 Day 15: Rust Lab 1. Read through Text p. 626 Rust Lab. Class discussion: what factors will we test and how? 2. Create a testable question (Purpose), create a hypothesis and get it initialed by the teacher. 3. Create a method and write it down. 4. In assigned groups, use available materials to undertake assigned tasks. 5. Record initial observations in table format. 6. Complete any of the written components above if they were not finished in class. A1.6, A1.8, A1.10, C2.2, C2.3 Text 7.2, 7.3 Unit 2 Day 16: Molecular Bonds 1. Make final observations on Rust Lab. 2. Write up a conclusion and submit the report (informal) for a homework check). 3. Note linking Molecular Bonds → Non-metal + Non-metal and Ionic Bonds → Metal + Nonmetal. 4. Discussion of common ionic and molecular compounds and their uses. 5. Magnesium Ribbon Demonstration. 6. Text p. 266 # 1 – 7. C2.5 Text 7.4 Unit 2 Day 17: Molecular Bonds Activity 1. Modelling Project DUE 2. Complete Activity 7.4 “Making Molecular Models” in class and get it checked for completion before the end of class. 3. Think about the molecular models you just used – how were they similar to the one YOU’RE developing for your project? How were they different? Did using the model give you any ideas about good ways to make YOUR model work better? C2.4 Text 7.5, 7.7, & 7.8 Unit 2 Day 18: Applications of Chemistry 1. Gas test video demo. 2. Cornell Note 7.5, 7.7, 7.8. 3. Text p. 273 # 1 – 7. 4. Catch-up on any missed work. Unit 2 Day 19: Review 1. General information about the test. 2. Review activities: Key terms list, key diagrams, key formulas, major & minor concepts. 3. Study for test & prepare binders for submission. Unit 2 Day 20: Test 1. Full period unit test. 2. Submit binders for evaluation of organization and homework completion.