The investigating effect of size distribution and feed grade on the desulfurization of magnetite iron
concentrate in Gol Gohar Co.
A Saravari1*, A Sam2
1 Master of mineral processing engineer, Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman, Iran,
2 Associate Professor, Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman, Golgohar Iron Ore and Steel
Research Institute, Iran, +989131404440,
The iron and steel industry to produce suitable feed for melting furnaces (blast furnace and pellets)
concentrate requires a specific property such as sulfur grade less than 0.1%. To achieve this goal,
desulfurization of units concentrate at Gol Gohar complex be done by reverse floatation. The purpose of this
research is achieve to the suitable feed for flotation process. Concentrates of low intensity magnetic separator
are flotation feed. To achieve this goal, the desulfurization experiments on two feed in different size
distribution was performed. The chemicals used are collector Potassium Emile xanthan (PAX) and methyl
isobutyl carbonyl (MIBC) is frother. The best results from the desulfurization of feed by sulfur grade 0.9%
at d80 of 72 microns (Iron and sulfur grade 68.2 and 0.13% respectively) obtained. The best results from the
desulfurization of feed by sulfur grade 0.36% at d80 of 90 microns (Iron and sulfur grade 70.3 and 0.07%
respectively) obtained. To achieve sulfur grade less than 0.1% need to optimize performance of magnetic
separators to produce suitable feed for desulfurization process (sulfur grade 0.36%). In optimum conditions
mentioned above, iron grade of flotation concentrate reached to 70.3% with recovery 94.9% and sulfur grade
reached to 0.07% with recovery 22%.
desulfurization, feed grade, iron concentrate, degree of freedom, Gol Gohar.