FALL 2015 Composition Finals Document of Confirmation Please read and initial all points listed on this document; then sign and date it at the end of the last page and return it to your instructor. By signing this document, I am confirming the following: ________ A. I have been informed by my instructor of all information and procedures related to the Final Exam. _________B. I have been informed by my instructor that I must purchase and bring two (2) Blue Books to the Final Exam. I have also been instructed that if I fail the first exam, and I am eligible for the Retake Exam, I must bring two (2) Blue Books to the Retake Exam. (Blue books will be available for purchase in the University bookstore.) The University Book Store will have Blue Books for purchase. Please keep in mind that the book store does not open until 9 a.m. By signing this document, I am confirming the following: ________ 1. I understand that the Final Proficiency Exam is proof of application of work done in my Composition course. ________ 2. I understand that in order to receive a passing grade for any section of Composition, I must complete my course work to the satisfaction of the instructor AND pass the Final Proficiency Exam. ________ 3. I understand that only having a provisional grade of “C-” or better for my course work allows me to retake the Proficiency Exam should my paper be assessed as a failure. ________ 4. I understand that if I have a “D+” or lower as my provisional grade and fail the exam, I will NOT be allowed a retake and must repeat the course next semester. ________ 5. I understand that a retake opportunity for my exam is a courtesy, not a right. ________ 6. I understand that it is my own responsibility to proofread my exam carefully, making any necessary corrections before submitting it at the end of the testing session. _________ 7. I understand that the 75 minute exam session is allotted for the business of the exam, which includes distribution of the question sheets and reading of the questions, allowing sufficient time to write and proofread a five paragraph essay. ________ 8. I understand that I must remain seated in the exam hall for the full 75 minute exam session. _________ 9. I understand that if I am wearing a hooded sweatshirt to the exam, I must not wear the hood up while in the exam hall. ________ 10. I understand that all electronic devices (Cell phones, iPods, etc.) are to be turned off and put away while in the exam hall for the entire 75 minute exam session. _________11. I understand that I may not wear headphones of any type during the exam, even if the device to which they are attached is turned off. ________12. I understand that if I require extra time to complete my exam, I must have documented proof of academic need for that consideration on file with the Dean’s Office prior to the exam. ________ 13. I understand that each exam is read by a team of readers comprised of full-time English Department faculty members following consistent standards related to competent writing. ________ 14. I understand that my Proficiency Exam results will be given me by my instructor during regular class time. ________ 15. I understand that if I am late for my scheduled Exam time, I will NOT be permitted to enter the Exam Hall once the test has started, and my only opportunity to take this exam will be at the Retake. ________ 16. I understand that if I am scheduled to be present at the Retake (whether for a second attempt or an only attempt) and I do not attend, I have failed this course. There is NO retake for the Retake! ________ 17. I understand that if my exam has been judged a failure, my instructor will review my errors on this essay with me as preparation for a retake – if I am eligible for one. ________ 18. I understand that if I fail the exam and am not eligible for a retake, my instructor will still review my exam with me but for information purposes only. ________ 19. I understand that if I am eligible for a retake and fail my second attempt as well, I have failed to prove application of course concepts and so have failed the course. ________ 20. I understand that the results of the Retake, should I take one, will be sent to me via SPU email ONLY. ________21. I understand that it is my responsibility to determine that my SPU email account is in good working order so that I may check my results. ________ 22. I understand that should I fail the Retake, I must contact my advisor to help me change my schedule in order to repeat this failed section of Composition in the semester immediately following the failure. ________23. I understand that as a day session student at SPU, I must take my Composition course at SPU during the day. I may not take the course at another school or in evening division of SPU. NO EXCEPTIONS! ________ 24. I understand that if I fail the course for reasons other than failing the exam (i.e., FA – failure for absence; F -- failure for coursework), I cannot skip a semester of Composition and must retake the failed course the semester immediately following the failure. THIS IS NON-NEGOTIABLE!! ________ 25. I understand that my course grade for Composition can only be accessed on Spirit On-Line. I understand that I am not to call the English Dept. or email my instructor inquiring about my grade. ________26. I understand that if I am failing for coursework, I will not be allowed to take the exam and will therefore be informed of same by a deadline set by my instructor prior to the day of the exam. ________ 27. I understand that if I exceed the allowable number of cuts prior to the exam, I may be given an FA and therefore not be permitted to take the exam. Should this be the case, I will be informed of same by my instructor before the day of the exam. ________ 28. I understand that if I am absent for any of the class days remaining after the class has taken the exam and by doing so, I exceed the number of allowable cuts for the semester, my instructor still has the right to assign me an “FA” for a final grade. STUDENTS MUST ATTEND CLASS UNTIL THE VERY LAST DAY. ________ 29. I understand that my final grade for Composition is based on a combination of grades earned through in-class writing; revised multi-draft papers; grammar work; class participation; CALL or CELAC attendance (where applicable); AND passing the final Proficiency Exam. ________ 30. I understand that I must pass Composition in order to graduate. ________ 31. I understand that I must pass Composition I and II before I can take either of the two core literature courses (Fiction and Poetry & Drama), which are also required for graduation. ________ 32. I understand that I am responsible for my own success or failure in Composition. ________ 33. I understand that I should not miss any other class in order to take the Composition Final Exam. I understand that if there is a scheduling conflict due to Chemistry or Biology Labs, or any other course where I cannot make any of the stated Exam times, that it is my responsibility to contact the English Department seven(7) days prior to the scheduled exam to arrange for an alternate time to take the exam. Please note that we will verify your schedule. If there is no course-related conflict, you will be required to take the exam during the normal-scheduled time. NO EXCEPTIONS! ************ Please sign and date below as confirmation that you have read and understood all points covered in this document. Thank you! NAME: ________________________________________ COURSE NUMBER/SECTION:_________________ INSTRUCTOR: ________________ DATE:_________________________________