Types of Reading Notes

Name: ________________________
Period 6 – Academic Literacy – Research
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Class Notes:
Four Types of Reading:
1. Skim:
2. Scan
3. Devour
4. Scour
Let’s Practice each type:
Skim: to read quickly through a document identifying main ideas and key information. Method—fully
read first paragraph, read first and last sentence of each paragraph and final paragraph. The
remainder of the text just “skim” your eyes over quickly, looking for the main ideas.
Practice: Skim read the article “Is the Bulldog Doomed?” on page 20 of the SCOPE Magazine. Be prepared to answer
general questions about the article.
Skim questions for “Is the Bulldog Doomed?” on page 20 of SCOPE
What is the topic of this article
What are some problems with the bulldog?
What has caused these problems?
What is a suggested way to correct them?
How do people disagree over this?
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Class Notes:
2. Scan: to read quickly through a document looking for one key piece of information. Method—
determine which key word will indicate you are in the “right” area to locate the desired information.
Scan your eyes quickly over the document looking for that word. When you find it, read the
surrounding words to verify if you have located what you were looking for.
Practice: Scan through the entire magazine, looking for the answers to these questions:
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Class Notes:
3. Devour: to read every word of a document to understand and remember the important ideas and
details, the author’s argument and purpose. Method—
Preview the document to get an overall sense of what it will cover.
Establish Purpose for reading (Ask questions)
Read Chunks read every word, stopping to mentally summarize, question and/or react to
important information.
Read “Surviving Hurricane Sandy”
Quiz over “Surviving Hurricane Sandy”
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Directions: On notebook paper, write the question # and the letters for the correct answers. *Some questions may have more than one
correct response.
1. All of the following quotes from “Surviving Hurricane Sandy” support the idea that Sandy was a
terrible storm EXCEPT
A. “millions lost power for days.”
B. “at least 159 people were killed.”
C. “Ariel can see the ocean from her house.”
D. “thousands of homes were damaged.”
2. According to the article, people did the following things to help after the storm (choose ALL that
A. Drove school buses to help kids get to schools in other communities.
B. came with carloads of clothing and toys
C. Helped residents rebuild their destroyed homes.
D. climbed dozens of flights of stairs to deliver water.
3. Ariel started “Survivors Silver Lining” to
A. prove her mother wrong.
B. help kids get better toys.
C. match Sandy survivors with donors.
D. get invited to the White House.
4. Why did Ariel travel to Washington D.C.?
A. to travel with President Obama to survey the hurricane damage.
B. to accept an award as a “Champion of Change”.
C. to speak before congress on the need for hurricane aid programs.
D. to visit the Lincoln Memorial.
5. Did Ariel’s family “ride out” the hurricane in their home? Yes or
6. The author states that “special precautions, such as elevated foundations, will help protect new
structures from flooding.” In this quote, the word precautions most closely means
A. promises that everything will be fine.
B. decorations.
C. actions taken to prevent something bad
from happening.
D. actions taken to recover after something bad happens.
7. Which of the following best states the central idea of “Surviving Hurricane Sandy”?
A. A young girl starts an organization to help
her community after a disaster.
B. It is dangerous to live by the ocean.
C. Many scientists believe the climate is
D. We should consider more carefully when
and how to rebuild after a disaster.
8. What do you infer was Lauren Tarshis’ purpose in writing “Surviving Hurricane Sandy”?
To warn people that hurricanes are
to encourage readers to help stop global warming
to show that people working together with hope can accomplish great good
to convince the reader that the community
of Rockaway is very fortunate to have
received so much help.
9. Ariel’s mother said you can’t control what happens, but you can “choose how you want to deal with it.” Do
you think this was useful advice for Ariel? Explain using an example from the text.
(3 Points Extra Credit for good answers)
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Scour: to read a document more than one time, review, memorize, paraphrase and summarize
its contents. to respond to important ideas, to prepare for a test.. Method—preview, establish
purpose, read, respond, take notes, read again, summarize, mentally test yourself and verify
information, …
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Practice Scour Reading: Article Shrink
School sponsored sports are important programs because they help students cope with the stress of school.
Smarter and Healthier
Your paraphrased sentence of the most important ideas and information from the section.
Equal Opportunity
Your paraphrased sentence of the most important ideas and information from the section.
Go Team!
Your paraphrased sentence of the most important ideas and information from the section.
Summary Statement:
Type of Writing:
Theme/Overall Message:
Put all 5 of the above pieces of information into a Summary Statement sentence:
Author’s Purpose:
Create a statement of your understanding of why the author wrote this article? What was he/she hoping to
Is this a Biased article? Explain your answer.
Personal Response:
Write a short paragraph expressing if you do (or do not) agree with the content of this article, and then explain
WHY, giving some examples to back up your opinion.