December 8, 2014 - Paul Laurence Dunbar High School

Paul Laurence Dunbar High School
Site Based Decision Making Council
Minutes of Meeting
December 8, 2014
4:30 P.M.
The regularly scheduled meeting of the Paul Laurence Dunbar High School – School
Based Decision Making Council was held on December 8, 2014, at 4:30 P.M.,
pursuant to written notice specifying the time, place and purpose of the meeting.
Betsy Rains called the meeting to order. Thereafter, Ms. Rains conducted a roll call,
recording that a quorum was present and that of 12 council members; the following 11
members were present in person.
Betsy Rains
Andrea Tinsley
Council members
Anita Brubeck
Lavonna Floreal
Karen Irving
Cynthia Jones
Kim Overstreet
Kara Patterson
Summer Perry
Andy Sirginnis
Beverly Smith
A visitor, Mr. James Wagers, was present to talk to the council about the redistricting
After a motion by Summer Perry, and a second by Kara Patterson, the minutes were
Field Trip
The only field trip presented was the Beta Club trip on January 24 and 25, 2015.
Liz Pelphrey reported on the CSIP. The plan was approved last year. New testing data
has been received and new strategies have been developed based on department
There will be monthly on demand writing for 10th and 11th graders. The TLC mentoring
program has been replaced with Check and Connect. The staff meets with students on
the watch list during third block for mentoring. For college and career readiness,
students will have ACT reading context specific timed reading. Counselors and CTE
teachers will be a lot more intentional about encouraging students to take courses that
will fulfill career pathway requirements.
Humanities Revision
The first reading for the revision to the Humanities policy was at the November SBDM
meeting. After a motion by Kim Overstreet and a second by Kara Patterson, the
following policy was officially adopted by the SBDM Council:
Students at Dunbar currently fulfill the Humanities graduation requirement by taking
Advanced History/Appreciation of Visual & Performing Arts (HAVPA) as a full year
courses or through the specialization option of taking three courses in one of the
following areas of Fine Art- Art, Band, Drama, Orchestra, Vocal Music or
We are recommending that students in the graduation class of 2015 and beyond be
provided additional options for fulfilling the Arts and Humanities requirement for
graduation through additional specialization options.
The options for fulfilling the Arts and Humanities requirement would be as follows1) Students may fulfill the Arts and Humanities requirement by earning one credit in
Advanced History/ Appreciation of the Visual & Performing Arts (HAVPA).
2) Students may fulfill the Arts and Humanities requirement by specializing (taking 3
courses) in one of the following areas of Fine Arts Art (AP Art History is an option of one of the courses) A Graphics or
Photography class may be substituted in place of an Art class.
Music (changed to simply Music to include Keyboarding as an option of
one of the courses)
Graphic Arts & Communications -3 of the following classes- Graphic
Communications, Multimedia With Adobe, Photography, Foundations of
Technology, Engineering Design or Architecture. (Within this option
Multimedia with Adobe is replacing Graphics 2 & 3 which will no longer be
offered.) An Art class may be substituted in place of one of these
technology aided design/communication classes.
Multi-Media Arts & Communications- 3 of the following classes- TV
Production, Broadcast Journalism (previously titled Newspaper) or Film
In order to specialize, a student must earn three credits in classes in one of the above
listed areas of specialization. Students wishing to specialize must also note their
choice of specialization in their Individual Learning Plan.
*Changes are in italics.
Guest question about redistricting
Mr. James Wagers stated that members of Copperfield and adjoining neighborhoods
are concerned that they may be redistricted to another high school. Copperfield is
leading the effort in communicating the necessity to remain in the Dunbar district.
Future Agenda Items
Field trips
Future Meeting Dates
Meetings are scheduled at 4:30 P.M. on the second Monday of every month.
January 12, 2015
February 9, 2015
March 9, 2015 (meeting date may be changed for budget approval
April 13, 2015
May 11, 2015
June 8, 2015
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 4:56 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
Ellen Fore, Secretary
Read and approved,
Betsy Rains, Principal