Handbook Appendix A - Phenix City Public Schools, Phenix City

The sole purpose of the coaches’ evaluation system is to improve the quality of our
athletic program by recognizing and encouraging the use of successful coaching practices
and techniques. The Athletic Director or personnel assigned by the Superintendent (see
Memorandum page 6 of this document) and/or the Superintendent or his designee
(Director of Operations, effective 6/25/2010) will conduct a minimum of two evaluations
during the school year for each coach. A conference will be held following each
evaluation. Information contained in the evaluation will be based upon observations made
at practices and contests during the athletic season, the quality of compliance with the
Phenix City School District policies and procedures, and personal relations with athletes,
professional colleagues and parents.
At the end of the season a Comprehensive Review (components of the Comprehensive
Review are below) will be completed with each coach, and the coach will be given the
opportunity to comment or respond to any item in the Review. The original observations
and Comprehensive Review will be kept on file in the Athletic Director or personnel
assigned by the Superintendent (see Memorandum page 6 of this document)’s office and
copies will be distributed to each coach, and the Superintendent or his designee (Director
of Operations, effective 6/25/2010). Copies of the forms for the Evaluation System are
included in Appendix A of this handbook.
Comprehensive Review
 Two Observations
 Coaching Credentials
 Athletic Department Compliance During the Year
 Incident Reports
 End of Season Report
 Head Coach Self Evaluation
 Assistant Coach Evaluations
 Assistant Coach Self Evaluation (Part of Assistant Coach Evaluation)
 Player Surveys
 Parent Surveys
 Budget/Account Review
 Summary Report
 Comprehensive Review Conference
Two Observations:
Each Head Coach will be observed a minimum of two times during the
season by the Athletic Director or personnel assigned by the Superintendent
(see Memorandum page 6 of this document). These observations may be
during a practice session and/or competition. The attached forms will
provide information on all activities to be observed.
Following each observation a conference will be held to discuss the
observation. The Head Coach will be allowed to submit in writing any
clarifications in the observation and such information will be attached to the
observation form. FORMS B-27, B-38
Coaching Credentials:
A Coach’s Credentials Checklist will be completed on each Head Coach by
the Athletic Director or personnel assigned by the Superintendent (see
Memorandum page 6 of this document). This worksheet will be used as a
summary of the coaches completion of all requirements of the AHSAA and
the Phenix City Board of Education. This form will be completed prior to
the first date for practice as determined by the AHSAA. The Head Coach
should complete this same checklist on each assistant coach and submit them
to the Athletic Director or personnel assigned by the Superintendent (see
Memorandum page 6 of this document) prior to the first date for practice.
Athletic Department Compliance During the Year:
Throughout the year each Head Coach will be expected to comply with all
the procedures as outlined in the AHSAA handbook as well as the Phenix
City Schools Coaches Handbook. The Head Coach will be continually
evaluated throughout the year on the meeting of all requirements. The results
will be summarized on the Summary Report. FORM B-42
Incident Reports:
Incident Reports made throughout the year will be included in the final
evaluation of the Head Coach. All incident should be clearly filled out and
contain all the information requested. B-29
End of the Season Report:
An End of the Season Report must be completed and submitted to the
Athletic Director or personnel assigned by the Superintendent (see
Memorandum page 6 of this document) within two weeks of the last
competition of the season. FORM B-19
Head Coach Self Evaluation:
Each Head Coach must complete a Head Coach Self Evaluation and submit
it with the End of Season Report. FORM B-26
Assistant Coach Evaluations:
Each Head Coach is expected to conduct an evaluation of their assistant
coaches. The evaluations should be completed on the Assistant Coach
Evaluation Forms and be submitted prior to scheduling the Comprehensive
Review Conference. Part of the assistant coach evaluation is the Assistant
Coach Survey which will be submitted with the evaluation. FORM B-3
Player Surveys:
Player surveys will be completed each year by players under the direct
supervision of the Head Coach. These surveys are anonymous and will be
conducted by an assistant coach or the Athletic Director or personnel
assigned by the Superintendent (see Memorandum page 6 of this document).
These surveys will be completed within two weeks of the regular season and
will be submitted to the Athletic Director or personnel assigned by the
Superintendent (see Memorandum page 6 of this document) immediately
upon completion of the surveys. FORM B-37
Budget/Account Review:
The Head Coach is responsible for the financial condition of the program.
The account balance must be monitored and reviewed on a regular basis.
Each Head Coach is required to submit to the Superintendent or his designee
(Director of Operations, effective 6/25/2010) an account balance each
month. Additionally, the Head Coach is required to submit a budget each
year outlining projected income and expenses. The submission of this budget
as well as the continual submission of the account balance will be included
in the Comprehensive Review. FORM B-39
Summary Report:
All of the components of the Evaluation System as well continued
compliance with all AHSAA policies and procedures as well as the Phenix
City Coaches Handbook will be evaluated throughout the year and
summarized on the Summary Report. This form will be completed by
the Athletic Director or personnel assigned by the Superintendent (see
Memorandum page 6 of this document). FORM B-42
Comprehensive Review Conference:
A Comprehensive Review Conference will be completed after all
components of the evaluation System have been completed. All items of the
evaluation system will be discussed and the Head Coach will be able to
submit any additional information and can respond to this conference in
writing if they so desire.