CVC 434 Grant Writing Syllabus Mission Statement To educate and equip others to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ and to meet human needs in His name through technology in both lay and professional ministry contexts. Instructor: Email: Phone: Barbara Clemenson 216-262-0390 Course Description This course will focus on grant and proposal writing covering the research and prospect identification process, foundation grants, government grants and the relational process of grant approvals. Degree Program Outcomes At the conclusion of this degree program, the student will able to: 1. Demonstrate the ability to understand and apply traditional theories and concepts of business management and the ability to do this an in depth in one area of specialty: nonprofit management, accounting, technology or general management. 2. Understand their vocation in business and their unique identity and role within their field in a way that maximizes their calling and enables 24/7 Christian ministry. 3. To be able to develop and grow businesses and nonprofit organizations in a way that is socially responsible and that reflects God’s love and purposes for the world. 4. Communicate effectively and professionally in business situations through physical or virtual presence, writing, speaking, listening, and electronic media. 5. Interpret and analyze accounting information for internal control, planning, performance evaluation, and coordination to continuously improve business processes. 6. Integrate and apply Biblical, ethical, legal, economic and business principles into effective managerial decision-making. 7. Demonstrate the ability to understand and apply traditional theories and concepts of a Christian liberal arts education, equipping students with the knowledge and skills to facilitate intellectual, spiritual, and personal growth, pursue their advanced studies, and improve the world in which they live. CVC 434 helps students learn grant and proposal writing in order to meet program outcome 7 above. Course Objectives 1 To understand the competitive marketplace of grants, research grants that will fit with your organization’s strategies and capabilities, and develop systems for continuously identifying the best prospects. 2 To write professional grant proposals for corporate, private foundations and government grants that present your organization in a way to maximize your chance of getting approved. 3 To understand the relational element of getting your grant approved including identifying contacts, getting meetings, presenting your opportunity in person and how review and approval processes work. Required Texts Karsh, Ellen, and Arlen Sue Fox. The Only Grant-Writing Book You’ll Ever Need: Top Grant Writers and Grant Givers Share Their Secrets. Third Edition. Basic Books, 2009. Locke, Lawrence F., Waneen W. (Wyrick) Spirduso, and Stephen Silverman. Proposals That Work: A Guide for Planning Dissertations and Grant Proposals. 5th ed. SAGE Publications, Inc, 2007. Course Outline Week Assessments 1 2 3 4 Due Date Est hrs Weight The Big Picture of Grant Writing and Fundraising Read. The Only Grant Writing Book You Will Ever Need Lessons 1-4 Winning Grants Step by Step Step 1-2 4 -- Listen/View Course Introduction presentation Fundraising and Resource Development: 2 -- Forum 1.1. Introduction 1 2% Forum 1.2. Proposal Idea and Letter of Inquiry Questionnaire 4 4% Grant and Foundation Research Read. The Only Grant Writing Book You Will Ever Need Lesson 5 and Funders Roundtable 3 -- Listen/View Grant Research Presentation Writing Winning Grants and Proposals 2 Forum 2. 1. Targeting Your Research 3 4% Forum 2.2. Creating Accounts & Initial Grant Research 3 4% Grant and Foundation Research -- Listen/View Grant Research Presentation Writing Winning Grants and Proposals 3 Forum 3.1. Grant Research, Prioritizing Top 10 and Contacting Funders 10 8% Problem/Need Statement Read The Only Grant Writing Book You Will Ever Need Lessons 6-8 Winning Grants Step by Step: Steps 3 and 4 3 -- Forum 4.1. Adapting Grant language 2 2% Forum 4.2. Complete Step 3: Statement of Problem Questionnaire and Step 4: Goals and Objectives Exercise First Draft of Problem Need and Goals and Objectives Sections of Grant (1-3 pages) 6 5% Objective #’s 5 6 7 8 Overall Program Description, Activities/Timeline and Evaluation Read: The Only Grant Writing Book You Will Ever Need Lesson 9: Program, Lesson 10: Partners, Lesson 11: Evaluation Winning Grants Step by Step: Step 5: Methods and Step 6: Evaluation 4 -- Listen/View. Logic Models: 1 Forum 5.1. Worksheet 5.1 Methods Exercise, Worksheet 6.1 Evaluation Planning Questionnaire First Draft of Program (Methods), Activities/Timeline and Evaluation Section (2-5 pages) 8 8% Grant and Foundation Research Read: The Only Grant Writing Book You Will Ever Need Lesson 12 Budget, Lesson 13: Sustainability Winning Grants Step by Step: Step 7: Sustainability and Step 8: Budget 4 -- Forum 6.1 Worksheet 7.1 Future Funding Questionnaire, Worksheet 8.1 Evaluation Planning Questionnaire Assignment. First Draft of Budget and Sustainability Sections (2 pages) 10 8% Organizational Capacity & Rough Draft Read. The Only Grant Writing Book You Will Ever Need Lesson 14: Capacity, Lesson 15: Front and Back Winning Grants Step by Step: Step 9: Organization background, Step 10: Proposal Summary, Step 11: Assembling Package 4 -- Forum 7.1 1. Worksheet 9.1 Organizational Background Questionnaire, Worksheet 10.1 Summary Questionnaire, Worksheet 11.1 Final Proposal Checklist 2. Assignment. First Draft of Organizational Background/Capacity, Cover Letter, Summary/Abstract, Table of Contents and Appendix. 3. First Draft Completed (12-20 pages). Upload to forum 20 15% Final Draft & Follow Up Read. The Only Grant Writing Book You Will Ever Need Lesson 17: Site Visit,18: So Now You Know--What’s Next, Funders Roundtable 3 3 Assignment. Final Grant Proposal. (12-20 pages) 35 40% Total estimated hours based upon 17 hours per week for 8 weeks 135 100% Estimated Activities and Times ● Reading is measured at reading 25 textbook pages per hour and reading 20 journal pages per hour Total reading for this course is 60 hours. Forum Expectations In this course, you will submit all assignments in forums. The reason for this is that the primary way to learn grant writing is from others. Because of this, we are using forums to make it possible for you to learn from and comment on the assignments and grant proposals of your peers. Most forum assignments will be you uploading your documents and then commenting on documents of others. Written Work Use the formatting in the grant template and worksheets for all assignments. Late Policy Coursework is scheduled over a seven-day week to provide structure for students residing on six continents. The weekly schedule begins on Monday at 12:01AM US ET (USA Eastern Time), and ends on Sunday at 11:59PM US ET. ● ● ● ● ● Assignments submitted more than 1 week late (after the following Sunday) will lose 1 letter grade (i.e. "A" becomes a "B") Assignments submitted more than 2 weeks late will lose 2 letter grades (i.e. "A" becomes a "C") All assignments and quizzes must be submitted by the week after the term ends or they will receive a failing grade Extensions: professors may grant an extension if the student has a prolonged sickness or major family crisis. The length of the extension is up to the professor’s discretion. Applications for extension must be submitted via the online extension request form at least 2 or more days before the due actual date. If an extension is granted, no other courses may be taken until that course is completed. Week Eight is the last class session with assignments posted. All course work must be completed by the student and submitted to the instructor by Friday of the tenth week of the course. No credit will be given for work submitted after this date. For more academic policies, please visit: Course Materials Week 1: The Big Picture of Grant Writing and Fundraising Read o The Only Grant Writing Book You Will Ever Need Lessons 1-4 o Winning Grants Step by Step Step 1-2 o Read Sample Grants Christian Funder: Stewardship Foundation Secular Funder: Deluxe Corporation Foundation o Optional Sample Grants Reading Government Grant: AmeriCorps Grant Watch. o Course introduction presentation o Fundraising and Resource Development: Forum 1.1. Introduction. o Introduce yourself to you classmates by answering the following questions: Are you already associated with an organization that you plan to write grants for? If so, what organization? Note: if you do not yet have an organization you can work with on a grant, you will need to identify by the end of this week for this course to work for you. Do you already have a clear idea of the program and proposal that you wish to get funded? If so, give a one or two line summary. Does this organization have a grant template for the program you will be writing for? If so, upload a copy to your forum response. Have you ever written a grant before? If so, what is your experience in grant writing? Has your organization received grants before? Have you written grants that have been funded before? Given your answers above, how are you hoping this course will help you? Forum 1.2. Proposal Idea and Letter of Inquiry Questionnaire o Part 1. Using the instructions from the corresponding chapters in Winning Grants Step by Step, complete Worksheet 1.1. Proposal Idea Questionnaire and Worksheet 2.1. Letter of Inquiry Questionnaire from Upload as forum post. o Part 2. Review at least two other students worksheets and write a reply with 1) suggestions to that person 2) ideas you got for improving your own proposal idea and letter of inquiry. Week 2: Grant and Foundation Research The Only Grant Writing Book You Will Ever Need Lesson 5 and Funders Roundtable Watch: o Andrew Sears Week 2 Presentation Assignment o Forum 2.1: Targeting Your Research. Probably the most important aspect of grant writing and grant research is to target funders that you have a realistic chance of getting. My experience is that the vast majority of the effort of nonprofit grants are written to funders where they have less than 1 in 100 chance of getting funded. The key is to target the right sector(s) of funders where you have the highest chance of getting a grant. Assignment. In 200400 words, describe which sectors of funders (from Andrew’s presentation) your organization and program is most likely to be funded by. For two other students provide a response to their post and provide helpful suggestions and feedback. You may also comment on whether you agree with their assessment of which sectors are most likely to fund. o Forum 2.2. Creating Accounts & Initial Grant Research Part 1: Login or create an account to each of the following services and spend one hour (in total across all the services researching and familiarizing yourself with how they work) (note the data from this site is also in the Christian Foundations tab of the spreadsheet template referenced below) Part 2: Use the Research Log Spreadsheet Template to list at least 10 potential funding opportunities from your research on these websites. Fill in each field in the spreadsheet for each opportunity. Include at least one funding opportunity from each of the six websites above. Upload your spreadsheet template to the forum. Part 3: Review at least 2 other students spreadsheets and post both suggestions and ideas you gained from their lists. Week 3. Expanding and Narrowing Down Research Read o The Only Grant Writing Book You Will Ever Need Lessons 6-7 o Scan and review Sample Grant Writing Team Project Plan.xls. This plan was used by TechMission for about 6 years of research. It has some very helpful examples and leads for Christian grant writers. Watch o Top 10 Fundraising Tips: o Andrew Sears Week 3 Workshop Forum 3.1. Grant Research, Prioritizing Top 10 and Contacting Funders o Part 1. Peer Organizations tab. Identify who are peer organizations that might be funded by funders similar to you. If you are addressing needs in a particular city, then these might be organizations funded by foundations funding your city. If you are serving a particular group nationally then these might be other organizations serving that similar group. Google that organization’s name and grants. Read their annual report to see if they list their funders. Identify at least 5 peer organizations that have their grants listed publicly and use that information to fill in the Peer Organizations tab of your spreadsheet. Identify at 10 more funders that funded peer organizations and add them to the Research Log Tab of your spreadsheet. o Part 2. Research Log Tab. Spend 2 to 5 hours researching grants on the following locations. Update your Research Log Spreadsheet to include 30-50 funders from all sources and rate them. Only include funders that could be a possibility for your organization. DO NOT just quickly try to fill your spreadsheet without researching them thoroughly to ensure they are a good fit. o Part 3. Top 10 Workplan Tab. Get feedback from others in your organization on the prospects you have found and decide on your top 10 prospects. In the Top 10 Workplan tab, identify your number 1 funding prospect (list at the top), your top 3 and your top 10 funding prospects in the spreadsheet (you can sort by score). Make sure that you qualify for grants for your top 10 funders. Use Guidestar, online research and the above websites to identify which organizations they gave too. If none of these organizations are comparable to yours, then you are unlikely to get funding. Revise your spreadsheet until you identify funders funding organizations similar to yours. o Part 4. Call your top 10 funders to find out the following items: Are they accepting unsolicited proposals? (Note: if the answer is no, they should be removed from your top 10 list) Confirm details on the next due dates and any other questions you may have. Ask what the typical grant amount given to a new grantee. Give a brief explanation of what your organization does and ask if they believe it would fit within their guidelines. Record your call date and notes in the Top 10 Workplan Tab of your spreadsheet. Upload your spreadsheet. o Part 5. Review at least 2 other students spreadsheets and post both suggestions and ideas you gained from their lists. Week 4. Begin Writing Grant: Problem/Need Statement Read o The Only Grant Writing Book You Will Ever Need Lessons 8 o Winning Grants Step by Step: Steps 3 and 4 Watch o Grant Writing Forum 4.1. Adapting Grant Template o Part 1. For your top funding source, download and read their grant instructions and download their grant template, grant instructions or language used on their website. o Part 2. Different funders use different names for the same concepts. For example, one funder might use “Organizational Background” and another might use “Organizational Capacity.” It is important to make sure that you are both using their terms and addressing what they want addressed. Use the Mapping Section Headings tab in your spreadsheet to identify how the section names used in the books and the grant template map to the section names of the funders. You can view the examples from the Stewardship Foundation and Deluxe Foundation. Often there will be sections that funders may not include, especially in about the Organization. Rename section headings the template to match the names of your funder. Upload spreadsheet template with the mappings and your revised template. o Note: As you write this grant, you should write for your top foundation as an intended audience. Many Christian organizations will need different templates for each program and they will vary depending on whether the funder is Christian or secular and local or national. For the course, you will be writing a template that you could use for multiple funders, so you will not initially have to follow all of the funder’s requirements. Before you submit, you will need to follow their requirements in detail. Forum 4.2. Statement of Problem, Goals and Objectives o Part 1. Using the instructions from the corresponding chapters in Winning Grants Step by Step, complete Worksheet 3.1: Statement of Problem Questionnaire and Worksheet 4.1: Goals and Objectives Exercise o Part 2. Following the instructions from these chapters and what you learned from the worksheets in part 1, complete the Need Statement Section of the grant (1-2 pages) using the attached template. Upload Part 1 & 2 as a forum post. o Part 3. Review at least two other students worksheets and draft proposal sections and write a reply with 1) suggestions to that person 2) ideas you got for improving your own proposal. Week 5. Program Description, Activities/Timeline and Evaluation Watch o Logic Models: Read o The Only Grant Writing Book You Will Ever Need Lesson 9: Program, Lesson 10: Partners, Lesson 11: Evaluation o Winning Grants Step by Step: Step 5: Methods and Step 6: Evaluation Forum 5.1 o Part 1. Using the instructions from the corresponding chapters in Winning Grants Step by Step, complete Worksheet 5.1 Methods Exercise, Worksheet 6.1 Evaluation Planning Questionnaire. o Part 2. Following the instructions from these chapters and what you learned from the worksheets in part 1, use the grant template to complete a first Draft of the Program Description (Methods), Activities/Timeline and Evaluation sections. Upload Part 1 & 2 as a forum post. o Part 3. Review at least two other students worksheets and draft proposal sections and write a reply with 1) suggestions to that person 2) ideas you got for improving your own proposal. Week 6. Budget and Sustainability Read o The Only Grant Writing Book You Will Ever Need Lesson 12 Budget, Lesson 13: Sustainability o Winning Grants Step by Step: Step 7: Sustainability and Step 8: Budget Forum 6.1 o Part 1. Using the instructions from the corresponding chapters in Winning Grants Step by Step, complete Worksheet 7.1 Future Funding Questionnaire, Worksheet 8.1 Evaluation Planning Questionnaire o Part 2. Following the instructions from these chapters and what you learned from the worksheets in part 1, use the grant template to complete a first Draft of the Budget and Sustainability Sections o Part 3. Review at least two other students worksheets and draft proposal sections and write a reply with 1) suggestions to that person 2) ideas you got for improving your own proposal. Week 7. Organizational Capacity & Rough Draft Read o The Only Grant Writing Book You Will Ever Need Lesson 14: Capacity, Lesson 15: Front and Back o Winning Grants Step by Step: Step 9: Organization background, Step 10: Proposal Summary, Step 11: Assembling Package Forum 7.1. First Draft Completed o Part 1. Using the instructions from the corresponding chapters in Winning Grants Step by Step, complete Worksheet 9.1 Organizational Background Questionnaire, Worksheet 10.1 Summary Questionnaire, Worksheet 11.1 Final Proposal Checklist o Part 2. Following the instructions from these chapters and what you learned from the worksheets in part 1, use the grant template to complete a First Draft of Organizational Background/Capacity, Cover Letter, Summary/Abstract, Table of Contents and Appendix. o Part 3. Finalize all sections of first draft of proposal. Upload to forum. o Part 3. Review at least two other students worksheets and draft proposal sections and write a reply with 1) suggestions to that person 2) ideas you got for improving your own proposal. Week 8. Final Draft Read o The Only Grant Writing Book You Will Ever Need Lesson 17: Site Visit,18: So Now You Know--What’s Next, Funders Roundtable 3 Final Draft Grant Proposal o Based on feedback from all previous weeks revise grant proposal into a final draft and submit a final draft will all sections complete. Keep in mind the following items: 1. Your grant should be targeting a specific funder. The template does not have to exactly match their guidelines yet (because there is such a range of guidelines), so you can adapt it later to exactly match their guidelines. 2. This document will make up 50% of your grade for the course, so make sure all sections are complete and of the highest quality. 3. Your grant proposal should be 12-20 pages. Keep in mind that different funders will have very different length requirements. Part 2 should be 15-25 pages for Master’s students and 12-20 pages for Undergraduate students.