Fitness for Life- Grade 8 Mrs. Fouts

Fitness for Life- Grade 8
Daily Required Materials:
1. Notebook paper
2. Fitness folder
3. Writing utensil
4. Student agenda
5. Proper clothing & shoes
for physical activity.
(Keep an extra pair in
your locker!)
Mrs. Fouts
General Guidelines for Class: Remember the RESPECT model
R- Raise your hand and be recognized BEFORE speaking.
E- Eliminate all inappropriate speech and actions.
S- Students must get permission to leave their seat or the classroom.
P- Participate to the BEST of your ability!
E- Eliminate talking while the teacher/speaker is talking.
C- Come to class prepared.
T- Treat all people and property with respect!
Classroom discipline:
Character cards will be used in fitness class in accordance with the school policy. Guidelines
are printed on each character card which is located in the student agenda.
Absences and late assignments:
If an absence is excused, it is the student’s responsibility to obtain missed assignments. Every
effort should be made to have assignments completed when they are due. Tests and quizzes will be
made up before or after school, or during your child’s study hall.
Late work will be accepted and scored for full credit only if (a) there is an excused absence or
(b) a note from home explaining the reason it is not completed is presented to the teacher. Late
assignments which do not fall under these two categories will be accepted but will result in a
deduction of points.
Grading procedures:
Grades will be based on class work, participation in class, homework, tests, projects quizzes,
and sportsmanship. All grades will be posted online through home access. Students may also ask for
a printed copy of their grades at any time.
Topics to be covered:
 Violence prevention (domestic violence & healthy relationships)- state mandated
 Sexual abstinence, STI/STD education, sexting, setting boundaries, Ohio laws about sexual
activity and school aged children
 Basic nutrition
 Fitness games & activities
 Creating and utilizing a personal fitness plan- state mandated
 Fitness testing (PACER, push-ups, curl-ups, sit and reach).- state mandated
We will be spending some days in the classroom learning health concepts and other days in the
gymnasium participating in activities. I will post a weekly schedule for students in the classroom and
they will be required to record this information in their student agenda.
If you have any questions or concerns please contact Mrs. Fouts using the information below.
(937) 429-7567 x2614
Parents, please take a moment to complete the follow questions. Once you have completed this form
and you have read the course syllabus, sign and date below. Return this form to Mrs. Fouts within 1
school day.
1. What are your child’s strengths?
2. What can I do in the classroom/gymnasium to help insure your child’s success?
3. Please give me any information that might be helpful when getting to know your child this
quarter. (Please identify health issues in this section along with any other pertinent
I have read and understand the course guidelines.
(Student signature)
(Parent signature)