Police Nordic Technical Specification PNTS-RS-A-0100.7 For Official Use Only REQUIREMENTS ON 9 x 19 MM AMMUNITION Including tenderer's reply for ammunition types Andreas Hahnquist, Swedish National Police Board, Sweden Terje Egge, National Police Computing and Materiel Service, Norway Jimmy Hansen, Danish National Police, Denmark 2013-04-29 A012.737/2013 Appendix A Police Nordic Technical Specification PNTS-RS-A-0100.7 For Official Use Only REQUIREMENTS ON 9 X 19 MM AMMUNITION CONTENTS 1 INTRODUCTION....................................................................................................................................... 3 2 REQUIREMENT CATEGORIES AND PERFORMANCE ASSESSMENT .............................................. 5 2.1 Evaluation process ........................................................................................................................... 5 2.1.1 Procedural rules ....................................................................................................................................... 5 2.2 Definitions ......................................................................................................................................... 5 3 REFERENCE WEAPONS ........................................................................................................................ 6 4 TECHNICAL DOCUMENTATION ............................................................................................................ 7 4.1 5 COMPONENT REQUIREMENTS............................................................................................................. 9 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 6 Packing ........................................................................................................................................... 19 Labelling ......................................................................................................................................... 20 SHELF LIFE REQUIREMENTS ............................................................................................................. 21 9.1 10 Body armour penetration ................................................................................................................ 18 PACKING AND LABELLING REQUIREMENTS ................................................................................... 19 8.1 8.2 9 Chamber pressure.......................................................................................................................... 14 Function and casualty .................................................................................................................... 15 Velocity ........................................................................................................................................... 16 Precision ......................................................................................................................................... 17 Powder residue .............................................................................................................................. 17 TERMINAL BALLISTIC REQUIREMENTS ........................................................................................... 18 7.1 8 Dimensions and outlook ................................................................................................................... 9 Cartridge case ................................................................................................................................ 11 Bullet............................................................................................................................................... 11 Primer ............................................................................................................................................. 13 Waterproofing ................................................................................................................................. 13 INTERNAL AND EXTERNAL BALLISTIC REQUIREMENTS .............................................................. 14 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 7 Mandatory documents ...................................................................................................................... 7 Guarantee of functionality .............................................................................................................. 21 QUALITY ASSURANCE REQUIREMENTS .......................................................................................... 22 10.1 10.2 Assurance system .......................................................................................................................... 22 Quality assurance system .............................................................................................................. 22 2 / 22 A012.737/2013 Appendix A Police Nordic Technical Specification PNTS-RS-A-0100.7 For Official Use Only 1 INTRODUCTION This document describes the minimum mandatory requirements for 9 x 19 mm calibre ammunition developed for: Rikspolisstyrelsen – Swedish National Police Board. It is noted that there are dimensional differences between commercial and military cartridge chambers and ammunition and hence different calibre notations are occasionally used. The intent however is that all ammunition, whether conforming to CIP, SAAMI or NATO specifications, can be safely and reliably used in the service weapons. To simplify and shorten the notation, designation 9mm is used in this document. This document applies to the following ammunition types with requirement deviations described below: Type C - training ammunition with non-toxic primer and total metal jacketed lead core bullet Type D - training ammunition with non-toxic primer and frangible bullet These service ammunition selection criteria are based on recognised Nordic legal principles that define the use of force guidelines. The means used and harm caused shall be in reasonable proportion to the objective and interests being protected. Any police action must be reasonable and shall be performed without causing greater damage or harm than is necessary to accomplish the task. Any actions must be justifiable in relation to the importance of the task and overall assessment of the situation. The taking of a human life cannot be an objective. It must be recognised that any situation justifying the use of lethal force is an extreme one and that law enforcement officials have an obligation to protect first the non-involved bystanders, themselves and lastly the offenders from unnecessary and unjustified danger and harm. It can therefore be said that: - it is unacceptable to cause unnecessary danger to the innocent by using overpenetrating or severely ricocheting bullets; - it is unacceptable to demand a police officer to risk his or her health or life by using inaccurate, unreliable or ineffective bullets; - it is unacceptable to cause the offender more severe injuries than are justifiable and necessary to stop unlawful activities; - a firearm is a lethal weapon. Both using and not using it may lead to loss of life although killing a human being cannot be an objective. The use of a firearm is sometimes necessary and unavoidable in order to avoid more serious consequences; - exceptional circumstances may justify the use of special equipment. All references to NATO MOPI refer to document NATO ARMY ARMAMENTS GROUP (NAAG) LAND CAPABILITY GROUP 1 ON DISMOUNTED SOLDIER 3 / 22 A012.737/2013 Appendix A Police Nordic Technical Specification PNTS-RS-A-0100.7 For Official Use Only SUB GROUP 1 ON SMALL ARMS AMMUNITION INTERCHANGEABILITY MULTI-CALIBRE MOPI FOR 5.56 MM, 7.62 MM, 9 MM AND 12.7 MM AMMUNITION PFP(NAAG-LCG/1-SG/1)WP(2010)0002 working paper 17 December, 2010. 4 / 22 A012.737/2013 Appendix A Police Nordic Technical Specification PNTS-RS-A-0100.7 For Official Use Only 2 REQUIREMENT CATEGORIES AND PERFORMANCE ASSESSMENT 2.1 Evaluation process The evaluation process consists of three separate phases. Phase one: a) b) c) All tenders will be inspected for completeness of documentation, compliance with the mandatory technical requirements to be verified on provided documentation, price and delivery conditions. A tender failing in phase one will not be directly eligible for phase two. Phase two: Inspection and measurement of ammunition samples delivered for testing. Key tests of functional reliability, precision, waterproofing, bullet stability and velocity. A tender failing any mandatory requirements in phase two will not be eligible for phase three. Phase three: Tactical requirements in terminal ballistics will be completed on the contenders passing phase two. The performance data obtained during evaluation process are used to establish the acceptance criteria of contractual deliveries. 2.1.1 Procedural rules If any ammunition fails to pass a test, the test equipment is checked for possible defect. If a defect is found, it is corrected and the ammunition in question is granted a new test. If any measured value deviates significantly from other measured values in the same test, the value may, but does not have to be excluded upon discretion of the Principal. Such a value should, however, be at least 3 standard deviations, calculated including the suspect value, from the mean. Any measurement uncertainty defined for each test will be used for tenderer’s advantage. 2.2 Definitions Mean x x Kinetic energy i Ek 0.5 * m * v 2 n Standard deviation SD (x x) 2 (n 1) 5 / 22 A012.737/2013 Appendix A Police Nordic Technical Specification PNTS-RS-A-0100.7 For Official Use Only 3 REFERENCE WEAPONS Table 3-1: Reference weapons Category Weapon Barrel (mm) Long reference weapon Heckler&Koch MP5A2 225 Short reference weapon SIG Sauer P226 112 Before being used for evaluation testing, the weapons are thoroughly cleaned, inspected and test fired to ascertain that they are faultless. The following measurements are taken and compared against manufacturer specifications: headspace with CIP go and no-go gauges barrel land diameter (small caliber) measured from chamber and muzzle end visual inspection of barrel straightness recoil spring force constant (standard recoil spring shall be used) firing pin percussion energy firing pin protrusion and concentricity magazine spring length magazine lip gap Proof barrel specifications are intended for the ammunition manufacturer who must supply the required performance data obtained using those barrels. The proof barrels must be NATO MOPI compliant as specified in section 18. Table 3-2: Proof barrel dimensions Barrel Headspace (mm) Firing pin protrusion (mm) Firing pin indent* (mm) 9mm 19.15 to 19.23 0.89 to 1.14 0.28 to 0.38 * Copper crusher bit inserted in a measurement cartridge The proof barrel used in evaluation tests is 150 mm C.I.P. barrel. For velocity and precision tests the transducer vent is blocked to prevent case puncture and any leakage of chamber pressure. 6 / 22 A012.737/2013 Appendix A Police Nordic Technical Specification PNTS-RS-A-0100.7 For Official Use Only 4 TECHNICAL DOCUMENTATION 4.1 Mandatory documents The manufacturer must supply the following technical documentation in English for each ammunition type offered in the order specified. In case the information required is confidential, it must be clearly labelled accordingly. All dimensions must be in metric units. 1. DATA SHEET indicating 1.1. Manufacturer 1.2. Product name and product code if applicable 1.3. Calibre 1.4. Bullet identification, manufacturer, weight and product code if applicable 1.5. Ballistic coefficient of bullet 1.6. Case identification, manufacturer and product code if applicable 1.7. Primer identification, type, manufacturer and product code if applicable 1.8. Powder identification, type, manufacturer, charge weight and product code if applicable 1.9. Amount of powder that is left unburned in discharge of a cartridge and ejected from the barrel onto shooting range floor. If the figure is based on theoretical calculation, it must be mentioned. See also emissions below. Report on used test method. 1.10. Raw materials used for bullet core, jacket and cartridge case. Hardness of bullet materials must be declared. 2. OFFICIAL CERTIFICATE OF C.I.P. , SAAMI OR NATO CONFORMANCE. The certificate must refer to the ammunition offered and not be older than two years. 3. MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET of all toxic materials. 4. SCALE DRAWINGS of cartridge, case, case head, bullet and primer 5. DESCRIPTION OF ACCEPTABLE MANUFACTURING TOLERANCES and performance variations. 6. DESCRIPTION OF PACKAGING as defined in requirements. 7. SHELF LIFE and description of recommended storage conditions 8. MEASUREMENT DATA obtained using manufacturer’s instrumentation and the same ammunition lot which will be delivered for evaluation tests. 8.1. Primer sensitivity run-down test distribution as defined in NATO MOPI section 24 “Primer Sensitivity Test Procedure”. Only basic 100% fire/no-fire test report is required. 7 / 22 A012.737/2013 Appendix A Police Nordic Technical Specification PNTS-RS-A-0100.7 For Official Use Only 8.2. Bullet seating tightness individual measurements, maximum, minimum, mean value and standard deviation per random sample of 20 using a measurement method as described in NATO MOPI section 25 “Bullet Extraction Test Procedure”. 8.3. Bullet weight individual measurements, maximum, minimum, mean value and standard deviation per random sample of 20 8.4. Powder charge weight individual measurements, maximum, minimum, mean value and standard deviation per random sample of 20 8.5. Velocity with manufacturer’s proof barrel, individual measurements, maximum, minimum, mean value and standard deviation per random sample of 20 in temperatures -20, +20 and +40º C 8.6. Precision test targets shot with manufacturer´s precision barrel. There shall be four targets with 5 shots each. A printout of an electronic target system showing impacts and impact coordinates is preferred over copies of actual targets. The method and firing distance must be the same used by the manufacturer for normal quality assurance and must be described. 8.7. Chamber pressure measured using NATO EPVAT, C.I.P. or SAAMI pietzo electric method showing individual measurements of peak pressure and time to peak with maximum, minimum, mean values, standard deviations and pressure curves of a sample of 20 in temperatures -20, +20 and +40º C. 8.8. Fragmentation report on behaviour and safety recommendations concerning Type D fragmenting bullet ammunition. 8.9. Waterproofing report on test using NATO desiccator method. 9. Production of 9mm ammunition. If certified by an accredited organisation, the Manufacturer shall submit a copy of the certificate, ISO 9001 or equivalent. The certificate must minimum include production. If not certified, the Manufacturer must describe his quality assurance system, e.g. by submitting a quality manual (index) corresponding to the substantial requirements in ISO 9001, or equivalent. The quality manual (index) must minimum include production routines. The documentation is to be assessed for completeness and to verify those requirements where manufacturer declaration is considered sufficient. As the documentation required is extensive and technically complex, the principal may, but is not obliged to, request additional information after the tender deadline for clarification purposes. The documentation is also used as a basis for later delivery acceptance inspections and for synchronizing the manufacturer and Principal instrumentation. Measurement data must be delivered later for every lot of contractual delivery. 8 / 22 A012.737/2013 Appendix A Police Nordic Technical Specification PNTS-RS-A-0100.7 For Official Use Only 5 COMPONENT REQUIREMENTS 5.1 Dimensions and outlook Requirement No. Dimensions in accordance with CIP or SAAMI. #1 M Chambering into the minimum chamber gauge must not require force exceeding 25 N. All ammunition must, however, be dimensionally compatible with and safe to use in weapons built to CIP, SAAMI, MIL and NATO specifications. Response Type Yes/No, reference to tender section C D Verification: Phase 1 – Technical documentation 4.1 items 2 and 5 Phase 2 - Test with CIP minimum chamber gauge. #2 M Defects and classification as below in accordance C with NATO MOPI section 11. Acceptable defects per 5000 cartridges are: Category 1 - none Category 2 - three Category 3 - four Category 4 - six D Total number of defects may not exceed six Verification: Phase 2 - Visual inspection UNFIRED AMMUNITION DEFECTS CODES CATEGORIES 1 2 3 DEFECTS 4 OVERALL COR DIM MCF WAT COL SST Corrosion Cartridge dimensions out of specifications Maximum chambering force exceeded Wrong ammunition type in box Discoloration (Minor stains allowed) Sealant stains on case or bullet X X X X X X BULLET BJI BUD BM BSM Incomplete jacket Bullet seated upside down Bullet missing Missing sealant (if required) X X X X 9 / 22 A012.737/2013 Appendix A Police Nordic Technical Specification BSF BDS BSA BLS PNTS-RS-A-0100.7 Sealant flow inside case Dents and scratches on bullet (Minor dents caused by loading tools are accepted) Bullet seated askew Bullet loose or case mouth not crimped to cannelure For Official Use Only X X X X CASE CDS CPL CH CM CB FHM FHI HS Dents and scratches (Minor dents caused by loading tools are accepted) Plating partially or entirely missing or flaking Case head rounded or bevelling faulty Case mouth deformed or cracked (Normal slight bulging due to bullet seating is accepted.) Case body or head cracked Flash hole missing Flash hole incomplete Headstamp entirely or partially missing or illegible X X X X X X X X PRIMER PRD PHI PSM PSS Missing, deformed or seated upside down (Normal toolmarks are accepted) Seated higher than case head Missing sealant Primer sealant stains X X X X 10 / 22 A012.737/2013 Appendix A Police Nordic Technical Specification PNTS-RS-A-0100.7 For Official Use Only 5.2 Cartridge case Requirement No. Must be of brass (CuZn). No reused cases are #1 M accepted. Response Yes/No, reference to tender section C D Verification: Phase 1 – Technical documentation 4.1 item 1.10 #2 M The head stamp must be engraved or stamped with manufacturer identification, calibre designation, year of manufacture and ammunition lot identification. The latter two may be in a coded form as long as an unambiguous connection to lot number and year of manufacture exists. C D Verification: Phase 1 – Technical documentation 4.1 item 4 Phase 2 - Visual inspection 5.3 Bullet Requirement No. The bullet materials must be equal to or softer than #1 M brass (< HRB 100). Response Yes/No, reference to tender section C D Verification: Phase 1 – Technical dockumentation 4.1 item 1.10 #2 M The minimum individual seating tightness (required extraction force) is 200 N. C Verification: Phase 1 – Technical documentation 4.1 item 8.2 Phase 2 - Measurement of seating tightness as per PNTS-MD-A-0100 D Not applicable 11 / 22 A012.737/2013 Appendix A Police Nordic Technical Specification #3 M PNTS-RS-A-0100.7 The bullet must contain only x-ray detectable materials. For Official Use Only C D Verification: Phase 1 – Technical documentation 4.1 item 1.10 #4 M The bullet must be completely covered by jacket made of tombak or comparable material. C D Not applicable The fragmenting bullet must neither penetrate a 5 mm steel plate nor cause dangerous fragments when fired from defined service weapons. C Not applicable Verification: Phase 1 – Technical documentation 4.1 item 8.9 Phase 2 – Fragmentation test as described in Manual of Test Methods PNTS-MD-A-0100. D Verification: Phase 1 – Technical documentation 4.1 items 1.10 and 4 #5 #6 M M The fragmenting bullet must have a special C designator either painted or embossed, to identify the cartridge as frangible. D Not applicable Verification: Phase 1 – Technical documentation 4.1 item 4 12 / 22 A012.737/2013 Appendix A Police Nordic Technical Specification PNTS-RS-A-0100.7 For Official Use Only 5.4 Primer Requirement Response No. Yes/No, reference to tender section A 55 g ± 0.5 weight dropped on firing pin with a C #1 M hemispherical tip of 1.27 mm radius will cause 100% fire when dropped from a height of 305 mm and 100% misfire when dropped from 75 mm. D Verification: Phase 1 – Technical documentation 4.1 item 8.1 Phase 2 - Primer sensitivity test if deemed necessary #2 M The cartridge primer must be of non-toxic type. C D Verification: Phase 1 – Technical documentation 4.1 items 1.7 and 3. Phase 2 – Visual inspection 5.5 Waterproofing Requirement Response No. Yes/No, reference to tender section C #1 Mandatory requirement The type C ammunition is Condition 2 surface diving waterproof as specified in the Manual of test methods. The velocities of the thus conditioned ammunition must meet the requirement on velocity. No cartridge must fail to fire. Verification: Phase 1 Technical documentation 4.1 item 8.9 Phase 2 (key requirement) Waterproofing test as described in Manual of Test Methods PNTS-MD-A0100. If the test fails the NATO desiccator test will be used with double sample. D Not applicable 13 / 22 A012.737/2013 Appendix A Police Nordic Technical Specification PNTS-RS-A-0100.7 For Official Use Only 6 INTERNAL AND EXTERNAL BALLISTIC REQUIREMENTS 6.1 Chamber pressure Requirement Response No. Yes/No, reference to tender section Chamber pressure conforms to CIP or SAAMI C #1 M requirements, whichever is higher when measured with a pietzoelectric conformal transducer on the side wall of the case. D Verification: Phase 1 - Tender documentation, measurement data #2 M Notwithstanding 6.1.1, chamber pressure must meet the following requirements when measured with Kistler 6215, HPI GP6 or equivalent piezoelectric transducer using non-conformal method. C Maximum Mean Pressure for +20 °C + 1 °C sample: 240,0 MPa. Maximum individual pressure for -20, +20 and +40 °C + 1 °C samples : 270,3 MPa. D Maximum mean time from firing pin impact to peak pressure + 2 standard deviations: 1,5 ms at -20, +20 and +40°C Note 1: Sample size is 20 rounds per temperature condition. Phase 1: Written confirmation in tender. Phase 2 – Tested according to PNTS-MD-0100 #3 M The chamber pressure must meet the above defined C requirements after ASTM D4169 Random test option / Truck, Assurance level I test or equivalent. D Verification: Phase 2 - Test as specified in PNTS-MD-A-0100 14 / 22 A012.737/2013 Appendix A Police Nordic Technical Specification PNTS-RS-A-0100.7 For Official Use Only 6.2 Function and casualty Requirement No. The ammunition must function reliably in all #1 M reference weapons at +40, +20 and –20 °C. Defects and classification as below in accordance with NATO MOPI section 11. Acceptable defects per 5000 cartridges are: Category 1 - none Category 2 and 3 - four Category 4 - six Total number of defects may not exceed six Response Yes/No, reference to tender section C D Verification: Phase 2 - Visual inspection Phase 3 - Function and casualty test according to PNTS-MD-A-0100 Note 1: All rounds fired in evaluation testing are included in assessment of functional reliability. DEFECTS AND INCIDENTS CAUSED BY AMMUNITION Note 1: For definitions see NATO Multi-Calibre MOPI section 11 Note 3: Bulged case may also be an indication of weapon failure i.e. premature unlocking of breech CODES DEFECTS AND INCIDENTS BB ( ) BC BEC BEO BF BI/S BP BS BY CCR ( ) CO DB ES ET FBR FEJ ( ) FEX FFD FFD ( ) FP FTL GE+ Bullet in Bore (distance from chamber) Bulged Case (max. diameter 10 mm ) Breech Explosion (Closed) Breech Explosion (Open) Breech Flash Bullet Integrity/Stripping Blown Primer Belt Separation Bullet Yaw Complete Circumferential Rupture Cook Off Distorted Base Excessive Smoke Early Trace Failure of Bolt to Remain at the Rear Failure to Eject Failure to Extract Failure to Feed CATEGORIES 1 2 3 X X X X X X X 4 not applicable not applicable X X X X not applicable X X X X Flattened Primer Failure to Lock. Gas Escape around Primer in excess of 50% of Information only X X 15 / 22 A012.737/2013 Appendix A Police Nordic Technical Specification GEGETP HF IBE LS MF MFL MS PCR ( ) PL PM PO PP PPO PS RN( ) SC( ) SPC ( ) UF WSL PNTS-RS-A-0100.7 circumference Gas escape around Primer of less than 50% of circumference Gas Escape Through Primer Hangfire (Audible) In Bore Explosion (Bullet) Light Strike Misfire Muzzle Flash Muzzle Sparks Partial Circumferential Rupture (position to be indicated) Primer Loose – Stays in Pocket Piled Up Metal (Flowback of primer cup metal) Primer/Cap Out or Loose Primer/Cap which falls out of pocket Pierced Primer Primer Punch Out Primer Setback (Primer higher than case head) Reformed Neck (shortened neck) Stretched Case (maximum case length … mm ) Split case (position to be indicated) Uncontrolled Firing Weapon Stoppage Attributable to Link For Official Use Only X X X not applicable X X X X X X X X X X X not applicable X X not applicable not applicable 6.3 Velocity Requirement Response No. Yes/No, reference to tender section The ammunition shows minimal sensitivity to C #1 M extreme temperatures. The maximum acceptable difference between any of the mean velocities will be no greater than 15 m/s and no standard deviation will exceed 15 m/s at +40, +20 and –20 °C ±2 D Verification: Phase 2 - Velocity measurement with defined reference weapons according to PNTS-MD-A-0100 16 / 22 A012.737/2013 Appendix A Police Nordic Technical Specification PNTS-RS-A-0100.7 For Official Use Only 6.4 Precision Requirement No. The average spread of four, five shot consecutive #1 M groups is no greater than 75 mm at minimum 25 m when measured as centre to centre distance, shot at +21±3 °C with manufacturer’s proof barrel which is no longer than 15 cm and shall be mounted on a machine rest, Response Yes/No, reference to tender section C D Verification: Phase 1 – Technical documentation 4.1 item 8.7 #2 The ammunition will be tested for precision with defined short reference weapon and C.I.P proof barrel. C The average spread of four, five shot consecutive groups is no greater than 75 mm at minimum 25 m when measured as centre to centre distance, shot at +21±3 °C with C.I.P. proof barrel. D The average spread of four, five shot consecutive groups is no greater than 90 mm at minimum 25 m when measured as centre to centre distance, shot at +21±3 °C with short reference weapon. Verification: Phase 2 - Precision measurement test with short reference weapon and defined C.I.P. proof barrel. See test methods manual PNTS-MD-A-0100. 6.5 Powder residue Requirement No. Type C and D ammunition shall not leave more than #1 8% residue including unburned powder calculated from the original announced mean powder charge. Response Yes/No, reference to tender section C D Verification: Phase 1 – Written confirmation in tender. Phase 2 – Verification test according to PNTS-MDA-0100 17 / 22 A012.737/2013 Appendix A Police Nordic Technical Specification PNTS-RS-A-0100.7 For Official Use Only 7 TERMINAL BALLISTIC REQUIREMENTS 7.1 Body armour penetration Requirement No. The bullet must not penetrate NIJ level II or #1 M equivalent body armour set up at 0° angle between flight path and panel surface normal. Weapon used: defined long reference weapon. Response Yes/No, reference to tender section C D Verification: Phase 3 - PNTS-MD-A-0100 Body armour penetration test (NIJ 0101.06 applied) 18 / 22 A012.737/2013 Appendix A Police Nordic Technical Specification PNTS-RS-A-0100.7 For Official Use Only 8 PACKING AND LABELLING REQUIREMENTS 8.1 Packing Requirement No. Each delivery lot must be loaded on Euro-pallets or #1 M pallets of comparable dimensions. Response Yes/No, reference to tender section C D Verification: Phase 1 – Written confrimation in tender #2 #3 M M The weight of a loaded pallet must not exceed 1000 kg. C Verification : Phase 1 - Written confrimation in tender D The pallet must endure normal truck transportation and storage handling as defined in standard ASTM D4169-08 or equivalent. C Verification : Phase 1 - Technical documentation, certificate of testing, , description of packaging #4 M Inner package: a box of 50 cartridges or more. D C D Verification: Phase 1 – Written confrimation in tender #5 M Ammunition is in airtight packaging containing one or more boxes. C D Verification: Phase 1 - Tender documentation, description of packaging 19 / 22 A012.737/2013 Appendix A Police Nordic Technical Specification PNTS-RS-A-0100.7 For Official Use Only 8.2 Labelling Requirement No. Inner package: Manufacturer, calibre, quantity, lot #1 M number and customer defined text. Outer package: manufacturer, calibre, quantity, lot number, hazard class, UN number, NEM (net explosive), net weight and gross weight and customer defined text. Response Yes/No, reference to tender section C D Customer defined text will be defined after signing of contract. Verification: Phase 1 - Tender documentation, description of packaging #2 M In addition to manufacturer’s information the ammunition box must have customer defined text and colour C Verification: Phase 1 – Written confirmation in tender D 20 / 22 A012.737/2013 Appendix A Police Nordic Technical Specification PNTS-RS-A-0100.7 For Official Use Only 9 SHELF LIFE REQUIREMENTS 9.1 Guarantee of functionality Requirement No. Functionality of the cartridges will be guaranteed at #1 M acceptance criteria level for 5 years and at minimum requirement level for 10 years when stored in manufacturer specified conditions that can generally be considered normal storage conditions. Response Yes/No, reference to tender section C D Verification: Phase 1 - Tender documentation, storage conditions 21 / 22 A012.737/2013 Appendix A Police Nordic Technical Specification PNTS-RS-A-0100.7 For Official Use Only 10 QUALITY ASSURANCE REQUIREMENTS 10.1 Assurance system Requirement Response No. Yes/No, reference to tender section For duration of contract period the manufacturer C #1 M must store a 0.2% archival sample of each ammunition lot for 12 months after accepted delivery for later reference. D Verification: Phase 1 - Written confirmation in the tender 10.2 Quality assurance system Requirement Response No. Yes/No, reference to tender section The ammunition offered must be produced according C #1 M to ISO 9001 or equivalent system for quality assurance and management. D Verification: Phase 1 – Technical documentation 4.1 item 9. 22 / 22 A012.737/2013 Appendix A