University of St Andrews: Race Equality Charter Mark Student Survey Why we are running this survey now? The University of St Andrews is committed to addressing inequalities and creating an inclusive culture and environment for all individuals to thrive, irrespective of their race or ethnicity. We are participating in the ‘Race Equality Charter Mark’ trial, which is being rolled out across the higher education sector facilitated by the Equality Challenge Unit (ECU). We want to hear your views on studying and/or working at the University of St Andrews and whether you think there is anything we can do to further advance race equality. Why take part? The survey is open to all staff and all students. Participation is voluntary with the ability to withdraw. This survey is part of a wider piece of work looking to understand the culture of the University. Identifying areas for improvement is an important aspect of the University’s duty to eliminate discrimination, harassment and victimisation; foster good relations; and advance equality of opportunity. The non-identifiable results of this survey will be included in our application to the charter, and if successful, the application will then be published on our website. We hope you will see your views and ideas reflected within the application and will see that we are acting upon the survey results, which will be repeated every three years to continue to progress towards race equality. The format of the survey: This survey is divided into three parts in an attempt to safeguard anonymity. Please answer only those questions with which you are comfortable. The survey will be open until 15th Feb 2015. The survey has gained approval from the University Teaching and Research Ethics Committee (UTREC). In accordance with the requirements of the Data Protection Act, all data will be held confidentially by Sukhi Bains the HR Equality & Diversity Officer as head of E&D for the University. Non-identifiable data will be reported to the ‘Race Equality Charter Mark SelfAssessment Team’. At no point will the information you provide be shared in a way that would allow you to be personally identified. For more information about our involvement in the charter or questions about this research that have not been answered by this information page, please contact Sukhi Bains ( Race Equality Charter Mark details and the University members who are part of the group can be found on webpage: 1 Section 1: Institutional specific To what extent do you agree with these statements. If you are unsure of the answer, please choose the ‘neither agree nor disagree’ option: 1a). The University is committed to creating an inclusive environment. o Strongly disagree o Disagree o Slightly disagree o Neither agree nor disagree o Slightly agree o Agree o Strongly agree 1b). The University values diversity and recognises the benefits of having an ethnically diverse staff and student population. o Strongly disagree o Disagree o Slightly disagree o Neither agree nor disagree o Slightly agree o Agree o Strongly agree 1c). Individuals at the University are treated on their merits irrespective of their cultural/national identity or ethnic background. o Strongly disagree o Disagree o Slightly disagree o Neither agree nor disagree o Slightly agree o Agree o Strongly agree 1d). I am treated equally by my manager/lecturers/supervisor irrespective of my cultural/national identity or ethnic background. o Strongly disagree o Disagree o Slightly disagree o Neither agree nor disagree o Slightly agree o Agree o Strongly agree 2 1e). I am treated equally by my colleagues/fellow students irrespective of my cultural/national identity or ethnic background. o o o o o o o Strongly disagree Disagree Slightly disagree Neither agree nor disagree Slightly agree Agree Strongly agree 1f). If race-related incidents were reported to my institution, I believe appropriate action would be taken. o o o o o o o Strongly disagree Disagree Slightly disagree Neither agree nor disagree Slightly agree Agree Strongly agree 1g). Please use the space below to expand on any of your answers: 1h). If any, please state any other issues in relation to race equality specific to a School or Unit in relation to race equality: 1i). If any, please state any other issues in relation to race equality within the University: 3 1j). If any, please state any other issues in relation to race equality within the area that you travel to the University from: 1k). Being specific, please outline what, if anything, you would like the University’s Race Equality Self-Assessment Team to do in relation to race equality: Section 3: Student specific 3a). Campus culture and wellbeing 3a-1). I feel able to be myself without feeling that I have to act differently because of my cultural/ national identity or ethnic background. o o o o o o o Strongly disagree Disagree Slightly disagree Neither agree nor disagree Slightly agree Agree Strongly agree 3a-2). I feel comfortable wearing physical evidence of my religious or belief identity in the University. o o o o o o o o Strongly disagree Disagree Slightly disagree Neither agree nor disagree Slightly agree Agree Strongly agree Not applicable N/A 4 3a-3). I feel safe in and around the University. o o o o o o o Strongly disagree Disagree Slightly disagree Neither agree nor disagree Slightly agree Agree Strongly agree 3a-4). Racially inappropriate behaviour, language or banter are not tolerated at the University. o o o o o o o Strongly disagree Disagree Slightly disagree Neither agree nor disagree Slightly agree Agree Strongly agree 3a-5). My fellow students treat me with respect irrespective of my cultural/national identity or ethnic background. o o o o o o o Strongly disagree Disagree Slightly disagree Neither agree nor disagree Slightly agree Agree Strongly agree 3a-6). University staff across the campus treat me with respect irrespective of my cultural/ national identity or ethnic background. o o o o o o o Strongly disagree Disagree Slightly disagree Neither agree nor disagree Slightly agree Agree Strongly agree 5 3a-7). The personal wellbeing and health support available is good. o o o o o o o Strongly disagree Disagree Slightly disagree Neither agree nor disagree Slightly agree Agree Strongly agree 3a-8). I would recommend the University to prospective students. o o o o o o o Strongly disagree Disagree Slightly disagree Neither agree nor disagree Slightly agree Agree Strongly agree 3a-9). Please use the space below to expand on campus culture and wellbeing in relation to race equality and include details of what you would like the University to do to address issues raised: 3b). Course content 3b-1). My course curriculum considers the contributions of, impact on and opinions of a variety of cultures. o o o o o o o Strongly disagree Disagree Slightly disagree Neither agree nor disagree Slightly agree Agree Strongly agree 6 3b-2). The research and publications cited within my course include work from academics from a diversity of ethnic backgrounds. o o o o o o o Strongly disagree Disagree Slightly disagree Neither agree nor disagree Slightly agree Agree Strongly agree 3b-5). I feel comfortable raising and discussing issues of race and ethnicity in academic discussions. o o o o o o o Strongly disagree Disagree Slightly disagree Neither agree nor disagree Slightly agree Agree Strongly agree 3b-6). There is no expectation or pressure on me to contribute to discussions because of my cultural/national identity or ethnic background. o o o o o o o Strongly disagree Disagree Slightly disagree Neither agree nor disagree Slightly agree Agree Strongly agree 3c). Academic support 3c-1). I am well supported by my course tutors and lecturers and am able to approach them with any questions or queries. o o o o o o o Strongly disagree Disagree Slightly disagree Neither agree nor disagree Slightly agree Agree Strongly agree 7 3c-2). My course tutors and lecturers encourage all students to participate and engage in lectures and seminars, regardless of their ethnicity or race. o o o o o o o Strongly disagree Disagree Slightly disagree Neither agree nor disagree Slightly agree Agree Strongly agree 3c-3). My course tutors and lecturers have high expectations and aspirations for all students regardless of their ethnicity or race. o o o o o o o Strongly disagree Disagree Slightly disagree Neither agree nor disagree Slightly agree Agree Strongly agree 3c-4). The assessment of my performance is not affected by my cultural/national identity or ethnic background. o o o o o o o Strongly disagree Disagree Slightly disagree Neither agree nor disagree Slightly agree Agree Strongly agree 3c-5). The academic support available to me is good. o o o o o o o Strongly disagree Disagree Slightly disagree Neither agree nor disagree Slightly agree Agree Strongly agree 3c-6). Please use the space below to expand on academic support in relation to race equality and include details of what you would like the University to do to address issues raised: 8 3c-7). If any, please use the space below to expand on academic support specific to a School in relation to race equality and include details of what you would like the School to do to address issues raised: 3d). Students’ Association 3d-1). The Students’ Association is an inclusive and safe environment. o o o o o o o Strongly disagree Disagree Slightly disagree Neither agree nor disagree Slightly agree Agree Strongly agree 3d-2). The events and activities organised by the Students’ Association do not tolerate racially offensive or inappropriate behaviour. o o o o o o o Strongly disagree Disagree Slightly disagree Neither agree nor disagree Slightly agree Agree Strongly agree 3d-3). The Students’ Association takes steps to advance race equality and inclusivity through its events and communications. o o o o o o o Strongly disagree Disagree Slightly disagree Neither agree nor disagree Slightly agree Agree Strongly Agree 9 3d-4). Student societies and sub-committees encourage everyone to join, irrespective of their ethnicity or race. o o o o o o o Strongly disagree Disagree Slightly disagree Neither agree nor disagree Slightly agree Agree Strongly agree 3d-5). Please use the space below to expand on socialising and student societies in relation to race equality and include details of what you would like the Students’ Association to do to address issues raised: 3e). Athletic Union 3e-1). The Athletic Union is an inclusive and safe environment. o o o o o o o Strongly disagree Disagree Slightly disagree Neither agree nor disagree Slightly agree Agree Strongly agree 3e-2). Sport clubs encourage everyone to join, irrespective of their ethnicity or race. o o o o o o o Strongly disagree Disagree Slightly disagree Neither agree nor disagree Slightly agree Agree Strongly agree 3e-3). Please use the space below to expand on sports clubs in relation to race equality and include details of what you would like the Athletic Union to do to address issues raised: 10 Student Survey Monitoring Details So that we can understand your answers in more context we would be grateful if you could provide us with some personal information below. The amount of information you provide us with is entirely up to you; please only disclose information with which you are comfortable, but the more you provide, the more useful it will be for us when analysing your survey response. Where you do not wish to disclose information, please choose the ‘prefer not to say’ option, or leave those questions blank. All of the information you provide will be held in the strictest confidence and will only be seen by the HR Equality & Diversity Officer and reported in a non-identifiable method to the ‘Race Equality Charter Mark Self-Assessment Team’ within the University. In which School(s) do you currently study? At what level are you currently studying? Undergraduate Postgraduate taught Postgraduate research PhD Other Institutional If other please specify: Prefer not to say Please specify the title of your course: Are you studying: Full-time Part-time Prefer not to say Please state your Nationality (leave blank if prefer not to say): With which ethnic group do you most identify? (options are listed alphabetically): Asian or Asian British Bangladeshi Chinese Indian Pakistani Any other Asian ethnic background, (please specify) Black or Black British African Caribbean Any other Black background, (please specify) 11 Dual Heritage/Mixed White and Asian White and Black African White and Black Caribbean Any other mixed background, (please specify) White British English Gypsy or Traveller Northern Irish Irish Scottish Welsh Any other white background, (please specify) Prefer not to say Please state your Gender/Sex (leave blank if prefer not to say): Please state your Age (leave blank if prefer not to say): Please state your Religion or Belief/non-belief: Atheist Baha’i Buddhist Christian, denomination: Hindu Humanist Jain Jewish Muslim Pagan Sikh Spiritual Taoist No religion Other, please state: Prefer not to say Please state your Sexual Orientation? Asexual Bisexual Gay man Gay woman/lesbian Heterosexual Other, please state Prefer not to say 12 Disability Do you consider yourself to have a disability, impairment, health condition or learning difference which has a substantial and long-term impact on your ability to carry out day to day activities? Yes No Unsure Prefer not to say The University Race Equality Charter Mark Self Assessment Team would like to sincerely thank you for your valued time in completing this survey. Please post your completed survey to: Sukhi Bains HR E&D Officer Human Resources University of St Andrews The Old Burgh School Abbey Walk St Andrews Fife KY16 9LB Alternatively please email the completed survey to: 13