UQ Teaching Fellowship

Final Report
UQ Teaching Fellowship
Fellowship title:
Provide a summary of Fellowship aims and outcomes (this information may be used to publish
project information on the Teaching and Learning website)
For each Fellowship objective explain the extent to which it has been achieved. Explain any
variations in the expected findings and how this impacted on the outcomes that were initially
Were there any unplanned outcomes from this Fellowship? If so, what were they and (how)
were they valuable?
What were the main findings from the evaluation of the Fellowship that demonstrate its
achievements or impact?
Outline any issues that have impacted on: the Fellowship focus; completion timeline; and/or
budget, and describe how you responded to these issues.
How have you disseminated the activities and outcomes of your Fellowship to colleagues at UQ
or elsewhere, or what are your plans for doing so?
UQ Teaching Fellowship Final Report
How have you built partnerships and networks with colleagues at UQ and elsewhere whose
interests in learning and teaching relate to the Fellowship activities that were undertaken?
How has the allocation of funding been of help in building your leadership profile in the
Scholarship of Teaching and Learning?
Have you applied, or will you be applying, to outside bodies for future funding of these
Fellowship activities or a related project?
Provide an acquittal of the Fellowship funding:
Budget item
Attach any documents produced as part of this Fellowship (eg conference papers)
Fellow’s sign off
Fellow’s Signature: _____________________________________
Head of School/Centre/Institute sign off
Name (print): ____________________________
Position: ________________________________
Signature: _______________________________
Send report to:
Professor Merrilyn Goos
corner of Hood and Rock Streets
St Lucia
Or email director.tedi@uq.edu.au
UQ Teaching Fellowship Final Report
Copy to the Faculty Associate Dean (Academic)
UQ Teaching Fellowship Final Report