SWB GLOBAL SOLUTIONS ECO FRIENDLY AND VIRTUALLY INDESTRUCTIBLE BAMBOO BPC COMPOSITE EXTERIOR DECKING SWB GLOBAL SOLUTIONS is proud to present the future in Composite Decking. SWB CompDeck is the highest quality, strongest, most resilient and beautiful composite decking available. SWB CompDeck is ecologically and environmentally friendly, helping to reduce usage of world forests and limit materials placed in landfills. Environmentally Friendly SWB CompDeck is the ultimate solution to world forest degradation and the recycling of plastic products. SWB CompDeck is made from bamboo and first level plastic materials that would normally find their way to a landfill. Today, almost 1 million acres of forest vanish per week. Bamboo is the fastest growing plant on earth. It is known to produce greater biomass and 30% more oxygen than a hardwood forest of comparable size, while improving watersheds, preventing erosion, restoring soil, providing sweet edible shoots and removing toxins from contaminated soil. Ecologists tout bamboo as a renewable source of food and building material. Many promote bamboo planting for erosion prevention, and even to reverse the effects of global warming. Bamboo helps reduce carbon dioxide gases blamed for global warming. Some bamboo sequesters up to 12 tons of carbon dioxide per hectare, which makes it a highly efficient plant, and conducive to fresh air. Bamboo can be selectively harvested annually and regenerates without replanting. Bamboo is a natural water control barrier. Because of its extensive root system and large canopy, bamboo greatly reduces rain runoff, prevents massive soil erosion and retains significant more water in a watershed. Bamboo helps mitigate water pollution due to its high nitrogen consumption, making it a solution for excess nutrient uptake of wastewater from manufacturing, livestock farming and sewage treatment. Bamboo can restore degraded lands. It is a pioneering plant and can be grown in soil damaged by overgrazing and poor agriculture. Proper harvesting does not kill the bamboo plant, so topsoil is held in place. Because of its dense litter on the forest floor it feeds topsoil, restoring healthy agricultural lands for generations to come. Typical hardwood trees, such as the ones used in conventional wood products, take 30-150 years to regenerate depending on the species. In the meantime, there is less oxygen produced, less carbon dioxide consumed, and more soil runoff in the spot where that tree was harvested - all producing negative environmental effects. Our biosphere is suffering from resource depletion, habitat loss, species extinction, and ecosystem pollution, suggesting sustainability is not enough. Americans use 2,500,000 plastic bottles every hour! Most of them are thrown away! Plastic bags and other plastic garbage thrown into the ocean kill as many as 1,000,000 sea creatures every year! Americans throw away 25,000,000,000 Styrofoam coffee cups every year. On average, each one of us produces 4.4 pounds of solid waste each day. This adds up to almost a ton of trash per person, per year. Since world is beginning to pay more attention now more than ever before to the issues of ecological sustainability, renewable resources and the need to recycle, bamboo products have become some of the star performers amongst products of their peers. Whereas once, traditional timbers such as cedar, oak and rosewood were highly prized, the movement has swayed towards materials that can be regenerated without causing scars upon the environment. Aside from those issues, however, is the fact that Bamboo Composite is ‘clean and green’. It is able to be manufactured without harmful effluents making their way into the air, soil or water. As history evolves, Bamboo Composite DECKING is making itself known as a true revolution in decking and other home building applications. How It Is Made The manufacturing process to make composite decking first started to appear in the early 1990’s. In its most basic form, composite deck boards were made by mixing wood fibers and plastic. It’s similar in some respects to concrete which is a combination of large and small stone, sand, Portland cement and water. The plastic in composite decking is the binder, while the wood fiber acts to provide strength. Today, Wood Plastic Composite products are made from a unique combination of plant fiber and recycled plastic according to high-tech formulas. It offers the best advantages of plastic and wood. The plastic shields the wood from moisture and insect damage, and the wood protects the plastic from UV damage and gives you a natural feel. Be aware there are vastly different grades of plastic and wood fibers. If you start with low-quality ingredients, you end up with a substandard product. Past issues of UV light fading, staining, mold and mildew have been solved with additional research on the best raw materials and manufacturing methods. SWB Global Solutions CompDeck offers all the benefits of the top composite decking materials but is manufactured with bamboo, the most eco friendly natural product on the planet. It has characteristics of high strength and rigidity, acid and alkali resistance, corrosion resistant and is without formaldehyde; it is a real green environment protection building material. Product Comparison The July 2010 issue of Consumer Reports has selected a number of Wood Plastic Decks and all plastic PVC decks as their Top Overall Picks to compete directly in all categories to traditional softwood and hardwood decking. Consumers Reports with their intensive research and testing gives Wood Plastic Composites and PVC Composites the validation needed to be considered a viable product and option. A number of top Firms in the US are offering Composite Decking and other products. SWB GLOBAL SOLUTIONS is the only company that has developed the technology and production methods to combine all the benefits of 60% bamboo with 40% first level high quality recycled plastic. The beauty, strength, durability and other specifications of SWB Global Solutions Bamboo Composite Decking, exceeds the same qualities as the specifications of the top Composite Deck Manufactures as listed by Consumers Reports. SWB GLOBAL SOLUTIONS has its own expert staff that has extensive knowledge, skill and expertise in product development mill selection, raw materials selection, each manufacturing step, packaging and shipping to insure the highest levels of product quality. INDEPENDENT THIRD PARTY SCIENTIFIC TESTING CONFIRMS SWB GLOBAL COMPOSITE DECK IS THE OVERALL BEST COMPOSITE DECKING ON IN THE ENTIRE GLOBAL MARKET! Superior Density and Strength Superior Water Resistance Superior Color Retention Lower Board Weight Just A Few Advantages of Bamboo Composite Bamboo CompDeck Specifications Dimensions Thickness: 19mm or 25mm Width: 140mm or 145mm Length: 8,12,16,20 feet Construction 65% bamboo powder 30% recycled plastic thirds Note: first recycled material not second or 5% additives Finish: Multi Profile Options Colors: See Color Chart Installation: Nail-down or Screw-down Optional Hidden Fastener System Environmental Attributes Composite made of all natural and recycled materials SWB GLOBAL SOLUTIONS BAMBOO COMPOSITE EXTERIOR DECKING 65% Bamboo and 30% Recycled Plastic