October 10, 2014 PARENT NEWSLETTER Dear Parents, First St

October 10, 2014
Dear Parents,
First St. John Regional Catholic Church Family Mass: was held on October 5th at the 10:30 Mass at Notre Dame Church
in Waterville. MANY THANKS to the families and friends who joined our students (who were dressed in their formal
uniforms). Fr. Dan invited the students and their families to the front of the church before Mass and we took group
photos afterwards. We had almost 30 students in attendance and over 79 family members. Very impressive to us and to
the Corpus Christi Parish community! Thank you again. Our next Family Mass will be held at St. John Church on
November 2nd at 10:00 am. Please come out again and bring even more of your St. John Regional Catholic School Family
and Friends. Please have breakfast first with the Knights of Columbus in the school cafeteria.
Future St. John Regional Catholic School Family Masses will be held on December 7th at 10:30 am, ND; January 24th at
4:00 pm, St. John, in conjunction with Catholics Schools Week and a dinner; March 1st 10:30 am, ND; April 12th 10:00
am, St. John; May 17th10:30 am, ND; and June 14th 10:00 am, St. John. These dates, times, and locations are on the
newly revised (10/9/2014)School Calendar and will be soon posted on the website for your planning.
Parent Teacher Conferences: P/T conferences were held on Wednesday and Thursday, the 8th and 9th of October. If you
were unable to make your appointment, your student’s teacher would still like to speak with you.
School Board Meeting: The School Board met on October 7th in the Rectory. Minutes will be posted on the website and
will be very transparent.
Magazine Fundraiser: This fundraiser was extended for a few days, and although we did not quite make goal, we did
very well. Thanks to all of you who worked so hard. For those who ordered on line, our School will continue to “get
credit” for future items that are ordered.
October 17th: First and Second Grade Field Trip to Mrs. Lucille Nasser ‘s (2nd Grade) Pumpkin Patch. That is also the date
of Jeanne Poulin’s Mother’s funeral to be held at Sacred Heart in Waterville at 11:00 am.
CHRISTMAS FAIR MEETING: A second planning meeting was held on Wednesday Evening at 6:30 pm, right after
parent/teacher conferences were completed. Thanks to all who came and participated and offered to help with various
projects. We now have a Poinsettia Chair – Keiran Wrigley. This project had been dropped for a time, and we are now
reviving it with the help of Pamela Henry, a prior chair whose children have graduated a few years ago, who came
forward to mentor the new Chair. Thanks to volunteers for the Wreath Making Project – another big seller – Melisa
Gaudet and Heather Provost. Linda Cresci, Pre-School and Pre-K Aftercare Aide, is asking for Basket items such as
baskets, books, stuffed animals and small toys. Sherri Brann’s (1st Grade Teacher) After School Arts and Crafts Club here
at School will be making ornaments, including Sand Dollars and Bird Nests. I will be mentioning many others in future
week newsletters.
WE NEED MANY MORE HELPERS – for both making candy, decorating wreaths, and the days of the Fair, December 5th
from 4 to 8pm and December 6th from 9 am to 2 pm, we need help with kids corner and other events too numerous to
list at one time. The Knights of Columbus will be preparing food for Friday night, breakfast for Saturday morning, and
Next PTFA Meeting: Please put Tuesday, October 21st ,on your calendar for our next PTFA Meeting. We will have
another contest with a Principal’s treat for the class that has the highest ratio of attendance!
PUMPKIN CARVING FAMILY NIGHT: October 24th, we will have a family pumpkin carving night from 6:30 to 7:30. Please
bring your pumpkin all clean and ready to be carved. If you make yours look like a saint, maybe Fr. Dan would let us
display them in the church with a candle inside!
CHARACTER DAY on MUFFINS MORNING and PARADE on October 31st. Then in the afternoon, from 1:00 to 1:30,
teachers, with the help of room mothers, will have small celebrations in their classrooms to celebrate the day.
OCTOBER 19th: Save the date. Our students will be at Shaw’s Grocery Store/Market in Waterville, in uniform, to pass
our lists of supplies to the public and the Corpus Christi Community so they can buy and then donate to us the
ingredients, such as chocolate chips, etc., that will be used to make the goodies (sweets, candy, treats) that we sell at
the Christmas Fair.
November 5TH: We will make the goodies for sale at the Fair. WE NEED A LOT OF HELPERS FOR THIS. If you haven’t
come out yet to help, this is a great opportunity. We really need you – men are welcome too. Many hands make light
FUTURE: Wreath Making will happen on Sunday, November 30th. Again, many hands make light work of decorating
these 100 wreaths. Kristi Irza, Wreath Chair for many, many years, is mentoring the new Chairs. Thank you.
MARCH IN VETERAN’S DAY PARADE with our School, in Uniform, and Principal McGann. Ms. McGann transferred her
American Legion Membership from Virginia to Post 5 Waterville, Maine, the largest post in Maine. We, as a school, have
been invited to join the Parade on November 11th, a day we do not have school. We will meet at the Post on College
Avenue at 10:30 am and walk from College to Main St. to Front Street, returning to the Post for hot chocolate. The
Legion will provide us with American flags to wave. Bring a veteran with you –perhaps a family member or a friend. Or
bring a veteran’s memory in your mind. This should be a proud and exciting day.
BOTTLES: Thanks to you all for saving bottles for Mr. Lee Giroux. We just received a check this week from
Clynk/Hannaford for $105.80. Thanks Mr. Lee and thanks to all of you. Every little bit helps.
Box Tops: Mrs. Farnham has made boxes for each of our classrooms ( Pre-K through 6th) and remembered our PreSchool as well. We get $0.10 for each, and that really starts to add up. There will also be two boxes at St. John Church,
and three at Notre Dame Church. Please ask all of your friends and family to cut them out for us.
One more bit of good news: Lunch orders for Mrs. Linda Greatorex’s catered lunches are up!
Have a good and safe weekend.
Sincerely yours in Christ,
Bonnie McGann
Bonnie McGann