7th Grade Genealogy Project In 7th grade you will study the science of genetics, how traits are passed from one generation to another. This study connects your life today with the history of your entire family. You are where you are today because at some point in your family’s history somebody, somewhere made a decision to face the unknown and survive; a decision to take a stand and not back down; a decision to be strong and face the challenge. This project is a tribute to everyone who has given you the opportunities you have today. Now it is your turn to face the unknown and discover your personal history- the collection of individual choices, memories, and traditions that influence your life today. There are two parts to this project: a book and a family tree exhibit. Part I- A Book The book will be written with you as the author and it is about you and your family history. It will have three chapters: My Story (Past, Present, and Future), My Family, and In the Beginning. Each chapter will contain specific information as outlines in this packet. Once the book is complete it will be spiral bound and graded according to the information and rubrics in this packet. Neatness, organization, and creativity are major components of this project. You will need to interview a parent, grandparent, or other family member (or all) throughout this project. Chapter One: My Story (Past, Present, and Future) A. My Birth 1. Birth Date 2. Early, on time, or late 3. Where (hospital, city, state, country) 4. Your name (where did it come from; does it mean something to your family) B. The Year of Me 1. Grammy song of the year 2. Major invention on the year 3. What toy or object every kid wanted this year 4. Fashions of the year (fashion trend) 5. Scientific or Medical discovery 6. Average income, cost of a new house, cost of a new car, cost of a loaf of bread, cost of a gallon of milk 7. President and Vice President 8. Celebrity who shares your birth date (not year) C. Major Milestones 1. The first time you rolled over 2. Your first word 3. When you began to walk 4. Your first day of school and where (did you cry? Did your parents cry?) 5. Swimming 6. Riding a bike 7. Your first time to the beach or on a family vacation 8. First tooth you lost (did the tooth fairy visit?) 9. First broken bone or trip to the emergency room 10. First haircut 11. First sporting event or sport’s team 12. First best friend 13. First birthday party 14. First pet 15. First theme park visit and ride 16. First movie you saw in a movie theatre 17. First Halloween costume 18. Favorite toy from when you were little D. Hobbies and Interests 1. Sports? Instruments? 2. Clubs and extra- curricular activities? 3. Identify one activity you enjoy doing for each of the four seasons 4. The best book you have ever read and why 5. The five most frequently played songs on your iPad/ phone or music device 6. Concerts you have been to 7. Favorite movie 8. Favorite TV show 9. Favorite game (board game or app) E. Where do you see yourself in- give a detailed, goal- oriented description for each stage 1. 5 years 2. 10 years 3. 15 years 4. 20 years 5. 50 years Chapter Two: My Family A. Trace your Ancestral History to create a Family Tree Diagram 1. Choose 3-5 people to interview about the history of your family 2. 5-8 questions per interview that relate to discovering information about the history of your family Interview and record the recollections and stories of living relatives before they are lost forever… Ask questions that go beyond names and dates Pull out the stories that you will not be found in the written records 3. Include any information on how you ended up in Maryland and any special family traditions that you celebrate or practice. B. Family Tribute 1. Create a tribute to a family member or relative that you learned about while completing this project 2. Examples a. Pop-pop fought in World War II (include a history of the battles in which he servered, pension records, discharge papers, photographs, and information about any awards for valor or service) b. Great- great-great Aunt Eleanor worked on the Underground Railroad (where was her “station”, when did she work, how many slaves did she help) Chapter Three: In the Beginning A. Work with the information you’ve gathered through your interviews and other research to 1. Explain whether your ancestors came to the U.S. voluntarily or were forced here 2. Discover a town, village, country, or tribe from which your ancestors came 3. Include a map showing the continent and country from which you are confident your ancestors migrated from 4. Create a master map of the names and locations of living relatives hometowns 5. Include a flag or symbol from the area from which your ancestors came 6. Include a description of the geography, political/ governmental system, religion, and economic products of the area both past and present 7. Include folklore, fables, myths, tales, legends, and traditions from your ancestral land 8. Identify the port of entry through which your ancestors arrived—include a ship manifest or ship name if you can uncover this information 9. Include a picture of your family crest or coat of arms if you can uncover this information 10. Include at least one (more if you can) recipe that is special to your family ancestry One of the most important aspects of this project is that you make significant effort to find information and discover your heritage. It is NOT my expectation that you will be able to find every piece of information, but remember this is a project and it will be graded. Neatness, organization, and creativity will make or break your grade. Part II- My family Tree A family tree is a genealogical chart showing the ancestry, descent, and relationship of all members of a family. You will include a family tree diagram in your book, but will also need to create a larger family tree diagram or exhibit showing your family’s history to at least your maternal/ paternal grandparents. Your tree can be two (2) or three (3) dimensional, but should be no larger than 1 meter by 1 meter (approximately 3 feet by 3 feet). Important Dates Thursday, October 15, 2015 Information given out to all students Friday, October 23, 2015 Parent and Student signatures for science fair guidelines DUE Friday, November 6, 2015 Chapter 1 Letter A (rough draft) Friday, November 20, 2015 Chapter 1 Letter B (rough draft) Friday, December 4, 2015 Chapter 1 Letter C and D (rough draft) Thursday, December 17, 2015 Chapter 1 Letter E (rough draft) -andInterview Questions Due Friday, January 22, 2016 Chapter 2 Letter A (rough draft) Interview notes Friday, February 12, 2016 Chapter 2 Letter B (rough draft) Interview notes Friday, March 11, 2016 Research day in Class Friday, March 18, 2016 Chapter 3 Letter A (rough draft) Friday, April 8, 2016 Front Cover and Final Copies of any/ all drafts Monday, May 2, 2016 Family Tree Diagram or Exhibit Thursday, May 12, 2016 Book and Family Tree Exhibition/ Science Fair Information Log Chapter One: My Story (Past, Present, and Future) My Birth Birth Date Early, on time, or late Where (hospital, city, state, country) Your name (where did it come from; does it mean something to your family) The Year of Me Grammy song of the year Major invention on the year What toy or object every kid wanted this year Fashions of the year (fashion trend) Scientific or Medical discovery Average income cost of a new house cost of a new car cost of a loaf of bread cost of a gallon of milk President and Vice President Celebrity who shares your birth date (not year) Major Milestones The first time you rolled over Your first word When you began to walk Your first day of school and where (did you cry? Did your parents cry?) Swimming Riding a bike Your first time to the beach or on a family vacation First tooth you lost (did the tooth fairy visit?) First broken bone or trip to the emergency room First haircut First sporting event or sport’s team First best friend First birthday party First pet First theme park visit and ride First movie you saw in a movie theatre First Halloween costume Favorite toy from when you were little Hobbies and Interests Sports? Instruments? Clubs and extra- curricular activities? Identify one activity you enjoy doing for each of the four seasons The best book you have ever read and why The five most frequently played songs on your iPad/ phone or music device Concerts you have been to Favorite movie Favorite TV show Favorite game (board game or app) Where do you see yourself in- give a detailed, goal- oriented description for each stage 5 years 10 years 15 years 20 years 50 years Reminders Please use both the Thanksgiving and Christmas Holidays, especially if you spend time with your extended families, to work on gathering information for this project. If you plan ahead you can complete some of your interviews during these times. Almost everything for this project will be generated using the computer and should be typed. Please use TAHOMA style, 12 font for all of the typing. Except for headings, captions, and the front cover. Colors of font and paper may vary, but your book must be legible (i.e. - Do not use dark purple paper with black ink). If during your research you discover something interesting that is not included in the description of the assignment, but would like to include it in your project please feel free to do so. Remember, your book will be displayed for others to read—books should have appropriate language and images. Any book with inappropriate language or images will receive a failing grade and will not be displayed. You will be given a folder to keep all of your information in. Please make sure that you keep your information organized and in a safe place. You do not need to bring it to school every day. Due: October 23, 2015 We have read and understand the requirements and guidelines for the genealogy project. Student Name (please print) _____________________________________________________________ Student Signature/ Date ________________________________________________ Parent Signature/ Date _________________________________________________ Grading Rubric E= Exemplary Work/ Excellent (A+) Facts are present Virtually no grammar, spelling, or punctuation errors Work is organized and neat with a high level of creativity Work stands out among the rest Deadlines are adhered to S= Sufficient/ Satisfactory Work (C+, B, B+, or A) Adequate amount of evidence of an attempt to uncover facts Few to infrequent grammar, spelling, and punctuation mistakes Work is average but not exemplary Work is organized or neat or creative Deadline are adhered to I= Insufficient Work (C,D, or E) Little to no evidence of an attempt made to uncover facts Incorrect grammar, spelling, and punctuation Little to no organization Work is not neat Little to no creativity Deadline is not adhered to