The Mongol Invasion of Japan Notes

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The Mongol Invasion of Japan Notes
Target Statement #2: Explain the political impact of the Mongol failure to
invade Japan
In your own words, what is this target question asking you to do:
Background Questions to help you prepare to answer the question:
1. When did the feudal system begin in Japan?
Answer: __________________________________________________________
2. Was the Japanese feudal system a centralized or decentralized political
Answer: __________________________________________________________
3. When did the Mongols first attack the Japanese?
Answer: __________________________________________________________
4. Where the Mongols successful in their attack on the Japanese?
Answer: __________________________________________________________
5. Were the Mongols a centralized or decentralized political system?
Answer: __________________________________________________________
6. When did Japanese feudalism end?
Answer: __________________________________________________________
7. If the Mongols had defeated the Japanese, how might your timeline look
Answer: __________________________________________________________
The Mongol Invasions Begin in Japan
 In the 1200, the Mongols were the largest empire in the world and were
ruled by _____________________________. He decided he wanted to expand his
empire and attack Japan.
 In 1271, he sent messengers to Japan to ask them to
o Submit to Mongol rule and to pay Tribute
 The Japanese said _______________________________
 In 1274, Kublai Khan sent around 40,000 soldiers and 600 men to attack
Japan. They first landed off the island of Kyusha on Tsushima and Iki.
The Mongols quickly slaughtered all the Japanese who lived there and
sailed further east.
 The Mongols landed in the Hakara Bay. Because of the difference
between the Japanese and Mongolian fighting styles and weapons, it
appeared that the ________________ would easily conquer the Japanese
 But as night fell, so did heavy wind and __________________. The Mongol
ships headed out of the bay and right into a ____________________. Over
13,000 Mongol sailors died, and for now the Japanese were out of
danger as the remaining Mongols went limping home.
A Second Invasion, 1281
 When Kublai Khan heard about this back in Beijing, he was furious and
he began preparing for another attack right away. Again he sent
messengers to Japan asking them to submit and pay tribute to the
Mongols. This time, the Japanese sent home only the ________________ of
the Mongol messengers. And the Japanese began preparing to defend
against the next attack.
 In order to prepare for the Mongol attack, the Japanese built a
___________________________. They also began praying to the Shinto god of
______________ and even built a shrine to him. And they set up a force of
_____________________________ men. Meanwhile, the Mongols set up two
forces. One force had 900 ships and 40,000 men and the other force had
100,000 and 3,500 ships. The Japanese appeared to be doomed.
 The first group of Mongols landed off the Hakata Bay, but for 50 days,
the two sides battled evenly. But then the second Mongol force
appeared in the bay and it seemed as if the Japanese had no hope.
 But again, nature came to their rescue. A _____________________________ hit
the bay and almost every Mongol ship and soldier drowned or died.
Samurai warriors slaughter the surviving Mongols. Almost no Mongols
even made it back home to tell the story.
 The Japanese considered this an act of the __________________. They named
the “divine winds” that powered the typhoons ___________________________.
They felt certain the gods were on their side. The Mongols must have
thought so too because they never attacked the Japanese again.
As a result of the failed Mongol invasions, the following political changes
Respond to the following questions: Explain the political impact of the Mongol failure
to invade Japan. Respond to the question below. Consider using these terms in your
response: feudalism, decentralized, 600 years
 Now, switch your paper with you Asian Empire partner.
Read your partner’s answer and write a response. By that I mean, what part of their
writing do you agree with and what don’t you agree with? Your writing should be in
paragraph form. Perhaps start with the word… I agree with your response. Like you, I
believe that…….. or While I understand your thoughts, I don’t agree. Instead I