CRM-F1 Restricted Application Form for Placement in School for Social Development/Residential Home This document is subject to irregular update as needed. The online version shall always apply. (4/2013 version) For day placement: Please return the completed form to SI(SES2), Special Education Support 2 Section, Room 201, East Block, Education Bureau Kowloon Tong Education Services Centre, 19 Suffolk Road, Kowloon Tong, Kowloon. (Fax. No. 2760 4191, Tel. No.: 3698 3727) For day and residential placement/after-school care programme in residential service: Please complete the form in duplicate. One copy is to be returned to SI(SES2) of EDB (Fax. No. 2760 4191, Tel. No.: 3698 3727) and the other copy to SS(C)2, Corrections Section, Social Welfare Department, Room 735, Wu Chung House, 213 Queen’s Road East, Wan Chai, Hong Kong. (Fax. No. 2833 5861, Tel. No.: 2892 5106) I. Personal Particulars of the Student 按一下輸入 1. Name: 2. Sex: M/F Chinese: 按一下輸入 按一下輸入 4. Student Reference No. (STRN) : 5. Address in English: Address in Chinese: Home Tel.: 按 一 下 輸 入 日 期 按一下輸入 Age: (DD/MM/YYYY) 按一下輸入 Place of birth: Date of birth: 3. H.K.I.C./B.C. No.: 按一下這裡以輸入 按一下輸入 按一下輸入 按一下輸入 6. Name of parent/guardian: 按一下輸入 Chinese: 按一下輸入 7. Parent’s/Guardian’s mobile phone number: 按 一 下 輸 入 8. SWD/NGO/EDB file ref. no. (if any): 9. Health Conditions: 按一下輸入 Satisfactory Unsatisfactory *Please specify problem(s) 按 一 下 輸 入 10. Name ) of School attending/last attended: Highest class level: II. 按一下輸入 按一下輸入 (按 一 下 輸 入 school year) Suggested Placement (Please tick in the appropriate box/es) 1. Day Placement FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Placement in a school for social development is/is not recommended 2. Day & Residential Placement 3. Day Placement & After-School Care Programme in Residential Service 4. Please tick if the above option is for Short Term Adjustment Programme ( Please state the school preferred, if any::按一下輸入 1 for Vetting Committee of CCRM Date: ) III. Other information about the student Please tick in the appropriate box/es 1. Record of Attendance Regular Irregular Non-attending since (date): 按一下這裡以輸入日期。 Remarks (if any): 按一下輸入。 2. was suspended from school withdrew of own accord was asked by the school to withdraw is attending school Student 3. Student’s intention to resume/continue schooling 4. Academic performance Primary Secondary Low Average High Below average in baisc subjects Failed poorly in baisc subjects Please describe the student’s school/learning history and academic attainment: 按一下輸入 5. Intellectual Assessment Name of assessment tool:按一下輸入 Date of assessment:按一下輸入日期(DD/MM/YYYY) Full Scale IQ:按一下輸入 If the student has not been assessed, please estimate his/her general intellectual abilities.: Average Suspected slow learning 6. Behaviour Primary 選擇一個項目。 Secondary 選擇一個項目。 Please describe the student’s social, emotional and behavioural problems. Illustrate with concrete examples and state clearly in what circumstances these problems are more severe and how frequent they occur. 按一下這裡以輸入文字。 7. Main problems (please refer to P. 8 for the codes) Behaviour Manifested 按一下這裡以輸入文字。 Code:選擇一個項目。 Others (please specify): 按一下這裡以輸入文字。 Mild 8. Moderate Severe Other problem(s) (please refer to P. 8 for the codes) Behaviour Manifested 按一下這裡以輸入文字。 Code:選擇一個項目。 Others (please specify): 按一下這裡以輸入文字。 Mild 2 Moderate Severe 9. Statutory supervision record : No Yes In process (a) Police Superintendent Discretionary Scheme Offence: 按一下輸入。 Period: 按一下輸入。 (b) Care or Protection Order Reason: 按一下輸入。 Residential care has been provided: Period: 按一下輸入。 Yes No (c) Probation Order Offence: 按一下輸入。 Has been admitted to Probation Home: Period: 按一下輸入。 Yes No (d)Others(please specify):按一下輸入 Period: 按一下輸入。 10. Work experience(if applicable): 按一下輸入 11. Student’s strengths and potentials: 按一下輸入 12. Record of previous school/residential placement, if any (Please state the period of placement, the performance of the student and the reasons for discharge): 按一下輸入 13. History of abscondence from home (if applicable): 按一下輸入 3 IV. Family Support 1. Family background (may tick more than 1 box) : intact family parent(s) in prison single parent/split family parent(s) mentally unstable living with relatives parent(s) remarried parent(s) with disability or ill health parent(s) with chronic illness parent(s) with marital discord parent(s) with criminal conviction others (please specify): 2. 按一下輸入 Particulars of family members and relatives living with the student: Name (English) (Chinese) Relationship with student Sex 按一下輸入 按一下輸入 按一下輸入 M/F 按一下輸入 按一下輸入 按一下輸入 M/F 按一下輸入 按一下輸入 按一下輸入 M/F 按一下輸入 按一下輸入 按一下輸入 M/F 按一下輸入 按一下輸入 按一下輸入 M/F 按一下輸入 按一下輸入 按一下輸入 M/F 3. Attitude of parents/guardians towards the student: Supportive and Indifferent Rejecting committed Supportive but ineffective Neglectful Abusive 4. Overall impression on family support: Adequate To be inadequate improved 5. Parents’/guardian’s willingness to co-operate with professionals: Willing to take advice 6. Unmotivated to seek/ follow advice Age / Date of Birth 按一下輸入 / 按一下輸入日 期。 按一下輸入 / 按一下輸入日 期。 按一下輸入 / 按一下輸入日 期。 按一下輸入 / 按一下輸入日 期。 按一下輸入 / 按一下輸入日 期。 按一下輸入 / 按一下輸入日 期。 Occupation 按一下輸入 按一下輸入 按一下輸入 按一下輸入 按一下輸入 按一下輸入 Reject professional help Please describe the student’s relationship with family members/their ways of communication and parenting style. 按一下輸入 4 7. Please describe the significant events in the family leading to the need of after-school care programme/residential placement. This item must be completed for application for residential placement or after-school care programme in residential service. 按一下輸入 8. Please choose one below (*delete as appropriate). This item must be completed for application for residential placement or after-school care programme in residential service. This case has been / will be * referred to casework service unit (e.g. Integrated Family Services Centre, Medical Social Service Unit, Family and Child Protective Services Unit, Probation Office) for follow up throughout the placement period. Casework Service Unit: 按一下輸入 Contact Person: 按一下輸入 Contact Tel: 按一下輸入 The organisation to which the referrer of this application belongs will provide family services to the student and the family, and will follow up the needs of the student after he/she has been admitted to the residential home. V. Have the school personnel, social worker, guidance personnel or other professionals rendered support to the student? If yes, please give a detailed account of the support and the effectiveness. (Please use separate sheet if necessary.) 按一下這裡以輸入文字。 VI. Previous services sought from EDB/SWD/DH/HA/NGO: 按一下這裡以輸入文字。 5 VII. Report(s) attached: (please tick as appropriate) The referrer should submit copies of the attached reports on the student to the relevant school for social development/residential home for reference together with the application form. Consent from the parents/guardian or the report issuing agencies should be obtained before submission. Yes, the following report(s) is/are attached: Latest school report Medical report Psychologist's/counsellor's report Others (Please specify:) Psychiatrist's report 按一下輸入 No VIII. Student’s attitude towards the referral and participation during the process: 按一下這裡以輸入文字。 IX. Parents’/guardian’s attitudes towards the referral and participation during the process: 按一下這裡以輸入文字。 X. Future plan and follow-up service for the student formulated by the referrer: 按一下這裡以輸入文字。 XI. Present residential placement of the student: (tick one only) at home at relatives' home in hospital 按一下輸入 in residential unit/foster home (please specify:) in remand home/place of refuge (please specify:) others: (please specify): under the care of child-minder 按一下輸入 period of remand:按一下輸入 date of next court hearing::按一下輸入日 期。 按一下輸入 6 Remarks: I confirm that consent has been obtained from parents/guardian to this referral for placement in a school for social development/residential home. Signature of referrer: Countersigned by SWO/Centre-in-charge/School Head: 按一下輸入 按一下輸入 (Name in block letters) (Name in block letters) Position/Rank: 按一下輸入 Position/Rank: 按一下輸入 Agency / Unit / School: 按一下輸入 Tel. No. (School): 按一下輸入 Fax. No. (School): Tel. No. (Agency): 按一下輸入 Fax. No. (Agency): 按一下輸入 E-mail : 按一下輸入 Date: 按一下輸入日期。 7 按一下輸入 Codes for items III7 and III8 Behavioural Problems at School Pre-delinquent/Delinquent Behaviour S1 Poor School Attendance/Truancy D1 Acts of Physical Violence against Person or Property S2 Poor Teacher-Student Relationship D2 Abscondence from Home S3 Disruptive Behaviour in Class D3 Staying Out/Staying Out Overnight (e.g. bullying, yelling, hyperactivity) D4 Gang/Pseudo-triad /Triad Involvement Breaking School Regulations D5 Taking, Possessing or Trafficking Drugs (e.g. foul language, signature forgery, frequent lateness, smoking, cheating in tests/examinations, stealing) D6 Stealing/Shoplifting Others (please specify) D7 Cult Involvement D8 Sexual Promiscuity or Frequenting/Working in Vice Establishment(s) D9 Others (please specify) S4 S5 Emotional/Psychological/Mental Health Problems P1 Suicidal Tendency/Symptoms P2 Anxieties (e.g. School Phobia) P3 Withdrawn and Moody Behaviours P4 Obsessive Act P5 Emotionally Unstable/Impulsive Behaviour P6 Others (please specify) 8