Practical 1

Practical One
Quality control in genome-wide association studies
In this practical, we will go through the steps in performing quality control (QC) of genotype
data from a simulated genome-wide association study of 1000 cases and 1000 controls,
typed for 317,503 autosomal and X chromosome SNPs. We will begin by performing sample
QC, including calculation of call rates, heterozygosity, and sex discordance. We will then
perform SNP QC, including calculation of call rates and deviation from Hardy-Weinberg
This practical is based on “Data quality control in genetic case-control association studies”
(Anderson et al. 2010, Nature Protocols 5: 1564-73).
In order to run this practical, you will require the following resources:
1. Computing workstation with Unix or Linux operating system;
2. PLINK software (;
3. Statistical software for graphical presentation of results, such as R (;
4. Genome-wide association binary ped files and analysis script files (which can be
downloaded from
Before starting the practical, you will need to unpack the genome-wide association binary
ped files and additional analysis script files. You can do this by typing the following commad
at the shell prompt in the directory where you downloaded the file “raw-GWA-data.tgz”:
tar -xvzf raw-GWA-data.tgz
Part A: Sample QC
Identification of individuals with discordant sex information
At the shell prompt, type:
plink --bfile raw-GWA-data --check-sex --out raw-GWA-data
This command will calculate the mean homozygosity rate across X-chromosome markers for
each individual in the study. We can produce a list of individuals with discordant sex data by
grep PROBLEM raw-GWA-data.sexcheck > raw-GWA-data.sexprobs
Open the file “raw-GWA-data.sexprobs” to obtain the family IDs (column 1) and individual
ID (column 2) for these individuals. Column 3 denotes ascertained sex and column 4 denotes
sex according to genotype data. When the homozygosity rate is more than 0.2 but less than
0.8, the genotype data are inconclusive regarding the sex of an individual and these are
marked in column 4 by “0”.
In general, any discordancies in sex should be reported to study co-ordinators to double
check records for errors. In situations in which discrepancy cannot be resolved, add the
family ID (FID) and individual ID (IID) of the samples to a file named “fail-sexcheck-qc.txt”
(one individual per line, tab delimited). This file can be used to exclude these samples from
downstream analyses.
Identification of individuals with elevated missing data rates or outlying heterozygosity
At the shell prompt, type:
plink --bfile raw-GWA-data --missing --out raw-GWA-data
This command will create the files “raw-GWA-data.imiss” and “raw-GWA-data.lmiss”. The
fourth column in the file “raw-GWA-data.imiss” (N_MISS) denotes the number of
missing SNPs and the sixth column (F_MISS) denotes the proportion of missing SNPs per
At the shell prompt type:
plink --bfile raw-GWA-data --het --out raw-GWA-data
This command will create the file “raw-GWA-data.het”, in which the third column denotes
the observed number of homozygous genotypes [O(Hom)] and the fifth column denotes the
number of non-missing genotypes [N(NM)] per individual.
You can alculate the observed heterozygosity rate per individual using the formula:
Het = (N(NM) − O(Hom))/N(NM)
Create a graph in which the observed heterozygosity rate per individual is plotted on the x
axis and the proportion of missing SNPs per individuals is plotted on the y axis. This can be
carried out using standard software such as Excel or R. A script for calculating the
heterozygosity rate and producing the graph using R is supplied: “imiss-vs-het.Rscript”. At
the shell prompt, type:
R CMD BATCH imiss-vs-het.Rscript
This will create the graph “raw-GWA-data.imiss-vs-het.pdf”. Examine the plot to decide
reasonable thresholds at which to exclude individuals based on elevated missing genotype
rates or extreme heterozygosity. The red lines indicate suggested thresholds: missing data
rate of 3% and heterozygosity rate ± 3 SD from the mean. This file can easily be adapted to
highlight different thresholds. Add the FID and IID of the samples failing this QC to a file
named “fail-imisshet-qc.txt” (one individual per line, tab delimited). This file can be used to
exclude these samples from downstream analyses.
Identification of duplicated or related individuals
To minimize computational complexity, create an “independent” set of SNPs to generate
the identity by descent (IBS) matrix. This can be done by “pruning” the data so that no pair
of SNPs (within a given genomic interval) has an r2 value greater than a given threshold,
typically chosen to be 0.2. Typically, we would also exclude regions of strong LD, such as the
MHC, which are listed in the file “high-LD-regions.txt”.
Please note that the data for this practical have been simulated without LD between SNPs.
We have created a “pruned” list of SNPs to use called “” which you
should use for this practical. However, in general, you would use the following command to
generate the pruned SNP list:
plink --file raw-GWA-data --exclude high-LD-regions.txt --range \
--indep-pairwise 50 5 0.2 --out raw-GWA-data
To generate IBS between each pair of individuals, type the following command at the shell
plink --bfile raw-GWA-data --extract --genome --out raw-GWA-data
Please note that this step is computationally demanding and will take some time to run.
We have created a script file to identify all pairs of individuals with IBS > 0.185 which
outputs the ID of the individual from the pair with lowest call rate (from the previously
created file “raw-GWA-data.imiss”). This script file can easily be adapted to other data sets
and thresholds for “related” individuals.
To run the script file, type the following command at the shell prompt:
perl raw-GWA-data
The command creates a file called “fail-IBD-QC.txt” which can be used to exclude these
samples from downstream analyses.
Removal of all individuals failing sample QC
At the shell prompt, type the following command to concatenate all files listing individuals
who have failed previous QC steps:
cat fail-* | sort -k1 | uniq > fail-qc-inds.txt
The file “fail-qc-inds.txt” should now contain a list of unique individuals failing the previous
QC steps. To remove them from the data set, type the following command at the shell
plink --bfile raw-GWA-data --remove fail-qc-inds.txt --make-bed --out clean-inds-GWA-data
The binary ped file “clean-inds-GWA-data” can be used for subsequent SNP QC analyses.
Part B: SNP QC
Identification of all SNPs with an excessive missing data rate
To calculate the missing genotype rate for each SNP, type the following command at the
shell prompt:
plink --bfile clean-inds-GWA-data --missing --out clean-inds-GWA-data
The third column in the file “clean-inds-GWA-data.lmiss” (N_MISS) denotes the number of
missing genotypes and the fifth column (F_MISS) denotes the proportion of missing
genotypes per SNP.
A script for plotting a histogram of the missing genotype rate using R is supplied: “lmisshist.Rscript”. At the shell prompt, type:
R CMD BATCH lmiss-hist.Rscript
This will create the graph “clean-inds-GWA-data.lmiss.pdf”. Examine the plot to decide a
reasonable threshold at which to exclude SNPs based on elevated missing data. The dotted
line indicates a suggested threshold of a missing data rate of 5%. This file can easily be
adapted to highlight different thresholds.
To remove SNPs with call rate less than 5%, simply add the “--geno 0.05” option to the
PLINK command line. We will do this below when creating our final cleaned data set.
Test SNPs for different genotype call rates between cases and controls
To test for differential call rates between cases and controls for each SNP, type the following
command at the shell prompt:
plink --bfile clean-inds-GWA-data --test-missing --out clean-inds-GWA-data
The output of this test can be found in the file “clean-inds-GWA-data.missing”. We have
created a script to highlight all SNPs with significant differences in case and control call rates
(p<10-5) from this output file. This script can be easily adapted to other data sets and
thresholds for differential call rates.
To run the script file, type the following command at the shell prompt:
perl clean-inds-GWA-data
The command creates a file called “fail-diffmiss-qc.txt”, which can be used to exclude these
SNPs from downstream association analyses.
Removal of all SNPs failing QC
To remove low-quality SNPs, type the following command at the shell prompt:
plink --bfile clean-inds-GWA-data --exclude fail-diffmiss-qc.txt \
--geno 0.05 --hwe 0.00001 --make-bed --out clean-GWA-data
In addition to removing SNPs identified with differential call rates between cases and
controls, this command removes SNPs with call rate less than 5% with --geno option and
deviation from HWE (p<10-5) with the --hwe option. One additional option is --maf which
excludes all SNPs with minor allele frequency less than a specified threshold.
This command will produce cleaned binary ped files for downstream association analyses:
“clean-GWA-data.bed”, “clean-GWA-data.bim” and “clean-GWA-data.fam”.