Brand Syllabus 2014 Without Dates

Advanced Physical Volcanology
Boise State University
Spring 2015
Increased seismic activity began at Mt St Helens (Washington) in mid-March, 1980. Within one week,
the seismic activity went from background levels to more than 200 earthquakes per day. Phreatic explosions,
rapid inflation of the northern flank and increased frequency and magnitude of earthquakes followed over the
next month. An exclusion zone was initiated and residents within an 8 km radius of the volcano were evacuated.
Scientists struggled to understand the restlessness of the volcano while simultaneously juggling relentless requests
from the public and officials for an explanation of what was happening and how long it would last. The scientist’s
job was further complicated by (1) a lack of experience with Cascade-style volcanoes (most scientists were from
the Hawaii Volcano Observatory), (2) no readily available volcano-focused emergency response plan, (3) limited
monitoring capability, (4) severely stretched resources at all levels in all response agencies, and (5) inefficient
information exchange in the pre-digital revolution.
After two months of activity and no eruption, pressure from evacuated residents persuaded authorities to
permit escorted entrance to Spirit Lake for cabin owners to retrieve their belongings. The first escorted entry took
place the morning of May 17th. The second, planned for the morning of May 18th, was thwarted by the unexpected
climactic eruption of Mt St Helens. The eruption, which occurred without any significant increase in precursory
behavior, was initiated by the collapse of the northern flank. This collapse produced the largest landslide in
recorded history, which traveled 25 km down the Toutle River. Rapid decompression of the gas-rich magma
triggered a lateral blast, which traveled 18 km north over rugged topography in less than seven minutes,
devastating 600 km2 of old growth forest. The explosive eruption continued for 9-hours, dumping a constant rain
of ash across eastern Washington, eventually reaching as far as Utah, Nebraska and the Dakotas. The eruption
and impact were far greater than predicted, as demonstrated by the inadequate 8 km radius exclusion zone.
The 1980-86 eruption of Mt St Helens fundamentally changed our understanding of volcanic behavior
and the protocol for dealing with volcanic unrest. However, while eruptions like this continue to provide insight
into the controls on eruptive behavior, there are still many unknowns. For example, by 2004, when Mt St Helens
began to stir again, many of the problems faced during the 1980 eruption were resolved. Yet the uncertainty in
the eruption style, size and duration complicated the scientific response. It was impossible to know if remnant,
degassed magma would erupt effusively, or if there was a new, gas-rich batch of magma on the way to the surface
to produce an explosive eruption. These types of scenarios and questions drive the science of volcanology. There
are also many questions regarding the trigger for volcanic eruptions, the processes that control degassing,
fragmentation thresholds and eruptive style, and how to predict the hazards associated with volcanic eruptions.
Course Promise: By the end of this class, you will be better prepared to investigate questions such as these through (1) a
better understanding of volcanic processes through synthesis of the literature, class discussions, active-learning exercises
and field experiences; (2) practice with deep-reading techniques and evaluation of the literature to determine gaps in our
knowledge, and (3) practice developing a research question (or questions) and a plan of action to address the question(s),
grounded in the context of the published literature. The knowledge you develop in this course will ultimately enable you to
contribute important research findings to the scientific community, which likely will affect our ability to predict, understand
or respond to volcanic crisis in the future.
[Designed after The Promising Syllabus1]
GEOS 597-006
Advanced Physical Volcanology
TuTh 3-4:15 pm
Instructor: Dr. Brittany Brand,
Office hours: Thursday 1-2 pm (or by appointment) ERB 5163
Course Description: Students will apply field and numerical techniques to understand the physical processes driving
magmatism and volcanic eruptions. Topics may include the generation, storage and evolution of magma through to
eruptive dynamics. Two full-day field trips are required (may include an overnight trip). Prerequisites include MATH 175
and GEOS 460/560.
Learning is the act of seeking new knowledge, or modifying, improving or reinforcing existing knowledge. Learning is
active – it requires the learner to construct, personalize and pursue knowledge in a way that works best for them. You are
entering a learning-centered environment1, where both the learner and the instructor have important responsibilities:
Student Responsibilities
Take control of your learning
Participate in collaborative learning
Spend time learning outside of the
 Learn new “how-to-learn” strategies
 Engage in reflection exercises (early and
 Participate in class
 Solve problems using (and developing)
critical thinking skills
 Evaluate your peer’s writing and your own
 Provide constructive, thorough peer review
for your classmates
 Complete required reading and
 Provide critical feedback to the instructor
on the methods that facilitate your learning
throughout the course
Adapted from: Doyle, T. (2008).
Instructor Responsibilities
Clearly communicate expectations
Effectively manage class time
Provide structure, but with flexibility
Make sure the course is relevant to the
Assess and evaluate learning
Facilitate shared decision making
Provide prompt and useful feedback
Interact with learners inside and outside of
the classroom
Provide opportunities for active learning
Provide tools and opportunities for critical
Provide feedback and direction to facilitate
learning, but largely allow learners to be
responsible for their own learning
Respect learners
Learning Goals:
Through class activities, discussions and presentations, students will demonstrate their ability to evaluate,
synthesize and communicate how material properties and physical processes control volcanic eruptions.
Students will demonstrate an analysis and synthesis of controversial topics in physical volcanology through
Monte Carlo quizzes, discussions and debates of the relevant literature.
Students will demonstrate their ability to observe and interpret volcanic deposits in the field through field
discussion and field reports that (1) clearly distinguish observation from interpretation, and (2) support
interpretations with field observations and reference to the published literature.
GEOS 597-006
Fulfilling the Promise
Classroom Agenda:
Weeks 1 – 2:
Magma Chambers and Eruption Triggers
Weeks 3 – 4:
Volatiles and Fragmentation
Week 5 – 7:
Open system vs closed system degassing
Transient eruptions
Sustained eruptions
Volcanic Hazards
Eruption column dynamics and tephra fall
Lahars and landslides
Pyroclastic density currents
Week 8:
Proposal work
Late April
Final proposals due and proposal defense presentation
Field Trip (April 25-27 or May 2-4)
Measurements of Success:
In class and take home active learning opportunities
Monte Carlo quizzes over assigned readings
Complete and write a literature review for your topic of interest
Develop a research idea and write a proposal in the context of your literature
review (may involve up to one additional collaborator)
Communicate and defend your proposal orally (may involve up to one
additional collaborator)
Attend a 2-3 day field trip and complete a reflection exercise
Literature Review and Proposal Deliverables:
Completion Date:
Topic of choice due for literature review
Outline of literature review with references and short summaries
Literature review due and research question defined (must first be peerreviewed)
Peer review and evaluation of proposal drafts
Proposals due to instructor
Final revised proposals due
Proposal defense talks
Teaching style and strategy in part developed with guidance from the following references:
Lang, J. M. (2006). The promising syllabus. The Chronicle of Higher Education, 53(2).
Doyle, T. (2008). Helping Students Learn in a Learner-Centered Environment. Sterling, VA, Stylus Publishing, LLC. p. 15.