Placement 1 - University of Sussex


Payments to

Partnership Schools 2014/15

Placement 1

By providing a first placement for a trainee, 11-18/16 schools will receive a funding unit of £510 . Primary schools (and 11-16/8 acting as main placement for the KS2/3 course) will receive £660 for the extended first placement. This is allocated on the agreement that over the school experience the school will provide comprehensive mentoring and professional studies programmes. During this time supply cover will also be available for the following scheduled events:

Mentor attendance of University based training/ITE launch (September)

New Mentor training (September)

Placement 2

By providing a second placement for a trainee, 11-18/6 schools will receive a funding unit of £330 .

Primary schools offering second placements for the Primary PGCE course and 11-18/6 or primary schools offering a day a week for KS2/3 course from September 2014-March 2015 will receive £180. This is allocated on the agreement that over the school experience the school will provide comprehensive mentoring and professional studies programmes. During this time supply cover will also be available for the following scheduled event:

Professional Tutor attendance of the PGCE planning meeting and consortium conference (June).

Paired Placements for Science, Mathematics and Modern Foreign Languages

An additional £200 premium will be paid to schools providing a paired placement for Science, Mathematics or

Modern Foreign Languages where this includes first placement, in recognition of the additional administrative demands on mentors and their departments.

Lead School Activities

By providing rooming facilities and collaborative involvement of one member of staff for selection interviews or curriculum studies sessions, the school will receive £200 per day. For the involvement of further members of staff in these or other aspects of the University programme (e.g. subject specialist teachers participating in interviews) the school will be paid an additional £100 per half day per person.

Payments Process

Payments for Placement 1 training will be made to schools by the University approximately four weeks after the beginning of the placement and once a signed and stamped Partnership Agreement has been received.

Payments for Placement 2 will be authorised approximately four weeks after the beginning of the placement and on receipt of a Partnership Agreement (if one has not already been received for first Placement).

Personal Contributions to the PGCE

If Mentors/ Professional Tutors/teachers give up their own time to contribute to the programme (e.g. interviewing prospective candidates during holidays, giving lectures out of school hours or attending twilight Mentor meetings), they will be paid at 6.1 on the Associate Tutor pay-scale (see ) through a separate claim form issued by Curriculum Tutors after the event:

 £58.72 per one hour workshop.

 £7.98 per 5,000 word script assessed.

Attendance at twilight marking or moderating meet ings will be paid at £14.68 per hour plus travel.

Attendance at the twilight Mentor training session in January will be paid £58.72 plus travel.

Professional Tutor attendance at twilight partnership meetings will be paid £58.72 plus travel.

Supply Claims

A further claim form overleaf (School Claim Form: Supply Cover) provides schools with the opportunity to invoice for all additional PGCE activities. Claims will be dealt with following each of these cut-off dates:

14 th November 2014 22 nd January 2015, 28 th March 2015 and 10 th July 2015.

Attendance at Professional Tutor day-time meetings (£100 per meeting)

 supply cover for cross-school mentor / professional tutor moderation visits ( £100 per half day visit)

 supply cover for mentor involvement in interviewing ( £100 per half day per tutor)

 supply cover for new mentor and day-time mentor training ( £100 half day per tutor)

 supply cover for involvement in University teaching/marking sessions ( £100 per tutor)

NB Claims received after 10 th July 2015 will not be paid.

Payments to

Partnership Schools 2014/15

Name of School :

Name of Professional Tutor :




Additional School-based

Activities/ Services


Date of activity/ service

Name of school staff involved

Name of University supervisor


@ £100 per half day

Signed: ........................................................................................... Date: ........................................

Please note: Claims are authorised after cross-referencing with attendance/university tutors - please ensure we know what has been attended. The more information you provide regarding the nature of the activity (dates, university tutors involved) the faster a claim can be processed.

Please send claims to: ITE Course Co-ordinator , School of Education and Social Work , Essex House,

University of Sussex, Brighton BN1 9QQ or email to


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To be completed by University of Sussex finance only



