
-Barbara Mack
Barbara Mack was born in October 26, 1952 in Des monies, Iowa. She did
her schooling in catholic institution and undergraduate degree from the Iowa state
university. She then worked at the register as a reporter. At present, she is professor of
Iowa state university.
In this prose, author bring out the game “HISTORY OF CHESS”
as an history of medieval times in miniature. She looks at the game of chess from a new
angle. At first Persian invades to Spain, then it spread to all over the world. Then at the
end Europeans who gave the chess pieces names as its known today. The pieces in the
chess board are pawns knight, the bishops, queen, king and castle. These are coin reveal
the various ranks in the society.
The pawns are highest in number, delicates serfs or labourers.
They are not considered as a most valuable coins in the board. But they work hard and
do the valuable job in order to protect other valuable coin in the chess board. They
always sacrifice their life for others. They were treated like slaves and in times of war.
They were neglected and they also were used for entertainment or punished for their
masters misdeeds.
The next coin is castle. It is placed at the two sides in the board.
This castle are place or refuge for them. The third one is knight. They represents the
professional soldiers, whose duty waste protect the more important pieces. They are
little greater than the pawns and loss important that bishops, kings and queens. They
are also works like pawns lose their life to protect others; the bishops represents the
church which was mighty force on medieval time. The name after a bishop in a game,
show the important of religious of religion in medieval times.
There is only one queen representing a woman as the most
powerful piece in the chess board and sometimes. Guided the king. But her position
was very precarious. She sometimes become more powerful than the king even she
intrigued at the court.
The last one is king, It is more important than all the piece in the
chess. It is defined by others and the surrender of the king means loss of the kingdom.
So all other pieces protected him from harm.
The author advices us to think of chess as a history of medieval period pf
set up the chess board. Next time by this small advice she ends up the prose.
-Mark McCormack
Mark Hume McCormack was the founder and CEO of the sports
management conglomerate (IMG). He had given so many books for the literature.
In this prose author said about the award moment in life
could be avoided by learning to say “It is none of your business”. There are people who
always here curiosity to know about other. They may be harmless as in the case of the
incorrigible shop. There are two kinds of curiosity innocent or out right rude. But it is
difficult to measure in an appropriate time.
In this prose author said the two common areas which
people feel uneasy to answer one is about the money and other personal life. Some times
there are some grey areas which confuse us. This was given to us through some
illustration he refers to an incident when a writer commissioned to write the text for an
illustrated edition was curious to know what the illustrator was being paid.
This curiosity was not perfect one. The agent of the authors
company who passed on the question to the publisher was severely reprimanded for
being a whiner and meddler.
Here in this place the author advices us not to mix-up ‘or’
bring together our “personal life” with “official life”. If we mix-up both together that
may cause trouble. Once the author able to got a CEO criticizing one his senior staffers
for the not being well informed on the topic of discussion. The CEO mocked at him for
spending his evening on the phone to his girl friend. So the author inside us to keep
away our personals from professional.
The author concludes this prose by saying that all human being have the
nature of getting to know others personal matters, But very few have the guts to say.
“Its none of your business”.