Grade 1English Language Arts Curriculum Map May 2012 Week # Reading: Literature/Informational Text 1 (Std. 1.5)KG Assessment I Can: Identify the front cover, Prior back cover, and title page of a Knowledge book. 2 RL3 I Can: Identify characters, setting and major events (Correct sequence) in a story. 3 R L .3 I Can: Identify characters, setting and major events (Correct sequence) in a story. 4 RL1 Identify characters, setting and major events (Correct sequence) in a story. Foundational Skills Writing/Language Speaking/Listening Std. # RF 1.2KG I Can: Recognize and name all 26 alphabet letters /sounds in initial, medial and final positions. RF 4 I Can: Read emergent reader text with purpose/understanding. RF .2a I Can: Recognize and distinguish short vowels in a word with one syllable. 1.1a Recognize a sentence; made of words, with capital letters and punctuation. 4. a. Read on-level text with purpose and understanding. RF 2a I Can: Recognize and distinguish short vowels in a word with one syllable. 1.1a Recognize a sentence; made of words, with capital letters and punctuation. W 1.1a KG I Can: Print all upper and lower case letters SL 1a I Can: Participate in collaborative conversations using agreed-upon rules for discussions W1.2 I Can: Compose a simple sentence with correct capitalization and punctuation SL 3 I Can: Ask and answer questions to clarify something that is not understood. W 1.2 I Can: Use drawing and writing to produce a writing piece. L 5a I Can: Sort words into categories (colors, clothing) to make sense of represented categories. SL 1a I Can: Participate in collaborative conversations using agreed-upon rules for discussions RF 2a I Can: Recognize and distinguish short vowels in a word with one syllable. W 2a I Can: Compose a simple sentence with correct capitalization and punctuation SL 3 I Can: Ask and answer questions to clarify something that is not understood. . 5 RL1 Identify characters, setting and major events (Correct sequence) in a story. RL4 I Can: Identify words/phrases in stories or poems that suggest feelings or senses. 6 RL 1 Identify characters, setting and major events (Correct sequence) in a story. RF 2c I Can: Isolate and pronounce initial, medial, and final sounds (1 syllable). 1.1a Recognize a sentence; made of words, with capital letters and punctuation. RF 2a I Can: Recognize and distinguish short vowels in a word with one syllable. RF 2c I Can: Isolate and pronounce initial, medial, and final sounds (1 syllable). L 5 b: Define words by category using one or more attributes. . W 2a I Can: Compose a simple sentence with correct capitalization and punctuation. SL 1a I Can: Participate in collaborative conversations using agreed-upon rules for discussions L RF2 d Segment spoken singlesyllable words into individual sounds RF1.1a Recognize a sentence; made of words, with capital letters and punctuation. RF 2a I Can: Recognize and distinguish short vowels in a word with one syllable. RF 2c I Can: Isolate and pronounce initial, medial, and final sounds (1 syllable). RF2 d Segment spoken singlesyllable words into individual sounds 1.1a Recognize a sentence; made of words, with capital letters and punctuation. RF 2a I Can: Recognize and distinguish short vowels in a word with one syllable. W 2 b/c I Can: Compose a simple sentence with nouns, verbs, correct capitalization and punctuation. SL 3 I Can: Ask and answer questions to clarify something that is not understood. . L1b I Can: Identify/use nouns in a sentence SL 2 I Can: Ask and answer questions about key details in 7 Assessment Stds from previous 6 weeks 8 RL /I 9 I Can: Identify cause and effect in a story with prompting and support. RL /I 9 I Can: Identify cause and effect in a story with prompting and support. R L 10 I Can: with prompting and support, read prose and poetry of appropriate grade level. 9 RI6 I Can: Determine if the text supports the information provided by a picture/illustration. RI&L 8 I Can: Identify author’s purpose for writing a text. RF2 d Segment spoken singlesyllable words into individual sounds RF 1.1a Recognize a sentence; made of words, with capital letters and punctuation. 4. a. Read on-level with purpose and understanding. 4. b Read on-level text orally with accuracy, appropriate rate, and expression. RF 2a I Can: Recognize and distinguish short /long vowels in a word with one syllable. RIF 1.2b I Can: Recognize initial blends RF 1.1a Recognize a sentence; made of words, with capital letters and punctuation. RF 2a I Can: Recognize and distinguish short /long vowels in a word with one syllable. RIF 1.2b Recognize consonant diagraphs RIF 1.1a I Can: Recognize a sentence; made of words, with capital letters and punctuation. L.6 I Can: Use words and phrases acquired through conversations, reading and being read to and responding to texts, including using frequently occurring conjunctions to signal simple relationships (eg., because) L 1g I Can: Identify, with support, frequently occurring conjunctions(and ,but, or, so, because) L1c I Can: Identify/use singular/ plural nouns in a sentence with matching verbs, in basic sentences. L 1g I Can: Identify, with support, frequently occurring conjunctions(and ,but, or, so, because) a text read aloud. SL 2 I Can: Ask and answer questions about key details in a text read aloud. SL 2 I Can: Ask and answer questions about key details in a text read aloud. RI7 I Can: Use illustrations/text to describe key details 10 11 12 RL&I1 I Can: Ask and answer questions about key details in a text. RL/I 1 I Can: Ask and answer questions about key details in a text; with support identify main idea/topic. RL/I 1 I Can: Ask and answer questions about key details in a text; with support identify main idea/topic. RF 2a I Can: Recognize and distinguish short /long vowels in a word with one syllable. RIF 1.2b I Can :Recognize consonant diagraphs. RF 3g I Can: Recognize and read irregularly spelled words.(compound/contractions) I Can: Recognize and distinguish short /long vowels in a word with one syllable. RF 3a Know and apply spelling/sound correspondence for common consonant diagraphs RIF 2 b I Can: Recognize and orally produce single-syllable consonant blend words. RF 2a I Can: Recognize and distinguish short /long vowels in a word with one syllable. RIF 2 b I Can: Recognize and orally produce single-syllable consonant blend words. L1d I Can: Identify possessive nouns in a sentence SL 4 I Can: Describe people and places with details. L 1g I Can: Identify frequently occurring conjunctions(and, but, or, so,because) L1b I Can: Identify/use proper nouns in a sentence. SL 4 I Can: Describe people, things and places with details. L 1g I Can: Use frequently occurring conjunctions(and ,but, or, so, because) in a sentence. L 1 b. L2a I Can: Identify/use proper nouns in a sentence. SL 4/5 I Can: Describe people, things, and places with details expressing ideas and feelings. 13 All stds. from prior weeks Assessment All stds. from prior 12 weeks 14 15 RL/I 5 I Can: Recognize and understand differences between books that are fiction/nonfiction. R I 10 I Can: Recognize and understand differences between books that are fiction/nonfiction (with support); drawing on a wide range of text types. RL/I 5 I Can: Recognize and understand differences between books that are fiction/nonfiction, drawing on a wide range of text types. All stds. from prior weeks W 1 I Can: Write an opinion (with support) giving reasons for my opinion. SL 4/5 I Can: Describe people, places, things, and events with relevant details expressing ideas and feelings clearly through the use of drawings/visual displays. RF 2 a I Can: Recognize and distinguish long vowels in a word with one syllable. RF 3 b Decode regularly spelled one-syllable words. 3 d. Use knowledge that every syllable must have a vowel sound to determine the number of syllables in a printed word. W 1 I Can: Write an opinion (with support) giving reasons for my opinion. SL 1b I Can: With support, appropriately build on others’ talk in conversations. RF 3 e I Can: Decode two-syllable words by breaking the word into syllables. RF 3f I Can: Read words with inflectional endings. W 1 I Can: Write and give reasons for my opinion. RF 3 e I Can: With support, decode two-syllable words by breaking the word into syllables. RF 3f I Can: With support, read words with inflectional endings L 1 e I Can: Use verbs to convey a sense of past, present, and future. RF 4 a/b. I Can: Read on-level text orally with purpose and understanding; with accuracy, appropriate rate, and expression. L 1 e I Can: Use verbs to convey a sense of past, present, and future. SL 1b I Can: With support, appropriately build on others’ talk in conversations. L 4c Identify frequently occurring root words and their inflectional forms. W 1 I Can: Write and give reasons for my opinion and provide a closing that summarizes my opinion. SL 1b I Can: Appropriately build on others’ talk in conversations. 17 18 19 Assessment All stds from Prior 18 weeks 20 R-I 5 I Can: Know and use (with support) various text features (headings, table of contents, glossary, electronic menus, icons, captions) to locate key facts or information. RF 3 e I Can: Decode two-able words by breaking the word into syllables. R-I 5 I Can: Know and use (with support) various text features (headings, table of contents, glossary, electronic menus, icons, captions) to locate key facts or information. RF 3 e I Can: Decode two-syllable words by breaking the word into syllables. R-I 5 I Can: Know and use various text features (headings, table of contents, glossary, electronic menus, icons, captions) to locate key facts or information. R L &I 2 I Can: With support, retell story including key details and, main idea of a text. RF 3f I Can: Read words with inflectional endings RF 3f I Can: Read words with inflectional endings RIF 4 a/b. I Can:Read on-level text orally with purpose and understanding; with accuracy, appropriate rate, and expression. RF3c I Can: Know final –e and common vowel team conventions for representing long vowel sounds. W2 I Can: With support, write an informative text in which I name a topic and supply some facts. L1f I Can: Identify frequently occurring adjectives in text(color,number,size,shape, feelings, comparative) W2 I Can: Write an informative text in which I name a topic and supply some facts. L1f I Can: Identify frequently occurring adjectives in text(color, number, size, shape ,feelings, comparative) W 2 and W 5 I Can: With support, write an informative text in which I name a topic and supply some facts and provide some sense of closure. L1f I Can: With support, identify frequently occurring adjectives in text(color, number, size, shape ,feelings, comparative W2 I Can: With support, write an informative text in which I name a topic and supply some facts and provide some sense SL 1b I Can: Appropriately build on others’ talk in conversations. SL 1b I Can: Appropriately build on others’ talk in conversations. SL 1b/c I Can: Appropriately build on others’ talk in conversations and ask questions to clear up confusion. Continue to review and build on skills addressed in SL standards. of closure. L1f I Can :Use frequently occurring adjectives in writing (color, number, size, shape ,feelings, comparative) 21 RL&I 2 I Can: With support, retell story including key details and, main idea of a text. RF 3 I Can: Know and apply common vowel team conventions representing long vowel sounds. RF 4 a I Can: Read on-level text with purpose and understanding. 22 R L &I 2 I Can: Retell story including key details and main idea of a text. RF 3 g I Can: Recognize and read grade appropriate irregularly spelled words. W2 I Can: Write an informative text in which I name a topic and supply some facts and provide some sense of closure. W7 I Can: Write a “how-to” piece on a given topic, after participating in shared research. L2d I Can: Use conventional spelling for words with common spelling patterns and frequently occurring irregular words. L 2 e I Can: Spell untaught words phonetically drawing on phonemic awareness and spelling conventions. L 1 j I Can: Produce and Continue to review and build expand complete, simple, and on skills addressed in SL compound standards. sentences(declarative, Interrogative ,imperative, explanatory) 23 RL6 I Can: Identify who is telling a story. 24 RI3 I Can: Describe the connection between two individuals, events, ideas or pieces of information in a text. 25 RI3 I Can: Describe the connection between two individuals, events, ideas or pieces of information in a text. 26 RI3 I Can: Describe the connection between two individuals, events, ideas or pieces of information in a text. RI8 I Can: Identify Author’s purpose RF 4 a,b & c I Can: Read on-level text with purpose and understanding, with accuracy, appropriate rate, and expression (using context to confirm or self-correct word recognition and understanding, rereading if necessary). RF 4 a b &c I Can: Read on-level text with purpose and understanding, with accuracy, appropriate rate, and expression ( using context to confirm or self-correct word recognition and understanding, rereading if necessary). RF 4 a,b &c I Can: Read on-level text with purpose and understanding, with accuracy, appropriate rate, and expression (using context to confirm or self-correct word recognition and understanding, rereading if necessary). RF 4 a,b &c I Can: Read on-level text with purpose and understanding, with accuracy, appropriate rate, and expression ( using context to confirm or self-correct word recognition and understanding, rereading if necessary). RF 4a,b,&c I Can: Read on-level text with W3 I Can: With support, write a narrative that recounts two or more sequenced events (include details, using transition words to signify event order and provide sense of closure.) W3 I Can: With support, write a narrative that recounts two or more sequenced events. Continue to review and build on skills addressed in SL standards. Continue to review and build on skills addressed in SL standards. W 3 I Can: With support, write Continue to review and build a narrative that recounts two on skills addressed in SL or more sequenced events, standards. including details. W 3 I Can: Write a narrative that recounts two or more sequenced events with details. W 3 I Can: With support, write a narrative that recounts two Continue to review and build on skills addressed in SL standards. 27 28 29 30 31 and the reasons an author gives to support points in a text. purpose and understanding, with accuracy, appropriate rate, and expression (using context to confirm or self-correct word recognition and understanding, rereading if necessary). RI8 RF 4 a,b,&c I Can: Identify Author’s purpose I Can: Read on-level text with and the reasons an author gives purpose and understanding, to support points in a text. with accuracy, appropriate rate, and expression ( using context to confirm or self-correct word recognition and understanding, rereading if necessary). RF 4 a,b,& c RL9 I Can: Read on-level text with I Can : Compare and contrast purpose and understanding, characters and events in stories. with accuracy, appropriate rate, and expression (using context to confirm or self-correct word recognition and understanding, rereading if necessary). RI9 RF 4 a,b,& c I Can: Identify basic similarities I Can: Read on-level text with and differences between two purpose and understanding, texts about the same with accuracy, appropriate rate, topic(illustrations, descriptions, and expression (using context to procedures) confirm or self-correct word recognition and understanding, rereading if necessary). RL9 RF 4 a,b,& c I Can : Compare and contrast I Can: Read on-level text with characters and events in stories purpose and understanding, RI9 with accuracy, appropriate rate, I Can: Identify basic similarities and expression (using context to and differences between two confirm or self-correct word or more sequenced events including details, using transition words to signify event order. Continue to review and build on skills addressed in SL standards. W 3 I Can: With support, write Continue to review and build a narrative that recounts two on skills addressed in SL or more sequenced events standards. (include details, using transition words to signify event order and provide sense of closure.) W 3 I Can: Write a narrative that recounts two or more sequenced events (include details, using transition words to signify event order and provide sense of closure.) Continue to review and build on skills addressed in SL standards. W 3 I Can: With support, write Continue to review and build a narrative that recounts two on skills addressed in SL or more sequenced events standards. including details, using transition words to signify event order and provide sense of closure. W 3 I Can: With support, write Continue to review and build a narrative that recounts two on skills addressed in SL or more sequenced events standards. including details, using transition words to signify event order and provide texts about the same topic(illustrations, descriptions, procedures) 32 33 34 Assessment RL9 I Can : Compare and contrast characters and events in stories RI9 I Can: Identify basic similarities and differences between two texts about the same topic(illustrations, descriptions, procedures) RL9 I Can : Compare and contrast characters and events in stories RI9 I Can: Identify basic similarities and differences between two texts about the same topic(illustrations, descriptions, procedures) RI9 I Can: Identify basic similarities and differences between two texts about the same topic(illustrations, descriptions, procedures) Stds. From prior weeks recognition and understanding, rereading if necessary). I Can: Read on-level text with purpose and understanding, with accuracy, appropriate rate, and expression ( using context to confirm or self-correct word recognition and understanding, rereading if necessary). RF 4 a,b &c I Can: Read on-level text with purpose and understanding, with accuracy, appropriate rate, and expression ( using context to confirm or self-correct word recognition and understanding, rereading if necessary). sense of closure. RF 4 a,b &c W 3 Write a narrative that recounts two or more sequenced events including details, using transition words to signify event order and provide sense of closure. I Can: Read on-level text with purpose and understanding, with accuracy, appropriate rate, and expression ( using context to confirm or self-correct word recognition and understanding, rereading if necessary). RF 4 a,b,c I Can: Read on-level text with purpose and understanding, W 3 I Can: With support, write a narrative that recounts two or more sequenced events Continue to review and build including details, using on skills addressed in SL transition words to signify standards. event order and provide sense of closure. Continue to review and build on skills addressed in SL standards. W 6 I Can: With guidance and support, from adults, use a variety of digital tools, to produce, and publish writing.(including collaboration with peers) W 6 I Can: With guidance and support, from adults, use a variety of digital tools, to Continue to review and build on skills addressed in SL standards. 35 Stds. From prior weeks Assessment 36 Stds.for year Assessment with accuracy, appropriate rate, and expression ( using context to confirm or self-correct word recognition and understanding, rereading if necessary). Stds. From prior weeks Stds.for year produce, and publish writing.(including collaboration with peers) W 6 I Can: With guidance and support, from adults, use a variety of digital tools, to produce, and publish writing.(including collaboration with peers) W 6 I Can: With guidance and support, from adults, use a variety of digital tools, to produce, and publish writing.(including collaboration with peers) Continue to review and build on skills addressed in SL standards. Continue to review and build on skills addressed in SL standards.