Global South Development Expo 2012 Nomination Form Nomination from (choose all that apply): o National Govt. o UN agency o Private sector o NGO/Civil society org. Name of group or organization being nominated:__Alexander Von Humboldt Institute____ Nominee details: Address_Calle 28 A. No. 15-09 _____________________________________________ City_Bogota_____________________________________________________________ Country____Colombia__________________ Postal code_________________________________ Business telephone number _____(571) 3202767____________________________________ Mobile telephone number ______________________________________________________________ Fax number __(571) 3202767________________________________________________ Email Kindly answer the following questions using a maximum of six to seven pages: 1. Description of the initiative, including background and challenges: The initiative to define a portfolio of conservation priorities for the hydrocarbon sector in the Middle Magdalena and Llanos Orientales of Colombia is an example of synergy between the national oil company (Ecopetrol) and the National Biodiversity Institute (Instituto Alexander von Humboldt). The purpose of this initiative was to support the development of scientific and biodiversity mainstreaming in the work of sectorial development planning. It is thus an important milestone in this regard, to the extent that a company whose business is focused on the exploration and exploitation of hydrocarbons recognizes the need to invest in an environmental outreach program focusing on biodiversity. The study took place over 18 months and included within the actions of biodiversity conservation, both preservation guidelines (protected areas) and ecological restoration, ecological connectivity, sustainable use of natural resources, and ex situ conservation of species in critical conditions of threat. The spatial scale of analysis of 1:100,000 (100K), spanned nearly nine million hectares of the country. These priorities were then evaluated in the field, by approximating 1:25,000 scale pilot studies (25K), on which management guidelines were generated as biodiversity action plans, developed as interinstitutional and mixed (civil society, companies and environmental authorities) projects. With the support of local organizations, baseline conditions of those attributes of biodiversity were generated and identified as important at scale 1:25,000. Based on this identification, a monitoring system was designed to evaluate, in time and with accurate methodological standards, the transformation of ecosystems and habitat of the selected species as conservation targets. In parallel, a system was designed to monitor and track business management in environmental issues. As a prototype, the generation of a support system for decision making about the location and definition of the forcible inversion of 1%, as defined at the environmental legislation as a compensation mechanism, was included. 1 2. Main partners: The Alexander von Humboldt Biological Resources Research Institute was created in 1993 and is responsible to promote, coordinate and conduct research on biodiversity as part of the National Environmental System (SINA). The Institute is affiliated with the Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development. As part of its functions, the Institute is responsible for conducting, on the mainland of the Nation, scientific research on biodiversity, including genetic and aquatic resources. It also coordinates the biodiversity information system of Colombia and the formation of the national inventory of biodiversity. Ecopetrol is the largest company in the country and is the leading oil company in Colombia. It is also one of the 35 largest oil companies in the world and one of the four largest in Latin America. It is linked to the Ministry of Mines and Energy and has a majority participation of the transportation and refining infrastructure in the country. It has also recently come to incorporate private investment. The Humboldt Institute participated in the project by providing technical and scientific expertise and a percentage of resources in exchange for about $ 250,000. In addition, ECOPETROL contributed a significant percentage of financial resources (approximately 800,000 USD) and also provided information related to the areas of operation. The two main entities involved were the project managers and engineers. However, due to the characteristics of the project, the Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development, the National Parks System, 8 Regional Autonomous Corporations (regional environmental authorities), various NGOs and the academy at the national and regional levels were also involved in the project construction. 3. Achievements and impact: The project had a geographical coverage - in the analysis at scale 1:100,000 – of 9 million hectares, of which about 62 ecosystems were evaluated, many of them strategic for the country due to the goods and services they provide and the enormous diversity they contain, to the point that some of them are considered global biodiversity hotspots. 85 municipalities and 10 areas of jurisdiction of autonomous corporations were involved. The study phase, at scale 1:25,000, allowed the generation of work guidelines that caused direct impact to the communities where the field work was conducted. This directly comprised communities from about 8 municipalities, in which projects related with the use and conservation of species and ecosystems identified in the field were generated. 4. Sustainability: The project defined the actions and initiatives of biodiversity management that contribute to the restoration and maintenance of ecosystem ecological integrity and of keys species due to their value to conservation and restoration. For this reason, management guidelines have been designed and applied to specific ecological systems. The guidelines seek to link ecological integrity and social viability in a single conservation project. For this, the National Policy on Biodiversity was the framework for the selection of criteria and the spatial results have been captured in the planning processes of the autonomous corporations and the Ministry. Furthermore, several guidelines have been used in a call for support for research projects funded by ECOPETROL To ensure the sustainability of the project, several strategies have been included to ensure the addition of their impact on decision making: 2 5. An accompaniment to ECOPETROL, which ensures, particularly in the design of their support system to decision making, that the information generated is included in this system. The accompaniment is secured as well in that a new agreement between the two entities was signed in 2012 to continue the Environmental Planning for Biodiversity Conservation in other operational areas of Ecopetrol in the country (about 30 million hectares, that is, the size of Paraguay). The implementation of the proposed guidelines is assured by Scholarships for biodiversity research supported by Ecopetrol in association with the Ministry of Environment, which financed more than 10 projects that give continuity to the results generated by the project. The project has secured the invitation of the Ministry of Environment, environmental corporations in all areas of socialization, and in other instances of environmental planning discussion around the country. From the Policy and Legislation Program at the Institute, technical results from the project have been utilized in exercises directed to the Ministry of Environment to support the Ecosystem Map 1:100,000 (100K) of the country, and the Main Ecological Structure Map as an obligation of the country towards the Development Plan of the national government. Innovation: The methodology used in this project had to be adapted in many ways to fit the information restrictions, work scales and ecosystem reality of the country. For example, based on regional scales, ecosystem types present in the study region were identified. For each, the subclassification of ecological units from abiotic and biogeographical information and the concept of regional experts were performed with higher resolution. These nested ecological units represent ecological, biological and biogeographic processes, which are distinctive in the regions. In assessing the importance of the identified objects, both quantitative and qualitative analysis of viability, threats, opportunities and uses, and incorporated aspects of habitat diversity and functional traits for the species were utilized. Moreover, the whole process of selection and weighting of the objects was consolidated and validated through the knowledge of regional experts in various workshops. An interesting approach has been to consider the fine grain strategy - coarse complementary function incorporating multiple spatial scales The results of this project have high applicability to both the national and the regional scale, however, for this to be achieved, it must take into account the different connotations, both from the perspective of the land, and the jurisdiction of territorial and environmental authorities. It is therefore necessary that the coordinated action of local and regional actors in the Middle Magdalena and Llanos Orientales ensure the effective conservation of biodiversity. Certain issues, such as the implementation timeframe of conservation actions, should be discussed. Priorities should be based on biological characteristics and consideration should be given to the real opportunities and constraints that affect these actions, mainly considering the local communities. Thus, decision makers can develop urgent conservation initiatives, which are relevant not only in relation to the biological needs, but also to the social and economic characteristics of the areas that incorporate the study. 6. Replicability and scaling up: The project is based on an ecological land planning exercise and is aimed towards the hydrocarbon sector. Obviously, the work methodology can be replicated in other sectors that use the territory, identify it as a need in their planning exercises, define the priorities for conservation and management guidelines, or that act as a basis for maintaining ecological functions and services of biodiversity. Similarly, the project is multi-scaled from a spatial perspective. An area equivalent to about 10 million hectares was assessing conservation 3 priorities at 1:100,000 (100K), and four areas were selected because of their importance for the conservation of biodiversity. They were assessed on the status of priorities, at 25K, and defined the methodology sheets for the monitoring system of these priorities over time. The success of this project has been such that ECOPETROL, like other hydrocarbon sector entities, has shown interest in providing continuity in other regions and other spatial scales of analysis. With Ecopetrol, the Humboldt Institute has begun a project of the same nature, which in three years, will address more than 30 million hectares complementary to this project on a scale 100K, and will work on 12 windows at 25K to define state priorities and monitoring system. With Occidental de Colombia (OXY), an agreement is being signed to cover the Colombian Orinoco region, a draft environmental planning of the territory in a region of great environmental importance called Estero del Lipa. This region was identified in an exercise of conservation priorities for the Binational Basin Orinoco (exercise done between Colombia and Venezuela) as one of 12 most important ecological areas of the Orinoco. With the company Pacific Rubiales an agreement is advancing to apply the same methodology of the project, in some areas of future oil development in the Colombian Caribbean. 7. Areas of contribution: a. Job creation: How has the initiative had an impact on unemployment, etc. The research guidelines generated by the project were the basis for the most important call on biodiversity research in the country, which in a partnership between Ecopetrol and the Ministry of Environment supports research with a fund of $ 2 million USD. b. Infrastructure development: Based on the results generated by the project, Ecopetrol is designing its system to support environmental decision making. This is a software development system that links basic cartography, thematic mapping, distribution records of species with conservation interest, infrastructure information of the sector, and through cross -consultations gives the best environmental options for sectorial decision making over the territory. c. Social inclusion: The project gives recommendations to the company for implementing the conservation guidelines largely through the social base of the territory that has interest on environmental management. In this sense, private owners, social associations, and NGOs with biodiversity conservation projects are articulated with conservation guidelines of the project. d. Outreach: The results of the project have had a significant effect on the vision of biodiversity in maintaining key ecological functions for the hydrocarbon sector. Even within the framework of the project, an international conference called "Biodiversity and Oil" was generated, which enhances and feeds the paradigm shift between conservation and development. This is accomplished not as two opposing dimensions, but as complementary and interdependent dimensions, which is evidenced by the continuation of the project with a new agreement, and other agreements signed with other companies, where it is becoming more relevant to include biodiversity and ecosystem services in land planning exercises of the hydrocarbon sector. e. Networks: 4 The project, in its execution, linked to more than 93 researchers in the country, representing 40 organizations. Many of the participating entities that tracked the project were subsequently benefitting from the scholarship program to biodiversity research mentioned above. Also, as part of the project, two workshops were organized with decision makers, which presented the results and their relevance to other decisionmaking scenarios through the Ministry of Environment and Regional Environmental Corporations. f. Environment: It is the highest level of incidence. Project results define biodiversity conservation priorities in the territory where Ecopetrol is operating, gives some guidelines for their management and conservation, and contributes a monitoring system on the status of these priorities and their inclusion in the system to support decision making of the Company. Further information is public, and is available from the Institute to other decision-makers in the sector, such as the Ministry of Environment and Regional Environmental Authorities (CARs). g. Global health: For a country with a projected growth of its National Oil Company in 2020 with over a million barrels a day, and an environmental impact that can have this growth without proper planning, it is evidently hoped that the results of the project on the decisions of business activity in the territory have a significant effect on the protection of key ecosystems and the generation of ecosystem services associated with climate and water regulations, among others. 8. Awareness of the initiative: As part of the communication strategy of the project, the following products can be referenced: • International Meeting on Biodiversity and Oil, which included the participation of successful projects in this area and in other Latin American countries like Venezuela, Peru and Ecuador. Participation also included the institutional and environmental sector of the country, and the global initiative that certifies successful conservation projects for the hydrocarbon sector (IPIECA). This event was covered by the national press. ( 9. Technical publication of project results. This publication contains the technical proposal of the project, the results and some case studies done under the project with other members of the academy in the country. Publication of the project summary. This publication is a short document aimed at entrepreneurs and decision makers with the scope of the project. Documentary "After seeking conservation targets", which summarizes the project. 11:30 minutes in duration. Documentary "Oil and biodiversity: a space in Fima" for use in the Bogota International Environmental Fair. 5 minutes in duration. Multi-image of the project "The Orinoco and Magdalena Medio: land for a unique look." 5:28 minutes in duration. Other information: 5 Many of the countries in the southern hemisphere are basing expectations of economic growth on the exploitation of natural and non-renewable resources. This operation, in addition to having an impact on the target resource utilization, has an impact on the natural basis (ecosystems and species) of the territories where they operate. This natural base is essential for the conservation of biodiversity itself, and key ecological functions for the generation of ecosystem provision and regulation services. It is necessary to work with the environmental sector in generating baseline data on ecosystems and their importance, and to influence planning exercises of sectors to ensure the conservation of biodiversity and the key services for local, regional and even global population in their occupied territory. This project has been a success in its impact on the sector and in the generation of information for the documentation of environmental authority decisions. We believe that the experience gathered during the 10 years of the Institute in these ecological land planning exercises is an opportunity for other countries in the southern hemisphere, both for its technical aspect in the construction of knowledge, and in its incorporation in policy instruments and environmental decision making. Please send the completed form to: Bob Kakuyo: Rui Zhang: Thank you 6