2010 Summer Workshop Lessonopoly Lesson Plans Teacher Externship Lesson Plans Teacher School Title Subject Grade Description Web Address Beckham, Kevin Sheppard Middle School ARUSD The Great Pyramid of Cake-Fu Career Technical Education, HistorySocial Science 6 Students will Construct http://www.lessonopoly.org/svef/?q=node/2982 scale models of the Great Pyramid at Giza using cake and frosting. Beckham, Kevin Sheppard Middle School ARUSD The Students' Career Technical Guild Education, HistorySocial Science 7 The Students will http://www.lessonopoly.org/svef/?q=node/2986 create a trade guild using information from Medieval European Guilds and apply the information to the creation of trade unions. Calbo, Richard Sheppard Middle School ARUSD Measuring Mathematics 6 Students will learn to measure using a standard ruler with 16 segments in an inch. http://www.lessonopoly.org/svef/?q=node/2981 Calbo, Richard Sheppard Middle School ARUSD Ball Park Project Mathematics 6,7,8 Students will design and build a model major league baseball stadium to scale. http://www.lessonopoly.org/svef/?q=node/2976 Calbo, Sheppard Richard M. Middle School ARUSD Board Feet Mathematics 8 Student will be able to http://www.lessonopoly.org/svef/?q=node/2983 calculate the amount of Board Feet in a unit of lumber. Cox, Lee McCollam School ARUSD "What's Your Perspective" Mathematics 5 Students will draw personal perspectives and construct block formations http://www.lessonopoly.org/svef/?q=node/2989 Cox, Lee McCollam Architectural Mathematics 5 Students will identify http://www.lessonopoly.org/svef/?q=node/2958 Teacher Externship Lesson Plans Teacher School Title Subject Grade Description Web Address School ARUSD Shapes and Design Dagar, Swati McEntee Academy ARUSD Dream Room Mathematics, Construction 4,5,6 Students will be able to http://www.lessonopoly.org/svef/?q=node/2947 use and apply the formulas of area and perimeter of squares and rectangles. Dagar, Swati McEntee Academy ARUSD 3D Dream Room Mathematics, Construction 4,5 Students will http://www.lessonopoly.org/svef/?q=node/2990 understand how 3dimensional figures are different from 2dimensional figures using the Google Sketch-up software. Hagen, Carol Sheppard Middle School ARUSD Insect Mathematics, Collection Box Science 7 Students will make a http://www.lessonopoly.org/svef/?q=node/2961 display box out of construction paper, then they will use that plan to make one out of cardboard. Hagen, Carol Sheppard Middle School ARUSD Graduated Cylinder Success Mathematics, Science 7 The students will work http://www.lessonopoly.org/svef/?q=node/2955 in teams of 4 and learn how to use a graduated cylinder. Kelly, Nora Sheppard Middle School ARUSD Scale It! Mathematics, AVID Kelly, Nora Sheppard Middle Advertise Your AVID Career what shapes architects use to build houses. 7,8 The students will make http://www.lessonopoly.org/svef/?q=node/2977 a scale drawing of the classroom. 7,8 The students will interview a person http://www.lessonopoly.org/svef/?q=node/2959 Teacher Externship Lesson Plans Teacher School Title Subject School ARUSD Grade Description Web Address from the building trades and create a brochure "advertising" that career. Lazo, Anna Sheppard Middle School ARUSD Measure Our Classroom Mathematics 6,7 Working with a partner, http://www.lessonopoly.org/svef/?q=node/2978 the students will measure the classroom walls, windows, doorways, cabinets to find the surface area of the classroom's interior. Lazo, Anna Sheppard Middle School ARUSD Can I Estimate Mathematics the Cost? 5,6,7 The students will be http://www.lessonopoly.org/svef/?q=node/2980 given a unit of paint and estimate how many they will need at $0.50. Le, Tran Painter Fractions on a Mathematics, Elementary Ruler Construction School (Measurement) ARUSD 4 Students will learn how http://www.lessonopoly.org/svef/?q=node/2962 to identify fractions on a number line and will use this knowledge to measure objects in the classroom. Le, Tran Painter Meet the Elementary Trades School ARUSD 4 Students will http://www.lessonopoly.org/svef/?q=node/2954 explore/research different careers in the trades industry. English Language Arts, Construction Industry Lowy, Kathy Pala Middle Pythagorean Mathematics School Theorem: ARUSD Practical Uses 7 Students will apply http://www.lessonopoly.org/svef/?q=node/2984 their knowledge of the Pythagorean Theorem Teacher Externship Lesson Plans Teacher School Title Subject (Lesson 2) Grade Description Web Address to both draw out plans for a roof. Lowy, Kathy Pala Middle Pythagorean Mathematics School Theorem: ARUSD Practical Uses (Lesson 1) 7 Students will learn http://www.lessonopoly.org/svef/?q=node/2979 about the Pythagorean Theorem and try to think of practical uses for it in preparation for a real world application in a second lesson. Lowy, Kathy Pala Middle Pythagorean Mathematics School Theorem: ARUSD Practical Uses (Lesson 3) 7 Students will use the http://www.lessonopoly.org/svef/?q=node/2994 architectural plans of a roof that they drew to construct it, using limited materials. MacDonald, Painter Dream Room Cyndi Elementary School ARUSD Mathematics, Science, Career Technical Education, Construction/The Trades MacDonald, Painter Getting to Cyndi Elementary Know School Architect ARUSD Arts, English Language Arts, English Language MacDonald, Painter Dream Room Cyndi Elementary Lighting School ARUSD Mathematics, Career Technical Education, English 4,5,6 Students will be able to http://www.lessonopoly.org/svef/?q=node/2974 compare and contrast the efficiency of using solar energy vs. electricity. 5 To extend students vocabulary by one word a week in the Trades field of Architect. http://www.lessonopoly.org/svef/?q=node/2992 4,5,6 Students will be able to http://www.lessonopoly.org/svef/?q=node/2975 compare and contrast the efficiency of using solar energy vs. electricity. Teacher Externship Lesson Plans Teacher School Title Subject Grade Description Web Address Mok, Steve Painter Dream Room English Language Elementary Writing Day 2 Arts, Writing School ARUSD 4,5 Write at least 4 http://www.lessonopoly.org/svef/?q=node/2946 paragraphs about their "Dream Room" showing their understanding of the construction trade in a writing project. Mok, Steve Painter Dream Room English Language Elementary Writing Day 1 Arts, Writing School ARUSD 4,5 Students will write at least 4 paragraphs about their "Dream Room". http://www.lessonopoly.org/svef/?q=node/2923 Rzepski, Greta Painter Writing a Elementary Persuasive School Letter #2 ARUSD English Language Arts 5 Writing a persuasive http://www.lessonopoly.org/svef/?q=node/2993 letter in support of implementing a compost system in our school to support green technology within our school. Rzepski, Greta Painter Writing a Elementary Persuasive School Letter ARUSD English Language Arts 5 Writing a persuasive http://www.lessonopoly.org/svef/?q=node/2985 letter in support of implementing a compost system in our school to support green technology within our school. Mathematics, Arts 5 Students will use http://www.lessonopoly.org/svef/?q=node/2963 perimeter, area and drawing skills to increase their measurement skills that Templeton, Linda Vista Measuring Linda Elementary and Scaling School the 4-Square Blacktop Courts Teacher Externship Lesson Plans Teacher School Title Subject Grade Description Web Address can be applied towards the building trades. Templeton, Linda Vista Using Mathematics Linda Elementary Perimeter and School Surface Area Skills in Application Weiland, Lisa Wilson Alternative High School - SCUSD Construction Math: Pythagorean Theorem Weiland, Lisa Wilson Introduction Alternative to High School Construction - SCUSD Mathematics, Careers Arts, Computer 5 Students will use http://www.lessonopoly.org/svef/?q=node/2957 perimeter and surface area skills in application which will assist in developing building trade skills in construction, architecture, and engineering. 10 Using construction http://www.lessonopoly.org/svef/?q=node/2991 concept and the building trades jargon, students will explore the Pythagorean Theorem's use in math/geometry. 9 Students will learn to http://www.lessonopoly.org/svef/?q=node/2922 write letters requesting information using the Theme of Introduction to Construction.