WYSING ARTS CENTRE FOX ROAD BOURN CAMBRIDGE CB23 2TX WWW.WYSINGARTSCENTRE.ORG T + 44 (0) 1954 718881 INFO@WYSINGARTSCENTRE.ORG HEAD OF PARTNERSHIPS During 2014 Wysing Arts Centre celebrated 25 years as one of the UK’s most progressive visual arts organisations; developing new ways to support artists and enabling art and ideas to reach a wide range of people in unexpected ways. Central to taking Wysing into the next phase of its history will be the newly created post of Head of Partnerships. Working closely with the Artistic Director (CEO) and the Operations Director, the Head of Partnerships will build new local, national and international partnerships for Wysing, alongside realising the full potential of current partnerships. The post will play a vital role in the future development of Wysing including securing its financial sustainability. As the post-holder you will have excellent communication and negotiation skills, have a creative and entrepreneurial approach to building partnerships, and the ability to write compellingly about Wysing’s work. You will have a thorough understanding of Wysing’s role within the visual arts locally, nationally and internationally and be able to bring your high level networks to the organisation. CONTENTS Pages 2-4 Pages 5-6 Page 7 Page 8 Page 9-10 Page 11 Job Description About Wysing Arts Centre Staff Structure Application Procedure Job Application Cover Sheet Monitoring Form Many thanks for your interest in Wysing Arts Centre. If you wish to discuss this post in confidence with Wysing’s Artistic Director (CEO), Donna Lynas, please call Wysing Arts Centre on 01954 717102 to make arrangements. The deadline for applications is 12pm on Monday 10 November 2014. 1 HEAD OF PARTNERSHIPS – JOB DESCRIPTION Salary: Hours: Contract: Reporting to: £34,000 per annum, plus annual leave of 25 days. Flexible working arrangements negotiable. Full-time (37.5 hours per week working hours) Permanent Artistic Director (CEO) During 2014 Wysing Arts Centre celebrated 25 years as one of the UK’s most progressive visual arts organisations; developing new ways to support artists and enabling art and ideas to reach a wide range of people in unexpected ways. Central to taking Wysing into the next phase of its history will be the newly created post of Head of Partnerships. Working closely with the Artistic Director (CEO) and the Operations Director, the Head of Partnerships will build new national and international partnerships for Wysing, alongside realising the full potential of current partnerships. The post will play a vital role in the future development of Wysing including securing its financial sustainability. As the post-holder you will have excellent communication and negotiation skills, have a creative and entrepreneurial approach to building partnerships, and the ability to write compellingly about Wysing’s work. You will have a thorough understanding of Wysing’s role within the visual arts locally, nationally and internationally and be able to bring your high level networks to the organisation. Key responsibilities: Working in collaboration with senior staff, develop strategic partnerships for Wysing that create new opportunities for the organisation and the artists we work with. Realise current, and generate new, alliances and networks locally, nationally and internationally to enable collaboration and co-commissioning in order to make better use of resources and reduce costs. Realise the potential of existing partnerships including developing the programme for the regional network East CVAN and realising The Syllabus. Lead on developing new international partnerships with a view to submitting European and other funding bids. Lead on developing new relationships with key Trusts and Foundations. Develop appropriate partnerships that will strengthen Wysing’s role as a research centre for the arts within Cambridge, a global research city. Detailed responsibilities: 2 Work closely with senior staff and Trustees in developing Wysing’s business planning, including identifying how to realise and further develop current partnerships and build new partnerships for the organisation; to ensure effective use of resources and enable Wysing’s work to have greater reach and visibility. Building on the current Wysing on Tour programme, seek partnerships and collaborations that both extend the reach of Wysing’s work and reduce costs to the organisation, including indentifying co-commissioning and other programme delivery opportunities. Widen the reach of Wysing’s work by developing new international partnerships and develop and submit at least one European funding application within the first three years in post, together with other applications as agreed with the Artistic Director (CEO). Establish new relationships with Trusts and Foundations and work closely with the Artistic Director (CEO) and other staff to submit strategic applications. Ensure the effective delivery of current partnerships including The Syllabus. Lead on developing opportunities for the consortium East CVAN. Work closely within local networks to realise Wysing’s potential within Cambridge city’s cultural offer. Initiate, attend and make presentations to partners, funders and other professional organisations. Represent the organisation locally, nationally and internationally. Manage systems and work with other staff to ensure the smooth running of programmes, including setting milestones and ensuring that all funds are processed appropriately and evaluation reports are submitted as required. Prepare and present regular partnership reports at quarterly board meetings. Monitor and account for relevant budgetary expenditure and income as and when required. Essential criteria: Held a senior position within a visual arts or relevant organisation for over three years A proven track record in developing and realising partnerships Excellent written and verbal communication skills and the ability to present information accurately, clearly, and persuasively An entrepreneurial approach and the ability to identify new opportunities Ability to network at the highest strategic level, with confidence Ability to plan strategically and to achieve objectives Effective budgetary management A knowledge of the arts funding environment Organisational and administrative skills including accuracy and attention to detail, prioritising, setting and keeping to deadlines, keeping records and the ability to forward plan A broad range of well established and relevant contacts Partnerships directly relevant to this position: Arts Council England Wysing has had an ongoing and successful collaboration with its key funder, Arts Council England, over a number of years including delivering an ACE funded capital development project in 2008. ACE funding, via the NPO settlement, includes leading on the delivery of The Syllabus and East CVAN. The Syllabus Wysing has been working with peer organisations across England, within the network Exchange Values; Eastside Projects, New Contemporaries, S1, Spike Island, Studio Voltaire and Wysing, to develop an alternative learning programme The Syllabus which will be delivered across three years and is due to start in 2015. 3 East CVAN Wysing has been leading the regional East Contemporary Visual Arts network since 2009, as both Chair of the group and co-ordinators of the network. A consortium of individuals, ACE NPO organisations, Higher Education and other partners, the group are committed to developing new collaborations with peers in the Low Countries of The Netherlands, Belgium northern France and Germany over the next three years. Cambridge Wysing contributes to the Cambridge’s Arts and Cultural Leaders Group, a high level partnership engaging with the city’s key business, higher education and local authority representatives. As part of this network Wysing works with colleagues to promote art and culture in the city and keep culture on local and regional agendas. Other partnerships that relate to this position: Royal College of Art, MA in Curating Contemporary Art Wysing has had an ongoing partnership with the Royal College of Art’s MA in Curating Contemporary Art since 2009. First year MA students currently curate an annual retreat as part of Wysing’s artistic programme. There is scope to develop this partnership further. Plus Tate Wysing has been part of the prestigious Plus Tate network of 18 visual arts institutions plus three Tate galleries since 2011. The programme provides peer knowledge sharing and access to specialist staff at Tate and opportunities to collaborate across the peer organisations. Wysing is currently one of five organisations that are part of the network in receipt of funding from Paul Hamlyn Foundation to deliver the youth arts programme, Circuit, in collaboration with Kettle’s Yard in Cambridge. There is scope to develop partnerships within the Plus Tate network. Young Artists Programmes Wysing has developed a new summer school for young artists with funding from the Leverhulme Trust. We also work in partnership with a local village college to provide access to the arts for children, young people and their families. In addition we have had ongoing support from Paul Hamlyn Foundation for a range of programmes, most recently the programme for young people, Circuit. There is scope to consolidate and build on these programmes. 4 About Wysing Arts Centre Wysing Arts Centre explores what it is to be an artist today. Established in 1989 and located in rural Cambridgeshire, the centre is a testing ground for artists to try out new ideas within a range of programmes that make current artistic enquiry manifest, through exploring the role of the studio as a site of production and enquiry. Curatorial staff within the organisation work directly with artists, supporting them in the development and realisation of their ideas, the emphasis being on the artist and latent new work, rather than the contextualisation of previous work through gallery exhibitions. Wysing operates an alternative model of working, where artists can think, debate and make, without defined outcomes and in response to individual needs. Art is developed and made within programmes that include residencies for artists, writers and musicians; retreats; a unique summer school for young artists; a studio programme and live/work studio space. Intrinsic to developing an inspirational environment in which to make new work is the discussion, debate and contextualisation of ideas through public talks and events, and gallery exhibitions if appropriate. Central to the talks and events programme is the contribution of a diversity of experts from neighbouring villages, from the city and University of Cambridge, and beyond. The programme expands ideas, taking them into the wider world, to be influenced by, and influence, thinking in other spheres and specialisms. Recent contributions have included experts from a range of disciplines including chemistry, logic, mathematics, music, psychology, history and food. Wysing aims to support artists at every stage in their careers and operates two programmes for young artists, which includes free studio provision, mentoring, workshops and public presentation. Working with a Federation of village colleges and feeder primary schools, Wysing supports curriculum learning for children and young people, supporting them as early stage artists. Wysing is a member of the Plus Tate network, and one of only two of the twenty organisations in the network whose work is focused on the process of artistic and curatorial enquiry, rather than primarily on the presentation of existing work. In 2014 Wysing is celebrating its 25th birthday by looking at the potential of the future through what we know of the past, realised through a programme of residencies, artistic retreats, events, exhibitions and an innovative Futurecamp during the summer of 2014. For Futurecamp, artists and specialists in the fields of science, politics, philosophy and economics explore what the future might hold for the individual and for society. Wysing’s Vision A progressive arts organisation that develops new ways to support artists, enabling art and ideas to reach a wide range of people in unexpected ways. Wysing’s Values Wysing believes that art and artists have a vital role to play in society. Working closely with artists, and in response to their needs, we develop programmes that offer time and space for artistic 5 experimentation, enquiry and production. We are committed to establishing partnerships and collaborations that support art to be created, and be experienced by new audiences. Wysing’s Mission Enabling artists to have influence in the world by providing a discursive environment in which they can develop, make new work and reach new audiences and collaborators. Wysing’s Organisational Objectives, 2014-18 1. Respond to the needs of artists through a range of programmes in order to support individuals at every stage in their careers. 2. Build new audiences for art by seeking out new opportunities and partnerships to extend the reach and influence of art and artists. 3. Develop our resources and assets to enable us to secure new funding and sustain our business model. 4. Strengthen and diversify our governance, staffing and programmes to reflect the diversity of our users and audiences Wysing Trustees: Chair, Professor Douglas Crawford-Brown, Executive Director of the Cambridge Centre for Climate Change Mitigation Research (4CMR) at the University of Cambridge. Doug is currently supporting staff develop strategies for reducing overhead costs through the introduction of renewable energy to parts of the site. Deputy Chair, John Bickley, Managing Director of the international choir The Sixteen and previously Development Director at Britten Symphonia. Jenny Brooks, one of four founding directors of Wysing in 1989 who became a member of the Board when the organisation became a charity in 1994. Terry Brooks, one of four founding directors of Wysing in 1989 who became a member of the Board when the organisation became a charity in 1994. Michaela Crimmin is a co-director of Culture+Conflict. She is also an independent curator and writer, and is on the academic staff of the Royal College of Art where she teaches in the School of Humanities. Jessica Lack is a freelance arts writer for the Guardian. She was the previews arts editor of The Guide for ten years and now contributes to G2 and the arts and culture section online. Roger Malbert is Senior Curator of Hayward Touring exhibitions at the Hayward Gallery, Southbank Centre, London. Mark Aerial Waller is an artist working in video, sculpture and event based practices. 6 Board of Trustees Chair, Professor Douglas Crawford Brown Wysing Arts Centre Staff Structure Artistic Director (CEO) Donna Lynas Responsible for: leading the artistic and strategic direction of the organisation Operations Director Louise Thirlwall Responsible for: Implementing and maintaining effective systems, site and office management, health & safety, personnel, company secretary, Coordinator East CVAN & deputising for Director Children and Young People’s Producer Bryony Graham (p/t) Responsible for: Families, schools & community programme and Leverhulme Arts Scholars Summer School 7 CIRCUIT Programme Manager Tahira FitzwilliamHall (p/t) Responsible for: Managing Youth Arts Network project in partnership with Kettle’s Yard CIRCUIT Intern: Programme Assistant (p/t) Imogen Phillips Responsible for: Supporting the administration and delivery of the Circuit project Site and Technical Manager Richard De Cordova Responsible for: Site maintenance including managing external contractors, gallery & project installations and technical delivery Live in Caretaker Lisa Wilkens (p/t) Responsible for the daily security of the site & buildings and being Wysing Arts Centre’s representative out of office hours. Head of Partnerships Position vacant Responsible for: The delivery of current partnerships and the development of new partnerships that will create new opportunities and secure the financial sustainability of Wysing Receptionist & Administration Assistant Responsible for: Front of House & reception, exhibition invigilation, event support, admin marketing and general admin duties External PR Consultants Pelham Communications Production Manager Mark Searle Responsible for: Providing programme delivery and administrative support and managing programme delivery for key partnership projects including The Syllabus & East CVAN. Artists & Programme Curator Lotte Juul Petersen (p/t) Responsible for: Programme curation & delivery including The Syllabus & East CVAN. Artists’ support &development, audience development Finance Manager Sarah Wells (freelance, p/t) Responsible for: Budgets, financial management and payroll Line management Administrative support APPLICATION PROCEDURE Please provide: 1. Details of how your skills, abilities, and experience match the key points in the job description and person specification. 2. A description of what interests you about the post and working at Wysing Arts Centre. Please use this section to articulate why you want to work at Wysing in particular and how you would approach working here. 3. Details of your previous employment and relevant voluntary work. List each employer and give a short description of your role. Please also include dates of employment, reasons for leaving and salary. We will not accept CV’s alone and the application procedure must be adhered to in order to be eligible. Please return your application along with: A completed Application Covering Sheet A completed Monitoring Form To Louise Thirlwall, Operations Director, Wysing Arts Centre, Fox Road, Bourn, Cambridge CB23 2TX or email to louise.thirlwall@wysingartscentre.org to arrive not later than 12pm on Monday 10 November 2014. Interviews will take place during early December. APPLICATION COVER SHEET Please return this form along with your application and the monitoring form by post to: Louise Thirlwall, Operations Director, Wysing Arts Centre, Fox Road, Bourn, Cambridge, CB23 2TX or email to louise.thirlwall@wysingartscentre.org Application deadline: 12 noon, 10 November 2014 Personal Details Name Address Contact number(s) Email Do you require a work permit? Yes*/No Is there anything in your medical history or state of health relevant to this application? Yes*/No How many days of work have you missed in the last 18 months due to illness/injury? If offered the position, when would you be available to start? * if you have answered ‘Yes’ please give full details on separate sheet. Referees Please give details of two people, not related to you, who will provide an employment reference for you. One of these must be your present or most recent employer if you are not currently employed. The other should be a referee who can express a professional opinion on your work and your ability to perform the job for which you are applying. Referee 1: Name Referee 2: Name Job Title Job Title Name of Organisation Name of Organisation Address Address Contact number/email Contact number/email 9 How long have you known this person and in what capacity? How long have you known this person and in what capacity? May we contact prior to interview? Yes/No May we contact prior to interview? Yes/No Declaration I declare that the information contained in this application is complete and correct. I understand that if I have knowingly provided false information or withheld relevant details, this could lead to disqualification from appointment or dismissal without notice. Signed Date If you are returning the application by email you will be asked to sign the form when attending interview 10 MONITORING FORM Please return this form with your application. Please do not attach it to your application, it will be separated from your application and not seen by the selection panel. Where did you hear about the job? Gender: Male Female Please state how you choose to define your ethnic origin: Prefer not to say Do you consider yourself to have a disability*? Yes No Prefer not to say If yes please state any access needs/ adaptations required to attend an interview or to carry out the work as described in the job description: *The Disability Discrimination Act defines disability as a physical or mental impairment, which has a substantial and long-term adverse effect on a person’s ability to carry out normal day-to-day activities. The Data Protection Act 1998 – The information supplied on this form will be retained on a database and will only be used by Wysing Arts Centre. The information will be used to improve our service to you and for statistical purposes only. We will not disclose names and contact details to any external sources without your express written consent. Nameless statistical data may be shared with the Arts Council and other funders. About the application process. Was it Clear Complicated Could be improved by Thank you for completing this form 11