proven farms

Grant Recipient
Adult Learning Australia
Project Title
A (Green) House Around the Corner:
Energy Efficient Community Centres
Target Audience
Community organisation, small business,
Apple and Pear Australia
Watts in your Business
Agriculture, fruit growers, packing, food
Australian Conservation Foundation
Spark! Energy for Change
Community organisation, recreation,
Kindergarten, early learning centres,
retreats, aquatic centres
Australian Council of Social Service
Energy Efficiency Pathway for the
Community Service Sector
Community organisation, property
services, refuge, aged care,
Australian Entertainment Industry
Greener Live Performances through
Energy Efficiency
Entertainment, events, theatre
Australian Episcopal Conference of the
Roman Catholic Church
National Energy Efficiency Not-for- Profit
(NEEN) Network
Community organisation, small business,
aged care,
Australian Food and Grocery Council
Empowering Food, Beverage and Grocery Agriculture, small goods, food services,
manufacturers to capitalise on Energy
Australian Foundry Institute - South
Australia Division
National Foundry Industry Energy
Efficiency Information & Support Program
targeted to SME foundry & casting
Manufacturing, metal casting, factory,
technicians, engineers, moulders,
patternmakers, furnace operators and
casting technicians
Project Summary
The House Around the Corner: Energy Efficient Community Centres project will
target the Adult and Community Education sector with a social media strategy
using digital content based on the community television program 'A House Around
the Corner'. The campaign will educate centres into making informed decisions
about energy efficiency, thereby reducing their operational energy costs. The
project will make extensive use of currently available tools and resources to
measure energy efficiency and calculate return on investment.
The Watts in your Business project will provide a learning program to assist
Australia's apple, pear, summer fruit and cherry industries to significantly reduce
energy use and operating costs. The project delivery methods will include
seminars, audits, workshops, case studies, fact sheets, website, sector specific
forums, hands-on demonstrations and rural media such as Landline and regional
radio networks.
The Spark! Energy for Change project aims to increase awareness about energy
efficiency amongst 520 small regional and remote YMCA centres across Australia.
Energy efficiency information will be delivered through a combination of activities,
including face-to-face and online training, an online energy consumption
benchmarking survey, and real-time energy use monitoring.
The Energy Efficiency Pathway for the Community Service Sector project will
provide energy efficiency assistance to not-for-profit community service
organisations nationally. It will be delivered in two stages. The first stage will
comprise of a sector-wide energy efficiency survey to determine energy efficiency
'benchmarks' for typical sector sites. The second stage will offer free energy audit
training at sector conferences in every state and territory. The training will build
the capacity of staff so that they can identify and implement cost-effective energy
efficiency projects within their organisations. It will also provide ongoing support
and discussion forums for participating organisations in the implementation of
energy efficiency strategies.
The Greener Live Performances through Energy Efficiency project will target the
Australian Entertainment Industry Association's membership base to make
informed decisions about energy efficiency to reduce operational energy costs.
The materials will be hosted online, and include fact sheets, diagnostic tools,
resource links, calculators, videos and webinars. Face-to-face consultations,
workshops and benchmarking will also be undertaken.
The National Energy Efficiency Not-for-Profit Network project will create a
network to engage faith-based community organisations and SMEs across
Australia in energy-saving actions. The project will target these organisations to
deliver energy savings through regional seminars involving peer presentations and
networking, and through an interactive web-portal providing information, tracking
and social networking.
The Empowering Food, Beverage and Grocery manufacturers to capitalise on
Energy Efficiency project aims to increase energy efficiency awareness amongst
the Australian food, beverage and grocery manufacturing industry to improve the
competitiveness of this trade exposed sector. The project will target their SME
needs through the delivery of industry-specific information via fact sheets and
tools, energy audits, webinars, workshops and online material.
The National Foundry Industry Energy Efficiency Information & Support Program
aims to increase awareness of energy efficiency opportunities in the foundry,
casting and affiliated industries, reaching up to approximately 400 SMEs
nationally. Energy efficiency information will be delivered through a combination
of activities including a ‘do-it-yourself’ energy efficiency toolkit, an online energy
efficiency portal, a national peer group support program, ‘champion’ businesses
and one-on-one expert advice for a selection of businesses.
Recipient's Website
Project Website
The Hotel Energy Efficiency Information Program aims to assist approximately
5,000 SMEs, who are both members and non-members of the Australian Hotels
Association, to understand where and how energy is used in their operations and
pursue opportunities for efficiencies.
Interactive online tools and resources and Manufacturing, engineering, construction, The Interactive Online Tools and Resources and Onsite Support Services project
onsite support services
automotive, food; transport, information aims to deliver a suite of practical energy efficiency products and services to
technology, telecommunications, call
approximately 1,400 SMEs nationally in the manufacturing sector. Energy
centres, labour hire, printing, defence,
efficiency information products will include an on-line interactive tool (with short
mining equipment, airlines
videos and checklists), workshops, online and telephone support and energy
An Engagement, Extension and Education Agriculture, retailers, processors,
The Engagement, Extension and Education Program for SMEs in the Red Meat
Program for Small- Medium Enterprises
exporters, smallgoods manufacturers,
Industry project aims to deliver energy efficiency information to the red meat
delivering to the Red Meat Industry,
food services
industry reaching approximately 2,400 SMEs Australia-wide. The information will
Supply Chain and related Communities
be delivered through an energy efficiency toolkit, guides, case studies, fact sheets,
a conference and energy efficiency training.
Tourism, accommodation, tour operator, The Tourisms Bright Future project, including the Business Ready: Energy
Tourism's Bright Future
backpacker accommodation, bed and
Efficiency Workshops, is being delivered in partnership with EC3 Global (an
breakfast, event coordinators, cultural,
international tourism, environmental management and advisory group). The
arts and heritage, Aboriginal
program aims to disseminate relevant energy efficiency information and tools to
approximately 2,000 SME tourism businesses nationally through an expert led
online webinar program, fact sheets, case studies and workshops across Australia.
Not available yet
Brisbane GreenHeart CitySmart
Green Business Leaders Energy Saver
Burdekin Bowen Integrated Floodplain
Management Advisory Committee
Energy Efficiency Gains for Australian
Agriculture, food services, irrigation, farm The Energy Efficiency Gains for Australian Irrigators project will develop and
demonstrate a process for Australian irrigators to build their capacity to overcome
the low adoption of energy efficiency methodologies/technologies. It will deliver
factual and practical information for energy efficient gains. Project activities will
include high-level on-farm assessments in demonstration areas, benchmarking
exercises and case study development.
Clean and Clever: Energy - Enabling small Retail, small business, community
The Clean and Clever: Energy Enabling Small Business and Communities project
business and communities to make
organisations, clubs, aged care facilities,
aims to address identified shortfalls in understanding, awareness, attitudes,
informed choices about energy efficiency laundries, food services, accommodation, behaviours and engagement in energy efficiency. The target audience is
professional services
approximately 15,000 SMEs and 640 community organisations specific to various
industry sectors (including hospitality and tourism, manufacturing, retail and
offices, personal services, primary production, community services and
community groups) from the western to eastern sub-regions of the Burnett Mary
Your Business Your Future- showing small Retail, small business, retail, food,
The Your Business Your Future project aims to engage with approximately 1,200
business the light on energy efficiency
commercial, industrial, agricultural,
SMEs through energy efficiency material, case studies, an energy efficiency
professional services
information package, a series of road shows, conducting presentations with local
and regional business networks, and undertaking business energy assessments.
Community Children's Centres SA
Energy Efficiency Information Program for Community, childcare, early learning
Community Children's Centres in South
Community Migrant Resource Centre
(formerly the Hills Holroyd Parramatta
Migrant Resource Centre)
3E Program (Enable Energy Efficiency) for Migrant centres, multicultural,
CALD SMEs and Community Organisations community organisation, small business,
in Western Sydney
retail, food, professional services
Australian Hotels Association
Australian Industry Group
Australian Meat Industry Council
Australian Tourism Export Council
Burnett Inland Economic Development
Central Victoria Greenhouse Alliance
Incorporated Association
Hotel Energy Efficiency Information
Tourism, hotel, pubs, accommodation
Retail, small business, professional
The Green Business Leaders Energy Saver Project aims to disseminate energy
efficiency information and tools to SMEs that operate in the South Bank precinct
and SMEs that provide goods and services to Rio Tinto in Brisbane. Information
will be delivered through case studies, advisory tools, web pages and workshops.
The project is expected to assist approximately 1,500 SMEs in Brisbane.
The Energy Efficiency Information Program for Community Children's Centres in
South Australia project aims to deliver energy efficiency information to
approximately 100 Community Children’s Centres in South Australia. The
information will be delivered through a combination of activities including a
website, workshops, videos and on-site energy assessments.
The 3E (Enable Energy Efficiency) Project will deliver energy efficiency information
to over 10,150 culturally and linguistically diverse community organisations and
businesses in Western Sydney to assist them to make informed decisions about
energy efficiency. The project will be delivered through workshops, factsheets,
case studies and energy audits.
Conservation Council of South Australia
Green Hubs Energy Efficiency Program:
Community organisation, clubs,
Providing Energy Efficiency to Community recreation
Organisations in SA
Cotton Research and Development
Improving energy efficiency on irrigated
Australian cotton farms
Agriculture, irrigation, farm, cotton
Dairy Australia
Smarter energy use on Australian dairy
Agriculture, dairy, food services
Dairy Australia
Do Something!
Ethnic Communities' Council of NSW
Food South Australia
Hunter Business Chamber
The Green Hubs Energy Efficiency Program will provide energy efficiency
information to approximately 500 community organisations and clubs in South
Australia. Energy efficiency information will be delivered through a combination of
activities, including an energy efficiency leaflet, trained volunteers and the
establishment of a hub of community organisations and clubs (which will receive
additional support from the recipient).
The Improving energy efficiency on irrigated Australian cotton farms project aims
to improve energy efficiency on irrigated Australian cotton farms and reduce their
energy costs through a cost-effective process to assess and improve energy use.
Energy audit research indicates that a 30% savings of energy on irrigated cotton
farms is achievable. The project will be designed to inform cotton farmers how
best to optimise their energy use and identify and implement appropriate energyefficient farming practises. Delivery methods will include industry-specific training,
energy audits, benchmarking exercises, case studies and factsheets.
The Smarter Energy Use on Australian Dairy Farms project aims to provide
information and technical support to dairy farmers across Australia on practical
opportunities for improving their energy efficiency. It is expected approximately
900 dairy farm energy assessments will be undertaken with each dairy farmer
receiving a customised energy efficiency plan.
Extending the message of smarter energy Agriculture, farm, dairy
Extending the message of smarter energy use on Australian dairy farms project
use on Australian dairy farms
will build on the project 'Smarter energy use on Australian dairy farms' through
extending the information and resources required to assist farmers to identify
opportunities to increase their energy efficiency. The project will utilise a variety
of mediums to disseminate information on energy efficiency including
individualised on-farm energy assessments, workshops and targeted supporting
information resources, such as a dairy farm saving energy booklet, case studies
and fact sheets. - The Energy Efficiency Community organisation, small business, The - The Energy Efficiency Portal for SMEs & Community
Portal for SMEs & Community Groups
clubs, aged care facilities, laundries, food Groups project aims to disseminate practical advice and money saving energy
services, accommodation, professional
efficiency information to an estimated 15,000 community organisations and
services, hairdressing
councils as well as around 50,000 SMEs Australia-wide. The project includes
developing a web portal, best practice guides, case studies and tip sheets, videos,
eBooks, PowerPoint presentations, energy efficiency guides and providing access
to an energy cost calculator.
Business Energy Smart Tips (BEST) for
Migrant centres, multicultural,
The Business Energy Smart Tips (BEST) for ethno-specific SMEs project will give
ethno-specific SMEs
community, retail, small Business,
1200 ethno-specific SMEs in Sydney and Melbourne access to information on how
restaurant, butcher, baker, grocer, fruit, to assess and reduce their business’s energy use. The information will be
food services, small goods, professional
presented in a culturally and linguistically appropriate format, such as case
studies, factsheets, DVDs, one-on-one training, with the delivery tailored to reach
each business owner or operator in their own time and language from a trusted
source – an ECC bilingual energy educator.
Business Case for Energy-Efficient
Agriculture, food processing, small goods, The Business Case for Energy-Efficient Equipment Toolkit & Mentoring Program
Equipment Toolkit & Mentoring Program food services
aims to deliver an energy efficient equipment toolkit and expert guidance to the
South Australian food processing industry, reaching approximately 1,300
businesses. It will include the provision of “do-it-yourself” tools and guidance to
identify energy efficiency upgrades, and the fostering of peer-to-peer learning
opportunities through workshops, webinars and case studies.
The Energy Hunter - Our Clean Energy Future project aims to assist approximately
Energy Hunter - Our Clean Energy Future Retail, small business, clubs, aged care
facilities, laundries, food services,
2,000 SMEs across the Hunter Region of New South Wales to identify, manage and
accommodation, professional services,
improve their energy efficiency. Energy efficiency information will be provided
hairdressing, recreation
through the provision of real-time energy displays in up to 500 businesses, a
database of useful information, 20 technical real-life case studies, ten different
“how to” guides and mobile applications.
Not available yet
Lake Macquarie Business Centre
Energy Efficiency and Real-time Energy
Monitoring for Lake Macquarie
Retail, small business, clubs, aged care
facilities, laundries, food services,
accommodation, professional services,
hairdressing, recreation
Master Grocers Australia
Energy Efficiency Information Program
retail, small goods, food services, small
Business, restaurant, butcher, baker,
grocer, fruit, food services
Monash University
Business Case for Environmental Upgrade Building, property services
Agreement (BC4EUA)
Moreland Energy Foundation
Easy Energy Efficiency for SMEs animating the business case for action in
northern metro Melbourne
Retail, small business, manufacturing,
retail trade, accommodation, food
services, professional services, scientific
and technical services
Museum & Gallery Services Queensland
Energy Efficiency Information Resources
for Public Museum and Gallery Sector
Museum, Gallery
National Retail Association
Retail Buys the Future – Energy Efficiency Retail, small business, small goods, food
Information for Retail SME’s
services, restaurant, butcher, baker,
grocer, fruit, food services,
Net Balance Foundation
CitySwitch: Proven Model, Extended
Building, property services
The Energy Efficiency and Real-time Energy Monitoring for Lake Macquarie
Businesses project aims to increase energy efficiency awareness among
approximately 13,100 SMEs and other businesses in the Lake Macquarie area.
Energy efficiency information will be delivered through a telephone helpline,
personal contact with targeted businesses, the running of the “Grow me the
Money” program, subsidised energy efficiency training and the provision of
metering technology to enable businesses to monitor electricity, gas and hot
water consumption in real-time to encourage energy efficient practices.
The Energy Efficiency Information Program aims to deliver a number of energy
efficiency information products to approximately 3,850 SMEs in the food and
grocery sectors. Information will be delivered through a dedicated website, online
handbook, fact sheets, information kit, energy audits, blogs, e-alerts, DVDs and
smart phone applications.
The Business Case for Environmental Upgrade Agreement project will develop and
roll-out a Business Case for Environmental Upgrade Agreement (EUA) online tool
and communications program aimed at SMEs (building owners and tenants)
across Australia. The project will promote the adoption of energy efficiency
retrofits in the Australian commercial, retail and industrial property market
through EUAs (a means of accessing finance specific to energy efficiency
improvements). The delivery approach will use social media, case studies, a
business case, web portals, webinars, workshops and energy audits.
The Easy Energy Efficiency for SMEs project aims to design, produce and deliver a
range of energy efficiency information products including case studies, ‘do-ityourself’ videos, and fact sheets in several languages to SMEs in four key industry
sectors (manufacturing; retail trade; accommodation and food services; and
professional, scientific and technical services) across the northern metropolitan
region of Melbourne.
The Energy Efficiency Information Resources for Public Museum and Gallery
Sector project will develop a suite of energy efficiency information resources and
training specific to Australia’s public museum and gallery sector to assist with the
improvement of operations and long-term sustainability of the sector. The project
will target industry specific information on efficiency options and new
technologies using a mix of social media, including DVDs, interactive epublications, case studies and hardcopy folder packages.
The Retail Buys the Future – Energy Efficiency Information for Retail SME’s project
will assist SME retailers across Australia to make informed decisions about energy
efficiency. The project, through the delivery of information and strategies, will
focus on reducing operational energy costs. It will be delivered through a range of
mediums including a web portal, existing information and resources, specifically
designed tools for energy usage analysis and benchmarking data, sharing of
research findings, face-to-face workshops, engagement with logistics supply
chains, retail space design and construction information, and best practice
methodologies through case studies.
The CitySwitch: Proven Model, Extended Reach project will build upon the current
CitySwitch project, which is a national energy efficiency program targeting
commercial office tenants towards achieving a minimum 4-star NABERS Energy
rating. The current project has been in operation for 4 years. The ‘Proven Model,
Extended Reach’ project will be delivered in collaboration with local councils using
a variety of methods including direct engagement, online peer support through a
network hub, case studies, toolkits and direct program manager support.
Not yet available
Not yet available
North East Farming Futures Group
A profit-driven program for increasing
knowledge & adoption of energy-saving
initiatives amongst farming enterprises
utilising grass-roots and online
community forums
Agriculture, farm, horticulture, pastoral,
dairy, poultry, wheat
The Profit-Driven Program for Increasing Knowledge & Adoption of Energy-Saving
Initiatives Amongst Farming Enterprises aims to increase energy efficiency
awareness amongst approximately 3,550 farming businesses throughout Western
Australia. Energy efficiency information will be delivered through workshops with
fifteen regional and remote farming communities, case studies, and provision of
an on-line ideas warehouse central database (which will house energy-saving
interventions applicable to the agricultural industry in Western Australia).
NSW Farmers' Association
NSW Farm Energy Innovation Program
Agriculture, farm, horticulture, pastoral,
dairy, poultry,
The NSW Farm Energy Innovation Program will inform approximately 38,000 NSW
agricultural SMEs about energy efficiency. The project will focus on high energy
use in-farm operations to achieve a 5% cost reduction over the period of the
project. Resources will be made available to all Australian farmers and the delivery
model may be extended nationally. Project resources will include field days,
seminars, video conferencing and webinars, energy audits, and an online portal
containing case studies, fact sheets, a benchmarking tool and resource links.
Plastics and Chemicals Industries
Energy in Chemicals & Plastics SMEs:
Facts & Efficiency - reducing energy
consumption & costs
Manufacturing, transport
The Energy in Chemicals & Plastics SMEs project aims to increase energy efficiency
awareness within the chemicals and plastics sector. Energy efficiency information
will be delivered via seminars, forums, and site visits to over 13,100 SMEs
nationally. Energy efficiency information products will include 'five minute' guides,
postcards, videos, articles in industry magazines and an on-line portal.
Queensland Murray Darling Committee
Empowering small to medium
businesses/community groups in the
Queensland Murray Darling Basin to
embrace building an energy efficient
smart region
Tropical Energy Saver - Increasing energy
efficiency in FNQ businesses and
community organisations.
Agriculture, retail, small business, clubs,
aged care facilities, laundries, food
services, accommodation, professional
services, hairdressing, recreation,
Retail, small business, transport,
professional services, mining, food
services, warehousing
Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors
Energy Efficiency Management for SME
Commercial Office Tenants
Building, small business, retail, property
services, professional services
South Australian Wine Industry
Development of the 'Winery Energy Saver Viticulture, wineries
South East Councils Climate Change
Scoring for the Environment - Sporting
Clubs Energy Efficiency Information
The Empowering Small to Medium Businesses/Community Groups in the
Queensland Murray Darling Basin project aims to develop and implement an
integrated approach to improving the capacity of SMEs and community
organisations in the Queensland section of the Murray-Darling Basin to respond to
developments in energy efficiency and foster an energy efficient region.
The Tropical Energy Saver - Increasing energy efficiency in FNQ businesses and
community organisations project will deliver a tailored and practical energy
efficiency information package to community organisations and SMEs in 22 key
locations across the Far North Queensland region. Regionally appropriate, industryspecific energy efficiency information will be developed with input received from
key target groups. It will be delivered through a range of mediums including
webinars, face-to-face information sessions and a website. Industry specific
information will be developed relevant to operating in the tropics; including
subsidised energy audits with tailored action plans.
The Energy Efficiency Management for SME Commercial Office Tenants project
involves developing a calculator and mobile and desktop applications to assist SME
office tenants to compare and rank lease spaces according to their energy
efficiency. The tools will be supported by a Commercial Tenants Guide to Energy
Efficiency which will provide content on a wide range of technical and propertyrelated issues to energy efficiency. It is expected around 10,000 SME office
tenants and building professionals will benefit from the project.
The Winery Energy Saver Toolkit project involves promoting energy efficiency to
approximately 300 SMEs that process wine on-site in South Australia. The energy
efficiency information products will include a winery energy saver toolkit,
bulletins, newsletters and trade journals. Information delivery methods will
include an expert advisory service program, workshops and seminars, and an online portal.
The Scoring for the Environment - Sporting Clubs Energy Efficiency Information
Program will develop a framework and provide support to facility owners, clubs
and players to deliver information to improve energy efficiency, including energy
audits of 45 facilities and behaviour change programs. The delivery methods will
include social media, training sessions, workshops, factsheets, case studies, a
mobile application and a designated website.
Regional Development Australia Far
North QLD & Torres Strait
Community organisation, clubs, facility
owners, council, recreation
Strata Community Australia
Sustainable Strata – an energy efficiency
capacity building project for residential
owners corporations and their SME
service providers
Building, property services
Supply Chain & Logistics Association of
Energy Efficiency Solutions for Australian
transport and logistics SMEs
Manufacturing, transport, warehouse,
Textile Clothing Footwear Resource
Centre WA Inc.
TCF Australia: National ONLINE Energy
Efficiency Training & Mentoring Project:
textiles, clothing, footwear, leather,
fashion & creative industries
Manufacturing, transport, textile,
footwear, clothing
Victorian Automobile Chamber of
Automotive Industry Energy Efficiency
Information Project
Manufacturing, transport, automotive,
car, vehicle
Victorian Employers' Chamber of
Commerce and Industry
Carbon Compass - pointing Victorian
Manufacturing, transport, retail, officeSMEs in the direction of energy efficiency based, accommodation, community
opportunities and trusted information
services, wholesale, metals, plastics,
chemicals and engineering sectors
The Sustainable Strata project involves the development of a national on-line
energy efficiency ‘toolkit’ for approximately 800 SME service providers, which
include strata managers, building/facility managers and contractors in the
residential strata sector across Australia. The toolkit will educate and guide users
through the process of considering and undertaking energy efficiency projects
within a strata-titled development, allowing users to gather and share information
across all building types at a national level.
The Energy Efficiency Solutions for Australian transport and logistics SMEs project
aims to address the time and competitive pressures, and a lack of skills and
resources, to identify and improve energy use in the supply chain and logistics
industry. The project will provide targeted energy efficiency tools, resources and
training tailored specifically to assist the Supply Chain & Logistics Association of
Australia membership who warehouse, distribute and/or transport goods.
The project will be delivered face-to-face at 30 locations in every state and
territory across Australia and all components will be available online. Resources
will include a web portal, case studies, fact sheets, workshop packs and how-to
The TCF Australia: National Online Energy Efficiency Training & Mentoring Project
aims to inform, educate and advise textile, clothing, footwear and leather industry
businesses across Australia about how to reduce their energy use. Project
activities will include webinars, expert forums in state capitals and one-on-one
mentoring. These training activities will be complemented by online services such
as a website, blog and LinkedIn professional group, as well as manuals for
download. It is anticipated this project will reach approximately 1,000 SMEs across
The Automotive Industry Energy Efficiency Information Project aims to deliver an
energy efficiency education program to approximately 5,300 SMEs within the
automotive industry across Victoria and Tasmania. Information will be delivered
through a website, case studies, videos, magazine articles, seminars and an
information hotline.
The Carbon Compass project aims to increase awareness of energy efficiency
opportunities amongst approximately 38,000 SMEs in the retail, office-based,
accommodation, community services, wholesale, metals, plastics, chemicals and
engineering sectors. Information will be delivered through case studies,
factsheets, videos and workshops.