LESSON PLANS—HONORS Food Chains and Food Webs Objective: ACOS 13 Trace the energy flow as it decrease through the trophic levels from producers to the quarternary level in food chains, food webs, and energy pyramids. 13b Contrasting autotrophs/heterotroph 13c Describing the niche of decomposers ACT QUALITY CORE: Explain how energy flows through ecosystems in one direction, from photosynthetic organisms to herbivores to carnivores and decomposers Diagram flow of energy using food webs, food chains, and pyramids (e.g. pyramid of energy, pyramid of biomass, pyramid of numbers) ESSENTIAL QUESTION: How does the amount of energy that flows through an ecosystem relate to the trophic levels? LEARNING TARGET: I can identify and relate ecological terminology to food chains in an ecosystem. BEFORE: (Strategy: Flash Cards) A. Define/Create a concept for the following terms on notecards (definition on back at the bottom of card with a concept example. 1. Ecology 11. Carnivore 2. Population 12. Omnivore 3. Community 13. Detritivore 4. Ecosystem 14. Decomposer 5. Biome 15. Trophic level 6. Biosphere 16. Food chain 7. Species 17. Food web 8. Autotroph 18. Energy pyramid 9. Heterotroph 10. Herbivore B. Graphic Organizer ECOLOGY PRODUCERS CONSUMERS PHOTOSYNTHESIS CELLULAR RESPIRATION PHOTOAUTOTROPHS GREEN PLANTS HETEROTROPHS CHEMOSYNTHESIS CHEMOAUTOTROPHS FOOD WEB DECOMPOSERS FOOD CHAINS BACTERIA HERBIVORES CARNIVORES OMNIVORE PLANT EATER MEAT EATER EAT BOTH EQ: Trophic levels represent feeding levels with energy being passed from producers to consumers. Energy from each food level is used for metabolic processes so that only 10% of the energy in the food level is available for the next level. DURING: (STRATEGY: QUICK WRITE) C.Using the aquatic food web, figure 3-8, choose one of the food chains and write a paragraph describing the feeding relationships among the organisms in the food chain. Use the terms producers, consumers, and decomposition in your description. 1. CRITICAL THINKING: Draw an energy pyramid for a five-step food chain. 2. If 100% of the energy is available at the first trophic level, what percentage of the total energy is available at the highest trophic level? LEARNING TARGET: I can create food chains and food webs showing the niches of the given organisms. AFTER D. Food Web/Food Chains (STRATEGY: COOPERATIVE GROUPS) 1. Food Web Activity 2. Students will complete the food web activity. a. Using the cards, the students will create 5 food chains. b. Using the arrows, show the pathway of food chains that will create a food web to interlock the food chains. 3. Complete the activity protocol sheet of analysis questions. E. Discussion 1. What powers the energy flow through an ecosystem? (Sun) 2. Which trophic level organisms can only occupy one niche? (producers and herbivores primary consumers) 3. How many trophic levels are usually found in a food chain? (4) HOMEWORK Pre-read notes, Chapter 3, Section 3 F. Carbon Cycle: As you read, complete the graphic organizer on the carbon cycle identifying the processes as where carbon is incorporated and where carbon is released. 1. Identify each process as bio, geo, chemical, or mix of processes. 2. Sequence the events of the carbon cycle on land and in the ocean. G. Print Carbon Passport Procedure and Student Data Sheet