Literature Schedule 1 Date 8/17 Have read before class Assignment DUE Pts None 8/19 8/24 8/26 8/31 None Gilgamesh (~3000 BC) 9/02 ●Quiz ●Presentations ●Presentation Paper P/F 25 25 9/07 Labor Day Of 9/09 Song of Songs (~900 BC) ●Quiz ●Presentations ●Presentation Paper P/F 25 25 Aesop’s Fables (~500 BC) ●Quiz ●Presentations ●Presentation Paper P/F 25 25 Dream of the Rood (800 AD) ●Quiz ●Presentations ●Presentation Paper P/F 25 25 Sir Gawain and the Green Knight (Late 1300s) ●Quiz ●Presentations ●Presentation Paper P/F 25 25 The Prince (1532) ●Quiz ●Presentations ●Presentation Paper P/F 25 25 Shakespeare All’s Well that Ends Well (1632) Grimm’s Fairy Tales (1812) ●Quiz ●Presentations ●Presentation Paper P/F 25 25 ●Quiz ●Presentations ●Presentation Paper P/F 25 25 Herman Melville Bartleby (1853) ●Quiz ●Presentations ●Presentation Paper P/F 25 25 9/14 9/16 9/21 9/23 9/28 9/30 10/05 10/07 10/12 10/14 10/19 10/21 10/26 10/28 Your Score Literature Schedule 2 Sherlock Holmes “The Man with the Twisted Lip” (1891) ●Quiz ●Presentations ●Presentation Paper P/F 25 25 11/09 Joseph Conrad Heart of Darkness (1899) ●Quiz ●Presentations ●Presentation Paper P/F 25 25 11/11 Veterans Day Off 11/16 Virginia Woolf “Mark on the Wall” (1921) ●Quiz ●Presentations ●Presentation Paper P/F 25 25 Thanksgiving Break Off ●Shakespeare in the Park (As guest) ●Shakespeare in the Park (As staff) ●Quiz ●Presentations ●Presentation Paper P/F 25 25 ●Term Paper 150 ●Prezi on ALA paper 100 11/02 11/04 11/18 11/23 11/25-11/29 11/30 Richard Bach Jonathon Livingston Seagull (1970) Your ALA Novel 12/02 Exam week Quizzes are simple questions concerning the reading; however, they won’t be answerable by reading summaries or cliff notes of the stories. If you do not pass the quiz for an assigned reading, you cannot obtain any points for the presentation or the presentation paper. Presentations: Must have a handout or a Prezi of cryptic notes where you will discuss your prechosen aspect of the weekly readings. These should be 3-5 minutes. You are not graded on presenting skills or time limits; you are grading on utilizing the information of your pre-chosen sphere of life in relation to the weekly reading. Presentation Paper: MLA format. 1 to 1-1/2 page paper using your own words discussing your part of the weekly presentations. Literature Schedule 3 ALA Paper: Choose a novel from the ALA that was published in the 20th century. Write a paper concerning all of the presentation sections in regards to your paper. Prezi: Using Prezi, give a presentation covering all the points of the paper. No late work, no make-up work. You have two chances to earn points for late or missed work, see below: By attending one showing of our Shakespeare in the Park, you can replace a missed or low grade quiz/presentation/paper with a 50/50. By staffing one showing of our Shakespeare in the Park, you can replace a missed or low grade quiz/presentation/paper with a 50/50. Optionally you can choose to not do up to two weekly sets of assignments and replace them with Shakespeare in the park attendance and staffing. Acting: Taking a role in Shakespeare in the Park and performing when the play is open for two weekends will exempt you from Holmes, Conrad, Woolfe, and Bach assignments as long as you pass the quizzes for those readings. Additionally, you will be exempt from the Prezi assignment,