
Topic: Chapter 12 - Alcohol
Questions/Main Ideas
Chapter 12, Lesson 1
List 5 reasons not to drink:
Ethanol alcohol is produced by a chemical reaction called fermentation
Alcohol – is a ___________ that is produced by a chemical reaction in fruits, vegetables, and
List 5 alternatives to drinking:
Alcohol belongs to a group of drugs known as depressants
Depressants – drugs that _____________________ the body’s functions and reactions
1. Causes _______________ changes
2. Affects the ability to make ________________ decisions
3. Causes many people to ____________________________ things they regret
Alternatives – other ways of ___________________ or acting
Chapter 12, Lesson 2
Figure 12.1: Alcohol’s Journey
Through the Body:
Reaction Time – the ability of the body to respond ________________________ and
appropriately to situations
Alcohol is quickly absorbed by the bloodstream and reaches the brain within 30 seconds
Intoxication – a person’s mental and physical abilities have been ________________ by alcohol
Blood Alcohol Content (BAC) – is a measure of the ___________________ of alcohol present in a
person’s blood
What is the BAC of a legally
drunk driver?
Define inhibitions and discuss
how drinking alcohol can lead to
Alcohol Poisoning – a dangerous condition that results when a person drinks
_______________________amounts of alcohol over a short time period.
How Alcohol Affects the Individual
1. Gender and body size – _____________________ and smaller people are affected more
quickly than males and larger people.
2. Other Drugs – Alcohol mixed with other drugs or medicines can be deadly. Alcohol can
make the ________________of other drugs stronger.
3. Food – Food in the stomach slows down alcohol _____________________.
4. General Health – How healthy and well rested a person is affects how the body
responds to alcohol. Someone who is _____________________________ will be
affected more quickly.
5. How fast you drink – the _______________ a person drinks, the more he or she will be
affected by alcohol.
6. How much you drink – drinking a lot or very quickly overworks the liver and causes
Malnutrition – a condition in which the body doesn’t get the ___________________ it needs to
grow and function properly
Chapter 12, Lesson 3
Fatty Liver can develop when alcohol is frequently in the blood
Fatty Liver – is a condition in which fats _________________________ in the liver and cannot be
broken down
A life-threatening problem also associated with heavy alcohol use is cirrhosis.
Cirrhosis – is a disease characterized by ______________________ and eventual destruction of
the liver.
Since teens frequently combine high-risk activities with binge drinking, their potential for death
or serious injury is very high.
Binge Drinking – consumption of a _______________quantity of alcohol in a very short period of
Using alcohol can lower inhibition – is a conscious or unconscious _________________ of a
person’s own behaviors or actions
When an unborn baby is exposed to alcohol, it can develop fetal alcohol syndrome – is a group
of alcohol-related ___________________________________ that include both physical and
mental problems.
Chapter 12, Lesson 4
Teens 15 years and younger are 4 times more likely to develop and addiction than older
Addiction – is a physical or psychological ________________ for a drug
People who are addicted to alcohol suffer from alcoholism – is a progressive, chronic disease
involving a mental and physical need for alcohol.
5 Major Symptoms of Alcoholism
1. Denial – the do not feel they have a problem and usually the last to admit they need
2. Craving – person has a strong need for the drug
3. Loss of Control – unable to limit his or her drinking
4. Tolerance – process in which your body needs ________ of a drug to get the same
5. Physical Dependence – type of addiction in which the ___________ itself feels a direct
need for a drug.
Enabling includes making __________________ for or lying on behalf of the alcoholic.
Enablers – persons who create an atmosphere in which the alcoholic can comfortably continue
his or her unacceptable behavior.
There is a difference between alcoholism and alcohol abuse – a pattern of drinking that results in
one or more well-defined behaviors within a 12-month period.
Chapter 12, Lesson 5
An intervention can help overcome an alcoholic’s denial that he or she has a problem.
Intervention – a ______________________ in which family and friends get the problem drinker
to agree to seek help
Relapse – a return to the _______________________________ after attempting to stop
Recovery starts only after the alcoholic makes the COMMITMENT to never drink again.
Recovery – the process of learning to live an ______________________________ life
Withdrawal – the physical and psychological ______________________ that occur when
someone stops using an addictive substance (mild to severe – headaches, tiredness, strong mood
swings, nausea)
Steps Along the Road
1. Admission
2. Counseling
3. Detoxification – the physical process of _____________________ the body from an
addictive substance
4. Resolution
12.1 - Teens who drink risk damaging their health. Why, then, do some young people drink alcohol?
12.2 - Long-term use of alcohol can lead to malnutrition. Define malnutrition and explain why the calories in
alcohol can be bad!
12.3 - What are some ways in which experimenting with alcohol can interfere with a teen’s future?
12.4 - Alcoholism is a disease that can shatter a person’s entire life and disrupt the lives of those around him
or her. How widespread is this disease in the United States? p.291