Meeting Minutes - March 9, 2015

Monday, March 9, 2015 – 9:00 a.m.
180 Greenwich - Brantford Pollution Control on the 2nd Level - Meeting Room
In Attendance: Joy O’Donnell, Geoff Linschoten, Dennis Burnside, Councillor Richard Carpenter,
Chris Marvin (Environment Canada), Janet Ivey, Barry Hill, Paul General, Larry Mellors (Volunteer)
1.0 Opening Remarks and Review of Agenda; As this was the first meeting of the technical
group, Joy provided an overview of the committee structure comprised of a Steering
Committee, Strategy Planning Committee and Technical Committee.
Joy reported that the Strategic Planning Committee has met and there is a communications
and marketing plan in place and informed the group that public consultations will begin
by the end of April or beginning of May.
2.0 Introductions; Attendees at the meeting introduced themselves
3.0 Review summary of past studies – discussion/questions; Geoff Linschoten provided a
map which identifies the interconnectivity of 5 Zones.
Zone 1-Mohawk Lake,
Zone 2 -the canal,
Zone 3-the landfill,
Zone 4- the storm water network
Zone 5- Mohawk Greenwich site,
There have been previous studies done on Zones 1, 2, 3.
There have not been any studies done on Zone 4 & 5
Most of the studies and data are now 20 years old.
A 2006 study indicated PAH levels are most likely due to coal gasification at one time.
The level of contamination will need to be determined.
Some of the questions which arose were:
What is the ultimate end use of the lake? This will determine the type of study needed.
What is the quality of the water flowing in and out?
It was suggested that the information regarding the previous studies be shared at the
visioning sessions. It is important to inform the public about what is already known.
The technical committee will prepare a 20 minute presentation to be shared at the
visioning session which will provide information about what is already known about the
lake from previous studies, such as, the water and soil quality are good but the turbidity is
not good, as well as provide answers to basic questions such as how deep it the lake? etc.
Larry Mellors agreed to speak to the presentation at the visioning session if he is
4.0 Current Stormwater Master Plan and Phasing;
Geoff Linschoten provided the following report.
As part of the Stormwater Master Plan and other City studies conducted over the years, a
detailed Mohawk Lake Drainage Area Master Plan is recommended. This Master Plan
would include a series of studies and analysis as described below (Phase 1-3). The cost for
many of the phases is difficult to determine as it depends greatly on the community’s
vision and the end use of the lake and adjacent area.
Phase 1 - Developing a community vision for the lake and surrounding area through
outreach and engagement of the community. This visioning will be used to establish the
final objectives for the Lake and Canal including items such as the social and recreational
uses, end uses and vision, adjacent land use of park and surrounding area. The vision
established has a significant impact on the preferred final solution and the types of
analysis and studies required in other phases to achieve the end vision. (Estimated cost for
phase 1 to 3 $500k)
Phase 2 - Upon completion of the visioning plan the following steps can then be
completed in the detailed sub-watershed study (baseline assessment):
To complete detailed baseline study (sub-watershed) including flow analysis, sampling etc
− Flow, hydrology and hydraulic capacity
− Flood control
− Sampling (sedimentation and outlets)
Phase 3 – Carry out a Class Environmental Assessment to select the preferred alternative
and environmental benefits, costing etc. Though the EA, establish a preferred option
based on lake based and/or upstream options.
Phase 4 - Preliminary and final design for the preferred option including phasing and cost
Phase 5 – Construction (sedimentation removal, upstream drainage area, lake based
The initial visioning exercise is something that funding could be available for, and further
could be something the working group takes on. The above noted approach is similar to
the process that Kitchener completed for Victoria Lake, however they are now looking at
the upstream drainage area).
5.0 Background/Baseline studies;
5.1 Define- The scope of the baseline study needs to be determined
It was suggested that an important study would be an addition of Zone 6 to
determine what is going in and out of the mouth of the lake.
5.2 Grad Students- There are several universities which have strong programs, and
may be interested in an opportunity to do research for their graduate studies. The
universities which were identified are WLU, Guelph and especially Waterloo.
Pauline Johnson was also noted. MP McColeman has already reached out to
WLU –Brantford Campus to see if there is any interested there.
5.3 Costs- Costs cannot be determined until the extent of the study is determined.
It will also depend on whether this becomes a group project for a group of students
or whether this is a research project for a grad student.
There should be a budget set by the committee.
6.0 The Plan
6.1 Funding- It was decided that the studies which the city currently has will be used
when applying for grants.
Joy will send the old studies to Colin Yates from the University of Waterloo to
review and provide feedback about what is lacking.
7.0 Next Steps; It was determined that there are 3 important elements that need to be
reviewed from the current studies to identify the gaps and determine what needs to be
1. Storm Water Management -Geoff Linschoten has agreed to review and report back
2. Chemical & Contaminants- Chris Marvin will review and report back
3. Habitat – GRCA will review and report back
8.0 Date of Next Meeting; Thursday April 9th - 180 Greenwich - Brantford Pollution Control
on the 2nd Level
9.0 Adjournment: Meeting adjourned 11:00am