Credit Transfer - Java Programming


Credit Transfer for Oracle Academy Certifications


SQA have a range of Higher National Certificates available to colleges and students.

The information given in this document applies irrespective of the context in which the Units are delivered.

This document is of an advisory nature. The final decision on whether or not to grant credit transfer must be made by the centre and is subject to external moderation. However, external moderators are unlikely to raise objections to any credit transfer based on the advice given here.

SQA provide clear criteria for deciding if two syllabuses are equivalent. All the following criteria must be satisfied if full credit transfer is to be recognised between both syllabuses:


The syllabuses have the same SCQF levels.


The syllabuses have the similar credit values (or equivalent).


The syllabuses are equivalent in terms of core skill coverage.


The syllabuses relate to the same subject area and the main topics are common to both.


The syllabuses present a similar level of cognitive demand.


The syllabuses encompass similar skill-sets.


The syllabuses are contemporary in terms of terminology, techniques and technology.


Employers, admission officers and other users would perceive both syllabuses as broadly equivalent.


The assessment demands are similar in terms of candidate activity and performance criteria, or candidates would be equally likely to pass both assessments.


Special conditions (where they exist) are applicable to both syllabuses.

Since the units in this document match closely to the vendor courses, all of the above criteria can be met.

The Vendor courses here have all the competences necessary to fulfil the appropriate employment objectives including knowledge, understanding and the necessary practical skills. Thus, credit transfer granted to a candidate on the basis of vendor passes and will cover all aspects of an HN


The following guidance relates to specific vendor certification. Centres are free to consider any form of alternative evidence, and accept this as evidence of competence if they consider that it fully satisfies a unit’s requirements. However, centre decisions are subject to external moderation.

Oracle Academy Credit Transfer Updated March 2014


Credit Transfer for Oracle Academy Certifications


The Oracle Academy, Introduction to Computer Science is designed for high schools and colleges to provide a thorough foundation in database, programming, and professional skills curriculum to students, while offering rigorous training and professional development for teachers. It is ideal for institutions that wish to offer a comprehensive and structured training program that enables faculty to deliver a web-based, student-friendly curriculum.

Competitive edge in the job market

Students are exposed to technical, business and professional skills that are used in a variety of industries and job roles. Advanced students have the opportunity to pursue Oracle certification – a distinction that provides an additional competitive edge in the job market.

Student-friendly curriculum

This professionally designed curriculum is geared to meet the learning needs of a variety of students, from those interested in gaining broad exposure to business and technical skills to students planning on pursuing a technical education or career. It blends virtual and face-to-face training, hands-on exercises, assessments, and project based learning experiences while leveraging the latest Oracle technologies, allowing teachers and students to easily access the curriculum through a web browser.

Oracle-hosted curriculum and lab environment

Oracle hosts the curriculum and lab environment using state-of-the art technical infrastructure.

There is absolutely no software setup or maintenance required to deliver the curriculum and its accompanying practices—all you need is a web browser!

Continual Professional Development

The Oracle Academy courses can only be delivered by institutions that have put staff members through the intensive training programme offered annually by the Oracle Corporation.

Oracle Academy Credit Transfer Updated March 2014


Credit Transfer for Oracle Academy Certifications

Java Programming








This course builds on the skills students gained in Java Fundamentals and helps them advance their

Java programming skills using the Java SE7, the latest release of Java. Participants are introduced to the core application programming interfaces used to design object-oriented applications with Java.

Hand-on practices and projects figure prominently throughout this course. Those who successfully complete it will possess strong foundational knowledge for Oracle Java SE 7 Programmer I certification.

Duration: 90 hours (one semester)

Completion of this course would enable students to gain Scottish Qualification Authority (SQA) accreditation for one of the following units: -

H171 35: Software Development: Object Oriented Programming

2 credits at higher national level 8 (16 SCQF credit points at SCQF level 8 1 )

H16Y 35: Software Development: Data Structures

2 credits at higher national level 8 (16 SCQF credit points at SCQF level 8)

Mapping of Core Skills development to Units

S = signposted at SCQF level 6

Unit Title Communication numeracy

Oral Written Using Using


















Problem Solving

Planning and




Reviewing and




Working with


1 SCQF credit points are used to allocate credit to qualifications in the Scottish Credit and Qualifications

Framework (SCQF). Each qualification in the Framework is allocated a number of SCQF credit points at an SCQF level. There are 12 SCQF levels, ranging from Access 1 to Doctorates.

Oracle Academy Credit Transfer Updated March 2014


Credit Transfer for Oracle Academy Certifications

Any candidate who passes the named Oracle unit(s) can gain certification for the corresponding SQA unit(s).

You will then have to inform your SQA coordinator that they have passed the unit when they have completed the Oracle Academy course so that they get the recognition on their SQA Certificates.

If you have further questions about the Relational Database Systems unit DM4K12 and Oracle do not hesitate to contact Wendy Reith ( or Dave Main


If you have further questions about any other areas of Credit transfer or delivery of the oracle academy do not hesitate to contact William McRae (

Oracle Academy Credit Transfer Updated March 2014


Credit Transfer for Oracle Academy Certifications

Delivery of Oracle Academy within current HN Frameworks

The content of Introduction to Computer Science course offered as part of the Oracle Academy curriculum can be delivered as a stand alone course or be delivered as part of a full-time course and credit transferred to Units delivered within many NC/HNC/D courses, the course can also be delivered as part of an SQA Professional Development Award. The following section details which courses have been identified as containing the HN units which can be credit transferred from the Oracle

Academy Introduction to Computer Science.

The Oracle Academy Program Introduction to Computer Science consists of two 90-hour courses and two 180-hour courses all of which are assessed by a combination of restricted response tests and practical exercises. These courses can provide credit transfer to NC/HN Units. These courses can also help candidates prepare for the Oracle Certified Associate Certification exams. A blended learning approach to the delivery is recommended and students should be encouraged to work through material in their own study time.

HN Computer Games Development GC8R 45

The NC Games Development Course can provide an articulation route to further study and will encourage and engage candidates by utilising a hands-on, practical approach to learning the skills for this sector.

Upon completion of Java Fundamentals and Programming course advanced students will be eligible for a credit transfer for the following three SQA units .

Unit Title SCQF SQA Ref.


H171 35



1 4 Software Development: Object Oriented


Software Development: Data Structures H16Y 35 2 5

Oracle Academy Credit Transfer Updated March 2014


Credit Transfer for Oracle Academy Certifications

Course Content Java Programming

Java Programming – Section 1

Lesson 1: Deploying an Application

Java Programming – Section 2

Lesson 1: Working with Pre-Written Code

Java Programming – Section 3

Lesson 1: Java Class Design

Lesson 2: Generics and Collections

Lesson 3: String Processing

Lesson 4: Exceptions and Assertions

Lesson 5: Input/Output Fundamentals

Java Programming – Section 4

Lesson 1: Creating a Final Project

Java Programming: Appendix B: A SQL Primer

Java Programming: Appendix C: Prep for US AP College Board Computer Science A Exam

Oracle Academy Credit Transfer Updated March 2014


Credit Transfer for Oracle Academy Certifications

Course Content Java Fundamentals

Java Fundamentals – Section 0

Lesson 1: Student Course Resources

Lesson 2: Course Outline

Lesson 3: Course Map

Lesson 4: Curriculum Tour (MP4 File)

Lesson 5: Software Installation Instructions

Java Fundamentals – Section 1

Lesson 1: Welcome

Lesson 2: Introduction

Java Fundamentals – Section 2

Lesson 1: Get Started with Alice

Lesson 2: Add and Position Objects

Lesson 3: Use Procedures and Arguments

Lesson 4: Add Rotation and Randomization

Lesson 5: Declare Procedures

Lesson 6: Use Control Statements

Lesson 7: Use Functions

Lesson 8: Use the IF and WHILE Control Structure

Lesson 9: Use Expressions

Lesson 10: Use Variables

Lesson 11: Use Keyboard Controls

Lesson 12: Develop a Complete Animation

Lesson 13: Correlating Java Variables, Data Types, and Expressions with Alice 3 Tools

Lesson 14: Correlating Java Methods, Classes, and Other Structures with Alice 3 Tools

Oracle Academy Credit Transfer Updated March 2014


Credit Transfer for Oracle Academy Certifications

Java Fundamentals – Section 3

Lesson 1: Getting Started with Greenfoot

Lesson 2: Using Methods, Variables and Parameters

Lesson 3: Working with Source Code and Documentation

Lesson 4: Developing and Testing an Application

Lesson 5: Using Randomization and Understanding Dot Notation and Constructors

Lesson 6: Defining Methods

Lesson 7: Using Sound and Keyboard Control

Lesson 8: Creating a World, Animation Actors and Ending a Game

Lesson 9: Understanding Abstraction

Lesson 10: Using Loops, Variables and Strings

Lesson 11: Putting it all Together with Greenfoot

Lesson 12: Creating an Inventory of Java Fundamentals

Java Fundamentals – Section 4

Lesson 1: Compiling with Eclipse – A First Program

Lesson 2: Using Object Classes and Driver Classes

Lesson 3: Programming with Data Types and Operators

Lesson 4: Using Strings

Java Fundamentals – Section 5

Lesson 1: Using Scanner and Conditional Statements

Lesson 2: Using Program Control Statements

Java Fundamentals – Section 6

Lesson 1: Using Arrays

Lesson 2: Sorting and Searching

Lesson 3: Handling Errors

Java Fundamentals – Section 7

Lesson 1: Creating Classes, Objects, and Methods

Lesson 2: Passing Objects and Overloading Methods

Lesson 3: Understanding Recursion, Static Modifier, and Nested Classes

Lesson 4: Understanding Inheritance

Lesson 5: Understanding Polymorphism

Oracle Academy Credit Transfer Updated March 2014


Credit Transfer for Oracle Academy Certifications

Java Fundamentals – Appendix A Self Study Guides

Lesson 1: What's in Your Future?

Lesson 2: What is a Consultant?

Lesson 3: Speaking in Public

Lesson 4: Leaders in Information Technology

Lesson 5: Creating a Career Portfolio

Lesson 6: Interests, Skills, and Achievements

Lesson 7: Work Experience and Community Involvement

Lesson 8: Creating a Resume

Lesson 9: The Changing Nature of the Job Market

Lesson 10: Searching for a Job

Lesson 11: Written Communication

Lesson 12: Interviewing

Lesson 13: Networking

Lesson 14: Cyber Security

Oracle Academy Credit Transfer Updated March 2014


Credit Transfer for Oracle Academy Certifications

Appendix Centre Advice – Mapping Detail to Software Development: Object Oriented

Programming- H171 35

Unit title: Software Development: Object Oriented Programming: H171 35

Credit points and level: 2 Higher National Unit credits at SCQF level 8: (16 SCQF credit points at

SCQF level 8*)

Unit purpose: This Unit is designed to enable candidates to develop a broad knowledge of the concepts, principles, and techniques of object oriented software development. Candidates will develop problem-solving and object oriented technical skills. Candidates will then be required to demonstrate their proficiency in these skills through the creation of object oriented software solutions to problems. The emphasis is on the development and testing of the class libraries required for the problem domain. These will be reinforced by developing the appropriate practical skills in implementing and testing object libraries. It is recommended that this Unit is delivered in tandem with the Unit H172 35 Systems Development: Object Oriented Analysis and Design to give candidates an insight into the full development lifecycle.

This Unit is aimed at candidates who have no previous experience of computer programming.

On completion of the Unit the candidate should be able to:

Investigate object oriented programming techniques and apply them to a design.

Implement a solution from an object oriented design using object oriented techniques.

Test the completed product.

This Unit assumes knowledge of fundamental programming concepts, but it would be advisable to briefly refresh these basic topics which are covered in the Java Fundamentals course.

Oracle Academy Credit Transfer Updated March 2014


Credit Transfer for Oracle Academy Certifications

Outcome 1: Investigate object oriented programming techniques and apply them to a design.

Object oriented concepts and terms

Object oriented programming techniques

Objects and classes

Attributes and methods

Parameter passing

Abstraction, encapsulation and

 information-hiding




Aggregation and collection

 Coupling and cohesion 2

Java Fundamentals/Programming

Java Fundamentals – Section 2

Lesson 5: Declare Procedures

Java Fundamentals – Section 3

Lesson 9: Understanding Abstraction

Java Fundamentals – Section 7

Lesson 1: Creating Classes, Objects, and Methods

Lesson 2: Passing Objects and Overloading Methods

Lesson 4: Understanding Inheritance

Lesson 5: Understanding Polymorphism

Java Programming - Section 2

Lesson 1: Working with Pre-Written Code

Java Programming - Section 3

Lesson 1: Java Class Design

Java Fundamentals/Programming Outcome 2: Implement a solution from an object oriented design using object oriented techniques.

Declaring and initialising variables

Using operators

Implementing control structures

Defining data structures

Accessing and manipulating data structures

Java Fundamentals – Section 2

Lesson 5: Declare Procedures

Lesson 6: Use Control Statements

Lesson 7: Use Functions

Lesson 8: Use the IF and WHILE Control Structure

Lesson 9: Use Expressions

2 Supplemental material will need to be used to cover Object cohesion

Oracle Academy Credit Transfer Updated March 2014


Credit Transfer for Oracle Academy Certifications

Using parameter passing

Creating Classes

Creating instances of classes

Creating relationships between classes

Creating Constructor methods

Overloading methods

Use of exceptions

Use of standard object libraries

Documenting Code

Lesson 10: Use Variables

Lesson 13: Correlating Java Variables, Data Types, and

Expressions with Alice 3 Tools

Java Fundamentals – Section 3

Lesson 10: Using Loops, Variables and Strings

Java Fundamentals – Section 4

Lesson 2: Using Object Classes and Driver Classes

Lesson 3: Programming with Data Types and Operators

Java Fundamentals – Section 6

Lesson 1: Using Arrays

Lesson 2: Sorting and Searching

Lesson 3: Handling Errors

Java Fundamentals – Section 7

Lesson 1: Creating Classes, Objects, and Methods

Lesson 2: Passing Objects and Overloading Methods

Java Programming – Section 1

Lesson 1: Deploying an Application

Java Programming – Section 3

Lesson 1: Java Class Design

Lesson 4: Exceptions and Assertions

Lesson 5: Input/Output Fundamentals

Java Programming – Section 4

Lesson 1: Creating a Final Project

Oracle Academy Credit Transfer Updated March 2014


Credit Transfer for Oracle Academy Certifications

Outcome 3: Test the completed product. Java Fundamentals/Programming

Implementing a test plan using a

 defined strategy

Maintaining test documentation

Evaluating results of test runs

Amending code as necessary

Java Programming – Section 2

Lesson 1: Working with Pre-Written Code

Java Programming – Section 4

Lesson 1: Creating a Final Project

Oracle Academy Credit Transfer Updated March 2014


Credit Transfer for Oracle Academy Certifications

Appendix Centre Advice – Mapping Detail to Software Development: Data Structures- H16Y 35

Unit title: Software Development: Data Structures: H16Y 35

Credit points and level: 2 Higher National Unit credits at SCQF level 8: (16 SCQF credit points at

SCQF level 8*)

Unit purpose: This Unit is designed to enable candidates to become familiar with the data structures and collection classes in common use within current software development environments. This knowledge will be supplemented by the coding of collection and/or aggregation associations using appropriate standard generic collection classes.

The Unit is a mandatory Unit for the HND Computing: Software Development and has been designed to enhance candidates’ programming and algorithm design skills. These skills should help prepare candidates for employment and/or further study in the field of software development.

This Unit is aimed at candidates who have no previous experience of computer programming.

On completion of the Unit the candidate should be able to:

Describe data representation and storage in computer systems.

Describe and use data structures.

Describe, develop and use abstract data types.

Use Standard Collection classes to implement object oriented designs.

Outcome 1: Describe data representation and storage in computer systems.

Java Fundamentals/Programming

Representation of simple and structured data types

Static and dynamic memory allocation 3

Standard File types including

 compression, images, sound and video 4

XML data files 5

Java Fundamentals – Section 4

Lesson 3: Programming with Data Types and Operators

Lesson 4: Using Strings

Java Fundamentals – Section 6

Lesson 1: Using Arrays

3 Supplemental materials required for record and table types

4 Although used throughout the course additional material will be required to explain the different file types

5 Additional XML material will be required to cover this topic

Oracle Academy Credit Transfer Updated March 2014


Credit Transfer for Oracle Academy Certifications

Java Fundamentals – Section 7

Lesson 1: Creating Classes, Objects, and Methods

Lesson 3: Understanding Recursion, Static Modifier, and Nested Classes

Outcome 2: Describe and use data structures.

Array data structures

Linked List data structures

Binary Tree data structure

Hash Table data structure

Searching and sorting algorithms

Insertion and deletion algorithms

Java Fundamentals/Programming

Java Fundamentals – Section 6

Lesson 1: Using Arrays

Lesson 2: Sorting and Searching

Java Programming – Section 3

Lesson 2: Generics and Collections

Lesson 3: String Processing

Lesson 5: Input/Output Fundamentals

Outcome 3: Describe, develop and use abstract data types.

Java Fundamentals/Programming

Concept of an Abstract Data Type

(ADT) 6

Concept of a range of ADTs including Stack, Queue, Set, List and Map

Develop Interfaces (method signatures) for a range of ADTs including Stack, Queue, Set, List and Map

Implement a Stack, Queue and List using a given array data structure

 Implement a Stack, Queue and List using a given linked list data structure

Java Fundamentals – Section 3

Lesson 9: Understanding Abstraction

Java Programming – Section 3

Lesson 2: Generics and Collections

6 Additional material may be needed to fully cover abstract data types

Oracle Academy Credit Transfer Updated March 2014


Credit Transfer for Oracle Academy Certifications

Outcome 4: Use Standard Collection classes to implement object oriented designs.

Java Fundamentals/Programming

Concept of Generics

Inserting and deleting from collections

Iterating through Collections

Implementing associations using standard collection classes

Implementing a Map using standard collection classes

Implementing a Set using standard collection classes

Testing implemented code.

Java Programming – Section 3

Lesson 1: Java Class Design

Lesson 2: Generics and Collections

Lesson 4: Exceptions and Assertions

Lesson 5: Input/Output Fundamentals

Java Programming – Section 4

Lesson 1: Creating a Final Project

Oracle Academy Credit Transfer Updated March 2014

