Ecosystem Service Valuation and Biodiversity Preservation in the Upper Neuse Watershed of North Carolina: Are ecosystem service markets likely to preserve biodiversity in a highly urbanizing region? Hess, G.R., K. Bigsby, C. Clary, N. Harris, M. Lawler, M. McHale, A. Raimondi, S. Shifflett, N. Wisenbaker INTRODUCTION: Regulatory Markets - market based approach for environmentally sound solutions Market Diversity - potential for many markets are developing - from wetlands and stream restoration, to endangered species, to carbon credits Stacking Services - some propose stacking of services - why would this be something we would want to do? InVEST - developed to be a regional scale model with moderate resolution that provides a spatial medium for stacking services across a landscape Why is this a new thing? What else has been done? (i.e. up until invest was available the studies on ES tended to be across very broad spatial scales (constanza as an example) or at very small scales and on a service at a time - neither seemed to be very valuable for market creation. How has invest been used? What have the results shown? (show where the models have been used, what questions they were able to answer (mainly do ES and Biodiversity match up?), and if they actually lead to the preservation of open space/ecosystems/biodiversity and where. Some other places ecosystem service markets have worked are..... We would like to build on these analyses - see if biodiversity and ES overlap (and all the other fancy terms george talks about) and then ALSO ask the question - is it likely in an area with rapid development and increasingly high land values - would the value of stacked services be able to compete? Therefore - if the markets were established would it be likely to save land from development? <<Notice - you start with the big picture ideas and dwindle your way down to the last paragraph which is the "our goals were" paragraph>> METHODS: I think this is obvious - talk about the study area, the different models (including input variable tables), and also the land value analyses Biodiversity: Areas of conservation concern In theory, if conservation areas correspond to areas of high economically-valued ecosystem services, motivations for land conservation justifiably encompass benefits to nature and human welfare. We evaluated this assumption for in our Upper Neuse study area. We used two different independent methods to designate areas of conservation area. First, we used species distribution models developed by North Carolina GAP analysis project ( to calculate species richness estimates of terrestrial vertebrates. Second, we used significant natural heritage areas and element occurrences identified by the North Carolina Natural Heritage Program (www. following methods developed by the Nature Conservancy. We employed three metrics to evaluate concordance between areas designated as conservation concern and those representing the highest quartile for stacked ecosystem services following Hess et al (2006). Completeness was calculated as the proportion of high staked ecosystem services areas encompassed within each conservation area type (based on species richness, significant natural heritage areas, and element occurrences). Representation was calculated as the proportion of areas of high staked ecosystem services included in at least one area of conservation concern. Overlap was calculated as the proportion of areas concordant between high ecosystem services and designated areas of high conservation value. Carbon: We used the definitions provided by InVEST 1.005 Beta User’s Guide to determine input parameters, Aboveground biomass comprises all living plant material above the soil (e.g., bark, trunks, branches, leaves). Belowground biomass encompasses the living root systems of aboveground biomass. Soil organic matter is the organic component of soil, and represents the largest terrestrial carbon pool. Dead organic matter includes litter as well as lying and standing dead wood. (citation for InVEST guidebook) Based on the definitions above, we searched the literature for relevant input data. When the literature presented data ranges, we determined the average of the range for our input. Where necessary data were converted to Mg C ha-1 for the model. Table 1. Input data for the Carbon Model in Mg C ha-1. See appendix for detailed calculations and citations. LULC Code 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 LULC Name Open Water Urban Barren Forest Grassland Agriculture Wetland C_above 0 33 0 69.95 0.239 0.98 52 C_below 0 6.6 0 14.68 0.16 0 10 C_soil 0 82.5 0 109 117 4.56 163 C_dead 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 APPENDIX: Input Data for the C Model URBAN C_above George’s class found 1,595,000 tons C 1 short ton = 907 ,184.74 grams (Google calculator) 1 gram = 1 X 10-6 Megagrams (Mg) (Google calculator) Therefore George’s class found 1,446,959.66 Mg C in Raleigh Raleigh is 182 square miles ( (114 plus extraterritorial jurisdiction) 1 square miles = 258.998811 hectares (Google calculator) Therefore Raleigh is 47137.78 hectares Therefore 33.83698 MgHa-1 URBAN C_below Calculated C_below by finding 20% of C_above Therefore C_below is 6.6 Mg Ha-1 URBAN C_soil 1 meter squared = 0.0001 hectares (Google calculator) 1 kilogram = 0.001 megagrams (Google calculator) We used Soil Organic Carbon (SOC) to a depth of 1 m (100cm) from the literature of other urban areas in the south: 7.1 kg m-2 Park use Pouyat et al 2006 14.4 kg m-2 residential grass Pouyat et al 2006 8.2 kg m-2 urban Pouyat et al 2002 3.3 kg m-2 residential grass Pouyat et al 2006 We took the average of those numbers therefore: 8.25 kg m-2 Which converts to 82.5 Mg Ha-1 FOREST C_above 68.68 Mg ha-1 North Carolina Han et al 2005 70.75 Mg ha-1 SC Piedmont Wang et al 2008 63.63 Mg ha-1 SC Piedmont Wang et al 2008 76.75 Mg ha-1 SC Piedmont Wang et al 2008 The average of the above numbers is: 69.9525 Mg ha-1 FOREST C_below Calculated C_below by finding 21% of C_above (Saugier et al 2001) Therefore C_below is 14.68 Mg ha-1 FOREST C_soil We used Soil Organic Carbon (SOC) to a depth of 1 m (100cm) considering a Temperate Warm forest: 71 Pouyat et. al. 2002 147 Lorenz and Lal 2009, Robinson 2007, Saugier et. al. 2001 The average is therefore: 109 Mg ha-1 GRASSLAND C_above 0.239 Mg ha -1 Han et al 2005 GRASSLAND C_below Calculated C_below by finding 67% of the C_above (Saugier et al 2001) Therefore: 0.16013 Mg ha -1 GRASSLAND C_soil 117 Mg ha -1 Lorenz and Lal 2009 AGRICULTURE C_soil We used Soil Organic Carbon (SOC) to a depth of 1 m (100cm) 4.2 mid-atlantic cropland Pouyat et al 2002 8 Crops Lorenz et Lal 2009, Robinson 2007, Saugier 2001 1.5 average for silage cropped soils Franzluebbers 2007 The average of which is: 4.56 Mg ha -1 AGRICULTURE C_above 0.983 Mg ha -1 Han et al 2005 WETLAND C_above 52 Mg ha-1 (Geise et al 2003 having found an average of biomass numbers presented and dividing that average by 50% carbon) WETLAND C_below Assumed below was 20% of above Saugier et al 2001 Therefore: 10 Mg ha-1 WETLAND C_soil Calculated average of SOC numbers presented in Giese et al. 2003: therefore 163 Mg ha-1 Pollination: The INVEST pollination model requires a list of bee species or guilds and a land cover map. The model uses various parameters to relate bee species characteristics (e.g., foraging distance and nesting site preference) to habitat and pollination resource availability and outputs a spatially explicit map of pollination service value. For our study area, we compiled a list of bee species and parameters by consulting the literature and local apiologists (Table 1, Bambara, Hines, Roos, Roulston). We then identified parameters for habitat and pollination resource availability by synthesizing our knowledge of the literature (Steffan-Dewenter et al. 2002; Ricketts et al. 2008) with expert opinion (Bambara, Hines, Roos, Roulston). Table 1. Species Body Size (IT, mm) Foraging Distance (m) Ground Nesting Cavity Nesting Spring Activity Summer Activity Fall Activity Apis XX 18 929 No Yes 13 .3 .5 .2 Bombus 401 17 Yes 14 No .3 .6 .1 Andrena 206 15 Yes No 15 .6 .2 .2 Halictus XX 19 260 Yes No 16 .4 .5 .1 Osmia 3.5 1 1990 No Yes 5 0.9 1 0.1 0 1451 Yes No 6 0 0.7 0.3 Xenoglossa Peponapis 3.5 2 1320 Yes No 7 0 0.8 0.2 Xylocopa** 7.25 3 720 No Yes 8 0.4 11 0.4 0.2 Habropoda 4.29 4 2560 Yes No 1 12 0 0 Cavity Nesting Ground Nesting Floral Resources Spring 9 Table 2. Land Use Land Cover Floral Resources Summer Floral Resources Fall 0 0 Water 0 0 0 Urban 1 0.25 .25 .25 .25 Barren 0.25 0.5 .15 .15 .15 Forest 1 0.75 1 .1 .1 .25 1 .5 .75 .75 Grassland Agriculture Wetlands 0 0.5 .5 0.75 0 .4 .75 .5 .4 .4 1 – Gordon et al. 2003 Life history and nest biology of the mason bee Osmia (Acanthosmioides) Integra Cresson in coastal dunes (Hymenoptera : Megachilidae) 2 – Bullock et al. 1999 Relationships among Body Size, Wing Size and Mass in Bees from a Tropical Dry Forest inméxico 3 – Skandalis et al. 2009 Body Size and Shape of the Large Carpenter Bee, Xylocopa virginica (L.) (Hymenoptera: Apidae) 4 – Jane Monroe thesis 2010 (under the direction of Michael Mesler) effects of resource availability on foraging trip duration in the silver bee, habropoda miserabilis 5 – Maccagnani et al. 2007 Osmia cornuta management in pear orchards 6 – Julier et al. 2009 Wild Bee Abundance and Pollination Service in Cultivated Pumpkins:Farm Management, Nesting Behavior and Landscape Effects 7 – Willis et al. 1995 foraging dynamics of peponapzs pruznosa (hymenoptera: anthophoridae) on pumpkin (cucurbzta pepo) in southern ontario 8 – Jenkins et al. 2004 Cavity-nesting Hymenoptera in Disturbed Habitats of Georgia and South Carolina: Nest Architecture and Seasonal Occurrence 9 – Barthell et al. 1998 Nesting Biology of the Solitary Digger Bee Habropoda depressa (Hymenoptera: Anthophoridae)in Urban and Island Environments 10 – Michelba et al. (1968) late season foraging activities of xenoglossa gabbii crawfordi cockerell (hymenoptera - apoidea) And Julier et al. (2009) Wild Bee Abundance and Pollination Service in Cultivated Pumpkins: Farm Management, Nesting Behavior and Landscape Effects – best guess based on Michelbae title (couldn’t actually find the article yet… and the discussion in Julier) 11 – Gerling et al. (1978) Biology and Mating Behavior of Xylocopa virginica L. (Hymenoptera, Anthophoridae) (best guess based on info in the article) 12 – Cane et al. (1998) Estimation of Bee Size Using Intertegular Span (best guess on info in the article) 13 – Seeley 1978 14 – Ricketts, T.H. et al. (2008), Landscape effects on crop pollination services: are there general patterns?. Ecology Letters, 11: 499–515. 15 – Gathmann 2002 16 – Rozen 2008 17 – Charman 2010 18 – Bullock 1999 19 – Sahli 2007 Water Yield/Run Off: Potential Costs due to Developing Agriculture and Forest Land Covers “Retention systems capture a volume of runoff and retain that volume until it is displaced in part or in total by the next runoff event. Retention systems therefore maintain a significant permanent pool volume of water between runoff events” (USEPA 1999). Based on published cost data of actual storm water better management practices (BMPs) in North Carolina, the method that is described below was created to make estimates of mitigation costs associated with various storm-water BMPs if Forest and Agricultural areas were developed. The water quality volume is often defined as the volume of runoff that the storm-water BMP is designed to store and/or treat, which is often based on a design precipitation depth or depth of runoff (Weiss et al. 2007). We used the InVEST Water Yield Model to determine how much water would be newly introduced to urban areas by converting Agricultural and Forest Land Cover/Land Use data from 2001. The subsequent changes in water yield were treated as the run-off expected if those areas were developed. The values reported do not include costs of pretreatment units which may be required, design or engineering fees, permit fees, land costs, contingencies, etc. The costs of storm-water BMPs are usually reported along with the corresponding watershed size and/or the water quality volume (WQV) for which the storm-water BMP was designed. Unfortunately, the associated costs are not readily available for the Upper Neuse Watershed. In their place, we substituted values from a study completed in Mecklenburg County, NC to determine what some expected costs might be if the same BMPs were implemented (AF 2010). Nutrient Retention: Introduction The InVEST Nutrient Retention is a series of three models. The first, Water Yield, requires 6 “biophysical” raster datasets: precipitation, potential evapotranspiration, soil depth, plant available water fraction, land use/land cover, and watersheds. In addition, it requires a biophysical table that references each land use/land cover category and assigns the corresponding evapotranspiration expected for that type of land cover, the root depth of any plant life that might be at that location, the amount of nitrogen loaded to the environment by the land cover/land use type, and lastly the efficiency of the land cover to remove the nutrient of choice. After gathering the data from the appropriate sources (see Figure 1), the model was able to produce a new raster, water yield per cell. This is the amount of water available at each cell where nutrients of interest (NOI) can be loaded. Source/Process The first model, Water Yield, required various data points. All cells corresponding to water or urban in our land cover data were assigned a soil depth of 0. The plant available water content (PAWC) values were loaded into ArcMap using the Soil Data Viewer. Null data points were determined using neighborhood geospatial statistics. For root depth, each land cover was determined based on most dominant species. For the Forest Land Cover, the U.S. Forestry service was referenced to determine the most abundant species in the area (Oak, Pine, and Hickory.) The documented root depths for each genus were cumulatively averaged to determine average root depth for Forest Land Cover. For Agriculture, the NC agricultural census provided the most dominant crops in the Upper Neuse (Sweet potato, potato, soybean, corn, oat, barley, rye, tobacco, and wheat.) The root depths were averaged and applied to the Agriculture Land Cover. For Wetlands, two dominant NC wetland species were used (Sweetgum and Loblolly Pine). Nutrient loading values were obtained from the North Carolina DENR/DWQ WARMF Report and then divided by the number of hectares provided in the Upper Neuse Watershed. ETK and EFF_N provided by WWF were used to determine evapotranspiration and nitrogen removal efficiency by land cover. The next model, Nutrient Retention, requires 4 raster datasets: digital elevation model (DEM), water yield per cell, land use/land cover, a sub-watershed raster, and a watershed raster. In addition, two database files are needed: the Biophysical Table as described above and a Water Purification Table. The Water Purification Table requires watersheds to be delineated, a calibration unit based on validated reading at any point of interest, the cost of removing the NOI, the maximum allowable amount of NOI that can be loaded to the watershed, the time span for the cost of removing the NOI (i.e. how long it will be at that cost), and a discount rate used in net present value calculations. See Figure 1 for each value applied. The Nutrient Retention model produces a raster dataset and a database file necessary for the final model, Valuation. The raster dataset reveals where the NOI is immobilized. Where the NOI is immobilized is determined based on the relative elevation of the land cover, the NOI loading values at higher elevations, and the efficiency of the land cover to absorb the NOI. These values were normalized by dividing all cells by the largest possible cell value using Raster Calculator. The last model, Valuation, requires 3 raster datasets and 2 database file. The raster datasets include the DEM, nutrient retained (produced by the second model), and watershed raster file. The cost for the valuation model was adopted from the NC DENR/DWQ WARMF Report. The report estimates a future Ecosystem Enhancement Program (EEF) nitrogen offset rate of $44/lb of nitrogen. The rate was converted to $/kg of nitrogen. Based on proposed 2 stage Nutrient Strategy Rules from the NC Environmental Management Commission, the cost value is applied through the completion of the first stage of action. A standardized 5% discount rate was applied. Maximum annual allowable nitrogen loading for our single point of interest (Falls Lake Dam) was determined from NCAC 15A Rule .0234 and .0279. Rule .0234 (6) (A) is aimed at those dischargers greater than/equal to .05 MGD. It estimates that 15% of the annual discharge limit in section (6)(A) should be allowed through the dam. 15% of the Stage 1 annual discharge limit provided in proposed rule NCAC 15A .0279 (19,303 lbs/yr) was adopted as the maximum annual allowable nitrogen loading value at our point of interest. This value was then converted from lbs/yr to kg/yr. Figure 1: Data and Associated Citations. Where used in Model Data Name Maximum Allowable Nitrogen Loading (Entire Upper Neuse Watershed) Nitrogen Loading (At point of interest – Falls Dam) Value 58,370 .99 8,756. 00 Perso n who foun d data Unit Citation kg N/yr North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources & Division of Water Quality. (2010) 15A NCAC 2B .0279 (4)(a); Proposed Falls Water Supply Nutrient Strategy: Wastewater Discharge. November, 2, 2010, Retrieved at: 209700&name=DLFE-19076.pdf. Water Purification Table; Nutrient Retention Model Input CC kgN/ yr North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources & Division of Water Quality. (2010) 15A NCAC 2B .0234 (6)(a); Neuse River Basin – Nutrient Sensitive Waters Management Strategies: Wastewater Discharge Requirements. November, 4, 2010, Retrieved at: Water Purification Table: Nutrient Retention Model Input CC Water Purification Table; Nutrient Retention Model Input CC Cost 97.00 $/kg /yr North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources. (2010) Fiscal Analysis for Proposed Nutrient Strategy for Falls of Neuse Reservoir. November, 2, 2010, Retrieved at: 9f5a4-3db1-4c63-bd63-cad51a5ac385&groupId=38364. (raster ) mm Prism Climate Group. (2010). Oregon State University. October, 2010, Retrieved at: Precipitation ; Water Yield Input Raster NW Precipitation Evapotranspi ration (raster ) Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (2010). October, 2010, Retrieved at: Potential Evapotranspi ration NW mm LULC (raster ) n/a ??? Water Yield Model Input KB Watershed DEM Soil Depth Plant Available Water Content Evapotranpir ation coefficient Root_depth (raster ) (raster ) (raster ) (raster ) NC OneMap. (2007). Local Watershed Plans –EEP. September, 2010. Retrieved at: Water Yield Model Input, Nutrient Retention Model Input ML/S DS KB n/a ??? Nutrient Retention Model Input, Valuation Data Input Water yield Model Input NW/S DS Mm Soil Survey Staff, Natural Resources Conservation Service, United States Department of Agriculture. Soil survey of Upper Neuse Watershed, North Carolina [Online WWW]. Available URL: “” [Accessed September 2010]. Water yield model input NW/S DS % Soil Survey Staff, Natural Resources Conservation Service, United States Department of Agriculture. Soil survey of Upper Neuse Watershed, North Carolina [Online WWW]. Available URL: “” [Accessed September 2010]. The Nature Conservancy. (2010). InVEST 1.005 Beta User’s Guide: Integrated Valuation of Ecosystem Services and Tradeoffs. November, 2010, Retrieved at: _Users_Guide.pdf. Water yield model input SDS Mayaki, W.C. Teare, I.D., and Stone, L.R. (1976) Top and Root Growth of Irrigated and Non-irrigated Soybeans.Crop Science, Vol 16. January- February 1976. Biophyical Table Value; Water Yield Model Input, Nutrient Retention Model Input. SDS n/a (raster ) Multip le values mm Mou, P. Jones, R.H., Mitchell, R.J. (1995) Spatial Distribution of Above-Ground Biomass and Soil Nutrients. Functional Ecology, Vol. 9, No. 4, pp. 689-699. Evans, R., Cassel, D.K., and Sneed, R.E. Soil, Water, and Crop Characteristics Important to Irrigation Scheduling. (1996) North Carolina Cooperative Extension Service. Publication Number: AG 452-1. November, 6, 2010, Retrieved at: 1.html Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (2010). November, 2010, Retrieved at: The Nature Conservancy. (2010). InVEST 1.005 Beta User’s Guide: Integrated Valuation of Ecosystem Services and Tradeoffs. November, 2010, Retrieved at: _Users_Guide.pdf. Palta, J.A., Mingtan, L.T., and Fillery, R.P. (2004). Rooting patterns in wheat differing in vigour are related to the early uptake of nitrogen in deep sandy soils. Crop science. November, 8, 2010, Retrieved at: aja.htm. Nitrogen Loading (load_n) Nitrogen Removal Efficiency Multip le values Multip le values (eff_N) LIT REVIEW: North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources & Division of Water Quality. (2009). Falls Lake Watershed Analysis Risk Management Framework (WARMF) Development Draft. November, 2, 2010, Retrieved at: eWatershedModelReport.pdf. Biophyical Table Value; Water Yield Model Input, Nutrient Retention Model Input. SDS CC Lin, J.P. (2004). Review of Published Export Coefficient and Event Mean Concentration (EMC) Data. Retrieved at: Biophyical Table Value; Water Yield Model Input, Nutrient Retention Model Input. <<Neal is currently gathering the literature for this section.>> RESULTS: Again the order of these depends on the graphs we make and how we want to proceed with the story - probably in two-three sections: 1. General Results - Maps of different services (descriptive 2. ES and Biodiversity 3. Land Values and ES 1. General Results <<We need to determine the order of things before we start putting maps/etc into this section.>> 2. Significant Natural Heritage Areas The NC Natural Heritage Program has delineated Significant Natural Heritage Areas that are core conservation lands in the state and of the highest priority for protection. The boundaries of these areas are established to ensure long-term persistence of species and natural communities of conservation interest. Significant Natural Heritage Areas occupy 142 sq-km (7%) of the 1,961 sk-km Upper Neuse River Basin (Table 1). Table 1. Distribution of ecosystem Significant Natural Heritage Areas by quantile of ecosystem service One question commonly about the concordance of ecosystem services with biological diversity is whether the protection of land providing high levels of ecosystem service would also protect areas of high value for species and natural communities of conservation concern. We found that the lands providing the highest biophysical level (top quartile) of ecosystem services in the Upper Neuse Basin overlapped 22% of the Significant Natural Heritage Areas in the Basin (Figure 1, Table 1). Lands in the top two quartiles of ecosystem service provision (972 sq-km) overlapped 62% (87 sq-km) of the Heritage Areas. Figure 1. Distribution of ecosystem services within Significant Natural Heritage Areas. A related question is whether conserving areas based on their value for species and natural communities of conservation concern would include areas of high ecosystem service value. The Significant Natural Heritage Areas covered 7% of the total area in the top quartile of ecosystem services, defined biophysically (Table 1). Element Occurrences The Natural Heritage Program also maps the locations of species and natural communities of conservation concern as points called element occurrences, which are available in a geographic information system format. Each element occurrence has associated information about its status, including national and state rank, current status (extinct, extant, historic, etc), and uncertainty in its location. We started with the full element occurrence data for our study area and removed records that were marked as destroyed, extinct, or historic; that had not been observed during the past 25 years; or that had an estimated locational accuracy of less than 20%. There were 563 occurrences of 87 different species that met these criteria (Table 2). We used these to estimate the proportion of occurrences included in each of our ecosystem service quartiles (completeness) and the proportion of the 87 different species included at least once in the quartiles (representation). Because there is uncertainty in the location of each element occurrence, we counted occurrences as included if they were within a given (in the database) uncertainty distance of a portion of the landscape in an ecosystem service quartile. [language still a bit rough] We found that the land in the top quartile of ecosystem services would likely include 71% of all species and natural communities of concern at least once (representation), and 39% of all element occurrences (completeness) (Table 2). A large proportion of species and communities in wetlands (93% representation, 82% completeness) were included. Representation and, especially, completeness were less for aquatic and terrestrial species. Table 2. Cumulative completeness and representation by type of species and community type. Completeness is the proportion of the total number of occurrences of species or community included in the quartile and all higher quartiles. Representation is the proportion of unique species or communities included. BIODIVERSITY- Species Richness from GAP Vertebrate species richness per pixel ant 30m resolution. Richness ranges from 5-169 species with dark areas representing high richness values. Mean values in species richness are not significantly different across ecosystem service quartiles (more analyses to come....) REVISED FIGURE 3 (NCH-11/28/10) The final metric of biodiversity we used to evaluate concordance with ecosystem service was vertebrate species richness. This data was obtained from 229 species distribution models developed by NC GAP project. We found that geographic locations with the highest stacked ecosystem services, represented by quartile four, also had the highest average species richness. Average species varied significantly across the ecosystem service quartiles and this range differed by a maximum 12 species between the highest and lowest quartile. However, the representation of species differ not vary significantly or cumaltively across the ecosystem service quartiles. For example, all species in the study area occured in the the lowest ecosystem service quartile; while 98% of the species occurred in the quartile with the highest stacked ecosystem services. 3. COMPARING PROPERTY VALUES TO PAYMENTS FOR ECOSYSTEM SERVICES One question of interest is whether payments for ecosystem services can compete with the opportunity cost of not selling property for development. This question is of particular import in areas near expanding cities. We examined this issue by comparing property value to payments for ecosystem service in our study area. We used the output from InVEST models for carbon, nitrogen retention, and pollination to estimate payments for ecosystem services. For carbon, we considered both storage and sequestration. The estimated value ($) of carbon storage is an InVEST model output; we evaluated $<<social cost>> and $<<middle cost, based on ...>>. For sequestration, we ran the InVEST model using estimates for annual net primary productivity for each land cover in our study area to provide an estimate of one year of payments for sequestration at both the social and middle cost. We used this information to estimate the value ($) of 20 annual payments for sequestration, with a 1% discount rate reflecting current economic conditions. For nitrogen retention, we used output from the InVEST model assuming a cost of $97 per kilogram nitrogen removed for a 20-year period with a 1% discount rate. <<For pollination, we estimated the value of natural pollination services by calculating the replacement cost using managed pollinators. To do so we assumed managed pollinators cost $300 an acre for the entire growing season (####) and that all agriculture areas are pollinated by managed pollinators. We normalized the replacement cost based on the pollination ecosystem service value to distribute the costs proportionally across the landscape. These values were used to estimate the cost of 20 annual payments for managed pollination services with a 1 % discount rate. - bigsby>> We used the tax value of each parcel of land as an estimate of property value. Triangle Land Conservancy compiled tax value data from the most recent tax appraisal for the six counties in April, 2010, and shared them with us. Tax appraisals are not coordinated among counties, the the appraisal dates varied: Durham (2008), Franklin (2004), Granville (2010), Orange (2009), Person (2005), Wake (2008). We adjusted all property values for inflation to 2010 dollars using factors from the Bureau of Labor Statistics inflation calculator (Table, 2010 Nov 24). To bring these data into alignment with the spatial scale of the InVEST model's output, we calculated the value of property for each 30mx30m pixel in our study area. Table: Factors to bring property values to 2010 dollars. County / year of appraisal Franklin / 2004 Person / 2005 Durham & Wake / 2008 Orange /2009 & Granville / 2010 Inflation factor 1.16 1.12 1.02 1.0 We divided property value of the land by the value ($) of ecosystem services, per 30mx30m pixel. Thus, values larger than one indicate places where property value exceed the value of ecosystem services; where values are less than one, the value of the ecosystem services exceeds the land value. The result was arranged in order-of-magnitude categories, with the exception of the category 0.95 - 1.05 for values near one (where property value and ecosystem service value are nearly equal). Category Range 1 0.0 - 0.001 2 0.001 - 0.01 3 0.01 - 0.1 4 0.1 - 0.95 5 0.95 - 1.05 6 1.05 - 10 7 10 - 100 8 100 - 1,000 9 1,000 - 10,000 10 10,000 - 100,000 11 100,000 - 1,000,000 We compared property value to ecosystem service value ($) for the following combinations: Nitrogen retention (20 years) - because this is generally the highest value ($) ecosystem service in our study area and because nutrient retention is an important issue here because of our drinking water supply and because markets are developing <<rough language>> Carbon sequestration (20 years) - because there is a market for this, and we can imagine property owners taking a 20-year option rather than selling their property now IF the option price we high enough Carbon storage + sequestration (20 years) - because markets may be developing for storage (is this true?) Stacked, high values: N-retention (20 years), C-storage (social cost), C-sequestration (social cost, 20 years), pollination - to evaluate what paying the highest possible values in a system that allow stacking reveals. DISCUSSION: Why do each of these results matter? so 1. Our Biodiversity and ES results relate to other studies and either disagree- agree- or both ;) or we don't know - Include a conclusion on these results - (i.e. we think that these results show that ES and Biodiversity are definitely related and that if we protected land for one or the other we would be preserving both functioning ecosystems and biodiversity that we value <<I made that up>>) 2. Our results show that in some areas ES have a high value and for now can outcompete land prices - but if the highly urbanized region expands and the prices increase it is unlikely - <<again making things up>> 3. Other research shows that this is likely to be expected - so ES might work in oregon with all the hippies next to an undevelopable mountain but the triangle and its never ending sprawling growth will never survive under this framework 4. Besides the fact that stacking values makes ES values higher - and some people think that stacking will never work - and this is why (bendor) - if that is the case then we really have no chance <<remember I am making things up>> 5. Furthermore, what happens when the method for technologically replacing an ES becomes cheaper than preserving land -NY worked because NY saw that they were saving money by saving the watershed. 6. Finally - Also interesting to note is that ecosystem services were predicted to be highly heterogeneous across the landscape - that makes preserving large areas of high service value a bit difficult. We should also keep in mind that areas of high value are close to people - as predicted by this model - what does that mean for preserving large open spaces that actually can still function effectively. Areas on edges of human habitats are more highly valued - often edge areas are less quality ecosystems - if we try to maximize ES would we actually create the type of functioning ecosystem that we need? BIODIVERSITY DISCUSSION In our study area, area of high ecosystem service did not match areas of high value for biodiversity well. Protecting areas of high ecosystem service was not an efficient approach if one's goal was to protect areas of conservation concern for biodiversity. Although protecting areas providing ecosystem services in the top two quartiles would result in protecting 66% of the Significant Natural Heritage Areas, the SNHAs are only 9% of the area in the top two quartiles (87 sq-km of 972 sq-km) (Table 1, Figure 1). Conversely, protecting areas for biodiversity is not sufficient if one's goal is to protect areas of high ecosystem service value. Protecting all of the Significant Natural Heritage Areas in the study area would conserve only 7% of the land in the top quartile of ecosystem service value (Table 1). We noted that the land providing ecosystem services in the top quartile included 82% of the wetland species and communities of conservation concern (completeness), including 93% of the different species and communities in the study area (representation). This likely reflects the high level of ecosystem services, in terms of carbon storage and nutrient retention, afforded by wetlands. NOTE: We need to explain that water received an ecosystem service value of zero and accounted for 1% of the area and wound up in the lowest quartile - mainly the lake. We did not remove these because some of the aquatic species are in the water. Property Values Discussion Need to check - some of the property values might reflect being in an use value program (ag, forestry, horticulture) which artificially lowers property value because the land is being used for ag, forestry, or horticulture. The values would be less than the market value for development. <<This is an error in the "right" direction, in that it underestimates the property value so that the full value of the property is even higher than reflected in this analysis. Using full value would skew the property value / ES comparison even further toward property value.> IMAGES are large, so I linked to the JPGs instead of displaying. These are the 20-year 1% discount rate values. Property values ($/ha - legend needs cleaning): PropertyValues.jpg Full Landscape Carbon Seq (Med): CSeqMed.jpg Pollination: Pollination.jpg Nitrogen retention: Nitrogen.jpg Stacked (the above 3): Stacked.jpg ES4 Only (top quartile) Carbon Seq (Med): CSeqMedES4Only.jpg Pollination:PollinES4Only.jpg Nitrogen retention:NRetentionES4Only.jpg Stacked (the above 3): StackedES4Only.jpg Analysis files are on velocity: Spreadsheet with analyses: PropertyValueAnalyses.xlsx Figure 1. Comparison of property value to value ecosystem service (20 annual payments with a 1% discount rate), shown for carbon (at <<$medium value>>), nitrogen retention, pollination, and all three stacked. Results shown proportion in each category (color / legend) for the full study area (full) and the area in top quartile of ecosystem services, defined biophysically (top). Property value was divided by ecosystem service value, so that results around one occur when the values are approximately equal (yellow outlines in read); results < 1 occur when ecosystem service value are greater than property values (bottom portion of bars). Areas of NoData occur when tax value is undefined (government-owned land) or ecosystem service value is zero (dividing by zero is an undefined result). Results / Discussion Payments for carbon sequestration are competitive with property values for a much larger portion of the landscape than payments for nitrogen retention and pollination (Figure 1, compare carbon full and top quartile to N full and top quartile). This is because C-sequestration occurs throughout the landscape, including many places distant from development where property values are relatively low. Nitrogen retention, in contrast, attains its highest value proximate to development, where property values are high. As a result, the $value of C-seq is higher than the $value of Nretention for a large portion of the landscape. Stacking increases the portion of the landscape for which ecosystem services payments are competitive with property values. From 34% to 42% for full landscape and from 52% to 64% for the top quartile (Figure 1). Interesting that pollination is worth more than N retention - do we believe this? Figure 2. Comparison of property value to ecosystem service value (20 annual payments with a 1% discount rate), shown for stacked carbon (at <<$medium value>>), nitrogen retention, and pollination. Results shown proportion in each category (color / legend) for each land use / cover category; barren and open water are omitted. Property value was divided by ecosystem service value, so that results around one occur when the values are approximately equal (yellow outlines in read); results < 1 occur when ecosystem service value are greater than property values (bottom portion of bars). Areas of NoData occur when tax value is undefined (government-owned land) or ecosystem service value is zero (dividing by zero is an undefined result). Table 1. Proportion and area of land in each cover that is in the top quartile of ecosystem services, defined biophysically. Proportion in Top Quartile Agriculture 0% Developed 1% (3 sq-km) Forest 38% (1,112 sq-km) Grass/Shrub 1% (2 sq-km) Wetlands 99% (43 sq-km) Cover Proportion in Top Quartile and Prop/ES <= 1.05 0% 0.5% 25% 1% 80% Results / Discussion Eighty percent of wetland in the study area have values for ecosystem service (20-year, 1% discount, stacked Carbon Med, pollination, nitrogen retention) greater than or comparable to property value (Figure 2), and 99% of wetlands are in the highest quartile of ecosystem service value, defined biophysically (Table 1). Simply put, purchasing wetlands is a good bet in terms of providing high-value ecosystem services. In contrast, only 10% of developed land has an ecosystem service value greater than or comparable to property value and only 1% of develop land is in the highest quartile of ecosystem services. CONCLUSION: In conclusion our results show that we need to rethink the application of ES for biodiversity protection and for the protection of ES in highly urbanizing regions