Are We Nearly There Yet? - Warfield Church of England Primary

Are We Nearly There Yet?
Villagers milling around on the stage, miming everyday activities.
Town criers walk onto stage, villagers stop to watch and listen.
Town Crier 1: (Ringing bell and shouting)
Hear ye! Hear ye! Gather round!
Get the latest story now!
Town Crier 2: Tell your neighbours, spread the news,
There will be a census soon!
Town Crier 3: (Reading from scroll)
Word has come from Caeser’s throne,
Pack your bags and leave your homes.
Town Crier 4: Make your journeys, rich and poor,
To the place where you were born.
Town criers exit; villagers panic and run off.
Bedroom scene put on stage with luggage; Mary and Joseph in position.
Narrators enter.
Narrator A:
Our story begins at the start of the day,
Mary and Joseph must be on their way.
Narrator B:
Lots to remember, and so much to take.
Isn’t it time these two were awake?
(Wakes up, stretches, looks at alarm clock closely and yawns loudly.)
Is it that time already? I’d better get moving!
(Puts on clothes over pyjamas, knocks on Mary’s door.)
Wakey wakey!
SONG 1: TICK TOCK (Mary and Joseph)
Dance: packing cases, plus solos during verses.
Mary and Joseph exit stage with packed bags.
Narrators on stage.
Narrator C:
Meet the Walker family five,
Children: Johnny, Jay and Clive.
Narrator D:
Mum and dad in deep frustration,
Ready for a long vacation!
Children onto stage, arguing over holiday items.
Parents come in and stop the arguing.
Quiet, all of you! I’m fed up with all of the complaining.
This is a family holiday and we’re all going to enjoy it…
whether you like it or not!
Can’t we stay at home?
Can I have a sweet now?
I want to bring my goldfish!
Do I have to sit next to HIM?
No you won’t be sitting next to him…
… because this is a walking holiday!
All children:
Some holiday.
Come on, you’ll enjoy it when we get there.
Villagers join the family on the stage for the dance.
SONG 2: IT’S A LONG WAY TO BETHLEHEM (Walker family and villagers)
Villagers and family leave the stage. Mary, Joseph and donkey on the stage.
(Holding all of the bags)
We’re never going to fit all of this in, you know.
Friends arrive to send them off, large present hid behind back.
Friend 1:
Hello you two! How’s the packing going?
We’ve come to wish you all the best for your journey.
Friend 2:
It’s a very long way. Do you think you’ll be alright?
(Puts arm round Mary’s shoulders.)
I’m sure we will. God has promised to look after us.
Friend 1:
You’re looking tired already.
I’ll be fine once we get to Bethlehem.
Friend 2:
(Produces large gift hidden behind their back.)
We’ve brought you a little something to send you on your way!
That’s… very thoughtful of you, umm…
(Tries to balance gift on the donkey.)
Thank you for your kindness.
(Hugs friends.)
Friends go to collect and lead other friends ready at edge of the stage for the dance.
SONG 3: BYE BYE! (Friends, Mary and Joseph)
Dance: Friends arrive with gifts, piling them up by Joseph as he looks more stressed, then
friends hug them both and wave goodbye.
Friends, Mary, Joseph and the donkey leave the stage.
Walker family on stage, walking around slowly looking exhausted.
(tired) I spy … with my little eye … something beginning with ‘s’ …
Not again! It’s sand isn’t it?
(fed up) Wrong.
I know! Sky!
(fed up) Yeah. Your turn.
I was going to say ‘sweets’.
Yes please!
Can we play something else now? This is BORING.
How about twenty questions?
I’ve got a question… (nudges brothers)
All children:
Travellers, Mary and Joseph enter stage.
SONG 4: ARE WE NEARLY THERE YET? (Travellers, Mary and Joseph, Walker family)
Dance: All on own journeys.
All exit stage. Narrators on stage.
Narrator E:
Little did our travellers know
There were also others set to go.
Narrator F:
Angels waiting in the wings,
Poised to do some travelling.
Past the planets, past the stars,
Angels journeyed from afar.
Narrator G:
Narrator H:
Faster than the speed of light,
See them speeding through the night.
Angels onto stage.
Angels exit stage. Wise men on stage, walking around looking at the sky.
Wise Man 1:
Hey, guys…
Wise Men:
Wise Man 1:
Did you see those shooting stars?
Wise Man 2: I certainly did, pretty impressive, I’d say.
Wise Man 3:
Maybe so, but let’s keep our eyes on that amazing star straight ahead.
Wise men continue journey.
Wise Man 1:
Hey, guys…
Wise Men:
Wise Man 1:
Do you think we’re nearly there?
Wise Man 2: I certainly do, pretty close, I’d say.
Wise Man 3:
Maybe so, but let’s keep our eyes on the road straight ahead.
Wise men continue journey.
Wise Man 1:
Hey, guys…
Wise Men:
Wise Man 1:
Do you think it’s time for another song?
Wise Man 2: It certainly is, a pretty tune, I’d say.
Wise Man 3:
Maybe so, but let’s not get carried away!
SONG 6: TRAVELLING (Wise men, camels and assistants)
Wise men, camels and assistants exit stage.
Narrators enter the stage, followed by Mary, Joseph, donkey and innkeepers.
As narrators speak, Mary and Joseph mime knocking on doors and eventually settling in the
stable at the far side of the stage.
Narrator I:
So Mary and Joseph arrive on the scene,
And what an unusual journey it’s been.
Narrator J:
But now in a stable, at least they can stay.
A difficult end to a difficult day.
Narrator K:
And so on that night, in this Bethlehem town,
Mary gave birth to a boy: seven pounds.
Narrator L:
Mother and baby are both doing fine.
The stable is chilly, but nobody minds.
Narrators exit; shepherds enter, sitting round the fire; sheep scattered behind.
Chief Shepherd: Cold night tonight, eh?
Ooh arr!
Chief Shepherd: (pause) Not much happening tonight, is there?
Ooh arr!
Chief Shepherd: (pause) Anyone fancy a game of cards?
Ooh arr!
Angel Gabriel appears on stage.
Chief Shepherd: (leaps to feet) Good heavens! What’s that?
(terrified) Ooh err!
Do not be afraid. I bring you good news of joy that will be for all people.
Today a saviour has been born for you. He is Christ the Lord.
You will find this baby wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger.
Angel signing choir on stage:
Angel Choir: Using sign language as saying together:
Glory to God in the highest!
And peace upon the earth.
Glory to God in the highest!
Rejoice at the Saviour’s birth.
Angels leave the stage.
Chief Shepherd: Come on guys, let’s make a move – we’re off to Bethlehem!
SONG 7: JUMP UP! (Shepherds)
Shepherds leave the stage. Enter Walker family.
I told you we should have booked in advance!
I didn’t think it would be a problem. It’s still term time!
So why are there so many children here? Shouldn’t they be in school?
Mind out kids, let these gentlemen through.
Shepherds and sheep enter stage, and walk over to stable scene.
Wise men, camels and assistances enter stage, and walk over to stable scene.
Johnny stops Wise Man 1 (who is last) and says:
Excuse me sir, what’s going on over there? (points to stable scene)
Wise Man 1:
Come and see for yourselves!
SONG 8: COME AND WORSHIP (Different groups come on to stage during verses.)
Narrator M:
Many have travelled from far and wide,
And now in this stable, they’ve safely arrived.
Narrator N:
Who would have known that their journeys today,
Were part of a wonderful plan that was made.
Narrator O:
Another nativity comes to an end,
And Christmas will soon be upon us again.
Narrator P:
So now as we go on our separate ways,
Consider the journey our Saviour has made.
SONG 9: REJOICE WITH US! All children to sign the song (sign language).
Bedside table with alarm clock
Clothes and bags/suitcases
Holiday items
Large gifts
2 chairs